
He only had time to roar, and then there was a loud "clang" sound, and his neck was hit hard!

It wasn't over yet, Fifteen pressed the handle of the knife with both hands and exerted force again, trying to draw it across his chest.

Seeing this, Lan Guanghong immediately endured the pain and raised his leg, using the two insect pincers on his heels to jam Shishi's wrist, then flipped it over and twisted Shishi's sword away, followed by Wei and jumped with another One leg kicked him away.

The crisis in front of him was temporarily resolved. After he landed, he blindly grabbed the tail fin on the head of the Golden Drive and threw him out with a forceful swing. His body was finally liberated.

"Shadown Flash!"

Not daring to neglect for a moment, Lan Guanghong used shadow flash to block various energy attacks. Taking advantage of the gap between the enemy's blindness, he picked up the discarded sword next to Shi Shi with one foot, jumped into the air and slashed it at Shi Shi's head!


[Kabuto Arms! ]

At the critical moment, Fifteen reacted, pressed the dagger on his belt to switch armor, and used the super speed of the armor to dodge the inevitable blow of Blue Light Red.


The big knife struck the ground, creating an exaggerated crack, just like Lan Guanghong's mentality at this moment.


What the hell is Kato Armor!

Is Brother Xiao Ming’s power so overwhelming?

The next second, something even more shocking happened!

[Time Vent! ]

With a blur in front of his eyes, Lan Guanghong was shocked to find that he had returned to the position locked by the golden drive, and Fifteen was slashing at him with a sword from in front of him.

"Odin! You (new expletive)!"

"As expected of the Creator King, he is really tenacious."

In the stands, the cadre of the consortium wearing the same uniform as W World plus Tou Shun rubbed the bracelet on his wrist and chuckled: "But it is really stupid to separate your own power again."

As we all know, the power of the Creation King is the combination of the Imperial Stones of Black Sun and Shadow Moon, both of which are indispensable.

So as long as the blue-red version of Shadow Moon is successfully eliminated here and his Moon Emperor Stone is taken away, the Creation King will cease to exist!

Thinking this way, a fanaticism appeared in the eyes of the consortium cadres.

The headquarters used special tactics to solve Decade before. If he successfully defeats Shadow Moon again, the only powerful enemy he has to deal with is the King of Demons!

If it's just the Demon King of Time, the headquarters' secret weapon is enough to deal with it!

The world, after all, belongs to our Time Management Bureau!

After enjoying a bright future, when the consortium cadres once again turned their attention to the battlefield below, Lan Guanghong was almost unable to hold on.

Even if he was as strong as Shadow Moon, it would be extremely difficult to face such a group of powerful enemies, not to mention that he still had time to use such a foul skill.

Whenever he solves the dilemma and gains the upper hand, Odin will swipe this BUG Advent card to go back in time, and then the group of people will use another method to fight.

There is also the silver-blue mechanical monster that can actually create a mechanical villain knight out of thin air. With the fifteen who can use the power of the main knight, Lan Guanghong is miserable.

After persisting in this hellish arena for more than ten minutes, the exhausted Shadow Moon still showed a flaw and was blasted away by attacks jointly released by several enemies.


Falling heavily to the ground, Lan Guanghong groaned, and a trace of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

But his eyes were as firm as ever, and he staggered to his feet again, raising his hand to transform again.

It's a pity that the enemy didn't give him this chance. They joined forces again, gathered a huge golden energy ball, and smashed it towards Lan Guanghong's head.


Amid the loud explosion, the excitement of the consortium officials was beyond words.

"It's done! Get the Emperor Stone quickly!"

In his eyes, an explosion of this magnitude would definitely be enough to destroy the blue-red body, but a treasure like the Imperial Stone would remain.

However, after the smoke dissipated, a group of people searched in the ruins for a long time, but could not find the green emperor stone, or even any energy reaction.


The cadres of the consortium were very shocked: "How is that possible!"

How could it not be? This is not only related to the crisis of the Time Management Bureau, but also related to his personal promotion!

"It's impossible, keep looking, the Emperor Stone must be down there!"

His eyes were fixed on the ruins below, and veins appeared in his hands grasping the railing.

"...Stop looking for it, it can't be found."

"Shut up, Mingming...huh?!"

The cadre of the consortium turned his head sharply and saw Lan Guanghong standing behind him with a playful smile, holding the old black-faced man who didn't know whether he was alive or dead in his hand.

Foundation cadre:!

"Are you thinking that there is a state-of-the-art protective shield in the field, but how did I escape without anyone noticing?"

Faced with Lan Guanghong's teasing, the cadre looked puzzled as if he was looking for an answer, but secretly pressed the switch to release the protective shield.

The first one to act was still Odin.

[Time Vent! ]


Nothing happened.

Blue Light Red did not return to its original position, and its position on the court did not change in any way.

Time has come and it has expired? !

But it was clearly possible just now...

Suddenly thinking of a certain possibility, the cadre's eyes suddenly widened.

"Ho~ It seems you have guessed it."

Lan Guanghong smiled slightly, threw away the man in his hand, and made a transformation gesture.


In an instant, the appearance of the entire venue changed, and everyone entered a seemingly endless dark space.

There was deep darkness beneath my feet, and the sky was gloomy gray. The only thing that is clear is the sun and moon that are meeting overhead.

When the sun and the moon aligned, a strong light fell from it, illuminating the figure in front of everyone who was alone but more oppressive than thousands of troops.

"...Creation King!"

"Correct. As a reward, I'll tell you some information about me."

Lan Guanghong raised his cloak with a wave of his hand, holding the red Satan Saber in his hand.

The other hand slowly pulled out the revolving sword from his waist, and he continued: "My clone is just a projection and does not affect the power of the main body, and you can't get anything from it."

"Yeah~ The look is right. I just want to see this look of 'This is too foul.'"

Nodding with satisfaction, Blue Light Red slowly approached the enemies.

"Sa, let's see..."

"Incredible power!"

Trap 3

"Come on! Come on everyone!"

The cadres of the consortium waved their hands in shock and anger, and the enemy soldiers behind them swarmed forward again.

However, Blue Light Red was always about a hundred meters ahead, and the distance between the two sides showed no tendency to close, so that the enemies approaching at high speed turned into running in place, which looked extremely funny.

Even the cadres who stood still and were ready to retreat were still standing in front of the enemy soldiers.

He quickly discovered this anomaly and immediately ordered: "Remotely!"

Enemies with long-range attack capabilities immediately changed their tactics, either using magic cannons or taking out rocket launchers, and all kinds of flying props flew towards the target.

Faced with this massive offensive, Lan Guanghong did not panic at all, and gently swung the Satan Saber forward with his left hand, triggering a large lightning-like sword light.

The moment those flying objects came into contact with the sword light, there was no vigorous explosion, only silent annihilation.

"Stop struggling. Everything that happens here is within my perception, and I can control everything with just one thought."

In order to prove that what he said was true, he pointed his blue light and red finger towards the sky and thought.

The next second, several conspicuous lights suddenly lit up in the dark night sky.

The fire quickly approached the enemies, and it turned out to be seven blazing meteors burning with heavenly fire!

The enemies wanted to escape when they saw this, but no matter how they moved, they could not leave the same place as before. In the end, they could only watch the meteor hit their heads.


After a violent explosion, the enemy soldiers lay on the ground in a mess, unable to get up again.

Miraculously, the cadres of the consortium who were close at hand did not receive any harm, and even the corners of their clothes were not lifted up by the shock wave of the explosion.

Of course it wasn't because of how capable he was, but because Lan Guanghong let him go on purpose.

"Stop pressing your broken dial secretly. Even if you press sparks, no one will come to save you."

Consortium cadre:...

He silently pulled out the hand that was pressing the dial frantically from his pocket, and forced his mouth to say: "I won't say anything!"

"I didn't plan to ask..."

"My loyalty to the organization is evident over time. Even if there are no restrictions on me, I will never betray the consortium!"


Blu-ray red was stunned on the spot.

This kid, want to learn my tricks in person?

Every senior cadre of the Time Management Bureau, including vested organizations like Consortium X, has a life-threatening curse on them.

You must not betray the organization, otherwise you will be exiled to a void where even the concept of time is blurred. You will be immortal, but you will have to endure hunger and loneliness forever.

This is a punishment more terrifying than death.

Under such horrific constraints, these high-level officials would rather die than betray the organization. After all, death is just a matter of time, and there may be a chance to be resurrected in the future. Being exiled to the void is really worse than death.

In addition, the time management bureau itself is also very well treated, and can travel in various time and space to cause trouble. Except for the occasional troublesome mentality of mentally retarded elders, everything is very good, so few people actually betray.

For such a rare species, Blue Light Red saw one today.

This cadre has very poor popularity within the organization. He knows very well that if he dies here, no one will be willing to resurrect him, and they will even divide his inheritance with a smile.

This made him, who was afraid of death, stimulated by the current life-and-death crisis, and his brain used the thinking ability of Senpason, which really allowed him to find a way to survive!

The Creation King said that everything here is under his control. Does that mean... even if he betrays the Time Management Bureau here, the curse will not happen?

Give it a try, the King of Creation is still on the opposite side anyway, and if you make the wrong bet, the opponent can kill you in time.

Thinking like this, the cadre of the consortium said something that was against the organization. As a result... the curse did not react at all!

Well, there is only one answer!

"Lord Creator King!"

The cadre jumped on the spot like a frog, his forehead heavily pressed to the ground.

"I pledge my loyalty to you!"

Blue light red:......

The process isn't quite right, but if it's not Utsumi's kind of allegiance, it seems very convincing.

Is this kid serious?

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