This group of soldiers obeyed the order and dispersed, but this level of order could not stop Lan Guanghong from persuading them to put down their butcher knives (physics). Instead, some people panicked because there were no teammates around, and began to yell and shoot randomly, wounding or killing them. Got a few friendly troops.

Once panic occurs, it is easier to spread in the silent night.

As time went by, more and more soldiers fell into madness, either shouting "devil, devil" and shooting randomly, or abandoning their guns and calling their mothers to flee the battlefield.

In the end, the battle lasted less than ten minutes and ended completely under the overwhelming suppression of the knight.

"Hiss..." Lan Guanghong, who was almost covered in blood, took a deep breath to calm down her agitated mood.

"Guanghong." Faria appeared in front of him with a worried look on her face, holding his face with her illusory hands: "Are you okay?"

"Huh~ It's okay. I didn't kill anyone. Those were killed by their own people. I won't take the blame." His voice sounded the same as usual, which made Faria feel relieved a little.

She looked at the hell-like miserable situation around her again, her expression a little complicated.

It's the first time I've dealt such a heavy blow to a human being. Is it really okay?

"It's okay." Lan Guanghong saw her worry and added, "My rule is not to side with any party, and only stand on what I think is a 'just' position."

"In other words, if humans become the 'evil' party in my opinion, I will not hesitate to take action against them... just like today."

After releasing the transformation, Lan Guanghong raised his head to the sky and took a breath of air with a strong smell of blood.

"But if one day my 'justice' gets out of control, Faria, you must wake me up."

"Do you have so much confidence in me?"

"Of course, after all, you are the most important person in my heart."


"It's a pity that I can't hold it to sleep."

"Hey, you eroge idiot, is now the time to say this?!"


"Brother Guanghong, this is it!"

Xiaokui watched dumbfounded as Lan Guanghong carried back a mountain of weird people.

"They're fine, they just passed out." He spread these weirdos on the ground of the secret base like pickles, almost covering the entire floor.

"Huh~ listen, I may be weak for a while, but after last night's battle, no one should bother us now." He looked at Kotaro and others and said seriously: "But if there are really enemies It’s coming, and I hope you will try your best to stop it.”

"Because what I am going to do next is an experiment related to the future of weirdos."

Chapter 84 Lan’s Old Fang

"Are you all ready?"

Kotaro and Nobuhiko stood at the door. Hearing this, they nodded towards Lan Guanghong and smiled at each other.

After being separated for so long, the two brothers finally came together for the same goal as before.

Next to him, the whale monster was holding the essence in one hand and an empty beaker in the other, and he nodded nervously.

Xiaokui was not idle either. She was recording the video with a camera, preparing it as material for a speech that would be broadcast in two days.

As for bats...

When the battle just broke out, Bat wanted to investigate the situation to see if he was going to escape. Unfortunately, he was hit by a stray bullet and had to recuperate.

"Very good, I'm going to do it!" Lan Guanghong nodded to everyone and took a deep breath.


Kamen Rider - Black!

However, this is only the first step.

As the overloading power of the Imperial Stone continued to be output, the blue-red body changed again. In a burst of colorful light, it turned into a person whose body was mainly blue, supplemented by red and silver, and had light blue fluorescent blood vessels flowing in it. New attitude.

The angry prince - Bio Knight!

The degree of transformation of the monsters in this world is very low. Therefore, Lan Guanghong wants to see if he can reverse the changes of the monsters and return them to human beings if he becomes a biochemical knight.

After the transformation was completed, without any hesitation, he turned into a ball of liquid and entered the body of what seemed to be the strongest monster.

The whale quickly poured out a drop of essence on the weirdo to keep him alive, lest the weirdo couldn't hold on and send it before Blue Light Red got the result.

In the nervous gazes of him and Xiaokui, sections of blue sheen appeared on the weirdo's skin. As time passed, even in a coma, the weirdo couldn't help crying out in pain.

The whale quickly poured another drop of essence down.

As a result, after a while, the weirdo let out another powerful scream.

He wanted to pour the essence again, but he didn't expect that the blue light suddenly flew out and turned into reality. Lan Guanghong shouted angrily: "Stop pouring it. It took a lot of effort to change the cells back. When you drop a drop of water, it starts to bite back. Are you tired?" Kill me?"

whale:? ? ?

"I'm very sorry!"

After beating the whale badly, Lan Guanghong felt that time was running out, so he quickly turned into liquid and got back into the monster's body.

This time, no matter how miserable the weirdo screamed, the people around him didn't dare to care.

Fortunately, not long after, visible changes appeared on this weirdo.

The monstrous parts of his body are gradually reducing, but they are not being taken back with steam like the transformation. Instead, they are turning into a pool of animal carcasses that have been put down for a long time, turning into dark liquid and putrid pieces of meat. fall off.

"Ugh...!" Xiaokui's eyes widened and she quickly covered her nose and mouth with one hand.

She had never smelled something so stinky, and she couldn't imagine that there was something in the world that could stink so badly.

The extremely lethal smell filled the whole house, and Whale looked like he had lost all hope.

This secret base is his!

But if Blue Light Red can really bring the antidote that can turn the monster back into a human, then the secret base is worth it!

Even Kotaro and Nobuhiko looked over and looked at the changes in the monster in the house.

Under everyone's attention, a strange-colored stone suddenly popped out of the monster's abdomen, and then the changes in the whole person intensified, and within just a few seconds, he turned back into a human.

Everyone present:!

"Did it work?!" Kotaro couldn't help asking.

"Yes, it worked." Blue Light Red, who had turned into a physical body again, shook his hands and shouted: "Beaker... Damn, what's this smell!"

Looking down at the poor guy who had recovered into a human, but whose whole body was covered with rotten biological sludge, Blue Light Red quickly waved his hand to signal Whale to go out and fix it.

"Oh my god, I almost suffocated!" Lan Guanghong sat outside the cave entrance with one hand on his chin, and the other hand on the beaker. The golden liquid kept flowing out from his fingertips and dripping into the beaker.

Kotaro squatted on the ground, looking like he wanted to pick up the beaker and take a sip, or pinch Lan Guanghong's fingers and suck hard.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Lan Guanghong looked at him vigilantly: "I warn you, this is not heaven, if you drink it directly, it will be digested. You have to have an operation to remove the stone, and at the same time dilute this liquid and inject it into the body to be useful."

"Oh." Kotaro's mouth shrank, and his eyes were not as hot as before.

Lan Guanghong: ...

So you really want to have a sip!

"Okay, Kotaro." Nobuhiko reached out from behind and grabbed Kotaro's armpits, dragging him away forcefully: "Don't be so useless, we still have things to do before we turn back into humans."

"Well, let me go, Nobuhiko!" Kotaro struggled to get out of his old friend's clutches, but unfortunately, he was better in terms of technique, but Nobuhiko was still stronger in terms of strength.

Watching the two people fighting with a faint smile, Lan Guanghong suddenly felt dizzy.

"Well, can't you hold on?"

Waving to the only whale who knows scientific research here, Lan Guanghong shook his fingers that were squeezed to the point of not leaving a drop, and pushed the beaker in front of him.

"This liquid can be synthesized artificially. Keep some research on it. If you have any results, you can find Xinyan."

"Xiao Kui."

Xiao Kui hurriedly put down the camera and squatted in front of him: "Brother Guanghong?"

"Sorry, I will probably be absent from your live broadcast." He canceled the transformation and reached out to touch Xiao Kui's hair: "Come on, believe in yourself!"

"Brother Guanghong!" Looking at Lan Guanghong, whose face was pale and black, Xiao Kui almost burst into tears.

"Don't make it like a life-and-death separation. I'm fine. I can recover in the sun." In the last moment before losing consciousness, he gave Xiao Kui a thumbs up, grinned, and fainted with a "thump".


Prime Minister's Office.

After watching the video secretly sent by the US military, Tang Bo couldn't calm down for a long time.

Is this really a weirdo?

It's too outrageous!

But this mysterious Black Sun is not the most important problem at the moment. The problem is that the day when Izumi Aoi will broadcast live to the world is coming soon. If she is allowed to release the content in the video, then his Tangbo family will be ruined on the spot, and the three generations of family business will be destroyed.

But this girl is protected by the Black Sun who is so strong that it is not like a creature in this world. What should he do to catch her?

"Oh, my dear!"

Tangbo's eyes lit up and he immediately pressed the communicator on the table: "Let Darome come to see me."

"Prime Minister, Darome and Bishum are not here."


"That's Biruki... Forget it, it's okay."

After hanging up the phone, Tangbo looked confused.

The secret armed team that was assembled with great effort was dispersed in an instant. Birukinia, who had been a dog for so many years, ran away. Just now, in order to appease the American army that suffered heavy losses, he forcibly dug a lot of compensation from his subordinates who supported him, causing his subordinates to be disunited and temporarily unable to command.

Now, even the two high priests have disappeared.

Sitting in the empty office, Tang Bo suddenly realized that he was alone.

Chapter 85 Tang Bo and the Handmade Sprayer

Two days later, Izumi Aoi, a representative who advocates the harmonious coexistence of humans and monsters, revealed a horrific and terrible incident to the world in a live broadcast.

"I found that monsters were created by human experiments. About eighty years ago, they were created by humans and used as weapons of war."

"And the culprit who caused all this is the grandfather of the current Prime Minister, Tang Bo Michinosuke."

On the screen, the girl's confident speech, coupled with various videos, photos and documents, showed the bloody facts to the world. The people who were watching the live broadcast were shocked.

However, what she said next caused a sensation like a thunderbolt.

"The current Prime Minister, Shinichi Doba, is still conducting this inhumane experiment. He has even secretly captured many homeless people, people without social connections, and people who oppose him, and forcibly transformed them into monsters to sell or to make raw materials for 'Blazing Heaven'."

Next, some people came forward to tell their stories. They were either the people who were released by Blue Light Red on the day Gorgom collapsed, or the monsters rescued from the US military.

The evidence is as strong as a mountain!

Tang Bo, who was also watching the live broadcast, was shaking violently with his teacup in his hand, and his heart was like falling into an ice cellar.

The girl's speech continued.

"There is not a gram difference between the lives of humans and monsters on this earth, because we are originally from the same source." Xiao Kui smiled brightly at the camera: "Next, I want to introduce a friend to everyone."

The camera turned and aimed at a handsome young man who was planting a flag not far away.

On the white flag fluttering in the wind, there were four big words written: Five Flows Guarding Six, and there was an infinite symbol under the words. This was the flag they used when they fought for the liberation of monsters fifty years ago.

Unfortunately, because of different ideas, the former partners eventually broke up. Some died, some became dogs, and some were still resisting fate.

"Everyone, my name is Akizuki Nobuhiko, and I'm a weirdo." Nobuhiko came up with a bombshell without any hesitation: "One of my friends has developed a method to turn weirdos back into humans."

All of a sudden, everyone watching the live broadcast was shocked by the news.

In order to prove that what he said was true, Nobuhiko called Whale and demonstrated a surgery to turn a weirdo back into a human on the spot. When Whale posted the postoperative test results on the camera, the whole world was boiling.

After all, how many people would be willing to be a weirdo who smells bad all day and is ugly just to have a slightly stronger physique than humans?

How many weirdos haven't imagined how great it would be if they were human beings, humans who could live a normal life without being discriminated against?

Now, someone told them that they could!

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