Lu Ming

Page 10

The bricks, tiles and wood in the village are all good things, and they have to be removed.Throw down all the remaining earth and stones, and fill in the gap between the stone path at the entrance and the gable wall, so as to avoid future troubles, and no one will think about it again in the future.

Chu Maosheng calculated that the amount of the project was not small, but fortunately, he gained a lot this time, which was considered cheap to Hengtang Village. All the materials were brought back to renovate the village, and the rice grain was used to recruit the master to work.

After discussing here, the major issues are basically resolved. For the first time, Zhou Tong took the initiative to ask Cao someone after the meeting and asked him if he had any comments. Cao Chuan said that everyone was tired today, and it would not be too late to discuss things tomorrow. Say hello and go back to sleep. .

Lying on the bed, someone's mind is very confused, the blood on his hands, the future plans, the strange visionary bandit, these things are intertwined in his mind, and he can't sleep.

He didn't wake up until three poles in the sun, and when he came to the lobby, Zhou Tong had been busy all morning.The first group of elderly mountain bandits who returned to their hometowns have already set off, and the large and small bags are shipped back and forth. When they reach the field, these people have to carry part of the food and money up the mountain on their shoulders, which is also quite hard.

After that, there was a long transfer process. Minzhuang and the mountain bandits had to work hard until the Baizhuang was emptied and demolished.Zhou Tong is also in high spirits. According to him, the current situation of Pingfeng Village is very good. In the future, everyone can go to Lin'an County to have fun in batches. This happiness comes too suddenly.

Just as Cao Chuan wanted to criticize Uncle Zhou's mentality of being rich and safe, the reporter came: Butler Hu Sanhu and two companions had already arrived at the gate of Zhuang.

Butler Hu was still full of energy, and before he crossed the second door, a long laughter came over: "You have done a great job. I only went down the mountain yesterday, and today I am having tea in the lobby of Bai's house. My master is now all over the place. I don’t believe it yet, if Hu San didn’t come here in person, I’m afraid he wouldn’t believe it, hehe, hehe.”

Zhou Tong also got up and laughed, and greeted Butler Hu to sit down.Hu San didn't say a few words after sitting down, and then he began to ask everyone how to lay down Baizhuang. Everyone present was old Jianghu. Hu San didn't ask anything, and could only formally explain his intention.

Chapter 29

Hu San's meaning is very clear, he wants people's heads.As for Zhuangzi, he didn't dare to mention it this time, mainly because his assessment of Pingfengzhai's strength was confusing.After half a day of destroying Baizhuang, the force value of Pingfengzhai was artificially raised to 99 in an instant.

After some bargaining, Pingfengzhai packed up and sold all the corpses at the back of the mountain, together with the detainees, to the Hu family.Cotton and grain are kept for their own households, and there are hundreds of people up and down the mountain. After the victory, it is necessary for the old and young to feel the superiority of the cottage.

Hu San left after discussing, and started to drive the captives down the mountain, and the goods were also moved down the mountain, obviously not intending to let outsiders enter the village.Hu's family came here in the afternoon with hundreds of people, those who loaded goods, those who took captives, and those who beheaded behind the mountain. They were very busy. Pingfeng Village also successfully received 80 taels of gold from Hu's family, and took two boxes Broken silver.

At this time, Cao Chuan didn't feel pretentious anymore. He got the gold and saw that everyone was busy, so he announced the closure of the door and returned to the 21st century in an instant.

Seeing that nothing has changed in the room, first charge the phone, and then contact Li Douzhan.As soon as it was connected, he hurriedly asked him to send the few large pieces of material in the house, saying that the cutting machine or something was already in place, and he was waiting for him to come back.

He hung up the phone and started taking a shower and changing clothes. After cleaning up, he pulled out the landlord's old sheets, packed the remaining stones in the house, went downstairs, put the stones and gold into the car, and went straight to Minglai Pavilion.

When I got to the door, I saw that the shutter was pulled.After the car arrived at the building, he made a phone call. Li Douzhan quickly opened the back door. After entering, Cao Chuan parked the car and drove Li Douzhan into the car.

Take a look around the backyard, yes, even the prefab house has been built in a few days, and there is a color steel shed next to it, and there are two cutting machines, one large and one small.

Li Douzhan got out of the car at this time, first moved the stone and gold into the building, and then led Cao Chuan into the prefabricated building: "This is used to make ingots for you, and I found a lot of high-priced 925 silver. The stuffing, the tools, the molds are all ready, and the casting will start tomorrow."

Cao Chuan nodded, and Li Douzhan punched his backhand: "I said you can really do it, and I got another box of old yellow croakers."

"Well, there are about 600 taels, ancient taels, not modern ones."

Li Douzhan sneered: "I still don't know the ancient quantity balance? Let's say it clearly, if you are not in a hurry to use the money, I suggest you save it first. This thing is easy to carry. If something happens in the future, our brother also has one. Capital to make a comeback."

Hearing this, Cao Chuan patted Li Douzhan on the shoulder: "Don't put too much pressure on you, just keep the gold bars as you said. In addition, we don't need to prepare any way back, it's not that exaggerated. But your idea is reasonable. , so, in the future, you can consider asking for some dollar gold, don't care about the exchange rate, it's ok to keep it in the safe."

Li Douzhan nodded, and the two entered the lobby on the first floor. Li Douzhan threw a bunch of keys to him: "The first and second floors have not been moved, and I have already separated the third floor. Here are all the keys. By the way, do you know how to use the safe? Just I know you won't, go, brother will teach you."

That night, the two of them spent the night in the store. Cao Chuan spent one night thinking about it.

In his plan, he was going to have a showdown with Zhou Tong and the others this time, and his goal was not too big, just to bring a few people to Hangzhou, which seems to be not difficult to achieve now.

In this case, it means that I have to trek an ancient road until I find a stable house where I can spend the night in Hangzhou City.He knew that this road could not be covered in one day in the Ming Dynasty, although it only took a short time to drive from Hangzhou to Lin'an.

As for what to do next, he doesn't have a detailed plan yet.He doesn't know what the ancient metropolis was like. The bits and pieces of information on the Internet can only be regarded as a reference, and we can only go and talk about it now.

This is why he must bring some people from Pingfeng Village. He understands the local people's sophistication, dares to fight and kills, and also has a sense of reverence for him. These people must have.

At noon the next day, after Li Douzhan helped him melt out fifty silver ingots, Cao Chuan went through all the things in the ring, including guns and ammunition, clothing, shoes and hats, silver taels and some daily necessities. , he Shi Shiran appeared in the side room of the inner courtyard of Baizhuang.

Zhou Tong and the others were in a meeting, Cao Chuan strode into the door, and as soon as he sat down, he opened up to the point: "There is a letter from the teacher, everything is over here, the poor road is about to travel, and today I am here to do something else with you."

Several people present looked at each other in dismay. After a while, Zhou Tongcai said, "Why do you worry, sir, now that there is no match, everyone is also relaxing. It's time to worship your teacher with your heart. Stay for a while?"

Cao Chuan smiled and shook his head: "I have already reported to the sect, I plan to go to Hangzhou first to settle down this time. Although the scenery of Tianmu Mountain is good, it is inconvenient to stay for a long time. You are kind enough to take it."

Zhou Tong remembered what he had said on the mountain road with his husband a few days ago, and couldn't help but move in his heart and laughed: "I don't know what your future plans will be, if you can tell me one or two, the brothers also want to have a bottom line."

Cao Chuan has a fart plan. He doesn't even know how many gates there are in Hangzhou City. He can only honestly say that he has no plans. Right now, he can only go to the ground first and take a step by step, but he still needs to send some in the stockade. Hand as a guide.

It's not surprising that Zhou Tong and several others heard it.This man has a great background, and he has the true method. At the beginning, he came swaggeringly across the sky, without any taboos, and he didn't see any plans before he came.

Chu Jianli exchanged glances with Zhou Tong at this time, and then took the initiative to say: "Now that the official road is open, those old friends in Lin'an and Hangzhou City have had less contact in the past two years, um, it is better for me to go for a walk. "

Zhou Tong nodded: "If you want, the third child will accompany Mr. One to help him settle down, and secondly, come and pay tribute to the old customer."

Cao Chuan chuckled: "It's time to work."

The matter is agreed upon.

Time: Early morning two days later, Location: At the foot of Baizhuang.

A group of 12 people are accepting a toast from Mr. Zhou, and everyone is dressed for a long journey.He wears a short-bladed Tang knife on his waist, wears a Gebu short gown, and a bamboo hat on his head.Even Taoist Cao was wearing a bamboo hat, but he didn't carry a package - Zhao Si naturally carried his old man's dry food and water canister.

After drinking the practice wine and exchanging treasures, the team set off.After Cao Chuan walked a while, he turned his head and looked around, and saw the two masters who saw him off were still looking at where they were.He had a strong premonition that he would never come back to this place. Thinking of this, his heart was full of emotions, so he could only wave his hand again and turn his head away...

From Baizhuang to the east along the ancient Huihang Road, it is not far from Lin'an County, and it is full of forty or fifty miles of mountain roads.

That night, the group rested in Lin'an County, and Chu Jianli contacted a passenger ship without much effort.Early the next morning, the sky started to drizzle at an unknown time, and everyone set sails and untethered the moorings. During the light fog and drizzle, the wooden boat slowly went east along the Tiaoxi River.

Soon after the boat trip, they entered a large lake. Cao Chuan knew that this was the Qingshan Reservoir in later generations. Now it is still a natural lake full of primitive scenery.

Not far from Qingshan Lake is Yuhang County, which is already the west gate of Hangzhou.The passenger boat passes directly through the water gate in Yuhang City, all the way to the east, with twists and turns, and when the sun sets, you can already see the West Lake Bank from the bow of the boat, and there are many more prosperity on both sides of the river bank.Farmhouse pedestrians and mulberry vegetable gardens can be seen everywhere, but there is no trace of future generations.

Standing on the bow of the boat and sighing for a long time, someone has an inexplicable sense of excitement. Probably the ancient scholars who traveled here were just as apprehensive, but they came to test their fame. The grid is slightly lower.

But thinking about the future, there is still something to do.Although he had no status in the Ming Dynasty, he was just a Bai Ding pretending to be an alchemist, but after returning, he would be a proper local tyrant, a luxury yacht, and a private jet would be a matter of time.Thinking of this, Cao Chuan suddenly became high-spirited and high-spirited.

As for the next plan, he is not very worried. It is nothing more than to settle down first with money. In a commercial city like Hangzhou, there is nothing that money can't do. He believes that in this regard, there should be no difference between ancient and modern.

Touching the baby ring on his hand, he was still a little unwilling: even if there were twenty pale, highly short-sighted dead otaku around him, the old man wouldn't mind being a little tired and playing a little game of farming and fighting.Now, let’s forget it. It’s better to be honest in this Ming Dynasty when one person is tossing around. Not to mention that bullets are expensive, they still can’t make it.

In general, he is fundamentally different from those seniors who wear single clothes: people have no way to go back after passing through, so they can only be forced to integrate into this hot land, but he is different. Once this person has a choice, his instinct He will be far away from danger, so in this Ming Dynasty he is just a traveler, coming and going without a trace.

The second volume Xiaoju

Chapter 30 Hangzhou

Standing on the bow of the boat, the ancient city wall of Hangzhou is majestic and majestic.

Cao Chuan and his party crossed the Tiaoxi River to the east, crossed the West Lake, and entered the canal. Ten miles away from the city, there was already a bustling scene at the entrance: teahouses, wine shops, restaurants, densely populated, crowded with shops, and boats on the canal, connected end to end , Lifu is coming and going on the bank, and the vendors are noisy and bustling.

Chu Jianli has been in business for many years and is no stranger to Hangzhou City. At this time, he also went out of the cabin with Cao Chuan, and pointed out the scenery along the way while chatting and laughing.

Five miles north of the city, once you pass the Guanyin Temple, you are even entering the boundary of the city.

From here on, the traffic jam officially started, and the boat stopped and went.A large number of salt stacks and rice warehouses began to appear on the river bank, and not far ahead is the Chengguan toll station - Desheng Dam.After queuing up to pay the road maintenance fee, the bow of the boat turned west, crossed the Desheng Bridge, and then turned back to the east, twists and turns, squeezing and rubbing, until it was time to light the lights, a group of people were able to disembark and stood at the Wulin Gate in the north of the city. outside.

Chu Jianli was familiar with the road, ignoring the many large and small residences in the city, and walked straight into an inn called "Ruifuju".Seeing the friendly comrade-like whispers of the third master and the shopkeeper, Cao Chuan knew that this was probably the designated reception area for the heroes.

The shopkeeper quickly arranged accommodation for everyone. The two-entry yard is quite spacious for twelve people.Cao Daoren was naturally an old-fashioned man, he occupied a secluded side room in the backyard for retreat, leaving the main room for Chu Jianli.

After that, everyone had a big meal, and then took turns to take a wooden tub bath, and sleep well all night.

The next morning, Cao Chuan got up and cleaned up. He originally wanted to discuss with the third master about the number of houses, but found that Lao Chu was very busy, and kept calling people over to whisper, and then dispatched people out.

If that's the case, let's do our part first.

Call Zhao Si over, and then order three companions at will, and a few people swayed straight to the inner city.

After Cao Gongzi entered the city, he walked up to the city, looked at the rivers and mountains, and found that the West Lake Avenue, Wulin Road, and Stadium Road in his memory were all rivers at this time, and the entire city of Hangzhou was a water network. Just like the legendary water city of Venice.

Feeling that the world is impermanent and vicissitudes of life, the group walked down the city wall and walked all the way to the bustling place.In the early morning, the streets were already lively, with fishermen selling shrimps and crabs, vegetable farmers carrying heavy burdens, and traders in short shirts passing by one after another. From time to time, there were lavish servants dressed in silk and satin, surrounded by gorgeous cars and sedans.

Along the road paved with bluestone slabs, a group of people began to shop in the shops lining the street.Cao Chuan's purpose today is to go shopping. By the way, he will investigate the market conditions and see if there are any good things that he can bring back to exchange for some banknotes. It doesn't matter what the store sells.

The harvest is still not small. When the group came out of the ready-to-wear shop, the companion turned into a tyrant, and even he himself was fooled into wearing a Sufang silk robe, which according to the shopkeeper is a popular style.

When he came out of the Treasure Pavilion in a while, the jade pendant, ring, and sachets were also fully equipped. Mr. Cao had an extra bamboo fan in his hand. He walked gently in the winter, and he had a fresh and timeless coquettishness. The smell emanates from the body.

Xinma Yuzong wandered around for a day, and ordered a table in the hotel by the West Lake at noon.In general, this Ming Dynasty metropolis gave him the same feeling.The liveliness is lively, it is extremely real, but it is far less convenient than the familiar Hengdian. There are too many beggars along the way, and you have to be careful of mines at any time, and you have to change your shoes when you step on it.When crossing the bridge, you can see dead people below. Overall, the user experience is not very good.

The ignorant Mr. Cao would naturally not know that the few beggars he saw starved to death on the street today were just appetizers under the disaster of the Little Ice River in the late Ming Dynasty. The epidemic and various disasters will appear in turn, and a large number of refugees will continue to wash away the rich and prosperous Jiangnan area. It will not be long before the scene of hell on earth will officially come, until the Ming Empire perishes...

Of course, today's harvest is not without it: a set of old rosewood furniture.Cao Chuan had already asked the shop assistant to pack it and send it back to the inn, but there was nothing else.

It wasn't until the evening when a few people picked their teeth and returned to the inn. They just walked to the gate of the inner courtyard and met Old Chu head-on to send them out.

The one who was sent out looked like he was from a wealthy family, round and fat, wearing a thin silk robe, his chubby face narrowed into a line, and his voice was not small: "Third Master, don't worry, Liu He will go back soon. Report to the master, there must be news tomorrow."

Chu Jianli also bowed his hands with a smile: "It's so helpful to manage Liu."

"Third Master, you are being polite. If it wasn't for my young master's recent illness, and the master has no intentions of foreign affairs, he would definitely want to see the third master. Fortunately, the future will be long, and there will always be a time to get close..."

The two walked out of the courtyard while they were talking, but when Liu Guan saw Cao Chuan, he was stunned for a moment, and he passed by with a slight nod.

When he entered the courtyard, he saw that the set of rosewood tables and chairs he had ordered had been placed in the courtyard. Cao Chuan put the ring in without saying a word, and then went to the main room to wait. It didn't take long for Chu Jianli to send him back.

As soon as the two communicated, Mr. Cao knew that when he was shopping on the street, he had already met with representatives of various merchants, security bureaus, and colleagues.In a word, all those who have business on the ancient Hui-Hang Road and some groups on the road will probably already know that the three big insects in western Zhejiang have come to Hangzhou City to do business.

Cao Chuan was surprised and originally planned to ask if it is really good to be so public?But after thinking about it, forget it. I have only stayed in the bandit den for a few days, and it is far from understanding how these ancients behaved. Since Chu Jianli did this, it is impossible without any pressure in his heart, so he should ask something else. Bar.

He was about to open his mouth to talk about the house. The third master seemed to know what he was thinking, and said with a smile that the house had been settled.

Next he began to explain.

Just now, the plump steward Liu is a major Huizhou merchant in Hangzhou: the steward of Liu Yaozu's family.The Liu family and Pingfeng Village are strategic partners. They have been in contact with Liu Yaozu's father and grandfather since his early years.

The old Liu family also started out as a merchant, and every year on the Hui-Hang Road, there is a caravan.In two illicit messages, he sold his teammates, and he did a lot of business to help rob the Dao.Now that the Liu family has become successful, several of the supported scholars have become officials. In Liu Yaozu's generation, there is also a reputation as a regular prisoner. The Liu family has washed their feet and stepped ashore. .

Before Cao Chuan came back, he had already had a long talk with Liu He, the second manager of the Liu family, and explained everything that happened recently in the mountains.

Chapter 31 Tang Village

Baizhuang was destroyed, and there was no news from Hangzhou, so Liu He was quite surprised when he heard it.

Although the Liu family has gradually shifted their business focus over the years, and began to intervene in the grain, cloth and grocery business of the Canal, the business gang in Huihang Road is still the foundation of the Liu family's start.

As for Chu Jianli's mention of finding a place to settle down, Liu Guanshi didn't care about it - the uncles on the road also have to come to Hangzhou for business on weekdays, and Liu's family has a lot of real estate in and outside the city, which is not a problem.

When Cao Chuan heard this, he knew that it would be unnecessary to worry about it. He didn't understand the thoughts of the ancients. In desperation, he had no choice but to show his power - waved his hand and released a pile of silver ingots.

With the silver ingots rolling around on the table and the surprised look in his eyes, Master Cao boldly stated: From now on, he will buy all the orders for buying houses, shopping and maidservants...

Early the next morning, the fat steward came to the door again with a few servants. After whispering with Chu San, everyone was greeted to pack their luggage. There were two boats waiting at the door.

A group of people went from the north of the city along the Tiesha River to the south, passing Genshan, Qingchun, and Qingtai gates, and then turned into a river in the east of the city. Cao Chuan probably estimated that the location of this river should be called Xintang River in later generations.

Probably due to the proximity of Qiantang's estuary to the sea, the land along the river is saline and alkaline, and there are more and more grassland reeds in the sight.The boat traveled very fast this way, and it was not until they turned into a private port not far from the Qiantang River that everyone came ashore from this small river bay.

Cao Chuan stood on the bank and looked around, estimating the current location, it should be in the area of ​​Xintang Community on Shuixiang Road in later generations, not far to the south is the river embankment, and the Qiantang River slowly passes by outside the embankment.

About 300 meters away from the smuggling port, there is a mansion on a slightly higher terrain. A group of people walked to the house under the greeting of the fat steward.

Perhaps because of "my own person", Liu Guanshi was not seen along the way, and told the origin of this house.

It is said that since the Liu family gained power, they began to consider grouping and diversification, and this house is one of the projects.The original plan of the Liu family was to use this house as a transit station to build a private port, bypassing the many forces at the wharf outside the city of Hangzhou, and to open up a trade route from the upper reaches of the Qiantang River to Hangzhou to sell wood and mountain goods.

For this strategic goal, the Liu family invested a lot in the early stage: buying the house and the surrounding tens of acres of saline-alkali land, dredging the small river bay to build a small private wharf, and even spending money to repair the river gate at the mouth of Xintang River—although they installed their own home. People, but the ownership of the river gate is public, and the Liu family also finished this charity with tears.

After everything was ready, the Liu family began to ship timber from the upstream to Hangzhou City. After that, there will be no future...

According to the only boatman who escaped alive after eating the Ban Dao Noodles, the Liu family's cargo ship was hit by supersaturation in the Fuchun River Basin and had close contact with no less than three water bandits. The boat and the platoon never saw the Qiantang River. The sun disappeared on both sides of the Fuchun River.

Why was the fleet targeted and who was behind it?Who is laughing wildly in the middle of the night?All this is still a mystery so far.As for Liu Yaozu, Chairman Liu, who is used to being the mastermind behind the scenes, decisively braking and adjusting resources from unfamiliar areas to the front line of the canal, these are things to come later.

When Chu Jianli heard Liu He talk about this, he laughed: "The friends on the river face are not giving face to Mr. Liu, what should they be guilty of?"

Liu He shook his head with a wry smile: "Third Master, don't make fun of it, when no one has a leeward."

A group of people came to the door of the mansion between joking and laughing. Cao Chuan looked up at the big plaque on the door. The name of the house was very simple, which was the word "Tangzhuang".

Steward Liu shouted at the door, and soon two servants ran out from inside and pushed open the door.Everyone went in and took a look, the place inside is not small, there are more than a dozen courtyards.The Liu family has been renovated after taking over here. The steps and thresholds have been removed. Obviously, it is for the convenience of hoarding goods. It is more suitable to say that it is not a house, but a warehouse.

Since this house has never been used, there are only two handyman guarding the gate, so it looks much dilapidated.There is also a garden full of weeds in the back house. The garden is quite large. It looks like two acres of land. There are three old houses in it. When everyone comes in, the old locust tree is swaying, the wind blows the grass low, and there seems to be ghosts of snakes and rats all of a sudden. haunt……

Although Tangzhuang is dilapidated, for the men who live in the mountains all the year round, this is a commercial house.

Seeing a picture of someone who is all-inclusive, Chu Jianli thought to himself, could it be that Mr. likes to be lively and does not want to live outside the city?So while Butler Liu was going to the gatehouse to drink tea, he pulled Cao Chuan aside and quickly explained: First, according to convention, people from all corners of the world will not live in the city for a long time, because there are various roads within the city wall. The forces are mixed, and once there is trouble in the government's territory, everyone is unfamiliar, and it is not convenient to run.

Second, since the "magic weapon" carried by a certain Taoist is too sharp and makes a lot of movement, it is best for everyone to live outside the city.

After listening to the explanation, Cao Chuan hurriedly expressed that he had no objection. His mind is full of concern now, how to buy a villa in the 21st century. Just let him "retreat".

Seeing the master's statement, Chu Jianli stopped delaying, and ordered everyone to quickly clean up the three rooms in the backyard, while carrying the money to see Butler Liu.

Liu He suddenly saw a pile of ingots appearing in front of him, but he didn't react for a while - "When did this bunch of Kuhaha change their sex and are willing to pay for money?"

Before coming, the Liu family didn't expect to sell their house. They knew that the people in the mountains were poor. The Liu family brought the heroes to Tangzhuang with the idea of ​​​​using the abandoned house.I thought that this group of people was here to eat, drink and travel, but seeing the silver now, Manager Liu knew that he had misunderstood before.

There are at least twenty ingots in the pile of official silver in front of me, which starts at 1000 taels. Based on Liu Guanshi's rich experience in profiteering over the years, he can tell at a glance that the silver ingots are not low in quality.

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