"Silly girl!" Sasuke held Xianglan in his arms and was deeply moved: "After I become a god, no one will be able to threaten me under this starry sky. It is completely incidental to help you become a god! "

Looking at the two of them, Kaguya curled her lips and said, "I have the Ten-Tails, I can definitely become a god on my own!"

"Okay, okay, you must be tough." Sasuke stretched out his hand to pull Kaguya into his arms, and said with a smile: "In a few days, I will help you resurrect the Ten-Tails, and then release your body. .”

. . .

Kaguya hesitated for a moment and then said: "I think it's better not to release my true body yet. What if I get carried away by that power again and want to rule the world?"

"Don't worry, I'm here!" Sasuke patted his chest and promised, "I won't let you take a detour!"

Kaguya blushed and whispered, "It's because of you that I'm worried!"

The next morning, Sasuke opened the super upgrade system panel as soon as he got up to see how much his experience had increased.

[Name: Uchiha Sasuke.

Age: seventeen.

Special: Samsara Eye (full form), immortality, thousand birds, wind injury, etc. . .

Realm: Demigod 430,000/500,000

Free experience: 11100]

"I gained 20,000 experience points in one day!" Sasuke's eyes widened, and after a brief shock, he was ecstatic!

According to this momentum, he will become a god in three days!

"Sure enough, after completely merging with the Ten-Tails, my efficiency in obtaining complaining energy has increased several times!" Sasuke said.

"Hey~" Xiang Ling opened his eyes and saw Sasuke with a happy face, and said with a sleepy smile: "Good morning, hubby~"


Sasuke kissed Kaguya on the lips, looked at Kaguya who was still sleeping soundly on the other side, covered her with the quilt, and got up and got out of bed.

"Leave breakfast to me in the morning!"

"Hey! Then please~"

In the next few days, Sasuke has been paying attention to his experience growth rate. It is not that 20,000 experience can be collected every day. This thing is completely determined by the number of people complaining on the planet today. For example, the next day, Sasuke I only got 5,000 experience points, and more than 10,000 on the third day.

As the experience increased, it finally reached 490,000 after five days. As long as Sasuke adds the 10,000 free experience he accumulated during this period, he can become a god!

"Isn't it unsafe here?" Sasuke frowned. Although there were two six-level people around him, there were other extraordinary-level beings in this world after all. If something went wrong, wouldn't he fall short?

"Sure enough, I still can't become a god in my own world!"

Open the chat group and Sasuke finds Gintoki!

[Sasuke: Gin-san, let me go to your world! 】

[Sakata Gintoki: Huh? Want to be a guest? OK. 】

[Lily Rei: Sasuke actually took the initiative to go to Gintoki's place. Is there something going on? 】

[Er Qiao: Eat melon~]

[Gabriel: Steal my melon? ! 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: Let the old Taoist eat melon too! 】

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng, Sasuke's eyes lit up. The world of martial arts seemed to be a good choice!

"Forget it, what if there really are gods in their world?"

After changing a time traveling talisman, Sasuke's figure disappeared into the world of Naruto.

In the Everything Room, Gintoki was lying on the sofa eating a sundae, a white light appeared, and Sasuke stood firmly on Gintoki's face.


The scene was a little awkward for a while.

"Ah? Why did you run to my feet?" Sasuke pretended to be dumbfounded and calmly walked away from Gintoki's face. Ignoring Gintoki's resentful eyes, Sasuke said: "I will become a god soon, so choose one It’s a relatively normal world, don’t disturb me!”

After saying that, he disappeared in front of Gintoki and the others.

After he left, Shinpachi recovered from his petrified state. He opened his mouth wide and pointed at the place where Sasuke stood before. His eyes kept meeting Gintoki's dead fish eyes. At this moment, even Shinpachi, the king of complaints, was a little speechless. , I don’t know where to start complaining!

At the same time, Sasuke, who left the Master House, was very satisfied with the new performance.

"As expected of the glasses frame, it provided me with nearly 5,000 comments of energy in just one minute. It would be great if the whole world were full of commentators like Xinbaji."

Flying into the universe and finding an open place, Sasuke used up some of his accumulated experience. The experience was instantly filled up, and a golden light flashed on the panel of the super upgrade system! The scenery in front of Sasuke's eyes changed. When it recovered again, what appeared in his eyes was a selection interface.

[Please select your rule. 】


Looking at this interface, Sasuke didn't know how to complain for a moment.

"It's a bit like Muscle Nezha's face selection interface..."

After hesitating for a moment, Sasuke chose the thunder method. He would be more proficient in the thunder attribute.

After Sasuke made his choice, the panel in front of him turned into endless thunder, which merged into Sasuke's body and continuously improved Sasuke's life level. The aura on his body began to rise steadily, and a sea of ​​thunder and lightning appeared around him. Wrapping Sasuke completely in it.

As the aura on Sasuke became stronger and stronger, the surrounding thunder and lightning became more and more. Finally, when the sea of ​​thunder turned black, Sasuke opened his eyes again!


A sound passed through the layers of space, startling the people on Earth next door.

After a sound, the lightning around Sasuke completely disappeared, revealing Sasuke's body inside.

"It feels completely different from before!"

Chapter 68 A newcomer is here!

[Name: Uchiha Sasuke.

Age: seventeen.

Special: Samsara Eye (all forms), immortality, lightning law (upgradeable). . .

Realm: Star God 10,000/2 million

Free experience: 5100]

"Star God?" Sasuke was stunned and said with a smile: "Although it is a bit outrageous, I feel now that I can indeed erase a planet easily."

After becoming a god, Sasuke has reached a state of omnipotence. He can travel through time, change the environment of a planet at will, and tamper with the thoughts of lower beings in a single thought. These are all things that can be done.

After getting familiar with his abilities, Sasuke returned to the Master House. Looking at the dull hair on Shinpachi's head that was constantly flashing golden light, he knew where his ten thousand complaining energy came from.

"As expected of Shinpachi, he is so terrifying!"

"Ah? Are you done yet?" Gintoki asked curiously, "What does it feel like to become a god?"

"I don't feel anything."

"How could it be possible that I don't feel anything!!"

"Well, if I have to say it, I have become a million times better than before." Sasuke smiled and said: "Thank you for everything. If you have anything to do in the future, just ask. As long as I can handle it, I will never shirk it."

"Ah, can you get me some money?" Ginshi smiled mischievously: "Actually, Yin Sang accidentally stabbed Louzi again recently and owes a lot of debt, you know~"

Sasuke waved his hand, and in an instant, the entire room was filled with gold.


At this time, Gintoki's eyes were covered by money. Looking at the gold in front of him, Gintoki could no longer express his heart!

Kagura on the side was even more direct, taking the package and filling it with gold, while still talking about going to have a good meal!

Xin Baji has stopped thinking.

Sasuke saw that Gintoki was completely lying in the gold, and he might not be able to regain his speech function for a while.

"I'm going back."

Gintoki just nodded and waved his hand to Sasuke.

Seeing this, Sasuke thought this guy was crazy.


Sasuke's body disappeared into the Gintama world.

After Sasuke left, Gintoki became even more unscrupulous, taking off his clothes and swimming in the ocean of gold.

"Asshole! Don't put gold in the a**!"

"Don't worry, Xinbaji. Even if it's gold taken out of a **, you won't be disdained. This is gold!"

"Ah! How disgusting!"

"Don't just stand there like that, Shinpachi! You can take some gold back, too. Don't your family still owe money?"

"Gin-san~" At this moment, Shinpachi's heart suddenly slowed down a beat.

"Take it and stuff it into your vagina. Be careful not to be seen by others!"

"Who wants to stuff it inside a**!!!"

As Shinpachi continued to complain, the golden hair on his head continued to collect energy.


After Sasuke returned home, the first thing he did was to show Kaguya his abilities!

"Yeah, okay, I understand." Kaguya answered perfunctorily, without taking her eyes off the computer screen.

"Hey, hey, hey! What's your attitude!" Sasuke pinched Kaguya's chin in dissatisfaction and forced her face to face him: "I have become a god! Is this how you react?"

Kaguya pressed pause and said with a flattering look on her face: "Congratulations to Sasuke-sama for becoming a god!"

After that, continue to fight in the cyber world.

Seeing her like this, Sasuke could only shake his head helplessly. Fortunately, Xianglan was not like this. Xiaonizi looked at Sasuke with admiration, which made Sasuke feel satisfied!

Reaching out to lift Kaguya, Sasuke said: "Let's go, release your true body!"

Kaguya was brought to the moon by Sasuke with a look of helplessness. Sasuke found the seal and broke the seal with a thought, revealing Kaguya sleeping inside.

As the seal was lifted, the entire moon began to collapse instantly!

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