"It's really bad luck that the police were alerted. Looks like I'm going to make a scene."

A beastman in a restaurant, Arima, took a sip of wine and said angrily

"This won't do. There are also Kamen Riders in the police station."

Just then a woman's voice came from the side. A man and two women were sitting there eating shaved ice.

"Oh? Is it the woman in the museum? How about a Beauty and the Beast?"

Arima said wildly when he saw Yazi and Wakana. As for Tianluo beside him, he ignored him.

Wakana got angry when she heard what Arima said.

"Savage man, I really shouldn't let you do this"

"What did you say? You stinky woman!"

Arima got angry when he heard Wakana's words and was about to attack.

But just as he was about to do so, a mysterious hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Be careful when you speak, or else... you will die."

Tianluo had come behind Youma without knowing when, and grabbed his shoulder with one hand, which exuded a chilling cold air.


Arima was shocked when he saw Tianluo behind him. When did this guy...


Arima took a breath of cold air. At this moment, he seemed to have entered a cold ice cellar. His whole body was numb. Only the tingling pain from his shoulder kept him awake.

He was very scared now. He didn't expect that the young man he ignored was so powerful.

"Mr. Tianluo, please let him go this time."

This is what Isaka Shinkorou, who was playing the piano at the side, said.

"He is our research subject, nothing can happen to him."

Tianluo looked at Isaka Shinkuro, then looked at Wakana, and only let go of her hand when she nodded to him. The moment Tianluo's hand left, Arima suddenly felt like he had gone from hell to heaven. He quickly distanced himself from Tianluo and stared at him warily.

"This time I'll give the old man a favor. If there's a next time...……"

Tianluo looked at Arima coldly and walked to Wakana's side.

Isaka Shinkuro had no expression and walked to Arima's side.

"The main reason I came here this time is to see the strongest power of the beast, and as a condition of the deal, I will help you get the bear."


Arima nodded and agreed immediately, then looked at Tianluo and turned to leave the restaurant.

Seeing Arima Wakana hurriedly leaving, she smiled happily.

"Honey, it seems he is frightened by you."

Tianluo pinched Ruocai's face

"Who made him rude to you? You should teach him a lesson."

The boy nodded.

"Indeed, this guy has become more and more arrogant in recent years. He even doesn't listen to the museum."

Izaka Shinkuro said nothing, just looked at Tianluo and then walked towards the piano.


Wakana was very unhappy with Izaka Shinkorou, but after all, he was his future brother-in-law, so he didn't say anything. The boy looked at Izaka Shinkorou with confusion in his eyes.


"Ah, it hurts so much."

Arima, who had walked outside, screamed without any expression. He quickly unzipped his clothes and saw a handprint clearly appearing on his shoulder. It felt like he had been burned by something.

"That man is too scary."

Looking at the wound, Arima said with lingering fear. This handprint was frozen by the power of ice. Arima could bear it before, but now it is getting worse.

Arima directly took out the memory and turned into a beast. The beast memory has the ability to regenerate quickly, just like the wound can be healed in an instant.

But what surprised him was that the handprint on his shoulder did not change.

"How could this happen?"

Arima discovered that there was a wisp of black air flowing over the wound from the handprint, making it impossible for the wound to heal.

"It seems that the only way to cure it is to get rid of the black airflow."

Arima jumped and disappeared on the spot. He had to get rid of the airflow quickly, otherwise his arm would be useless.


Shotaro fell into a trough because he could no longer transform with Philip.

Just before that, a ferocious-looking uncle suddenly came to the office. After talking, he turned out to be Uncle Minghai's friend.

In order to complete Uncle Minghai's unfinished commission, Shotaro resolutely decided to take over this matter.

But another situation occurred. His power was no longer compatible with Philip's, and he simply couldn't keep up with Philip's power.

This incident was a big blow to him.

"Am I just giving up like this?"

The uncle's commission was not completed, and Uncle Oteng was also frostbitten by Isaka Shinkorou.

Now he can't turn into W anymore, what should he do next?

Shotaro fell into confusion.

"Yo, what do I see? A confused little bee."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came and broke Shotaro's meditation. Shotaro looked in the direction of the voice and saw Tianluo standing there with a smile on his face.

"Tianluo, why are you here?"

"I came to see what could have turned our tough detective into this state."

Tianluo walked up to Shotaro and said

"I, I can no longer become W," said Shotaro with a sad face.

"Philip's power far exceeds mine. Only Terui can match him."

"Are you going to give up?"

Tianluo looked at Shotaro and asked

"Yes, what else can I do without W?"

Tianluo looked at Shotaro and asked solemnly

"Shotaro, what made you want to be a detective?"

"I don’t want this city to cry"

Shotaro replied, this is his goal

"Then why did you follow Ming Hai? You didn't seem to be W at that time."


"You are still a detective without Philip. There is no need to be so confused. Besides, I think you can still be saved."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"Tsk, why should I come to comfort you?"

Tianluo suddenly stood up and said speechlessly

"Anyway, if you are confused, just look at your memory. I think you are no worse than Philip."

After saying that, Tianluo went away again.

Oh my god, is this what I said? When did I become so good at comforting people?

Shotaro stared at Tianluo's figure going away for a while.

"My memory... Ace, I understand, thank you, Tianluo."

Shotaro seemed to understand something suddenly, and then ran down the mountain. He wanted to find the bear sculpture that fell down the mountain. As long as he found him, he would know the whole story.

"Even though I am no longer W, I am still a detective. Since it is the client's job, I must do it. This is what my uncle taught me."

Shotaro's mind suddenly became clear. He put aside Philip's matter and only thought about completing this commission.

"Ah, it seems I understand."

Tianluo, who was walking away, felt Shotaro's situation and chuckled.

"I didn’t expect that I would be able to talk back."

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