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Although Sherlock didn't mention Barty Jr.'s question, he told Kingsley about the lead.

"I connected the pulling hand to one of the wizards who escaped, but the connection was disconnected after only showing the location for a moment. Some of them should have found the problem. The final location is in the far north of Derbyshire. A small town, you can send someone to investigate now, but there is a high probability that nothing will be found."

Kingsley was naturally very attentive to Sherlock's words. He immediately went out and ordered two Aurors who could directly Apparate to Derbyshire to investigate the situation and then return to the interrogation room.

"Where did you get that pulling hand?" he asked with a frown.

Sherlock didn't tell the truth, and Tanshou made a random excuse.

"I bought it from an unknown wizard in Knockturn Alley. You have to help me hide this. I don't want to be charged with multiple charges of reselling black magic items."

Kingsley nodded.

"It doesn't matter if you are discovered. You are helping the Ministry of Magic with black magic items, and no one will hold you accountable."

"In the end, it's a civil servant, it's just different when you talk."

After that, Kingsley simply made a few notes for them, and after applying for it, he released Sherlock and Silk from the Ministry of Magic.

Coming out of the Ministry of Magic, Sherlock's normally relaxed face slowly turned gloomy.

Shilk noticed his change.

"What happened?"

Sherlock frowned.

"The reason why the pulling hand is listed as a black magic item is not only that the material it is made of requires human hands, but the pulling magic attached to this thing is almost impossible to be found. But now the connection is broken, which means that someone found Barty at a glance. problems."

"Having such eyesight shows that he has regained part of his strength." He muttered to himself.

Then he turned to look at Shilk.

"You help me report to Weasley's house and say I'm fine, I'm going to Hogwarts now."

Shilk nodded and used Apparition to leave.

Sherlock did not stay in place for too long after she left, and went directly to Hogsmeade, and returned to Hogwarts Castle along Hogsmeade.

It was still a week before he left school. The castle was very deserted. He went up the stairs and came directly to the stone monster on the third floor.

"Is Professor Dumbledore in the office now?"

The stone monster didn't make a sound, but was silent for a moment, as if asking someone in the office.

After a few seconds, it jumped aside on its own, showing Sherlock a way forward.

Sherlock walked along the spiral staircase to the end, reaching the eighth floor and pushing open the door to Dumbledore's office.

Dumbledore was holding a letter at this time, and looked at the contents of the letter with a serious expression. After Sherlock came in, his face softened.

"Hey, I just got the news that there was an accident at the Quidditch World Cup. I was wondering if you would come to me today, but now you are here."

Sherlock was not as relaxed as he had shown. He restrained the expression on his face so that people could not see what he was thinking at the moment, and sat opposite Dumbledore.

"I saw Barty Crouch Jr. in the audience."

Sherlock's words made Dumbledore's face also solemn. He put down the letter in his hand and motioned for Sherlock to continue.

"You should know that I mastered a strange magic from what my mother left behind, and I used this magic to find Barty Crouch Jr. in an invisibility cloak beside him in the audience at the finals. And Winky, the Crouch house-elf, was with him."

They are all smart people, no need for extra explanation, just emphasizing this matter like this, Dumbledore can hear the problem.

"Barty knew his son was still alive and had been hiding him," Dumbledore said in a deep voice.

"And little Barty's state is very wrong, he seems to be controlled by old Barty, and the house elf has been watching him by his side."

"When I went back to the past, I had a grudge with him, and I always felt that it was not easy for him to come to the World Cup final. I followed him after the game."

"The timing of the chaos was very clever. Someone was helping Barty Jr. to create a chance to escape. He finally succeeded. He used a black mark on the sky and turned with three people wearing masks."

Dumbledore murmured softly.

"Death Eaters."

"Yes, Death Eaters, they all have tattoos of the Dark Lord's mark on their bodies, plus those masks, they are Death Eaters who disappeared without being liquidated by the Ministry of Magic after the Dark Lord disappeared."

"They wanted to leave with Barty, and I stopped them, and Barty recognized me and said my mother's name."

When Sherlock said this, he kept staring at Dumbledore's eyes, and he deliberately paused for a moment.

"He told me some unknown things that you have been reluctant to tell me."

Dumbledore's eyes were deep, and he seemed to be avoiding Sherlock's eyes, tapping his fingers lightly on the table top of the desk.

"He wants to **** you off."

"I don't deny this," Sherlock said calmly, "and he did it successfully. I was really angry, and even planned to use the Death-Slaying Curse, and put it into action."

Dumbledore frowned suddenly.

"You killed them with a life-suppressing spell?"

Sherlock took a deep breath.

"It may be the reason why I used the life-threatening spell for the first time. The life-threatening spell I used did not directly cause people to die. They just kept bleeding and didn't die. When they wanted to escape, I used polymorphism. Killed two."

Hearing him say this, Dumbledore's brows stretched out. He looked at Sherlock with complicated eyes, but the most emotion was still gratification.

"Dark magic, especially the three unforgivable spells, requires the user to have infinite malice in order to use it successfully. Compared with the other two spells, the life-threatening spell is even more so. I am glad that although you are excited by him, your heart is Angry but still didn't use that spell Sherlock."

"What happens when you use it?" Sherlock asked flatly.

"It won't matter, black magic is very dangerous, but the erosion of people's minds can't be achieved in an instant." Dumbledore's voice was calm but extremely solemn, "Many wizards use the life-threatening spell for the first time, They will be immersed in the pleasure of depriving others of their lives at will, and the use of the life-suppressing spell begins to be unscrupulous, that is, at this time, black magic has eroded their minds."

Sherlock understood what Dumbledore was saying, but he thought of something more.

When using the Patronus Charm with hundreds of wands, the excessive positive emotions directly and completely infected him and affected his thinking.

If he were to actually use the hundreds of death-killing spells tonight, what would the negative emotions that came back would make him look like?

He didn't think about it, but he was vigilant, and he tried his best not to use multiple wands to touch such unforgivable spells as the Life-threatening Curse in the future.

"I want to know if what he said is true?" Sherlock stared into Dumbledore's eyes and calmly asked his purpose for this trip.

"Caught by Voldemort, tortured into madness, and released."

Dumbledore was silent.

She looked at Sherlock, and remained silent for a long time.

After three minutes, he stood up from his chair with a sigh, pacing the office, obviously hesitating.

"Did you kill Barty in the back?" He asked an irrelevant question.

"Killed, but I let someone go." Sherlock didn't hide anything. "The Death Eater took Barty Jr.'s body away. I want to use his body to find the Dark Lord's current hiding place. But as soon as I got a spot, the magic I put in Barty Jr. was discovered."

Dumbledore was not surprised by this result.

If Voldemort really had such a good plan, he wouldn't have such a big influence in the wizarding world.

"Did the Death Eater who escaped recognize you?"

"He called out my identity."

Sherlock's words seemed to have completely made up Dumbledore's mind. He turned around and walked to the wall covered with portraits of previous principals, and found a portrait of an elderly and kind witch.

"Daris, give me that contract."

In the portrait, the benevolent witch appears to have taken something out of her robe pocket and handed it to Dumbledore through the frame.

The old piece of parchment, like this, magically came out of the frame, and Dumbledore reached out and took it in his hand.

Sherlock has been paying attention to Dumbledore's movements, and he saw more than a dozen densely packed names from Some of them have turned gray and white, and some are still the color of dark green ink.

After Dumbledore got the contract, he didn't mean to show it to Sherlock, but waved directly to Fox, the phoenix perched on the golden branch behind the door, and handed the parchment to its sharp beak.

"Excuse me, Fox," said Dumbledore softly.

Fox tweeted, as if giving a response, it returned to the golden branch with the parchment in its mouth, flapped its wings twice, and then a golden red fire suddenly appeared on its body!

A painful chirping sounded.

The flames devoured Fox's entire body and the parchment in an instant!

"That contract can only be destroyed by the flames generated by the Phoenix Nirvana. Although Fox hasn't reached the time yet, he can only trouble him to advance Nirvana."

Dumbledore looked at Fox, who had turned into a fireball, and explained to Sherlock softly.

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