Teitan Elementary School!

The elementary school teacher was standing on the stage and lecturing tirelessly.

Conan, who was sitting in the back row, had already lost his mind.

It was too weird!

From the information given in that fax, it was impossible to infer that the final location of the bomb was Teitan High School.

How did Kizawa Ariyu do it?

Was it really reasoning?

But why did Kizawa Ariyu know that the bomb was not on the Chuo Line to Touto, and how did he know that the bomb on the Tokyo Tower was not the last one.

He couldn't figure it out!

For the first time, Conan questioned his own reasoning. He felt frustrated!

He had always been invincible in reasoning ability, and he thought that only Mormos could beat him.

But now!

There was such a perverted guy in front of him.

He once suspected, like Sato Miwako, that Kizawa Ariyu might be one of the criminals who placed the bomb.

But too many inferences could overturn his suspicion.


"What are you thinking about?"

"Are you feeling unwell?"

Conan's little fan girl Yoshida Ayumi sent her concerned greetings.

"Conan is such a nasty guy!"

"Ayumi cares about him so much, but he ignores her"

"So arrogant!"

"That's what I mean!"

"Even if he really felt uncomfortable, he should have responded to Ayumi's concern."

Conan was in no mood to care about the thoughts of such a brat.

He was numb!

His mind was in a mess.

The detective attribute deep in his bones kept attracting him to unravel the layers of mystery in front of him, but too many unreasonable things enveloped him again and again.

He fell into an endless cycle!


Room 403 of Beika Apartment.

This is where Akemi Miyano lives now, and the room 503 above is where Akemi Miyano lived before.

However, with an explosion, the entire floor was empty!

The most dangerous place is the safest!

To the outside world, Akemi Miyano has long been a corpse. I'm afraid no one would have thought that Akemi Miyano is still alive at this time. I would never have thought that Akemi Miyano is living in the original apartment at this time.

"My sister was rescued?"

"Where is she now?"

"I want to see her!"

Miyano Akemi was excited, surprised, and trembling at the moment.

The only thing she couldn't calm down was!

Kizawa Yuu didn't lie to her. He really rescued Miyano Shiho from the organization.

"Don't be in a hurry!"

"Miyano Shiho escaped from the scientific research base, and now the organization is frantically looking for her"

"You can't see her now!"

Miyano Shiho's importance to the organization is self-evident.

This escape was like a gust of wind in the dark organization. Even he, an undercover agent of the Metropolitan Police Department, received two pieces of news about Miyano Shiho.

Once found, she will be eliminated immediately!

"Then I... Is she okay now?"

Miyano Akemi was not overwhelmed by the excitement.

She had been in the organization before!

Although she was just a low-level staff member without a code name, she also knew the organization's methods and the cruelty of the killers.

A hasty meeting might cost the lives of the two sisters.

"very good!"

"But she doesn't believe you're alive."

"You have to prove it!"

Kizawa Yuu put a letter on the table.

Before coming, he knew that Miyano Akemi would not be completely sure that the other party was still alive, just like Miyano Shiho.

But when Miyano Shiho escaped from the organization, she was not even wearing underwear.

The only thing that could prove it to Miyano Akemi was the handwritten letter!


"She is still alive, she is really still alive."

Miyano Akemi held the letter to her chest and cried excitedly.

She believed it completely!

Kizawa Yuu kept his promise and really rescued his sister from the Black Organization.

"I've already done it."

"Should we put the issue of having children on the agenda?"

I don't know what's wrong with Miyano Akemi.

They've been together so many times, why is there no sign of anything happening?

Or... is this woman deliberately hiding it from him?

Does she want to have more children?

"Thank you!"

She knew that Mu Ze Youyu would never come here just to inform her. He always came to feed her something before leaving! He even grabbed her ankles and lifted them high so that he could slide in smoothly.

"Can you help me pass a message to my sister?"

Miyano Akemi also knew that it was impossible to see her sister now.

Kizawa Yuu couldn't get past this hurdle!


"For now, I can only let her know that you are still alive."

"If she knows too much about you, the kitten might do something out of line."

After listening to it, Akemi Miyano felt that it made sense!

She knew her sister's personality.

Although she had a lot to say, she had to compromise in the end.

The chat between the male and female actors ended here, and the next step was naturally the main film time...

Face the gale!

After several in-depth exchanges, the two of them have developed enough tacit cooperation.

Even the Yame butterfly in Akemi Miyano's mouth became silky.

Before leaving!

Kizawa Yuu did not forget to pull out two hairs from Akemi Miyano's body.

Miyano Shiho is a scientist!

The two curly hairs are the most direct evidence for her to verify her sister's survival.

"Forgot to tell you!"

"Her name now is Huiyuan Ai!"


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