Big Big Wolf really didn't expect that he would come to celebrate the Chinese New Year and encounter something like this. He decided in his heart that he must carry a superpower potion with him in the future, and he could no longer be in such a mess like today.

After discussion, a group of four people decided to go directly to the scalper’s base camp to eliminate the source!

On the way, when they met those white bulls and black bulls who came to attack them without eyesight, Sasuke didn't get used to it and pierced them with his Chidori sharp spear.

It's a pity that these bacteria don't have much experience, which makes Sasuke a little regretful.

"In the final analysis, they are just bacteria." Sasuke thought to himself.

The group of people entered the market in such a ostentatious manner, so naturally they were noticed by the three major forces in the snail world. The white cow and the black cow saw that each other was a species they had never seen before, and they did not dare to act rashly. In contrast, the scalpers were No more worries!

Their boss Bang Chacha directly brought his people to eliminate Sasuke and his party!

"Are you the ones hunting us scalpers everywhere?" Bang Chacha stood in front of the group of people with a bully look on his face, with tens of thousands of scalpers behind him!

"Are you the boss of this group of scalpers? Are you so small?" After seeing Bang Cha Cha's size, Big Gray Wolf began to taunt him directly.

"Be careful, this little thing is still very powerful." Sasuke said.

"What!" Big Gray Wolf trembled and retreated behind Sasuke!

"...Don't be so skilled!" Sasuke complained.

Bong Chacha, who was opposite him, saw the cowardly look on the other side and suddenly showed a disdainful expression: "That's it? Kill them!"

As soon as the scalpers behind him heard what the boss said, they all rushed up like mad cows!

Gintoki turned the magic weapon in his hand and passed Sasuke with elegant steps, saying: "Leave these guys to Gin-san. I feel that I am about to break through that bottleneck and enter the realm of a great swordsman!"

Sasuke nodded: "Then leave it to you."

Sasuke has no doubts about Gintoki's swordsmanship. This is a guy who competes with cosmic technology with a mortal body. He had no chance to contact the extraordinary before, but now that he has obtained the seeds of the extraordinary, he is destined to soar into the sky.

Gabriel recited a spell, and a golden light shield enveloped the three of them.

"What is this?" Sasuke asked.

"Energy shield, how come you don't know about this thing?" Gabriel said with dead eyes.

"But why do you do this?"

"After all, I am also an outstanding graduate of Angel Academy. Is it normal to know a little magic?"

" makes sense~"

Chapter 66 No one knows ice cream better than me!

The strongest team member, Gintoki, holds Lake Toya and faces the opponent's scalper army!

"Today is the time when Yin Sang becomes a great swordsman!"

The originally lazy gaze had completely disappeared, replaced by the sharp and murderous intent that shot straight to the sky!

Even though Gintoki is usually just a funny character, his murderous aura is definitely one of the best in the group. Don’t underestimate ShiroYasha!

Using his legs, Gintoki rushed into the herd of cattle like a cannonball. He waved his hand at Lake Toya, and streams of silver-white sword energy came out from his hand. Each time, a large number of cattle were killed, and they were directly killed by the sword. The anger is cut off in two parts!

With Gintoki's killing, these scalpers also panicked. The two sides are not at the same level at all. The only way they can defeat Gintoki now is to use their numbers to exhaust Gintoki's physical strength and let him die of exhaustion. .

However, don't forget that Gintoki is not fighting alone. Behind him are Sasuke and Gabriel, and even Gray Wolf who can become a god to save the situation at any time. Therefore, there are no accidents at all. The Yellow Ox has been destroyed. It’s a sure thing!

Seeing that something was wrong, Bang Cha Cha frowned and went straight towards Gintoki to kill him!

"Get out of the way! Leave this guy to me! Go hit that light mask!"

Bang Cha Cha stepped on the scalp of the ox and jumped all the way in front of Gintoki!

"Boss can't help but take action!" Gintoki's expression remained unchanged, he raised his hand and slashed out a sword energy, heading straight towards Bang Cha Cha!

Feeling the sharp sword energy in front of him, Bang Chacha did not dare to resist and dodged in a flash. However, the scalper behind him was unlucky and was cut in half by the sword energy!

"I'll eat you!" Bang Cha Cha's speed suddenly increased and he was in front of Gintoki in an instant. His mouth opened and expanded several times, enough to swallow Gintoki completely!

Facing Bang Cha Cha's huge mouth of the abyss, Gintoki didn't panic at all. Before, he would have complained about how this little thing could open such a big mouth, but now he just wanted to kill this guy with one knife!



The silver sword light instantly swallowed up Bang Cha Cha's body completely. The sword light shot up into the sky and poked a big hole in the clouds in the sky!

This was the strongest sword move developed by Gintoki. After one move, Bang Cha Cha's body was cut off from the middle and fell to the ground in two halves.

When a group of scalpers saw their boss being killed, they all immediately became confused and ran for their lives.

Seeing this, Sasuke stepped out of the light shield and activated the Earth Explosion Star, which instantly changed the terrain and sealed all the surrounding scalpers in lumps of earth.

"Still so handsome!" Big Big Wolf said.

"Let me do the last sword!" Gintoki held the sword in both hands and looked at the Earth Explosion Star in the sky, with infinite sharpness in his eyes!

That knife blow just now was his limit, and now, he is going beyond the limit!

Sasuke said nothing, looking at Gintoki expectantly, curious about what other tricks Gintoki could come up with.

"Although Gin-san was Shirayasha in the past, Gin-san has retired now!" Gintoki roared, "Look at my ultimate secret! Shirosu's slash!"


A white slash of several hundred meters passed through the Earth Explosion Star in an instant, and the aftermath killed all the scalpers sealed in it!

"Hahaha! Gintoki is a great swordsman now!"

Seeing Gintoki laughing, Sasuke couldn't help but strike: "No, you are still far from a great swordsman. Hawkeye's strength is definitely far superior to you."

"Hawkeye is the best in the world, okay? Don't raise the bar for great swordsmen without authorization!" Gintoki complained loudly, and then his body went limp and collapsed on the ground.

"Not good! Yinsang's body is short of sugar~~"

"That stab you just made didn't really consume the sugar in your body, right? Don't be too outrageous!" Sasuke complained.

"I think he's just hungry..." Gabrielle whispered, muttering in her heart: "How come Sasuke is just like Venet, a star-splitting person..."


After solving the scalper forces, the virus in the snails has basically been cured. All we have to do next is find Pleasant Goat and the others and take them away from the snail world.

Gray Wolf said that he could handle this matter by himself, without Sasuke and the others taking action!

Sasuke also received the commission experience from Gray Wolf, which amounted to five thousand, which was very generous!

What happened after that was not interesting. Big Gray Wolf took them to Bai Niu's military camp to rescue Pleasant Goat and the others. Sasuke was paddling the whole time. Apart from his lazy hair, nothing else could interest him.

"So, the natural curls look like this?"

"That's right." Lazy Yangyang nodded and emphasized: "That's it, this is not poop! It's ice cream!"

"Okay, okay, stop quibbling." Sasuke nodded casually, trying to be as perfunctory as possible: "Besides, I eat ice cream every day, how can I not know the color of high-quality ice cream?"

"Ahh! I just haven't showered in a few days, and my hair has become a little dull!" Lazy and Sasuke were still struggling with this matter, but they didn't know that the ice cream they were talking about was not the same category at all~

The sheep were also saved, and Big Big Wolf and the others planned to change back and go home for the New Year.

At this time, Manyangyang called them from outside, saying that the diseases on the snails had been cured, and now they were all very angry and running around.

After receiving the news, the lambs were relieved, took the medicine, and returned to normal size.

Big Big Wolf also distributed the enlargement medicine to everyone and asked them to eat it after they returned.

"This trip to the Snail Body World is generally very good, but a certain diabetic patient is a bit eye-catching!" Gabriel said.

"Diabetes? Does anyone have diabetes?" Gintoki looked puzzled: "Gin-san, my diabetes has been completely cured before, and as I become stronger, this boring little illness will never return to Gin-san. On my body!"

"It's okay. With your ability, you will definitely get it again in the future." Gabriel put his hands in his pockets and said to Sasuke: "I am already practicing my skills. I believe I will be able to beat you before long!"

Gabrielle felt resentful for being disliked for being a technical skill in the game. After her continuous practice during this period, she believed that she would be able to kill Sasuke in the near future.

Sasuke smiled disdainfully and said: "Rookies always have such unrealistic ideas; if you want to challenge me, just come and don't cry when you lose."

"How can you cry!" Gabriel complained: "Forget it, my technology has advanced by leaps and bounds recently, and I will definitely avenge my shame by then! Let's not talk about it, Vinette is still waiting for me to eat! Bye! "

"Tsk, the orange power is great."

After teasing, Sasuke and Gintoki also left Gray Wolf. They had been in the snail world for a few hours and they were going back to rest.

[King Big Big Wolf: Don’t worry, everyone, I will definitely solve the side effects of the superpower potion as soon as possible, so that everyone in our group can be equal to Saiki Kusuo! 】

[Saiki Kusuo:. . . 】

Chapter 67 Becoming a God.

After gaining 5,000 experience points from Gray Wolf, Sasuke returned home and resumed his daily training. From time to time, he would go to Konoha for a walk, buy some daily necessities, and continue training after returning.

Moreover, because the war has ended for half a year, people in the world have regained some strength. Recently, the Ten-Tails' collection of complaining energy has become much faster. It used to take one egg per quarter, but now it takes one month. Moreover, as the world becomes more and more popular in the future, As the population increases, Sasuke's ability to collect vomiting energy will increase faster and faster!

Sasuke absorbed another golden egg, and his experience reached 400,000, and he was only one step away from becoming a god! The most important thing is that after absorbing this golden egg, the energy in Sasuke's body has been completely converted into spitting energy, completely separated from the chakra system.

in the living room.

After Sasuke's transformation was completed, the Ten-Tails, which had been absorbing energy in his nest, suddenly jumped into Sasuke's arms and merged into Sasuke's body.

"This!" Sasuke was shocked. What kind of incomprehensible operation was this? When the Ten-Tails ran out before, he thought that the Ten-Tails didn't intend to go back. . .


The cry of the Ten-Tails came from Sasuke's mind. Unlike before, this time Sasuke could roughly understand what the Ten-Tails meant.

The Ten-Tails just said that the reason why he left Sasuke before was because he didn't want to stick to the chakra in Sasuke's body. That thing simply insulted him, an advanced being created with the Creation Scepter. Now that the energy in the body has completely changed, the Ten-Tails There will be no need to be picky, and he will be completely integrated with Sasuke, reaching a relationship like the Ten-Tails and Kaguya in the ninja world.

"In other words, all the complaining energy absorbed by the Ten-Tails will be directly fed back to me in the future, and no more eggs will be laid!" Sasuke understood in his heart, but still complained: "You obviously relied on me to be born, why would you? Do you dislike chakra?"

Unfortunately, the Ten-Tails' will has completely merged with Sasuke's, and he can no longer answer his questions.

Opening his eyes, he saw two women with curious expressions on their faces.

"How is it? Who is not going to become a god?" Kaguya asked anxiously; becoming a god is the ultimate goal of every Otsutsuki, and Kaguya is no exception. Over the past few months, Kaguya has known that Sasuke is stronger than During his prime, he could become a god at any time. Now that the Ten-Tails has merged with him, it means that he can take that step at any time!

"Well, I guess we'll have to wait a little longer." Sasuke said, "Judging from the current speed, it will only take about half a month to complete the accumulation and achieve the status of a god!"

Hearing Sasuke's affirmation, Kaguya became even more excited!

"I never thought I would have the opportunity to witness the birth of a god!"

Seeing her like this, Sasuke said amusedly: "Don't worry, when I become a god, I will definitely help you become a god together!"

"Yeah! I believe Sasuke-kun!" Xiang Lian said sweetly: "However, we still have a long life. Sasuke-kun must do his best first and don't use resources on us prematurely!"

In Xiang Lian's heart, Sasuke's interests always come first. If Sasuke is held back because he wants to help him become a god, Xiang Lian himself will be sad.

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