Lu Ming

Page 92


From the moment his ship was hit by three iron balls at the same time, Li Kuiqi's ambitions were finally completely shattered.

His ideals were shattered so quickly that even after he changed a boat, his mental outlook was still in a state of disillusionment.You know, not long ago, he replaced that junior who was dedicated to recruiting security. He had just stepped onto the pinnacle of his life and became the leader of a gang with 3 soldiers, a thousand warships, and the most powerful leader in Nantian.

However, fate made a huge joke for him here—the killing god in the dark night destroyed all his capital.

The sudden opponent was too cruel.They are cunning and act like gods and ghosts. Li Kuiqi tried his best and couldn't keep up with the opponent's rhythm... This is the most fundamental reason for his defeat today: he couldn't adapt to the new rhythm of war.

Theoretically speaking, after the night of burning the company camp, Li Kuiqi should immediately abandon all his ambitions, then disband the gang, break it up into pieces, and switch to guerrilla warfare.

However, this is only a theory after all.Li Kuiqi does not have the perspective of God, he is just a traditional old pirate in the 17th century.So he hesitated, he procrastinated, and he was reluctant to go bankrupt and liquidate the property he had finally "usurped the throne".

So he didn't passively fight until the moment when the officers and soldiers attacked on a large scale. During the critical few days in between, he was actually helpless and sat waiting for death-he was not Zheng Zhilong, even if it was Zheng Zhilong, he still had no other choice but to surrender.

Li Kuiqi's remaining dreams were completely shattered as the ship slowly sank.After being escorted to another ship by a few confidantes, he could only take a deep look at those streamlined strange ships in the end, and finally said harshly: "Let's go"... that's all.

Riding on the chaotic chaos on the sea, Li Kuiqi and the only polished commander beside him, Comrade Zhong Bin, led a group of confidantes to turn the boat around. When everyone was trying to rush out of the open sea, they did not leave Take the usual road and return to Zhongzuo.

Zhongzuo naturally has a backhand here.

Seven or eight blessing boats loaded with all the goods, food, and weapons of the Liangtai are already on the dock and ready to go.As soon as Li Kuiqi and the others arrived at the pier, they boarded two of the most inconspicuous blessing boats without saying a word, and then the team said to Li Kuiqi: "The army is defeated. Brothers, go to Tongshan for a while, and see you in the future." Amidst the loud shouts, they scattered away.

After 5 ships loaded with crude goods were tricked into the open sea to clear the customs, Li Kuiqi deployed the rest of his confidantes, and two unremarkable lucky boats loaded with a large amount of silver rushed to the upper reaches of the Jiulong River.

Keeping back is a skill that any qualified leader must have, and Li Kuiqi is no exception.Before that, because his intelligence ability was far superior to that of ordinary minions, he had planned his escape route after the defeat.

And the road he chose now is the most difficult road in the plan, because he knows that the direction of the open sea is a dead end, and no one can break through the blockade of those strange ships that can see things in the dark.

The end point of this escape route is Zhangzhou Mansion on the upper reaches of the Jiulong River.After arriving in Zhangzhou Fucheng, he will first contact the local nest owner, then abandon the boat and go ashore, take the money and go south by land. After bypassing the government's blockade, he will buy a boat again in the Chaoshan area and go to sea for future affairs. .

However, just like Prime Minister Cao ran on Huarong Road back then, Comrade Li Kuiqi also encountered the same situation: after the boat sailed for 20 miles, Prime Minister Li was stopped at the gate of Yuegang.

There are two groups of people blocking the way.

Li Kuiqi was very familiar with these two groups: the leader of one group was Hu Ba, and the other was Xu Xinsu's subordinates.

Before today, these two were undoubtedly Li Kuiqi's good friends and good brothers.Xu Xinsu has been working hard to restore Yuegang's popularity during this time, and is always ready to help shopkeeper Li Da sell the stolen goods.

Not to mention Hu Ba, my good brother yesterday was so heroic and bold that he wanted to live and die with Prime Minister Li...

So when Li Kuiqi saw in the cabin that his two boats were surrounded by [-] or [-] boats rushing out of Moon Harbor, he was not very desperate - he still had the confidence to leave half of the money and leave.

Then Prime Minister Cao was stunned: when Yibo Yuntian's brothers saw him walk out of the cabin, the situation that was still in a state of confrontation was suddenly broken.

The people around Xu Xinsu who were wrapped in turbans immediately fired a round of guns, killing a few of Li Kuiqi's crewmen at the bow; while Hu Ba's side was even more direct, Yi Bo Yuntian's good brother jumped with a knife in his hand. Come over, go straight to the prime minister, there is no chance for the prime minister to cut his beard and run away.


The all-powerful Li Kuiqi was caught by his good brother just like that.But when the squadron of the crossing people rushed to Yuegang, they found that the plastic brothers were in conflict again: Hu Ba and Xu Xinsu's soldiers and horses were not willing to give in, and they drew their swords again for Li Kuiqi's first achievement...

The fleet quickly put Li Kuiqi and Zhong Bin as prisoners on board, and turned back to Jinmen.As for the two heroes, Hu Ba and Xu Xinsu, they can only escort the silver boat to Kinmen tomorrow morning... Yuegang is 50 kilometers away from Kinmen, and their lucky boat is not capable of night travel.

Li Kuiqi didn't expect that he would board the strange ship of the gangster so quickly - as a prisoner.

Standing on the fast-moving deck of the Youguang, Li Kuiqi looked at the strange objects on the ship, the shiny cannons, and the neatly dressed sailors. With his hands bound, he could only sigh at this moment, and then he was escorted into the cabin .

In the cabin, as he expected, there were several shabby men in blue and white double-breasted jackets.

Seeing Li Kuiqi and Zhong Bin being pushed through the door, one of the chubby men opened his mouth with a smile and asked, "Shopkeeper Li, I have known you for a long time, are you okay?"

Of course Li Kuiqi could hear the teasing meaning in the other party's words, so he opened his mouth and replied: "If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you, you don't need to insult me."

"Hehe, you're still quite stubborn." Wang Xiaohui and the others interviewed Li Kuiqi and Zhong Bin entirely to satisfy their own interest in meeting historical figures, and they had no intention of communicating with each other—what can they say with the two mortals? of?

So when Li Kuiqi finished speaking, Wang Xiaohui just shook his head, and then waved his hand to signal the soldiers to take the prisoner down.

Li Kuiqi in history had a sinister and vicious character. After falling out with Zheng Zhilong, many people who had a close relationship with Zheng Zhilong were killed by him.However, viciousness and fierceness are two concepts: he does not have the courage of Liu Xiang to commit suicide by throwing himself into the sea when he runs out of ammunition and food.In history, he was finally captured by Zheng Zhilong and Zhong Bin, the Dutch in 1630, and he got the end of a public display.


Youguang returned to the bay on the south side of the Golden Gate at 9 o'clock in the evening.

At this moment, Kinmen has become an island that never sleeps.Although the pier on the west side of the island and the pirate ship were burned down by gasoline cannons that night, the Weisuo City and the pier on the south side of the island, which had long been abandoned by the government, were there, so it became the base camp and temporary transshipment center of the coalition forces.

A large number of captured pirate ships were parked in a mess in the harbor, and their owners were all driven into the cabin, and the officers and soldiers who were guarding on the deck were excited, just waiting to "unload".

At the only pier in the guard, a Dutch ship was moored at the moment.The wires and searchlights temporarily connected from the destroyer ensured the working light in the dock area.

The next moment, a lucky boat was pulled to the side of the pier.Soon, under the dazzling beam of light, the pirates in the cabin were released one after another.These pirates were listless and hungry; after they walked out of the cabin, they were too shocked by the searchlight to speak.

After these people get out of the cabin, they will soon stumble and climb onto the Dutch ship amidst the pushing and pushing of the human wall formed by the guards, and will be stuffed into the cabin again.During this process, anyone who is injured will be singled out for simple disinfection treatment.Anyone who intends to resist and escape will be beaten to death on the spot without any hesitation.

Whenever a ship that docked was emptied, the account room that recorded the number of people on the side would give a sum of head money to the officers and soldiers who captured the ship: 3 taels for healthy ones, and 1 taels for wounded ones.

Chapter 243 Little Warlord

Although the Dutch and the Transiters were veterans of the slave trade, the work of loading the pirates that night was slow.

Only one wharf was flawed: the hulking Dutch boats had to be towed into place in turns, an act that took a lot of time.

But the crossing people must hurry up, because there are too many follow-up tasks; if you don't hurry up, there will be many unnecessary deaths if the delay continues.You know, these captured pirates are all good workers, soldiers and fishermen in the eyes of some people, but buddies spent money!

Ever since, with the efforts of all commanders and fighters, as of noon the next day, a total of 3500 pirates were stuffed into 10 Dutch ships, and only 700 people were stuffed into the Middelburg, which had the largest tonnage.

There is a reason why the Dutch fleet dared to load "cargo" in such a high density.First, since they were only here to participate in a battle with logistical support, only some ammunition and food were loaded on the ship, and there were many empty spaces.

Second, the navigation ships sent by the crossing public can allow the Dutch to cross the strait at the fastest speed-the navigation ships can use light beams to guide the fleet to take the shortest straight line at night.You must know that the straight-line distance between Kinmen and Dayuan is only 200 kilometers. Even at the normal speed of 4 knots per hour, the fleet will only need 27 hours to arrive at the port.

Pirates crammed into their cabins were given no food, only fresh water.Anyway, it was a short-distance transportation, and it would take more than 20 hours to reach the shore. Since these people have the strength to rob with knives, it must not be a big deal to go hungry for two days.


After filling the last "cargo", the Dutch left happily.And the transversal crowd also wished that the group of red hairs would leave as soon as possible, because the current focus of work had shifted to population transfer, and every day of delay, there would be some unnecessary downsizing among the captives.

During this trip, the red hairs made a lot of money.Because according to the contract, their mission actually ended last night... catching rout soldiers is not their job.So on this return trip to transport the pirates, the traveler had to pay the shipping fee to the Dutch.

Of course, the freight will not be a waste of money.The Dutch don't need silver, all they need is a bill of lading from a large warehouse - bleaching powder.

The stinky water and maggot-infested bread that ran through the entire age of voyage became the classic symbols of that era, almost like the Galen ships with white sails.

And when the Dutch saw that this magical white powder could purify stinky water, bleach immediately became an expensive luxury, and only the captain had the right to decide when to use it.

After sending away the Dutch, Liu Zhe and the others looked at all kinds of ships all over the harbor and the vast number of captured pirates, and they probably started to organize the second wave of cross-sea shipping.

After the original nearly 2 pirate soldiers were dispersed yesterday, after a day and night of arrests, there are now 7000 more captives on Kinmen Island.And if these people cannot be transported away in time, Kinmen, which has no infrastructure, will soon become a garbage dump/plague field, and a large number of prisoners will be infected.

Fortunately, with the collapse of the pirate gang, the two blockade lines that were originally guarded by heavily armed forces can gradually reduce their forces.So Liu Zhe began to transfer back 30 sandboats from the Maweishui camp one after another, and entrusted all the work of capturing prisoners in Zhangzhou Bay to the officers and soldiers.

As for the blockade work, it was handed over to two destroyers and speedboats-the two seemingly wide blockade lines were actually only 10 kilometers at the widest point, and only two or three small boats were needed to completely block them.Once a small group of pirate ships intends to break through, they will find destroyers coming from afar at high speed.

And the officers and soldiers scurrying in Zhangzhou Bay in groups have now shown confidence: they know that there are two-two groups of high-speed frigates behind them, and they can launch flag flower rockets to report when they encounter uncertain opponents, so the officers and soldiers are now Everyone is brave and strives to be the first.

After the Dutch left, ten sandships from the Horsetail Barracks quickly arrived.

The next ones to board the ship were the wounded who had received initial treatment, as well as women, children and old men.Some of the pirates brought their families with them, especially the pirates who were born in the coastal villages. When they went out, they were pirates.

Although the above-mentioned special people are small in number, they occupy a large area: these people cannot be stuffed in the cabin like sardines, so they enjoy the beds.In addition, high-value women and children also received enough food and purified water.

Speaking of water, there is actually no water in Kinmen... This refers to the standard of tap water in later generations.Kinmen itself is just an island similar to Dayuan. Since ancient times, fishermen here have relied on rainwater and drilling wells to survive. The local groundwater quality is the same as Dayuan: brackish water.

The drinking water problem in Kinmen was not completely resolved until 2018: the mainland used ductile iron pipes to bring tap water to Kinmen County... It has to be said that it is an excellent example of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

Kinmen's brackish groundwater is not drunk by ordinary people.Since Liu Zhe built the temporary base camp here, he quickly dispatched a flat-bottomed water fetching boat to fetch water from the mainland 10 kilometers away.

At the same time as the water fetching boats were dispatched, a set of emergency water purification facilities were also put into use.This is a set of marine reverse osmosis membrane seawater purification equipment that is common in later generations.Since only the brackish water drawn from the well needs to be purified, the unit works very efficiently, reaching a water output of 4 tons per hour.

The above-mentioned water intake methods barely supported the first wave of geometrically increased water use for port personnel.And when the 10 ponytail sand boats had loaded all the women and children, the sailors on board began to be assigned again.Everyone picked 30 pirate ships that were in good condition from the captured pirate ships, and then wiped out the remaining 5000 pirates, formed a large formation, and immediately left across the sea.


Standing on the dock and looking at the gradually disappearing shadow of the boat, Liu Zhe finally let out a sigh of relief: The largest joint military operation in the history of the crossing forces has come to an end here.

After more than 8000 pirates were transported away, the shore was completely empty.There will be no more large waves of captives coming: Although there are no less than 7000 pirates in Zhangzhou Bay at the moment, they will eventually be sent to Jinmen, and it is estimated that there will be no more than [-] pirates.These people will come one after another in the days to come, so Liu Zhe and the others can organize some small fleets to transport them as they arrive, without much pressure.

Turning his head and returning from the pier with his subordinates, when Liu Zhe came to the door of the Chinese army tent, he first glanced at a Ming man who was standing by the door and smiling apologetically at him, and then said lightly: "Come in".

The big tent of the Chinese army that traveled through the crowd was not made of cowhide, but made of colored steel.

After Liu Zhe entered the simple room, he first took off the big-brimmed hat on his head, and then loosened the collar button, then leaned on the chair and said to the person in front of him: "Since Zheng Zhifeng and the others didn't come, you must be here." Bargaining."

... The man who entered the room was tall and fat, in his fifties, dressed in an indigo muslin robe, with a rich face, he looked like a wealthy businessman.However, this person is not a businessman: he is the elder of the Zheng family, named Zheng Dou, and he came here today to be a lobbyist.

After being left hanging at the door of the iron "big tent" of the gang of Kun people for half a day, Zheng Dou finally got to meet the Kun people general in strange clothes and hats.

After hearing Liu Zhe's question, Zheng Dou, who had been prepared for a long time, laughed and was ready to speak...but Liu Zhe didn't give him this chance.

The irritable Liu Zhe first held out a finger to stop the other party, and then he said: "Listen well, at noon tomorrow, all the Zheng family gang must come here to surrender. From Zheng Zhifeng down, the military records and food books are prepared Qi, the bosses have to come to see you. In addition, all the Zheng family sailors will be sent to the senior officers for training afterwards, and you still want to play toubob in front of me, you idiots are really tired of work."

When Liu Zhe said this, he didn't pay attention to Zheng Dou, whose face changed drastically. He was about to speak, but just waved his hand lightly: "Get out." The next moment, Zheng Dou was violently pushed out of the door by the guards behind him.

The routine of "warlord" is useless in front of the crossing crowd.

Throughout history, the "warlord" mode of existence is the biggest cancer on the ruler.Not to mention, let's take the Ming Dynasty as an example, the Wu Sangui Jiangmen Group entrenched in Shanhaiguan was the most typical warlord.

After this?Including those big and small shopkeepers that Zheng Zhilong subdued in history, to the marshal in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, and even Bai Li and his like under Kong Yige, all of them were warlords.

The characteristics of warlords are: they seem to worship the boss, kowtow and bow to recognize everything; however, the boss is just a facade, and no one can reach out to the private parts and territories of the warlords.

In this case, the warlords can logically lie on the boss to suck blood.It's okay when the boss is strong, but once the boss is weak, the warlords will kill him in minutes.

On this point, Comrade Chongzhen has enough experience and lessons, and Comrade Yongli who was hanged by Wu Sangui with a bowstring also has something to say... Then Comrade Kangxi also made an important addition here: the three chaos that lasted 8 years is very clear. It explains the core interests of the warlords - whoever touches Lao Tzu's trilogy territory, I will oppose him, even if I knelt at your knees and kowtowed to call Dad yesterday.

That's why Liu Zhe didn't open his mouth to Zheng Dou at all.Talking and talking, talking and talking, is nothing more than kowtow in exchange for the right to retain private force, what is there to talk about through the forces and this small warlord playing traditional routines?

In the eyes of the people across the world, all armed forces that have not been reorganized are potential rebels and cancerous tumors of industrial society.

Therefore, the situation that the Zheng family is facing now is very simple and very dangerous: or tomorrow they will use their entire army to fight against the crossing fleet that has already been spared, and then their family will be ransacked and exterminated.Or the whole army surrendered, all the senior officials were distributed, and the leaders could still live a life of a rich man... It all depends on their own choice.

Chapter 244 Good News Delivered

The Zheng family finally confessed.

The Zheng family, which originated in Liuluo Bay, has relatively strong intelligence gathering capabilities for the entire Zhangzhou Bay area.

As time passed, when they saw the scene where the former Li Kuiqi gang was hunted down by the officers and soldiers, the remaining small calculations could no longer work—the mediocre leader is not capable of demoralizing The subordinates beat chicken blood to give away the head.As a result, the Zheng family's gang, with a total of 3000 people, surrendered before the deadline at noon the next day.

After Liu Zhe got the money, food and military book that symbolized complete surrender, he didn't make things difficult for the few people in front of him who looked ashamed. 30 taels of silver, 3000 soldiers and horses with foreign surnames, these tributes are in line with the estimates of the Zheng family's family fortune by the time-traveling forces.As a result, the Zheng family's vitality was greatly injured, and they lost all their minions. They had degenerated into an ordinary maritime merchant, and their grade was no longer qualified to attract Liu Zhe's attention.

After dismissing these masters, Liu Zhe transferred the Jifanfuchuan under his command on the spot, and still used the old method of carpooling, picking out 130 ships from the more than 20 boats seized by the Zheng family, and then sent them to They went to the other side of the channel.

This is impossible.Kinmen really has limited reception capacity, and there is a shortage of food, fresh water, and medicine.But the big staff is different. Due to the fact that they receive foreigners all the year round, the accommodation capacity there is extremely strong; even if it is a fleet of 48 people, they can guarantee that everyone will be cleaned and assigned to beds in the new dormitory within [-] hours, so Liu Zhe is now sending people on the road anytime and anywhere.


As the last group of organized troops in Zhangzhou Bay was annexed by the crossing crowd, this bandit suppression operation has officially come to an end.At the same time, a delegation of captives, including Li Kuiqi, was placed on the Youguang, ready to go to Fuzhou to announce the good news.

Here's a little hiccup.Youguang, which was about to set off, suddenly received an urgent telegram from Dayuan: the weather is not beautiful, and the No. 1628 strong typhoon in [-], which was named "Mangosteen" by the travelers, is about to pass through Dayuan, so Kinmen suspends all voyages , prepare the wind...

Fortunately, the wind eye of Mangkhut was headed towards Guangdong, so Youguang set off for Fuzhou after evading in Kinmen for 48 hours.

After rushing to the outer sea of ​​Fuzhou with the wind in one day, Youguang deliberately waited until the moment when the sun rose before mooring at the official wharf outside Fuzhou city on time.

And Mr. Xiong, who was in full guard of honor, was waiting at the pier early this time to welcome the soldiers who had returned from the expedition——at this time, they could no longer pretend to be forceful. They came back with a large amount of credit and political achievements, and they belonged to the boy who gave money.Yongzheng was so pushy, didn't he have to lead a hundred officials to welcome General Nian.

Fortunately, the time-travelers pretend to be Miami and Hawaii in their hearts, so they generally have a broad mind.After disembarking the fake Cao Chuan, not only was he not domineering, but he respected the old bear in a respectful manner.

On the other hand, Xiong Wencan laughed and took Zhang Dongdong's arm, looking like a harmonious relationship between the monarch and his ministers.

The next step is the trick of offering prisoners.Since Li Kuiqi, more than 20 pirate leaders, large and small, have been on the list, and the notorious pirate chieftains have been escorted to the cabin one after another, accepting the onlookers and amazement of the melon-eaters around them.

The sweetest is when the fruit is shared.

At noon that day, Xiong Wencan cordially met with Cai Shanji and Cao Chuan, Fujian Zuo Buzheng Envoys, in the Flower Hall of Fuya, and held a banquet to cleanse the meritorious officials.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the banquet, the two bosses first coordinated the content and scope of their respective memorials in a few words—this is the most important task, and the cake must be distributed reasonably, and internal strife should not occur.After this major event is completed, the rest are "little things": for example, Comrade Cao Chuan's list of pensions and recommendation lists.

Both lists are recognized by the bigwigs.A joke, in the first battle, they attacked the enemy camp at night, and in the second battle, they smashed [-] strong enemies head-on, and cleared away the monster atmosphere in Fujian and Haihai in one fell swoop; this kind of battle also knows that Cao Chuan and the others fought desperately, so the brothers must have suffered a lot of casualties... ... The government must pay out the pension money, and the soldiers cannot be chilled.

This is the advantage of winning a battle: since Lao Cai, the chief envoy in charge of a province's treasury, can share the credit from the memorial, it is not a problem to spend the money of the feudal treasury. ?

After talking about pensions, there will naturally be rewards: Brothers can't spend money to work for the court, can they?Eliminating these poor ghost pirates is expensive!Nothing was seized... Ever since, Lao Cai accepted the reward of 10 taels of silver without any hesitation.


The above is a public matter, and the next is a private matter.

Time-travelers have now supermarketed gift-giving.When everyone traveled through time, many people had all kinds of VIP cards in their wallets, and later all these cards were confiscated by the big office.

As an unforgeable credential, these cards became the "shopping cards" that Zhang Dongdong gave to the boss during the banquet today after they were registered and filed.After the big boss gets the card, he can send his cronies to Suozhong's outlets to withdraw money, pick up goods, and handle deposit business afterwards.

For example, after Old Xiong gets the card today, he can send Xiong Qi to Haidong Commercial Bank inside the Jinglou Gate to shop with the card tomorrow.The card not only has a shopping limit, but also some cash. If the old bear is not in a hurry to use the money, he can also store the money on the cabinet to earn interest.

Of course, right now this kind of directional large-denomination certificate of deposit business is limited to two places in Hangzhou and Fuzhou, and other cities have not yet had time to reach out.

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