At Arima's house,

Shotaro opens the door and enters

"Ms. Reiko, I want to ask you something about Gaia's memory."

Shotaro said to Reiko in front of him.

"Arima has gone out today……"

"I'm asking you."

Shotaro interrupted Reiko and took out a memory stick with a"z" printed on it. When Shotaro pressed the switch on it, a memory slot pattern appeared behind Reiko's neck.

"You were also involved in the incident ten years ago."

At this time, Lingzi's face gradually turned cold.

"It was you who gave the beast memory to Arima, and then you asked Uncle Bidou to take the blame for you."

Reiko laughed after hearing what Shotaro said and walked to the table and sat down.

"So what do you want?"

"You must personally admit your mistakes to Uncle Bidou, you have caused him to lose a lot of time."

Shotaro yelled at Reiko. He didn't expect that Reiko, whom Uncle Bidou had always wanted to protect, would turn out to be such a person. He felt sorry for Bidou.


Reiko grabbed a handful of chess pieces on the table and threw them at Shotaro. Shotaro's hand subconsciously separated, and the memory in his hand flew towards Reiko and landed right in his hand.

"Hahaha, after so many years, you are finally back in my hands."

Lingzi laughed and inserted the memory stick directly into her neck.

"don't want……"

It was too late for Shotaro to stop her. Reiko had already turned into a crustacean.


A light like a chessboard suddenly appeared under Shotaro's feet, and in an instant Shotaro suddenly appeared in the air outside the building.

"What? What's going on?"

Shotaro was startled. He was standing in the air with an invisible floor under his feet.

"Hahaha, this is the power of the domain. I can make the people in my domain move to another place instantly."

Lingzi laughed.

"Well, Detective, goodbye."

The thing under Shotaro's feet seemed to disappear suddenly, and then fell straight down.



Sonosaki family

"Father, why did you bring us here?"

At this time, Wakana and Tianluo were brought to the side of the well in the secret room by Ryubei.

"Hahaha, I called you here to let you witness this great moment."

Ryubei laughed and said to Tianluo and Wakana

"What are you talking about? The more I listen, the more confused I get."

Wakana was confused by Ryuhei's words.

Ryuhei smiled and looked at Wakana, then looked at Tianluo.

"Tianluo, do you know?"

Tianluo saw Ryubei ask him and then slowly said

"The so-called great moment should be the limit"

"Oh? It seems you know a lot. Yes, that's it."

Ryubei was surprised to hear that Tianluo knew this was just a hey, but he didn't ask any more questions.

"It's not interesting. If nothing else, I'll go out for a while."

Tianluo said boringly. He had no interest in this well for a long time. He wanted to see how powerful Shotaro and his friends were.

"Honey, where are you going?"

Ruocai asked quickly when she saw Tianluo was about to leave.

"Of course I want to watch this great moment up close. Be good, I'll be back soon."

Tianluo touched Ruocai's head and said softly.

"Oh, okay, remember to go home early."

Wakana nodded. Now he looked like a little wife sending her lover to work.

Tianluo nodded and disappeared.

Ryubei also nodded when he saw this scene.

"Wakana, I am very satisfied with Tianluo, you two should get along well"

"Of course."

Wakana nodded with a smile.


When Tenra arrived, Shotarou and his friends also arrived here, and Sonosaki Fumion also came here out of sympathy.

"Hey, mother-in-law, you are here too."

Tianluo came to Sonosaki Fumion and said happily

"Well, let me see who's coming."

"Mother-in-law, you may see a surprise today."

Tianluo said mysteriously to Yuanzaki Fumion

"Surprise? Since you said that, Tianluo, I am really looking forward to it."

"Hahaha, let's wait and see."


At this time, Philip and his men had already arrived here, and after arriving, they walked directly towards the battlefield.

"Shotaro, it's time to go"


The two of them transformed and rushed towards the beast.

"Humph, it's you again. I won't let you go this time."

Arima looked at W who was rushing over and said with some disdain.

The two sides started fighting directly, but Shotaro still couldn't keep up with Philip's strength and was defeated soon.

"No, Shotaro, I can't suppress my strength at all."

Philip said to Shotaro anxiously. He couldn't control his strength at all and couldn't keep up with Shotaro.

"Philip, don't suppress your strength, release it freely, I can keep up."

The two joined the battle again.


"What on earth is that kid doing? Why is he still with Shotaro Sae?"

Sonosaki Fumion said angrily.

"Don't worry, the real show is coming."

Tianluo comforted him.

At this time, Shotaro and his team's battle was getting more and more intense.

What was surprising was that Shotaro slowly caught up with Philip and gained the upper hand. The loopholes in the combination between the two were slowly repaired.

At this time, the limit also flew over, and a strange power emanated from W. In the end, W and the limit driver were combined.

When the power calmed down, another form of W appeared... Limit

"What is this? How could it be?"

Zonosaki Fumie said in surprise

"Hahaha, erection... Pah, rise up, Shotaro……"

Tianluo laughed at Shotarou and the others.

"Mother-in-law, is this a surprise?"

Sonosaki Fumion looked at Shotarou and the others, then turned to look at Tianluo.

"I didn't expect that I lost,"

Sonosaki Fumion said to Tianluo.

"What surprised me even more was you, Tianluo. It seems that Wakana has found an amazing husband."

"Hahaha, even if you praise me like this I won't be happy."

Tianluo's face was full of smiles like a flower blooming.

"Just pretend I didn't say anything."

Seeing him like this, Yuan Zai Fuyin was speechless and could only say helplessly


Next, just like the original story, Shotaro and his team defeated the beast with overwhelming force.

Arima and Reiko were also arrested by Terui Ryu.

Of course, the bet between Tenra and Sonosaki Fumion still had to be settled.

When the matter was done, Sonosaki Fumion also took out a Lost Driver and handed it to Tenra

"This is my latest product. If you use it, you can better use the memory. It is specially made for you."


Tian Luo exclaimed as he looked at the driver that was handed over.

The aqua blue body, with golden patterns, looked much better than the ordinary ones even though it only had a single socket.

"I know you like cooler things, so I put a lot of effort into the appearance of the driver."

"Thank you, mother-in-law."

Sonosaki Fumion nodded and left, leaving only Tianluo who was studying the driver.

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