Lu Ming

Page 9

There are also a lot of people in the back team. In addition to the dozens of people from Pingfeng Village, there are also a group of Hengtang villagers who are carrying a lot of burdens. They are carrying a lot of things. This is the logistics force.

Not long after we went out, news came from the front that the outpost of the Bai family had been killed and scattered. After a while, we should know that the Pingfengzhai brigade was coming. Zhou Tong asked the back team to walk faster and keep up with the big boss. The tail of the team.

Cao Chuan didn't interrupt, and the back team accelerated forward after Chu Jianli shouted a few times, and soon saw several corpses on the side of the road.The four or five people who were wearing short beatings in home-clothes were either lying on their backs or lying down. Bloodstains and weapons were all taken away. The bodies were left on the side of the road, and no one looked at them.

People are so wonderful. The last time I saw a corpse was still vomiting, and today I have no major reaction.

Cao Chuan knew what he was going to do next. From the time he saw the two corpses until he went to Thailand, he knew that this day would come sooner or later, and he knew that there would be no shortage of shootings.Since you can't escape, you have to face it. In fact, it's not difficult. Take a look at what kind of environment these people in the Ming Dynasty lived in, and think about it.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, the team left the official road and followed a dirt road to the north, surrounded by lush woods and forests. After a while, Cao Chuan was sitting on the sliding pole and saw Baijiazhuang in the mountains from a distance. .

Baizhuang faces the south and the north, and is built on the mountain, and the scale is not small.The foundation fell on a stone platform, which was much higher than the ground. There was a four-meter-high stone wall on the periphery. From the top of the wall to the ground, it was almost three and a half stories high.

What is even more vicious is the road in and out of Zhuangzi. A stone path gradually rises from east to west. When it reaches the entrance of Zhuangzi, it turns a small bend and connects to the main gate.

That is to say, after exiting the gate of Baizhuang, take a few steps forward, turn left, and walk along a gradually descending stone path until you reach the flat ground.

After Cao Chuan glanced at it, he understood why Zhou Tong couldn't talk to the Hu family many times. This kind of terrain would be difficult to conquer unless he filled the trenches with human life regardless of the loss.

At this time, the gable was already full of people, and the men and horses of Pingfengzhai had already set up a posture below, with a distance of 70 meters between the two sides, shouting and cursing at each other.

Seeing the arrival of the logistics brigade, Zhou Tong and a few people hurried over to greet them. As soon as Chu Jianli came over, he waved his hands and directed the people to move forward. Several people who were carrying load began to distribute bamboo tubes and dry food to the brigade.

This side began to sit on the ground to eat and drink, the scolding stopped, and the people on the wall of the village were also sparse. It seemed that the other side was also hurrying to eat lunch.

Zhou Tong led Cao Chuan forward, walked to the front row of the team, pointed at Baizhuang and said: "Sir, look at this stone base and the gable wall, there is no way to go for a hard attack. To enter the village, you can only follow the stone road. If you attack, you will be hit by the stone and gray bottles at the top of the wall along the way.

"I remember we also have bows and arrows? Can we shoot at each other?"

Zhou Tong smiled bitterly: "There is a lot of humidity in this mountain, and a strong bow cannot be used at all, nor can it be raised. There are a few bamboo bows that are used for shooting rabbits, but they can't help. This Baizhuang takes a lot of advantage and hurts people from the top of the wall. , the brothers can only endure hard."

Cao Chuan nodded: "I'm afraid this Zhuangzi will also be difficult for the official army."

Zhou Tong snorted: "If Mr. is not there, the officers and soldiers will be smashed. When Mr. sees the narrow bend in front of Zhuangmen, it is used to prevent the big wood from hitting the door. They will all fall, not to mention the big tree."

"Well, but...cough...oh, by the way, where is my place?"

Chapter 26 Saying Hi

Zhou Tong took Cao Chuan to the back of the team and came to a small pile of bushes: "How about this place, sir?"

Cao Chuan looked at the location. It was about 100 meters away from the top of the wall of Baizhuang, and the small dirt bag under his feet was only more than one meter high.Looking around, he didn't find a better place, so he nodded: "That's right here."

Zhou Tong turned his head and shouted when he heard the sound, and a dozen people who were eating dry food behind him immediately ran over, took a knife and shovel and began to clean up the weeds and shrubs under his feet, and a place was cleared out after a while.Immediately afterwards, someone carried a few bundles of bamboo poles and inserted three bamboo walls around this small space, leaving an opening behind.

In the small room where the bamboo pole was inserted, a table and a chair were quickly placed.

Cao Chuan walked over with square steps and sat on a chair to try it. Yes, the height was just right. At this distance, there was a bamboo wall blocking it, and the people on the opposite wall could not see him.

As for the bill, it was moved from the ancestral hall in Hengtang.He had this idea after he demonstrated the "magic weapon", because he was not sure: the ancient man on the opposite side saw that he was pointed at by a strange thing, would he still stand there stupidly and indifferent, even if this person didn't? Saw an assault rifle.

Now a row of bamboo poles will solve this problem.The opponent can't see himself, and neither can his own family, which also helps to enhance his old man's sense of mystery.Rumors can be made up, the more bizarre the better. As for the truth, the fewer people who know it, the better.

Besides, his current marksmanship is quite limited. He doesn't have a bipod or a case. Even though he is only about a hundred meters tall, if he only relies on his arms to carry the gun, he really doesn't feel good about it.

Zhou Tong saw Cao Chuan sitting on a chair and nodded, and waved to Zhao Si, and soon a bowl of fried rice, a piece of cold meat, and a bamboo tube of spring water appeared on the table.

When someone has had enough to eat and drink, the people inside and outside the wall are almost resting, the people in the screen village stand up one after another, and the number of people on the wall gradually increases. before the army.

After Zhao Si had cleaned up the table, Cao Chuan waved his hand, and a long aluminum box appeared under his feet. He opened the box, took out a set of MK17, and slowly assembled it.

At this time, just outside Zhuwei, all the heads of Pingfengzhai were here. Chen Huoding was looking back and forth anxiously. Zhou Tong stretched out his palm and pressed it in front of him, signaling him to be calm, until Cao Chuan called out, Zhou Tongcai turned his head and entered the fence.

Cao Chuan was closing his eyes and resting on his chair. On the case was a MK17 with a full set of accessories, and several magazines and a box of grenades were neatly placed next to it.After Zhou Tong came in, he bowed in Cao Chuan's ear and said softly, "Sir."

Cao Chuan opened his eyes to look at Zhou Tong, and then asked indifferently: "Master, this group of people from Baijiazhuang robbed the merchants, tied up meat tickets, and committed all kinds of evil, and put them in the government. Is this going to be beheaded?"

Zhou Tong nodded: "There are also those who don't need to beheaded, if it is according to the Ming Dynasty..."

After saying this, Zhou Tong paused, and when he saw Cao Chuan's puzzled eyes, he chuckled: "The bosses can't escape the word 'cut'."

The two looked at each other for a while, Cao Chuan laughed, patted Zhou Da's shoulder, and said something he couldn't understand: "As expected of a leader, there is a set of psychological counseling."

The next sentence Zhou Tong can understand: "The time has come, so the uncle won't go and say hello to the Bai brothers?"

Zhou Tong turned around, pointed to the front and said to Chen Huoding: "Go and close your hands, and when you hear the fire here, take them to the east intersection. Don't rush to the door when you reach the intersection. Look at me waving the flag and rushing again, there is diarrhea, and if I cut it with one knife, the morale must not be damaged."

Chen Er's face was excited, his black face turned black and red, and he said in a rough voice: "Brother, don't worry, I know." As he spoke, he took out a desert version of the riot helmet from his waist and put it on his head, turned around and ran towards the big team. .

Zhou Tong shouted worriedly: "Come on when you see the flag waving!" Then he turned his head and said to Chu Jianli: "Third, protect the teacher and the master, and when there is a big movement, use the back of the knife when someone runs around. Smash, send someone to report something."

Chu Jianli said yes, and Zhou Tongzheng was holding the scabbard around his waist, turned around and walked towards the main force.

The brothers of the Bai family were looking down on the stone wall. Bai Shouhu was in his early thirties, and his face was clear, but he had a pair of beards and a long face and thin nose.The two brothers look alike, but Bai Shouye is a little thinner and half an inch shorter.

Bai Shouhu's rare pair of peach blossom eyes was staring at the group of people in front of the village, but he said with a smile: "Zhou Tong, this old guy, has only a little bit of money. Since he came to offer vegetables today, then brothers. Don't be polite, don't let people say that Baijiazhuang is neglecting the old customers."

There was laughter on the top of the wall, but Bai Shouye next to him frowned and pointed to the bamboo fence below: "I just saw a Taoist-looking person enter, Zhou Tong is not confused, which way did the alchemist come to do it? "

Bai Shouhu laughed: "If you want to do it anyway, you have to dig two shovels of soil and make an earthen altar. What's the matter with inserting a few bamboo poles, is it fooling Sanqing? In my opinion, this is a latrine, Zhou Tong old thing, fighting. If you don't have two knives, you will be anxious, this toilet is prepared in advance by the old thing."

Bai Shouhu naturally did not know that a sinful gun barrel had already protruded from the gap in the toilet in his mouth.From his point of view, he couldn't see the reflection of the scope, and even if he did, he wouldn't understand what it meant.

Hearing Bai Shouhu's teasing, there was another frantic laughter on the top of the wall, mixed with bursts of insults, and slammed into the people below. The people below were naturally unwilling to be lonely. Incomparable.

The brothers of the Bai family suddenly stretched out their hands and pressed them back at the same time, the wall immediately became quiet, and the group of people below also shut their mouths at the same time, the crowd separated from the middle, and Zhou Tong walked forward alone.

After more than [-] steps, Zhou Tong stood up, raised his head and looked at Bai Shouhu, clasped his fists with both hands, and said in a long voice, "Bai Family nephew, haven't seen you for a long time, how are you?"

A sneer appeared on Bai Shou's face: "Zhou Da is the head of the family, and today he is bringing his family with him. Could it be that there is a landscape in Pingfeng Village, everyone came to Baijiazhuang to escape from the famine?"

A group of birds suddenly flew up, perhaps because of the legendary murderous aura, or because they were startled by the shouts of the two. The voices of the two reverberated in the silent mountain. The cross was silently locked on someone's face.

Zhou Tong put down his fists, not being provoked by Bai Shouhu's words at all, he laughed longly, and put his arms around his chest: "Today, I brought my brothers to the village to see the third master Bai Qibai who is making a lot of trouble in Taihu Lake. He can be regarded as a hero who went out to Tianmu Mountain. I heard that he made a big name in Taihu Lake, Third Master Bai, hehe, good friend, dare to come out and see him?"

Chapter 27

Hearing this, Bai Shouhu couldn't help frowning, turned to Bai Shouye next to him and said, "The news has been leaked, how did Zhou Tong know?"

Bai Shouye smiled: "It's time to go to Lin'an. Zhou Tong is a geography ghost, so it's not uncommon to know. Wait for me to tell him a few words and see if I can get some details."

Seeing his elder brother nodding, Bai Shouye put his arms on the wall, leaned forward, and shouted in a long voice: "Master Zhou, Bai Shouye is here. Hehe, I haven't seen you in a long time. The little thing in Taihu Lake, Mr. Zhou It's Ming who inquired..."

Having said that, Bai Shouye's Tianling Gai suddenly flew up silently.The next moment, there was a loud "dong" sound in the distance.Bai Shouhu didn't react at all, and let the splashes of blood and brains fall on their own. Time seemed to have frozen, and everything turned into slow motion.

Two seconds later, Bai Shouhu seemed to have reacted and opened his mouth to shout something. At this moment, Bai Shouhu's neck folded back sharply, and a column of blood spurted out from the back of his head. Then slipped to the ground.

A few people behind them were sprayed with blood from Bai Shouhu, and all the people on the wall were shocked by the successive images, until two of them woke up first, and one shouted: "There is An Qingzi. !" The other shouted at the same time: "It's a fire gun!" The talent on the wall resumed his thinking.

And at this time, the same sound came from a distance, but this time it was three consecutive "dong, dong, dong" followed by three more, three after three, and there was still a fool standing on the top of the wall. People were instantly swept away.

Just as Cao Chuan blocked the Bai brothers and adjusted the shooting mode to three bursts, Zhou Tong, who was under the gable, turned around fiercely and waved vigorously to Chen Huoding behind him. Then he led the brigade to the Shijing intersection.

Zhou Tong turned around and ran towards Cao Chuan after the brigade passed in front of him.

When he ran behind the fence, Cao Chuan had swept away two cartridges of bullets and was inserting the third cartridge. I have to say that the design of this gun was too appropriate. With a slight movement of his finger, the empty magazines would fall off automatically. New magazine, the whole process takes less than two seconds.

At this time, there was no half of a person on the wall. The flying debris and bullets hit the wall with a fog of stone, and a heart-piercing cry could be faintly heard from behind the wall.

Cao Chuan finally stopped shooting, took a deep breath, and reached out to pick up the grenade launcher next to him.

Quickly loaded the grenade, stood up and pushed down the two bamboo poles in front of him, at this moment he suddenly heard a noise behind him, turned around and saw Zhou Tong was at the door, and Zhao Si was squatting behind him, covering his ears with his hands, his eyes closed tightly, and his face was pale ...

Cao Chuan laughed, turned around and started aiming. With a sound of "Tom", a white smoke was sprayed out. The next moment, the stone path below Zhuangmen ignited a fire, followed by a huge roar.

Staring at the location of the explosion, Cao Chuan was a bit puzzled.

He said, "I rely on it." Cao Chuan reloaded, changed the scale, and aimed. This time Zhuangmen was finally hit. The flames burst, wooden blocks splashed, and half of the wooden doors burst open, and the other half was also in flames. Burning, a plume of black smoke shot into the sky.

After the subsequent three consecutive explosions of the grenade, the entire door was long gone, and a huge fire ignited in place. The flames were shining, the figures running back and forth behind the door flickered, and various noisy shouts were heard from behind the wall. spread out.

Stopping his hand and laying the gun on the table, Cao Chuan turned his head and said to Zhou Tong, "After the fire goes out, the brothers below can rush into the village."

Zhou Tong bowed his body and clasped his fists and said excitedly: "Yes, the people inside are already frightened. As soon as the news is released here, the brothers below will rush in again."

Cao Chuan turned around and leaned on the back of the chair: "I'm pressing down on the wall here, everyone still have to be careful, there will definitely be casualties after entering."

"It doesn't matter, if you can defeat this enemy, you will be willing to kill and injure a few brothers. Alas, the stockade owes you too much, and I don't know how to repay it."

Cao Chuan didn't answer, he took the gun and started aiming: "The fire is about to go out, sir, please send a message."

Chen Huoding was anxiously pacing back and forth at the intersection at this time, looking in the direction of the fence, and the people behind him were making waves of shouts.These people were close to the wall. When they moved just now, they saw the big scene on the wall clearly. When they saw the Zhuangmen being blown to pieces, they were silent at first, and then they started cheering in unison, not Chen Huoding and scolding. Someone rushed up.

Just when Chen Huoding felt that he could no longer hold back, a broken flag at the rear finally waved, and the riot captain turned around and shouted: "Head with the soft hedgehog, follow closely, don't keep your hands, brothers shoulder to shoulder. Fill it up!"

As soon as Cao Chuan saw the stream of people rushing up along the stone path, he began to shoot at the wall. He was not sure that he could instantly aim at someone with his head sticking out, so he had to spend more bullets to create momentum.

The situation was different from what he imagined. After the door was smashed, the people inside seemed to have lost their morale. Until the brigade rushed into the village gate, no one was seen throwing anything from the wall.

Seeing everyone rushing into Zhuangzi, Cao Chuan stopped just now. His work for the old man was done, and all that was left was to wait for news.He turned around and kicked Zhao Si's ass: "What are you still doing, bring the water bottle!"

About half an hour later, the shouting and killing in Zhuangzi gradually subsided. After a while, someone came out to report the letter. After seeing the second group of people reporting the letter, Zhou Tong began to greet the people who stayed behind to enter the village.

After seeing the messenger covered in blood, Cao Chuan would sniff his nose from time to time. When Zhou Chuan came to invite someone, thinking of the dead bodies everywhere and the dirty ground, he felt that he was still at ease outside: The village is full of blood, and I am afraid that it is a lot of filth and hinders cultivation. Everyone, go first, and wait for the blood to dissipate before entering."

Zhou Tong didn't expect Cao Chuan to say such a thing, so he started to make arrangements after being stunned for a while, leaving Zhao Wutian to bring ten people to accompany Cao Chuan, and he took all the rest into Zhuangzi.

Cao Chuan turned his head and went back to the fence and started cleaning the gun. After cleaning up, he put everything in the ring and began to wander around the world. He is far from being as relaxed as he looks now, and is in urgent need of self-psychological treatment.

I originally planned to chat with the few left-behind people and diverted my attention. Who knew that these people were much more timid than before. Facing him, they either smirked or stammered, and Zhao Wutian was better. Answer, stand stupidly if not, "This mysticism is too effective and not good," someone sighed.

Chapter 28

More than an hour later, Zhou Tong finally came back: "The corpse was thrown into the back mountain, and the village has been cleaned up a little. Sir, take a look and see how the blood is inside?"

Cao Chuan gave a pretentious glance, nodded, started to leave, and asked as he walked, "It looks like a big victory?"

Zhou Tong looked excited: "It's a big victory. The brothers died and wounded 12 people. Mr. Quan Zhan's armor is sharp, and the leader is invulnerable. Originally, there were some white guys who planned to fight to the death. scattered."

Speaking of which, Uncle Zhou, who has always been on the air, couldn't hold back his agitated mood any longer, hehe laughed.

Walking to the entrance of Baizhuang, dozens of villagers in Hengtang were carrying bricks and stones to block the door. It could be seen that a house in the village had been torn down, and many people were carrying stones and wood to the door.Zhou Tong walked inside with Cao Chuan, and explained: "Block up the gate of Zhuang before it gets dark, and make a new gate tomorrow."

Cao Chuan wondered: "The enemy has already been wiped out, why are you still in a hurry to block the door?"

Zhou Tong sneered: "The big worm is gone, and the wild dog is going to eat people. You might as well watch, it doesn't take two days, the Hu family will come, and the door is blocked, and the person who comes is the smiling face, if the block is not tight, the five Seven hundred Dingzhuang came to act for the heaven if he was not sure."

After saying this, Cao Chuan understood. He was a little ashamed. He felt that his strategic vision was still close. This ancient man was not stupid at all?

Baijiazhuang is obviously much higher than Pingfengzhai Village, which can be clearly seen from the quality of the houses.Most of them are masonry structures, with neatly tiled roofs. The Bai Family Courtyard in the center is even more imposing, with white walls and gray tiles, and hanging cornices. It is similar to the landlord's house he saw in the studio.

After entering, there were large bloodstains along the way, and broken knives and guns were still everywhere.

There are three entrances in the Baijia Zhaizi, the innermost is the inner courtyard, the one in the middle is more important, and the warehouse is here.When they came in, they saw a lot of people in the yard, the doors of the wing rooms on both sides were wide open, and Chu Jianli was taking someone to count the goods.

Cao Chuan looked at it and felt nothing interesting, just some porcelain, cloth and salt goods.Seeing that Mr. Likan was not very interested, Chu took him to the door of the smallest wing in the courtyard, opened the door and walked in.

This time, Mr. Cao came to the spirit. There were more than a dozen boxes of various sizes in the room. The lids were all lifted. The big boxes were full of silver nuggets and copper coins. There was only one small box, which contained a box of gold bars.

Picking up a gold bar and looking at it, it doesn't have the feeling of jewels in the gold shop, the color is dark, and the purity is probably not high.Seeing that Cao Chuan was interested in this thing, Chu Jianli quickly introduced: "The total is 680 taels, which is about the batch of gold that Hu San mentioned, and some of Baizhuang's own savings. If it is useful, sir, you can take it together. You are welcome. "

Cao Chuan nodded with a smile: "This gold is also useful. If you send it back, you can buy some things. Kunlun has no shortage of silver. I will send a batch back later. It is always worth more than this box of gold, so it won't make it difficult for you to do it."

Zhou Tong listened in great urgency, and hurriedly said: "To break the village today, it is all thanks to the sharp tools of the master. Even according to the rules of the Tao, the master should also have a big share, and no one in the village is dissatisfied. What's more, those swords and armors, It's all inexhaustible, sir, don't make it difficult for me to wait."

Hearing this, Cao Chuan pushed the boat along with the flow. He laughed and took away the gold box. He would not disturb others to count the spoils. After choosing a side room, he would go around alone, leaving Zhao Si to clean up.

I started eating when I was holding the lantern, and it was a lot richer today. Anyway, it was a generosity for others.The rice in the Baijia barn, the bacon-style chicken on the eaves, are mixed in a large pot, and even the villagers who follow Hengtang are not limited. Half of the people can drink wildly, and the other half, including the night shifters, are also given a bowl. .

More than a dozen candles illuminated the lobby brightly. Cao Chuan could hear faint shouts and noises from time to time, but his attention was focused on the battle summary of Erye Chen in front of him.

Most of the people in Baizhuang were either killed or captured, and the one from Taihu Lake didn't escape, mainly because they were not familiar with the terrain.More than a dozen of the old people in the village ran away from the back mountain, and five or six were killed, and more than 100 survived.Seven or eight meat tickets were rescued, most of them were traveling merchants, and they were all in charge of food at the moment.

Zhou Tong also sighed when he heard this: "How many days have we not tied a meat ticket? We all asked about the details. I will send someone to take it to the official road tomorrow. If a merchant passes by, I will send it away."

Seeing Chen Huoding nodding, Zhou Tong continued: "The rest are closed. If you don't feed them, give them some water. Don't the Hu family want human heads, and exchange them for money."

When Zhou Tong said this, he looked at Cao Chuan, coughed and added: "Sir, this time it's a lot of money. When the Hu family comes, if you can ask for gold, you don't want silver. You have to make up for the deficit for your husband."

When Cao Chuan heard this, he opened his mouth and asked, "Is the reward for these robbers not low?"

Chu Jianli explained: "Sir, I don't know, the uncle and the second master were arrested by the government in the past, and it is not easy for us to take action on these people. Even if they are sent to the official, they will not be able to get a few rewards after [-]% off. The difference is that rewarding silver is a trivial matter. It is a great achievement to capture so many big thieves at one time. There are people in the Hu family who can share the credit on the official side, and they can also form a good relationship with the officials of Taihu Lake. This benefit is much greater than rewarding silver. of."

Seeing Cao Chuan nodding, Chu Jianli then began to report how much rice grain, official silver, copper money, and groceries... After a long time, Zhou Tong listened with gusto, and Zhenren and Chen Huoding fell asleep.

After finally finishing the report, everyone began to discuss the last issue, how to deal with this Baijiazhuang.

Cao Chuan didn't say a word. It didn't matter what Zhuangzi did with the person he was going to leave soon. Zhou Tong and the others began to discuss heatedly.

This time, Pingfengzhai has mobilized all the people who can fight in the mountain, and will soon send a group of people back. The remaining manpower is not enough to split the base.

The mountain fields near Baizhuang have long been destroyed by the flood, and they have been damaged for many years, and they cannot support farmers.The terrain is dangerous, and it is definitely not good to leave it to others. In the end, the result of everyone's negotiation can only be demolished.

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