Early in the morning!

As soon as Kizawa Yu stepped into the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department, he instantly felt countless murderous eyes.

If he hadn't been confident enough in his professional ability, he would have really thought that he had exposed his undercover identity. The reason why the police officers of the Investigation Division 1 showed such an attitude was not groundless.

They got accurate information from Yumi Miyamoto!

Last night, Sato Miwako refused to attend the social gathering and went on a date with Kizawa Yu.

Their goddess was preempted by Kizawa Yu, a new employee.

How can this not make people angry?

As Kizawa Yu stepped towards his workstation step by step, some subtle changes gradually appeared on the faces of the police officers around him.

Officer Shiratori was the first to step forward!

"Snap Snap——"

Then the second one, the third one... in a short time!

The office of the First Investigation Division was filled with thunderous applause.

Although the police officers of the First Investigation Division regarded Yuu Kisawa as their biggest rival in love, they were generous in their praise for absolute justice.

Everyone welcomed Yuu Kisawa's arrival as if he were a hero.

The fact... was indeed so!

If Yuu Kisawa had not dismantled the bomb in time, the result would really be hard to say.

Maybe all the students of Teitan High School would fly into the sky with the explosion, shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

"It's so lively!"

Sato Miwako walked in, rubbing her neck.

"Officer Sato, you look a little tired?"

"Did you not get enough rest last night?"

Takagi walked up to her and asked her how she was doing with a smile.

In fact, he was also one of the fanatics who had a crush on Sato Miwako.

But he never dared to muster up the courage to express his love.


"Didn't sleep well last night, so I'm sore all over?"

The atmosphere of the investigation class took a sharp turn for the worse!


All night?

Didn't sleep well?

Sore all over?

The words summarized one by one were so dazzling.

The amount of information was so large that it reminded them of the film and television industry of the island country.

Their goddess was taken advantage of?!

It must be like this!

Sato Miwako is usually full of energy, why does she look so weak today.

Damn little bastard!

Don't even know to be gentle with their goddess.

What a hero!

What an excellent police officer who shot down a bomb maniac.

At this moment, Kizawa Yuu became a love rival in their eyes.

The public enemy of the Metropolitan Police Department!

"Good job!"

"Brother Kizawa!"

Megure Jusan appeared behind him and patted Kizawa Yuu on the shoulder with a big hand.

Brother Kizawa!

This title can be said to be the highest standard in the Investigation Division.

For the entire Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Kizawa Yuu's performance yesterday has completely removed the label of rookie police officer. His professional ability has been admired by everyone!



"Will you tell me or not?"

There was another reason why Miwako Sato didn't sleep well last night.

She couldn't figure out how Kizawa Yu had figured out through the fax that the best bomb burial site was Teitan High School.

Can human thinking really reach that level?

Then... why can't she?

"Date me!"

"I will tell you the answer."

As a policewoman of the Metropolitan Police Department, Miwako Sato is naturally beautiful!

He, Yuu Kisawa, works at the Metropolitan Police Department. If he doesn't have some entanglement with the policewoman, he will feel embarrassed when chatting with his colleagues.

Of course!

He never forgets that he is a systematic person.

He has been observing Miwako Sato's big butt for a long time.

She must be able to give birth to a child!

"Another date?"

Sato Miwako's voice instantly filled the entire room.

Kisawa Yuu felt at least dozens of unfriendly gazes.


When he carried Sato Miwako's legs on his shoulders, these little bastards could only push from behind.


The two of them are going on a date again.

Takagi Wataru, who was sitting in the corner, watched the interaction between the people who came, and the world had already been in a storm.


Love goes too fast, like a tornado!

The other people in the Metropolitan Police Department were exactly the same as Takagi's inner fluctuations.

"I invite you to dinner"

"Just consider it as a favor for saving my life last night!"


"You have to tell me the whole story and reasoning of the case."

Sato Miwako had never invited a man to dinner before.

This time, she reluctantly made an exception for her curiosity.

"Then let's cook!"

The two happily agreed!

Sato Miwako invited him to dinner, and he told her everything that happened yesterday.


PS: Please support me, dear readers, by giving me some flowers and votes!

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