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Heck has always been a nice guy.

He is also the most silent mute in the German Ministry of Magic.

He never acted as withdrawn as other colleagues.

He also has good friendships with colleagues other than the Department of Mysteries.

He likes to make friends, like having a drink or two in a pub with anyone.

But Heck has also remained tight-lipped about his work in the Department of Mysteries.

The friends who get along with him are also interesting, and never ask this question, which is destined to be unanswered, and it is also embarrassing.

The silent man's working hours are never fixed, which is obviously an unconventional workplace in the rules-oriented, rigid and serious German wizarding world.

But after all, the speciality of the Department of Mysteries is here.

Every sorcerer known as the Silent Man studies the strangest and most mysterious things in the magical world, and the unreasonable becomes the common sense.

One o'clock in the morning is the time when Heike goes to work and starts to work.

He was different from his predecessor, the blindfolded girl who could stay in the Department of Mysteries all the time.

He has his own family, so he always comes to work on time, he will not be late for work, and he will stay in the Department of Mystery Affairs for half a minute longer after get off work.

Heck walks into the tower-like Department of Mysteries of the German Ministry of Magic, whose offices are separate from the regular departments of the Ministry of Magic.

The solitary tower, like an abrupt pillar, was never found by Muggles.

He walked up the spiral staircase in the tower, and during this time, all the colleagues he encountered would stop to say hello to him, and he responded calmly.

He didn't stop until he reached the 13th floor, a floor that was deliberately planned.

The originally soft and calm eyes suddenly became a little cold and gloomy, as if a completely different person.

The tower looks small from the outside, but the space inside is much larger. He walked all the way to the depths of the thirteenth floor, and finally came to a room filled with white light everywhere.

This entire floor is Heike's office, but in fact he is responsible for only one thing.

On the other side of this room, which is always bright as day, there is a separate space separated by glass, or a prison cell.

There were no vicious prisoners in that cell, and it was empty, just a scarecrow in a tattered robe, holding an old kerosene lamp in one hand and a rusty sickle in the other.

The straw man looks ordinary from the outside, like an inferior product temporarily fabricated by a farmer, but every time Heike saw it in the past, he always felt cold all over his body.

But this time, he didn't choose to avoid his gaze anymore, but used those numb, empty eyes to stare at the grass man's sunken in, where it should be his eyes.

"Fei, I know you're very unwilling."

Completely different from Heike's normal tone, an indifferent voice resounded in the room.

"That person shattered your hopes of returning to the best times ever, and you want to seek revenge from him and escape again."

"At this point, our purpose is the same. So, my master wants to make a deal with you."

"Heck" bent down and gently placed a gray crown with maroon blood on it on the ground.

"We can help you erase the last bit of inadequacy, but before killing that person, you have to take him to meet my master."

His voice fell, and the room fell silent again.

The straw man locked in the glass cover was motionless, except that it looked more terrifying, as if it was the same as the decorations in the fields to drive away harmful birds.

"Heck" finished saying what he had to say, and after putting down the crown, he did not continue to stay in this room, turned and left directly.

After he went out, the white light all over the room suddenly went out!

The pitch-black space was still silent at first, but it didn't take long before a "crunching" sound, like wood rubbing, suddenly sounded.

Two scarlet lights slowly lit up in the darkness, and a hoarse, roaring voice echoed in the dead silence.

"Fed-Tik--! The evil--unforgivable--!"


Hermione was looking forward to the new semester's arithmetic and divination class.

Ever since she took Trelawney's divination class, where divination is all guesswork, and prophecies are all curses, she has become more and more fond of arithmetic divination classes with rational thinking.

In particular, this semester's class was still taught by Shilk. Although she didn't have much contact with Shilk, she only met once, and didn't even say a few words.

But she felt that if she could get along with someone as knowledgeable as Sherlock, the teaching level of Sister Silk would not be too bad either.

The result was exactly as she had guessed.

Shilk has done enough preparation for the class. According to her indifferent personality, she is not very suitable for being a teacher, because she basically does not have any communication with students.

But after she "reunited" with Sherlock, she changed a lot and became more and more like a normal girl.

In terms of theoretical knowledge and practice, Hilke, who has lived in the German Department of Mysteries for more than ten years, can crush most fortune-tellers from academies. In addition, there are occasional interactions in her classes, so the first section class was very successful.

The few dozen or so little wizards who took the arithmetic and divination class in the fourth grade made it clear that they liked such a class.

At the same time in class, Hermione's attentive eyes spotted the bottle of Flux on Shilk's neck, which she had seen on Sherlock before.

It was easy for her to It was given to her by Professor Forrest.

After class, Hermione found Harry and Ron scowling as they came out of the divination classroom.

It can be seen that they are not very happy in this class.

"Sister Hilke's class was great and more interesting than what Professor Victor taught before."

Hearing Hermione's show, Harry and Ron's faces became longer, and before they could speak, a heavy snort came from their side.

Wearing glasses, the thin Professor Trelawney passed by them with a stern face. She had always been very hostile to Hermione, and now she would not be very happy to hear her say such words.

After she had gone far enough, Ron whispered.

"She made us draw a horoscope for a class and guessed Harry's birth time wrong, and those two classes were terrible."

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