Just perform a simple surgery and you're human!

"If you want to undergo surgery, you can..."

Just when Nobuhiko was about to reveal the key information, the screen in the live broadcast room suddenly blurred, and then turned into darkness.

Weird people watching the live broadcast:? ? ?

"Grandma, why is the live broadcast interrupted! Who did it!"

"It must be Mr. Gouzha from Tangbo. This bastard doesn't want us to have an easy time!"

"Compatriots, what should we do?"

"What to do? Of course it's his fault, brothers, today is the time to show our strength!"

"Oh! Damn it!"

Hope was cut off right in front of them, and these weirdos who were usually active on the front lines of the parade were shocked!

In fact, the interruption of the live broadcast really had nothing to do with Tangbo. It was simply because there were too many people coming in, and the server could not withstand the pressure and was overcrowded.

But the angry weirdos don't care about this, or it doesn't matter what the reason is. They just need to find a target to vent their anger.

Who is this target?

Of course it was Tang Bo who was exposed for his evil deeds!

So the excited weirdos poured into the streets, waving all kinds of weird things in their hands, and gathered towards the Prime Minister's Building.

At this moment, even Igaki, who had been at the forefront of opposing the weirdos, did not dare to show his face. He also watched the live broadcast and knew that if he dared to show his face again now, he would be taking the blame for Tang Bo, and he was afraid that he would be beaten alive by the angry weirdos. die.

It's better to survive at home, it's safe~.

Inside the Prime Minister's Office.

"Prime Minister, you must stand up now, otherwise how will you let the people see us?"

"Yes, Prime Minister, please come forward and say a few words to appease them."

"You, you guys!" Tang Bo was so angry that he almost had a heart attack when he looked at the group of ministers who were trying to force him into the palace.

After taking a few breaths, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! I'll go!"

Tang Bo knew very well that if he stubbornly refused to come forward, these people would really dare to force him out.

It's better to be tough and go it alone and save some face.

Just when he went out and went downstairs, a simple podium had been set up in front of the building. After the people below saw Tang Bo, they gradually calmed down under the calls of several leaders, ready to see what he could say. Come.

"Hey, dear fellow weirdos, I am Prime Minister Donami. Let me explain to you about Miss Izumi's live broadcast today."

Tangbo also started a speech, but his speech was either weak defense or blame-shifting, which was unconvincing.

"What? It's all Golgom's fault, don't you know?"

"What do you mean the US army is threatening you? Do you think we will believe your nonsense?"

"You deserve to die, Donbo!"

Right now!

Bang, bang!

Two consecutive explosions shocked everyone present.


He touched his neck and felt a warm and viscous liquid flow out. He took his hand away and saw blood in his palm.

There was also a tearing pain in his chest.

He looked at the crowd with wide eyes, then fell into a trance and fell to the ground with a bang.

"The first assassination!"

The sudden change caused chaos in the venue. The security personnel were calling for first aid while trying to catch the person who fired the gun from the crowd of weirdos.

But how could the weirdos let them succeed?

The people in front used their strong bodies to stop the security guards, while the people in the back quickly opened the passage and let out a man with mushroom hair and a mask.

Several people who knew him secretly gave a thumbs up and praised: "Mountain, well done!"

In the end, the weirdos dispersed and left, leaving only chicken feathers on the ground and an ambulance that ran away with Tang Bo "woo-woo-wa".

"Hmm~." Tangbo opened his eyes in a daze and breathed a sigh of relief after realizing that he was in an ambulance: "Great, I'm saved."

"Yes, it's really not easy to save you, Prime Minister."

Tangbo:? ? ?


"Save me and I will give you a bright future."

"Ah~." The swordsman disguised as a doctor pulled off his mask and said to Tang Bo with a ferocious smile: "I will definitely save you, Prime Minister."

Chapter 86 Tangbo’s Secret

Being tied to the operating table, with only one head left to move, Tangbo was completely panicked.

"Birukiniya, how dare you do this to me! I am the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister!"

"I'm just saving you, Prime Minister." The sword master's voice was calm, but the madness hidden under his words made Tangbo tremble with fear.

"This injury is fatal. Ordinary treatment methods are no longer effective for you, so this is the only method." He picked up a brown stone from the operating table next to him, with a perverted smile on his face, and pressed it directly into the hall. A bloody abdomen.

"This is what I carefully selected for you, enjoy it, Donami Shinichi!"

"Hmph, hum, ahhhhhhh!!!"

The intense pain even overwhelmed the weakness of dying, and Tangbo howled in pain.

He could feel that a strange gene had penetrated into his body, merged with the essence of the Creator King injected into his body, and began to continuously transform his body.

Thick steam came out of his body, and Tangbo's roar slowly turned into a "squeak".

After the steam dissipated, Tangbo had completely lost his human appearance and turned into a big brown insect with a hard shell and an extremely human-like appearance.

"Hmph, this look suits you very well, Prime Minister." The Sword Saint swung his sword to cut the bandages on the freshly baked monster, dragged one of its legs, and dragged the unconscious monster out.


"Drive the monster out!"

"Drive it out!"

"You dirty guys don't deserve to have surgery to become human!"

"You don't deserve it!"

Because the Prime Minister was assassinated, almost all police officers are now out to track down the whereabouts of the murderer, making the monsters feel insecure and dare not make trouble for a while.

So Jingyuan felt that he was good again!

He pulled up his own team, and while the monsters could not fight back, he promoted his ideas, and based on the newly learned that there was human flesh in heaven, he said that the monsters were all man-eating monsters and should be killed.

"Kill all the monsters and return the pure land to the human race!"



A white van suddenly drove out from the intersection, and then the door slid open, and the brown bug-shaped monster was kicked out, and then the door closed and left quickly.


"Hey! What is this thing? It's so disgusting!"

"This is a cockroach, right? How can it be human?"

"Too disgusting, kill it, kill it!"

"Kill it..."

The noisy sound woke up the unconscious Tang Bo, and he muttered something like "noisy" and slowly opened his eyes.

What he saw was a sharp long stick.


The long stick stabbed into Tang Bo's eyes without any hindrance, and the severe pain made him scream in pain, but the sound was the hoarse and unpleasant chirping of insects.

"Ah, it's moving!"

"Quick, use more force, don't let it get close!"

"Disgusting thing, die!"

Countless long-handled objects were used as weapons to smash or poke Tang Bo, knocking the once high-handled criminal to the ground and unable to get up. Even the police on both sides looked at this scene indifferently, and they were too lazy to do the superficial work of "weirdos are also lives."

Tang Bo screamed in despair: "Stop it, I'm Tang Bo, the Prime Minister!"

Unfortunately, the more anxious he was, the more his voice sounded like noisy insects...

On the other side, the whale cave also welcomed two uninvited guests.


Forget it, the secret base is known to everyone, and it's nothing new.

"Nobuhiko, and... Kotaro." Darome and Bishum stood at the entrance of the cave, looking at these two former comrades-in-arms.

"Hmph, you dare to appear in front of me, traitor." Xinyan stood up, and the silver belt around his waist glowed green.

Darom took a step back and said sincerely: "We have no intention of fighting with you, Xinyan."

Yes, after seeing Xinyan turn the monster back into a human in the live broadcast, the two high priests knew that the situation was over, and the Emperor Stone, the King of Creation, etc. were no longer important.

The monster is destined to disappear in the long river of history.

So switching camps now is the best solution.

"I know that we did some very excessive things to you in the past because of different ideas, but now the future of monsters is determined. We can work for the same goal again, isn't that good?"

Nobuhiko was furious: "Excessive things, do you want to take away what you did with such a simple sentence?"

"When humans were strong, you bowed to humans. Now that your umbrella is gone, you want to interfere with the monsters' restoration of humans?"

"I have seen through you. You talk about righteousness, but in fact you only care about whether you are the one who benefits." He raised the banner of the Five Flows and Six Flows, with angry flames burning in his eyes: "You are the biggest obstacle on the road to the future of monsters."

"I want to destroy you!"

"Me too." Kotaro came to Nobuhiko and stood still: "Assisting Donba to play with monsters as commodities, Darom, Bihum, you are unforgivable!"

He thought of those who restored humans through surgery these days, and among them there was a child as old as Xiaokui, which shows how crazy Gorgom has been in recent years.

The two brothers looked at each other, and then, like a mirror image, they turned sideways and clenched their fists, making a creaking sound.



Red and green lights flashed, and the two turned into black and silver locust monsters. Then, their bodies changed again, from insect-like appearance to more human-like appearance.

Kamen Rider - Black Sun (Shadow Moon), debut!

"Further transformation?" Darom's eyes condensed, and he and Bishum emitted hot steam, turning into trilobite monsters and pterosaur monsters.

Negotiations broke down, Black Sun and Shadow Moon rushed towards the two priests with a gust of wind, vowing to make an end to everything that had happened.


"Damn it, I'm the Prime Minister!"

Tang Bo fell from the air into his home with serious injuries.

One of its eyes was blinded, and a part of its abdomen was torn by a spike rake, with its internal organs hanging outside, looking extremely creepy.

But even with such a serious injury, thanks to the cockroach's tenacious vitality, he did not die. Even in the struggle, it instinctively spread its insect wings and flew back to its nest.


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