This middle-aged wizard, who used to be a dark wizard and is now Principal Durmstrang, is clamoring that he will never take his students to the next Triwizard Tournament, and that this is the case. File a complaint with the Ministry of Magic and the International Confederation of Wizards.

Moody's and Sherlock's eyes were now on him.

"Karkaroff's suspicion is very high." Moody said in a deep voice, "He was caught by my own hands. I know how cunning and treacherous he is. Before being caught, almost all Death Eaters They all believe that he is one of the most loyal believers of the mysterious man, but on the first day he was just caught, he sold all his companions without hesitation."

"Now he might have left a life-saving charm for himself with Harry. If the mysterious man makes a comeback in the future, he can use this in exchange for his chance to survive."

Sherlock had a different opinion.

"Dumbledore said that the most hated thing in You-Know-Who is betrayal, and Karkaroff himself should be very aware of such a thing. Harry can't become his life-saving charm, but will become his life-saving charm. Besides, even if Voldemort is willing to let go There's absolutely no way the Death Eaters who were caught in Azkaban for his betrayal would have let him go."

What he said was well-founded, but Moody did not completely give up his idea, but reserved his opinion, and the two turned their eyes to the next person together.

Madame Maxime, who was as tall as Hagrid.

The headmistress was obviously also very unhappy, but she was much more restrained than Karkaroff, and didn't say anything threatening.

"Olim Maxime, this woman's life is very simple. Except for the unknown family situation, her previous experience has a clear record." As a senior Auror, Moody saw what he saw in the Auror Command. There is a lot of information. "In her life so far, there is no intersection with the mysterious person at any point, and there is no deep hatred with Harry."

On this woman, Sherlock and Moody have the same view.

"She is indeed the most unsuspected person, because there is absolutely no reason to do so."

Passing past Madame Maxime, their gazes stayed on Balmain, the short, dwarf-like Director of Sports of the Ministry of Magic, who was standing beside her.

"It's even easier with Ludo Balmain, who was a batsman for the Wimbourne Hornets and the England national team before he went to the Ministry of Magic to be head of sport. He was a man who liked to bet against people. , and is good at drilling camps and using fake money, there are many small problems, but I have never heard rumors that he has contact with the mysterious people."

Sherlock couldn't even recall the slightest bit of information about Balmain from his memory of the original book, which he still didn't remember much.

He also believes that this is a role that is not easy to play, and it is unlikely that he is the mastermind behind the scenes.

In the end, they turned their attention to the last person together, Barty Crouch, the director of the International Magical Cooperation Department who had always stared gloomily at other people's disputes after entering the door.

This time, Sherlock spoke first.

"I think he is the most suspicious!"

Moody's was puzzled.

"Although Barty has an indelible stain on his son being a Death Eater, his character cannot be doubted. In the 1970s, when the conflict between the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters was at its sharpest, he was extremely persistent. He opposed pure-blood hegemony and the rule of mysterious people. Later, after learning that his son was a Death Eater, he directly arrested him into Azkaban without hesitation. At that time, some people even thought that his only shortcoming was It's too selfless."

Old Barty once served as the director of the Magic Law Enforcement Department for a long time. As the immediate boss of Moody's former boss, there is still a love between them.

And according to old Barty's life history, he really has no possibility of joining Voldemort.

But Sherlock clearly knew more than Moody.

He lowered his voice, speaking in a volume that only he and Moody could hear.

"The process is too complicated, so I'll make a long story short, his son, the **** of that mysterious man, surrounded Barty Crouch Jr., who didn't die in Azkaban before."

Hearing this sentence, Moody's pupils shrank suddenly, and Sherlock's voice still did not stop.

"Not long ago at the Quidditch World Cup, I found Barty Jr. and finally killed him, but I don't know if Crouch knows about it now, but just based on that, he's not a small suspect. ."

Moody fell silent, his eyes did not stay on Crouch deliberately, but lowered his head and stared at his rough palm.

"Even someone like him would betray the Ministry of Magic..."

No one could answer his words, and neither could Sherlock.

All their guesses now are just suspicions. Before there is conclusive evidence, except for Dumbledore, any of the other four people are possible.

Or if you relax a bit more, maybe some wizard sneaked into Hogwarts Castle and did this But the probability of this is very low, whether it is Moody or Sherlock Didn't focus on it.

After confirming Harry's status as the second warrior at Hogwarts, the debate about one more warrior is over.

Barty Crouch, as the referee's representative, told the four Warriors the time of the first game.

"The first project will be carried out on November 24th, in front of other students and the jury, it will test your courage, so we are not going to tell you what it is, daring to face the unknown is a wizard An important quality of...very important..."

“Warriors are not allowed to ask or accept any help from their teachers when completing a competition event. Warriors face the first round of challenges with the only weapon in their hands, their wand, and they won’t learn until the first event is over. Regarding the situation with the second program. Due to the high demands and long duration of the competition, the Warriors will not take the exam for the school year."

The prompt is very brief. After finishing the above words, today's affairs will end here.

The judges and the professors left this compartment of the auditorium.

After Harry went out, he found that all the students in the auditorium had left, and Ron and Hermione didn't wait for him, but he wouldn't go back alone.

"So, this time we are rivals again?"

Cedric always had that warm smile on his face, and looked like a good-natured big boy next door.

Harry's mood was in a mess, he just replied.


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