Douluo's ice bow and arrow rain

Chapter 41 Extreme Training

After landing, Oscar hurriedly ran to the two of them and gave them a few recovery sausages for them to eat. .biqugev

After Tang San and Dai Mubai swallowed the sausage, their faces looked better. They supported each other and walked to the master.

Bai Xuehao also walked to the master early.

"Tell me how you feel."

Dai Mubai was feeling extremely depressed at this time. Suddenly he was a little unconvinced and said, "If it weren't for that damn flight, they wouldn't have a chance."

The master sternly reprimanded, "Why did you attack Bai Xuehao directly when you knew Oscar had mushroom sausage to provide? If you had stopped Oscar from the beginning, or tried to save your soul power, and waited until they landed, the winner of this game should be you."

The master looked at the two of them coldly, "And you, Xiao San. You were right to attack Oscar directly before, but when you avoided the first wave of arrows, you were quite able to do so, so why didn't you help Dai Mubai? To avoid. You have to know that the control soul master not only controls the enemy, but also sometimes controls his teammates.

Tang San also blushed and admitted his mistake.

The master turned to Oscar, "And you, don't think that winning means you have performed well. Your mistakes are no less than theirs. Oscar, why didn't you eat mushroom sausage earlier and had to wait until I told you to start? Bai Xuehao, although you haven't fought yet What a mistake, but using such a wide range of soul skills to only deal with two people is too inefficient."

Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San, Bai Xuehao and others looked at each other, no one could speak.

The master's voice was flat and calm, pointing out their previous mistakes to the point.

"Okay, the training in the morning is also over. You should take a rest first and continue in the afternoon."

The master closed the small notebook in his hand and said coldly.

"There's still noon, be sure to eat enough, the physical exertion in the afternoon will be more serious."

After saying this, the master turned his back to the others and started to leave.

However, after taking a few steps, the master seemed to suddenly think of something and turned around and said

"By the way, you all know the financial situation of the college. So, Bai Xuehao, you have to pay for the potholes on the ground to fill them up yourself."

After saying that, without any expression on his face, he left quickly

"What!" Bai Xuehao's eyes nearly bulged out, and his mouth opened slightly. He didn't expect that if he won a battle, he would end up spending his own money to repair the venue?

"Hahaha, it seems that whether we can win or not is not the key. It is our duty to protect public property." Dai Mubai next to him saw Bai Xuehao's tearless expression, and his energy seemed to have recovered again, and he came over and hugged Bai Xuehao directly. shoulders teasing him.

Bai Xuehao said nothing, squinting his eyes and silently despising him, all his words were reflected in his eyes.

To be honest, Bai Xuehao's finances are still a little difficult. He actually spent half of the gold coins he got at home on travel expenses. In addition to his usual huge appetite, he still has no meat and no pleasure. If it weren't for Wuhun Palace, he could still get some salary. , usually I can only go to work to survive.

A sudden wave of foreign debt deepened, and Bai Xuehao had to worry.

"Hey, what's that look in your face? Master, I originally wanted to lend you a sum of money to help with repairs, but the look in your eyes... seems to be saying rejection."

"Hey, how could it be possible? Boss, who among us is following whom? Even if we don't have this little money, we must be the best brothers." Hearing Dai Mubai's words, Bai Xuehao's eyes lit up, and his expression It also changes instantly.

"Haha, since you said so, don't worry, I will help you get it done."

"Thank you, Boss Dai. I owe you a favor this time."

Tang San and Oscar on the side looked at these two people, shook their heads silently, and still concentrated on recovering their injuries and physical strength. Obviously, they had not forgotten that the severe physical exertion in the afternoon would not be as simple as the master said.

-------------------------------------------------- -----Afternoon dividing line.

The sun radiates heat wantonly and hangs high in the sky.

When the eight people gathered again, they found that the master had already prepared their training.

Stones of different sizes are placed in eight woven bamboo baskets, each with a strap and a name written on it.

Among them, Tang San, Dai Mubai, Bai Xuehao, and Ma Hongjun had the largest stones in their bamboo baskets, followed by Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Oscar, and Ning Rongrong had the smallest stones in their bamboo baskets.

The master's requirement was the most basic physical training, that is, weight-bearing long-distance running training. Without using soul power, everyone carried stones of different weights on their backs and ran ten laps back and forth between Soto City and Shrek Academy.

You must know that it is three kilometers from Soto City to Shrek Academy, and it is definitely a huge challenge to the body without using soul power.

At that moment, the eight people started their long-distance running journey under the cold gaze of the master.

Undoubtedly, among the eight people, Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Bai Xuehao were naturally the ones with good physical strength after long-term training. With three of them leading the team, they ran the entire distance at a constant speed on the first round trip.

But from the third round trip, the two assistant soul masters, Oscar and Ning Rongrong, began to pant heavily, obviously unable to do what they wanted.

In order not to let the two of them fall behind, Bai Xuehao, Tang San and Dai Mubai directly shared the weight of the two auxiliary spirit masters equally, and the average weight directly increased from fifteen kilograms to twenty kilograms. Although the uniform speed was still maintained, the breathing of the three of them became obviously heavier.

The fourth, fifth, sixth and third round trip ended in this situation.

For the seventh time, Oscar and Ning Rongrong returned their burdens.

On the eighth round trip, Ma Hongjun couldn't hold on and gave half of the weight to Bai Xuehao. Dai Mubai wanted to share Zhu Zhuqing's burden, but was decisively rejected.

At the end of the eighth round, when the master was providing them with warm salt water, he deliberately glanced at the bamboo baskets behind everyone, but said nothing.

The ninth round trip continued. Although the load had been shared, Oscar and Ning Rongrong's speeds were getting slower and slower. Xiao Wu could still persist. Ma Hongjun had recovered a little, but Zhu Zhuqing's physical strength was close to the limit.

Bai Xuehao seemed to have gritted his teeth and endured his limit due to the increased weight, and there seemed to be no sign of overdraft.

Under Tang San's repeated requests. Zhu Zhuqing's stones also entered Dai Mubai and Tang San's frames.

The tenth round trip finally embarked on a journey. This time, everyone couldn't run any longer, so they could barely move their own steps and move forward step by step.

After walking one kilometer, Oscar and Ning Rongrong almost fainted, and all the stones behind them were spread into Tang San's bamboo basket.

After walking three kilometers, Ning Rongrong fainted. Bai Xuehao gave his stones to Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, and carried Ning Rongrong on his back.

After returning one kilometer, Oscar fainted. Dai Mubai divided the load into the bamboo baskets of Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun and carried Oscar on his back.

Two kilometers back, Zhu Zhuqing passed out, Xiao Wu distributed the stones on Tang San and Fatty, and barely carried her on his back.

As the sun went down, the shadows of the Shrek people who were slowly wriggling were stretched out.

There was still less than five hundred meters away from the finish line, and now Tang San and Fatty were carrying the weight of everyone before.

Dai Mubai was carrying Oscar on his back.

Xiao Wu carried Zhu Zhuqing on her back.

Bai Xuehao was carrying Ning Rongrong on his back.

They moved almost step by step towards the finish line.

Four hundred meters..., three hundred meters..., two hundred meters..., one hundred meters...

After the sun has fully set.

puff puff

The few people who could still walk fell to the ground almost at the same time when they reached the door.


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