Lu Ming

Page 93

As a result, the reward silver and pension that a certain force had just acquired were given away again.Not only the money was sent out, but also high-end industrial products of equivalent value: Lao Xiong would not send Xiong Qi to Haidong Commercial Bank to buy light soy sauce, but if he wanted to buy it, it should be a kerosene lamp that has become popular in Fujian and Zhejiang, and has caused a sensation in the elite circles of the capital. That's right.

The joyful spoils sharing meeting was thus completed.

After receiving the most precious political contributions and VIP cards, the bosses not only tacitly returned the public funds, but also turned a blind eye to the trophies of the crossing crowd, as if they hadn't been confiscated.

There are still many seized.

Not counting the more than 2 pirates who are the most precious in the eyes of the crossing people, even if it is cash, the total value of the goods confiscated from Li Kuiqi and the Zheng family exceeds 80 taels of silver.In addition, the crossing forces also obtained nearly 700 ships of various types.These Chinese boats range from a small dilapidated fishing boat to a large Fuchuan with thousands of materials.

Now that these materials have entered the stomachs of the traversers, it is impossible to vomit.

... After the spoils were divided, the bosses went back to write memorials that night.And a certain guerrilla general with a small official position would naturally have to cooperate with the above form to report the good news to the emperor.Of course, Huang Juren is the only one who can write memorials in the crossing crowd, so he will do it for him.

After this battle, Xiong Wencan and Cao Chuan will be promoted without accident.Referring to the history of the same period, Xiong Wencan will probably be able to raise his own official, the fourth-rank Youqian capital censor, to become a third-rank deputy capital censor.

Chapter 245 Construction and Prospects

In history, after Zheng Zhilong was recruited, he continued to fight against pirates and was constantly promoted, so that he became the deputy general of South Australia five years later; after the last wave of pirates Liu Xiang was wiped out, Zheng Zhilong was promoted to the general of Fujian. .

In the plane of crossing the public, because the pirates were almost made dumplings at one time, and Liu Xiang, the only one who became an organization and escaped, also went to Guangdong Hai, so Cao Chuan’s contribution this time is much greater than in history. Now let’s see The official hats that Chongzhen will send out have come down.


Early the next morning, many memorials from Fujian official circles began to embark on the road of urgent delivery of military information.At the same time, another official document from the governor's yamen was sent from Fuzhou City to all parts of Fujian.

This official document is the long-awaited immigration plan across the board.In the official document, Xiong Wencan expressly stated that the people-friendly officials from all over the country: the victims of the severe drought can be brought together to Fuzhou or Xiamen Zhongzuo, and these people will be accepted by the guerrilla general Cao Chuan.

In history, Zheng Zhilong used this method to lure tens of thousands of immigrants to Taiwan to reclaim wasteland: "People give three taels of silver, and households give a cow." In fact, when immigrants go to Taiwan, they will find that silver Yes, but there must not be many cows, so Zheng Zhilong is a big fool.

Of course the time-travelers will learn this lesson.Afterwards, in the immigrant notices posted in Fuzhou City and various places in southern Fujian, they did not promise money or cattle, but only promised job opportunities, housing and enough food.

On August 1628, 8, the 29th day after the start of the Zhangzhou Bay Pirate Annihilation War, Zhongzuosuo City in the south of Xiamen Island.

A large number of workers are busy near the pier.And a square, flat-deck monster ship is using the crane on the bow to lift the sunken ships one after another and transfer them to the shore.

This ship is the latest flat-deck engineering ship "Haidilao Type III" produced by Taijiang Shipyard.The Haidilao Type III with bulwarks was the key project of the shipyard in 1628. It not only installed a crane, but also had a diesel power system, which could cross the strait under low sea conditions at a speed of 5 knots. It took up a lot of imports. A high-end ship type for supplies.

Haidilao departed from Dayuan 3 days ago, and it took two days for the goods to arrive at Zhongzuo under the escort of a large number of ships.

At this moment in Zhangzhou Bay, the situation has quickly calmed down.Under the joint search of officers and soldiers at sea and guard soldiers on land, most of the exiled pirates entered the prisoner camp within a week... Don't think that the guard soldiers have no fighting power. The price of 3 taels of silver per person is enough to make 50 A guard soldier rushed towards the 10 escaped pirates with red eyes while roaring.

After Zhangzhou Bay is cleaned up, the Travelers will start construction on Xiamen Island.

In terms of geographical location, Xiamen Island, which is stuck at the mouth of Zhangzhou Bay, is more suitable for overseas trade than Yuegang.

In history, Zheng Zhilong relied on the geographical advantages of Zhongzuo Institute to vigorously develop foreign trade, and managed Xiamen as his lair and international trade port.He first monopolized the foreign trade rights in his own hands by attacking Yuegang and other pirates; then he began to sell command flags: 3000 taels of silver a side, whoever runs the sea trade will know.

This rough management method is suitable for Zheng Zhilong, not for the people who travel through.

Lao Zheng is a monopoly, and the people who travel through are all-round cast nets.For the traversing forces that have opened up the trade support points of Hangzhou-Fuzhou-Dayuan-Nagasaki, Xiamen is just one of the outlets in the big business structure, and it is far less important than Zheng Zhilong's life.

You know, in the plan of the crossover crowd, after two or three years at the most, the gentlemen plan to go to Panyu to speculate in real estate, or even grab the Portuguese land to build a casino.Therefore, Xiamen Island in this plane is just an ordinary trading port, and it is not worth fighting.

Of course, the Central Left Institute is still very important right now, and there are also necessary buildings: heavy-duty docks, warehouses, hotels, blockhouses... Of course, there are also the most important boiler rooms and combined power generation equipment.

With the return of the first wave of lucky boats transporting pirates to Dayuan, a large number of skilled construction workers and construction materials were also transported to Zhongzuo Institute.The wharf area, which was originally dilapidated, has now started construction work in full swing.


The first thing to be installed is a boiler system located in a simple wooden shed.

This set of boilers named "Jingsang Type I" is a three-pass horizontal atmospheric pressure fire tube boiler independently designed and built by the kiln base according to its own conditions, imitating the commonly used boiler models of later generations. The "Jingsang" series boilers have a complete range of models, ranging from 0.5 tons to 5 tons. Now they have become an indispensable spare part in the society.

The boiler that was transported to the Zhongzuo Institute is small in size, about the same as a general small box of goods, with a level of 3 tons.Due to uncertainty in the welding process and large-scale coiling process, the boilers currently produced in the kiln area are all square riveted shells.

Riveting is an industrial connection method with relatively low requirements.The kiln area uses a small amount of riveting machine + manual operation, and the effect is quite good.After all, these boilers are all atmospheric fire tube boilers, and the requirements are not so high.

Fire tube boilers are a bit LOW compared to water tube boilers.

The heating surface of the water tube boiler is composed of many small curved tubes. This kind of boiler can withstand high pressure and has high thermal efficiency. After using the superheater, economizer and preheater, the boiler efficiency can reach more than 90%.

The disadvantages of water tube boilers are complex structure, large volume, high requirements for automation control and operation level, and are only suitable for large and medium-sized factories and power plants.

With the poor industrial foundation capabilities of the crossing crowd, it is impossible to build this thing, nor can it serve this thing... At least for the time being.

Therefore, fire tube boilers dominate the country.

The structure of the fire tube boiler is simple and compact, and the requirement for water quality is lower than that of the water tube boiler. It is the boiler that is most in line with the original industrial production.Although the thermal efficiency of the fire tube is low and it is sensitive to pressure, the crossover does not worry about fuel and does not require high pressure. These two defects are indifferent.

The fuel is the planks of those wrecked ships.

There were originally more than 30 wooden boats sunk by shells in Zhongzuosuo wharf area.Because these ships blocked the channel, they were immediately dragged to the shore by Haidilao to be demolished.

Then it was the turn of the shabby fishing boats.Among the nearly 700 ships of various colors seized by the crossing crowd, this kind of dilapidated fishing boat full of rats and cockroaches accounted for nearly half of the number.

The above-mentioned junk with small cargo capacity and no ability to sail will eventually be taken to burn boilers.As for the remaining more than 300 Chinese-style ships, mainly Fuzhou, Guangzhou, and Niaochuan, they will all be sold by the crossing people to invigorate the local economy—if there are small entrepreneurs who can take advantage of Fujian’s dense The water network organizes the goods needed by the crossing people, such as coal and iron materials, so this side can even "loan a ship" to him to transport the goods, and the crossing people don't even ask for interest.

For a certain force whose industrial capabilities are becoming stronger and stronger, it disdains to use these miscellaneous ships.In the eyes of the public, the "new lock ship", in which most of the parts can be replaced by standard parts in the warehouse, will be the main transportation force in the future.

Since the fuel is water-containing wood, the boiler shed with billowing black smoke is very eye-catching in the dock area.Next to the boiler shed, the brick generator room is being built.The core of this is a set of wood gas furnace produced by the kiln area + imported gas generator.

Motors will bring searchlights, street lights, and future lighthouse lighting to the Docklands.


A construction army of nearly 2000 people is currently fighting in the center left.

And these people were not all sent by the members of the Congregation.At least 500 of them are civilians hired by the comprador merchant group headed by Xu Xinsu in Yuegang.These people are responsible for the important task of building a commercial bank and warehouse for Xu Daba.

Since the time when Mr. Xu joined the time-traveling crowd, he first escaped from a fatal situation, then regained his position step by step, and finally gained a firm foothold. Finally, during the incident against Zheng Zhilong by the time-traveling crowd, Mr. Xu jumped up and down among them Jump and do your part.

Now that he has completed PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and Diaosi's counterattack, Xu Bazong, who has completed these two major achievements, has begun to play the role of the head of the returning home team in Yuegang.

The head of the group is not only rebuilding Yuegang recently, but also purchased the land according to the design plan of the Central Left Institute presented by the cross-travelers, and is going to lead the comprador merchants to a big fight.

And the time-traveling people are naturally happy to see the results.You must know that the contestants in the Xuda comprador group are all businessmen with purchase and sales channels in southern Fujian, and they are natural regional distributors.These people can not only bring all kinds of industrial materials to the cross-travelers, but also men and women.

And the current job of Transit is very simple: just set up the Minnan Industrial Products Wholesale Corporation, and then divide them into their respective agency areas, and that's OK.After that, Xu Ba can always be promoted to the general agent in the Zhangquan area, and he will be happy to reach the pinnacle of his life.

In short, when most of the pirates that have ravaged the coast are wiped out, the entire Fujian region will soon usher in a wave of economic rebound and construction climax.And this kind of situation will gradually evolve into a deep-seated social change storm under the influence of the time-traveling forces, pushing everyone on the road of rebirth involuntarily.

The dividends of eliminating pirates are much more than that.As planned in advance, after this battle, a certain frontier force that lived in a corner officially entered the stage of disputes in the late Ming Dynasty, and made a name for itself in the Ming court.

However, given the current deteriorating predicament of the Ming court, Emperor Chongzhen would not have to "trouble" a lot of crossing people to protect the country and preserve the country for him in the future-this is exactly in the hands of some people with ulterior motives.

Unlike Zheng Zhilong, who was beaten to death in history and never left his nest, Travelers here is very happy to "give a brother a hand".

Whether it is the black soil outside the customs where slaves are rampant, or the hinterland of the Central Plains where rebels are everywhere, the people who travel through are very willing to visit these places, place their own trade lines and rumbling machines in those places, and become a place to control the situation everywhere. fulcrum.

The Ming Dynasty, on the other hand, will get its due destination at an appropriate time after the layout of the crossing forces is completed.

Chapter 246 Upgrade

September 1628, 9, Dayuan Island, Imperial City.


Elegantly holding his own cardboard box, with a smile on his face, surrounded by everyone, Mr. Xia Zhongtang led a group of crossing people, and solemnly stepped into the gate of the imperial city, just like someone who moved into a luxurious new government building. It is the same as the grandfather of the poor counties.

Located in the center of Dayuan Island, the Imperial City consists of a two-story basement and a three-story ground building, with prominent square-column turrets at the four corners.In fact, if patterns and reliefs are carved on the windows and walls outside the imperial city, and the turrets are turned into sharp peaks, then a Victorian style castle will appear.

It's a pity that the poor don't have the resources to mess around. The so-called imperial city is actually a simple rectangular red brick shopping mall.

There are two floors in the basement of the Imperial City, which store the most valuable possessions of the crossing people, such as spare computers.In addition, the floor height of the basement is three meters, and there is a quarter of the isolation area on the south side, which is to facilitate Cao Chuan to transport and carry those 2.8-meter boxes back and forth.

The first and second floors of the ground surface are in the form of ordinary government office buildings, with offices with bright glass windows on both sides of the corridor.It is worth mentioning that the sewage system in the imperial city is very complete, and the small water towers and septic tanks built nearby perfectly solved the three urgent problems of the old men.

All rooms are well-decorated—just cement floors and whitewashed walls, guaranteed to be formaldehyde-free.Of course, the office furniture here is still very attractive: either huanghuali or red sandalwood.

The essence of the entire imperial city is on the third floor, where the official "Imperial Palace" is located.

The third-floor hall, which is two circles smaller than the bottom seat, is a column-free hall built with reinforced concrete.The main hall is 5 meters high and covers an area of ​​500 square meters. It is a place specially used for holding conferences and ceremonies.

On the top of the main hall, there is an Eiffel-style telecommunications tower that is common in later generations, and it is filled with various communication equipment and radars.

The blue glass curtain wall specially imported from later generations immediately raised the majestic style of the imperial palace to the first level in the original plane.At the same time, the interior of the palace is of poor quality: it is necessary to save imported materials, but also to look magnificent, and to meet the deadline, so the construction workers are on the ceiling and the abutment of the dragon chair, A lot of gold leaf was pasted to fool people.

In this way, the lack of various fine reliefs and artistic sense of gold leaf interior immediately reveals the temperament of a certain group of nouveau riche.

The imperial platform with three steps is also a model of shoddy construction.Except for the thick red sandalwood steps and a rosewood "dragon chair", it has no characteristics on the whole, and it is in the same style as the podium in the auditorium of the unit.The only extravagance is that the ground of the palace is paved with imported floor tiles...

In addition, the dragon chair faces north from south.

It can't blame those few goods.After all, designers from later generations haven't designed the palace for many years...since 1912.

Fortunately, these are minor issues.In fact, these space-time travelers across the planes are generally critical of the so-called traditions, especially those designs used by the feudal society to maintain the mystery of the emperor-the society created by the people must be an emperor. A society that often shows people-friendly gestures on TV does not need those mysterious things.

As a result, an upstart palace with blue and gold as the main tone and condensed the style of the auditorium of the unit was built in this way.

Cao Chuan, who used to show off the image of a Buddhist boss, was invited to visit the entire building on the day the imperial city was completed, and expressed his satisfaction with the project with a smile.After that, he exercised his right and named the hall "Jianyuan Hall".

The completion of the Jianyuan Hall marks a big step forward in the great cause of nation-building through the forces of crossing, and has come to the stage of substantive operation.And time is running out for a group of people who are there all day to "tear for the country".Because they have to reach a consensus on some long-delayed issues before the enthronement ceremony-it can't be that everyone is enthroned, and even the constitution and the national flag have not been finalized here, right?


In addition, the date of enthronement has been preliminarily determined as November 2, two months later...a very loving day.

...Since there is still some time before enthronement, the current period of working in the imperial city can only be regarded as a "trial run".

Since it is a trial run, it is necessary to test the various functions of the building, right?So on September 9st, the comrades moved into the new office building, and opened the Imperial City Party on the terrace outside the gate of Jianyuan Hall.

A large number of time travelers rushed over after hearing the sound, and then the scene got out of hand. Within an hour, the time travelers who heard that there were self-brewing beer and grilled seafood activities all came here.

From noon, strong heavy metal music sounded in the direction of the imperial city.If the natives have good eyesight, they can see that on the second-floor platform of the Imperial City, which is shining with blue light, someone is wearing earphones, twisting their buttocks, and flipping lobster, abalone and money spot on the grill with both hands. .

Most of the people eating barbecue held a glass of self-brewed beer in their hands, and everyone chatted and farted in groups inside and outside the palace, enjoying themselves, including the people in the big office, it seemed that today they were all gone from the filth of the past.

At this time, Chairman Cao, who has always been elusive, also came out from the secret door behind the dragon chair—the secret door is connected to an independent bedroom and basement, which can guarantee Cao Chuan's freedom to come and go.

When everyone saw Mr. Cao suddenly appearing, they were taken aback for a moment, and then raised their glasses to wish Mr. Cao will be healthy forever... and Cao Chuan, who usually does not participate in such multi-person activities, seems to be in his own palace today. He came to the "crowd" with a smile, picked up a glass of beer, and drank a glass with everyone.

After the atmosphere reached its climax, the next thing is Mr. Cao's exclusive repertoire: opening the box.

You know, since Mr. Cao visited the imperial city 10 days ago and then disappeared from behind the dragon chair, today is the first time he has shown his face.So everyone excitedly hugged Mr. Cao to the gate of Jianyuan Hall, wanting to see what good things are in the box for the first time.

Cao Chuan was already familiar with this situation.I saw him smiling and walking a few steps forward, bypassing a square table full of various fruits and vegetables, and then looking back at the beer glass, excitedly passing through the crowd, he stretched out his left hand.

Before that, the left hand was always in the trouser pocket.

Today, after Cao Chuan stretched out his left hand, what was different from usual was that he deliberately raised that hand above his head and shook it behind him.

Next, amidst several exclamations, Cao Chuan clapped his hands like a juggler, and a familiar 2.8-meter container appeared in front of him.

After finishing this action, Cao Chuan turned around abruptly, picked up a tomato on the table, and smashed the tomato viciously at a group of people who were full of surprises and were exclaiming "Where is the ring?" .

Chapter 247 Continued Upgrade

After the sound of "bang", a traverser standing in the front row of the crowd was immediately smashed by a tomato, his face was full of peach blossoms.

The grilling master who was carefully roasting the sheep eggs and was about to curry favor with Mr. Cao saw that the situation was not good, so he quickly reached out and turned off the stereo, and the scene fell silent in an instant.

"Where is the ring?" Cao Chuan walked over slowly with a frosty face: "I forgot the ring at home. Since you care so much about the ring, why don't I take you back to get it?"

Having said that, Cao Chuan slowly spread his hands: "Come, pick one."

With a "Hula", a large piece of space suddenly opened up around Brother Tomato.Although the people present couldn't guess why Mr. Cao got mad, they instinctively reminded them to stay away-what if Cao Chuan waved his hand to take away the guy in front of him?Wouldn't it be "accepted by mistake" if I stood by myself?

Everyone on earth knows that if there is no airtight box, people will die if they put it in...

And the red-faced Brother Tomato had already turned pale with shock and was incoherent.Facing the cold Cao Chuan, the only thing he can do now is to stammer, "I'm not, I don't, Mr. Cao, don't think about it."

The arena was still silent.Everyone was staring at Cao Chuan's outstretched hands, not letting go of even a tiny movement.After about a minute, Cao Chuan finally made a decision; he waved his hand... and said softly: "Get lost".

Since the word "scroll" does not have a subject, everyone present probably has a share, so the crowd immediately dispersed.

The only one left on the court was Xia Xianze.

And Cao Chuan sighed, and then he walked into the hall with his hands behind his back in a little silence, walked straight all the way, and finally sat on the dragon chair whose chair was not like a chair, and the bed was not like a bed.

Looking at Xia Xianze who followed all the way and then sat silently at the bottom, Cao Chuan said with a little emotion: "Do you remember the conversation we two had in the backyard? It seems like it was yesterday."

Xia Xianze nodded: "Yes, time flies so fast, a year and a half has passed in the blink of an eye."

Cao Chuan didn't speak any more, and the scene fell into silence again.

Seeing Cao Chuan who seemed to have entered the memory mode, Xia Xianze waited helplessly for a while, then touched his nose, laughed awkwardly and said, " know I have a responsibility, so I still have to ask you... ...Where did the ring go?"

Cao Chuan bowed his head when he heard the sound, looked at the slightly nervous Xia Xianze, and couldn't help laughing: "The ring didn't go anywhere, it's here." Speaking of which, he pointed to the tip of his nose.

"You mean?"

"Well, the ring was upgraded 5 days ago, and I didn't expect it. You can't see it now."

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