The cadres of the consortium are indeed serious.

Blu-ray red refused his allegiance, but helped him pull out the curse and said that he would help him find a safe world for him to live as an ordinary person, just like the man in Kuuga's world who had fished for most of his life.

So the cadre told all the information he knew.

Including the matter of Kamen Rider Decade, the process is similar to what Lan Guanghong guessed, and the solution is also simple. Just go to another base and restore the card to a driving card, and Kado Yashi will be able to come back naturally.

However, there is another cadre guarding the place. Unlike this parallel importer from the consortium, that guy is a real high-level figure. He is first-rate in terms of loyalty and strength. Otherwise, he would not be assigned such an important task as guarding Decade.

In terms of strength alone, the cadres over there are definitely no match for Blue Light Red. The problem is that the inversion instrument requires their authorization to be used, and the protection measures for that instrument are very extreme. Any scanning, external control, etc. will cause it to self-destruct on the spot.

This is equivalent to blocking the possibility of any non-organization members trying to resurrect Decade.

But it's not entirely without loopholes.

"...You haven't reported the arrest of my clone yet, have you?"

"Yes! Because I originally wanted to capture Mr. Shadow...'s clone and then take credit, so I didn't tell them."

"Yeah~ Well done. Now ask him for help. Just say you can't beat Shadow Moon and let him help."


"Ah what, go quickly, by the way, if you dare to rebel again~"

"Impossible! My heart already belongs to an adult!"

Blue light red:......

Such a person can actually become a cadre of Consortium X. The Bureau of Management is really full of talents!

"Nani? Shadow Moon has arrived at your door!"

The cadres of the Time Management Bureau who received the request for help did not dare to delay for a moment, picked up their equipment and rushed to the consortium's side.

At the first glance when entering the arena, one sees the shattered arena, and the "Shadow Moon" in the center holding a Satan saber and killing everyone.

The cadre's eyes became hot at that time.

"It turns out to be Shadow Moon who holds the real Satan Saber. If I can obtain this power, my strength will definitely be further improved!"

The cadre, who was blinded by the power of the shadow moon, buckled the driver on his waist and rotated the dial with one hand with the other hand.

[Barlckxs! ]

Blue light red:......

Doesn’t your Time Management Bureau have other dials? Just grab the Black one and get it right!

Just wait for me. Sooner or later, you will be rewarded!

As for now...the overall situation comes first, bear with it!

After slashing the puppets who were cooperating with the show with several knives, the blue-light and red sword was raised to kill Balquez. The murderous aura soaring to the sky made the opponent's hair stand on end.

...A few minutes later, Shadow Moon fell to the ground helplessly, and even the Satan Saber fell into the enemy's hands.

Lan Guanghong coughed twice, and said in a deep voice as if an old injury had recurred: "Gu~ Damn it, if you hadn't consumed too much before, how could you be my opponent with your fake RX!"

"Hmph, whatever you say, the one who laughs last is the winner... Those from Consortium X over there, take this guy to my base."

Balkis released the transformation and said with feverish eyes: "I can just use the instrument to convert his power into a dial. In this way, I have the power of the Black Sun and the Shadow Moon at the same time."

"Maybe, I can also become a being like the Creation King... Jie Jie Jie!"

The cadre of the Time Management Bureau, who was laughing crazily, had no idea that the younger man from the consortium behind him was looking at him with pity in his eyes.

The poor guy had no idea what kind of hell was waiting for him behind.

Chapter 399 The Great Resurrection!

The defeated Shadow Moon was tied up with a beam rope and entered another base under the escort of two inferior retainers.

The appearance of this base is very different from the previous one. The base of the consortium cadres is a retro castle. It exudes a sinister smell in broad daylight, and you can tell that something is wrong.

The Bureau's base looks like an ordinary office building on the outside, and inside there are staff wearing suits or white coats.

However, everything on the ground was a disguise. It was not until he was taken hundreds of meters underground by a hidden elevator that Lan Guanghong finally got a glimpse of the whole base.

Strictly speaking, this place can no longer be called a "base". It is more like a world of its own.

The appearance of this world is very similar to the scarlet space when Blu-ray Red fought against Keefe, but the red here is darker and has a different kind of horror.

In the red and black world, a few lights flicker from time to time. If you look closely, you will see that those spots of light are all enemies who have been defeated by the knight.

Daguaba, Odin, Enoch the rhinoceros, the white Joker undead beast, the black armor Dou...

It would be a bloody storm for any guy to be released, but at this time, they were all like uncontrolled puppets, hanging casually in the void.

"...With so many enemies, this must be one of the important strongholds of the Time Administration."

Lan Guanghong glanced at it casually, and after identifying many recognizable enemies, he set his sights on the instrument directly in front of him.

It looks like a huge globe, with a human being not even as tall as the base. The sphere on the platform is translucent blue, and the tree-like space-time veins inside are clearly visible.

"Have you never seen it? The highest masterpiece of our Time Administration - Time Cage!"

The Time Management Bureau cadre suddenly started the classic villain speech, pressing Blue Light Red's shoulder and happily said: "Through this machine, we can intercept a period of history of any character and use their power for our own benefit."

"Whether it's Kamen Rider or Monster, to put it bluntly, you are our playthings after all."

"Now it's your turn... Shadow Moon, you will become part of the power of the great time manager, you should feel honored for it!"

Blue Light Red:...

What a disgusting speech.

You will have a hard time in a while!

He turned his head and glared at the cadre, who seemed to see the malice under his mask, snorted coldly and threw him towards the sphere.

With a "pop", Blue Light Red directly passed through the outer translucent shell, and was then controlled by an unknown force to float in the center of the sphere.

"Hahahahaha, cage, start!"

The cadre opened his hands and roared, and the time and space veins in the machine rushed towards Blue Light Red.

In an instant, a large number of images flashed before his eyes.

Even the past that had been completely forgotten was clearly visible.

Created by Akizuki Nobuhiko, born as an independent life.

The senior was smiling, but he looked so sad.

"I'm sorry, I let you face such a fate, I'm really sorry~"

The first time he met someone who made his heart beat.

"Name? Humph~ Remember it for me, I'm Faria, I will definitely become a high priest in the future!"

The earth priest rebelled and drifted to another world.

"From now on, call me Lan Guanghong."

The journey across time and space, meeting different friends, countless ties closely connected him with the world.

Outside the instrument, the cadres who were preparing to intercept the history to make the dial were completely stunned.

He looked up and stared at the young man who had lost his shadow and moon appearance, his voice trembling.

"Who are you?"

"... I am the son of the sun, Kamen Rider Black RX."

Lan Guanghong slowly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be endless light flashing in his pupils.

With his hands around his waist, the Sun God Stone is used as a link, and the Creation King Belt that perfectly integrates the power of the Sun and Moon Emperor Stone appears in the glory.

At the same time, the taken away Kemi Knight Card automatically flew out of him, and gradually changed back to its original appearance while flying.

It is a time cage, which changes after changing again, but restores it to the original driving card.

It is to achieve this that Lan Guanghong has been patient and has not resisted the observation of history.

The knight driving cards in the sky are flying in an interlaced manner, gradually outlining a human shape. After forming, all the cards turned into gray phantoms and merged, making the originally illusory person appear colorful.


Kadoya Shi opened his eyes and took a deep breath. Seeing Lan Guanghong and the underground cadres next to him, he quickly understood the current situation.

"Tsk, this is the scene right at the beginning, it really doesn't let people rest at all."

Lan Guanghong complained unceremoniously: "You have slept long enough... Are you ready?"

"I never need to prepare."

Xiao Ming pulled open the magenta belt with a proud face, and took out the Decade card from the card box and tapped it.

"No, no, no, you should say: I'm ready."

The two turned their heads and looked at each other, with a slight smile on their lips.


"HenShin!" X2


The transformation of the two triggered the safety device of the time cage, and the huge sphere collapsed into starlight with a loud bang.

In the glow, the black and magenta knights slowly landed.

Kamen Rider-Black RX (Genesis King Type)

Kamen Rider-Decade

Standing up slowly, the two took out the spinning sword and the driving card box sword respectively, and stroked the sword with their hands.


Two strings of sparks flew out of the hands of the two people, and the cadres of the management bureau felt chilled.

How could he not understand at this time that he had been fooled by the King of Creation?

Now, let alone gaining power, the director would rush over to kill him if he knew...

"Hey, you guy."

Lan Guanghong suddenly rushed in front of the Time Management Bureau cadre, almost face to face with him.

"Did you see it? My past."

The cadre retreated in shock and subconsciously raised his hand and waved.

The puppets hanging in various places received the command and "came alive" one after another, rushing towards the two knights from all directions.

"As expected... Then, I can't keep you!"

Lan Guanghong raised his hand and prepared to repeat the trick.

But as soon as the power of creation to change the world was activated, he found something wrong. It seemed that there were invisible hands around him wiping away his power of creation.

The cadre was relieved when he saw this scene.

"Hahaha, it's useless! All attempts to change in this space will be erased by the power of time, even the power of creation!"

He took out the dial of Balks with a grin and twisted it.

"I have so many people here, can you... Ugh!"

A strong pain came from his waist. The cadre looked down at the spinning sword that stabbed into his waist with disbelief, and then looked up at Lan Guanghong, with a face full of "Why don't you play by the rules?"

"Sorry, I don't have such a bad habit."

Pulling out the lightsaber, the cadre fell down softly, with a burning feeling all over his body.

The last thing he saw was Lan Guanghong taking out the Satan Saber and slashing with two swords in an invincible posture.

"...He didn't even want to draw an R after killing me!"

With reluctance and indignation, the cadre's eyes went dark.


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