Lu Ming

Page 70

How did the Yuandou find its course in the dark and avoid the bright and dark reefs along the coast?

In the end, Samper could only attribute everything to the strange powers given to them by the gods of the pagans.

... After hearing the first officer's evaluation of the natives, Lei Jian grinned.He understood Huang Mao's mood at the moment: the Spaniards had suffered a lot from the natives of Taipei and Taitung.

Patting Samper on the shoulder, Lei Jian put the AK on his shoulder, waved to Pan Mingzhong who was smoking in the machine gun nest, and then led the team off the boat.

Although there are many indigenous tribes here in Taitung, they were not so easy to meet on the desolate river beach in the 17th century.

The main indigenous tribes in Taitung are the Ami and Puyuma.The Amis have a large population, and the Puyuma are brave and good at fighting.There are also some indigenous tribes such as Rukai, Bunun, Paiwan and so on.

Lei Jian's main task today is to survey and map the topography of the Beinan River estuary. By the way, he will look for iron sand ore. It doesn't need to go deep into any vegetation area, so safety is still guaranteed.

As for iron ore, there is no iron ore produced in Beinan River in the historical records, so this trip is just to take a look.

In fact, until the team returned two hours later, there was no sign of any aborigines on the river beach.

"How is it? Did you gain anything?" Pan Mingzhong, who was in charge of housekeeping, opened his mouth and asked after pulling the Thunder Sword on the board onto the boat.

"I measured the topography, and I dare not go in the woods." Lei Jian said while packing up the digital camera used to take pictures of the terrain in his hand, "I originally looked at the landform here, and I feel that there are iron sand mineralization conditions. Alas, look It's still not good at learning, the instructor didn't listen carefully in class back then."

"Hehe, don't talk nonsense, it doesn't exist in the information, can you still conjure it?"

... Following the conversation between the two, the Yuandou officially ended its first exploration mission since its voyage, and began to sail slowly, heading north regardless of the lateness of the sky.

After zigzagging on the sea for 2 hours at an average speed of 3-20 knots, Yuandou was able to see the key target of this exploration, the mouth of the Xiuguluan River at noon on the second day.

The Hsiuguluan River is located on one-third of the east coast of Taiwan, originating from the Hsiuguluan Mountain in the Central Mountain Range.This place belongs to Hualien County and is a tourist spot in later generations.There is a rafting festival here every summer, a program of rafting along the stream, the first single-hole long bridge in Taiwan, the Dasheng Palace and the natural Xiugu Shuyu Scenic Area.

At this moment, the estuary of the Xiuguluan River, which appeared in the telescope of the Yuandou, has nothing but the lush green vegetation on both sides of the river, and the green Xibulan Island in the middle of the estuary.

In addition to the dense vegetation, it is still vegetation, and people feel sick when they see it.

When the Yuandou came to the estuary, it found that the navigation conditions of Xiuguluan River seemed much more dangerous than that of Beinan River: not only was there a small island in the middle of the estuary, but also because the channel was narrower, there were many messy reefs. Distributed in the estuary area.

This time, the Yuandou could not enter rashly, but opened up its posture to prepare for the whole process—after the ship stopped and anchored, a simple boom was used to lower the boat on the deck.

After the boat was lowered, Lei Jian brought six people aboard this time.With baskets and shovels, lead weights and ropes for measuring water depth, guns, and digital cameras for taking pictures of the terrain, they climbed out of the boat along the ladder and started paddling toward the mouth of the Xiuguluan River.

And according to the unwritten rules, if one traveler on the ship goes out, the other must stay to take charge of the overall situation, so Pan Mingzhong will just stay in the stern cabin and not go anywhere.

Seven or eight minutes later, the small boat had rowed near Hexin Island and began to measure the water depth on the spot.On this trip, Lei Jian and the others had to measure the routes around the island on both the left and right sides, in case other ships would enter in the future.

Just then, an accident happened.

The lookout with a Zeiss 10x mirror in the watchtower first noticed the abnormality, and Pan Mingzhong, who heard the alarm, picked up the walkie-talkie and binoculars on the table and ran out of the cabin.

After climbing into the machine gun nest on the stern building a few steps, Pan Mingzhong straightened up and began to look at the upper reaches of the Xiuguluan River with a telescope.

Appearing in the shot are a dozen canoes rushing down a stream.

Pan Mingzhong's hair exploded at this moment, and he quickly shouted into the walkie-talkie: "Old Lei, the situation has changed, speed back, repeat, speed back!"

Lei Jian's voice quickly came from the walkie-talkie: "Got it, I'm turning around. What's the matter, repeat, what's the matter?"

"Shut up! Turn around and come back!" Pan Mingzhong didn't have time to explain at this time, he took out the M9 pistol on his back and fired 3 shots into the sky to warn Lei Jian, then turned his head and shouted: "Heave the anchor, pull the sail, and ignite the gas stove!"


The current situation is: the bow of the Yuandou is facing the north, and it is stopping horizontally at the outlet of the Xiuguluan River, while the small boat has already turned around and is rowing towards the sand boat.

Due to the relationship with Hexin Island behind them, Lei Jian and the others couldn't see the fleet that came down from the upper reaches; fortunately, Lei Jian was not a fool, he turned around as soon as he heard the alarm, and after seeing the guns on the ship, Knowing that the situation is not good, the row is faster now.

Within 2 minutes, the natives on the canoe could be clearly seen through the telescope.

These natives, who were naked and covered with various bone and wood ornaments around their necks, were paddling the canoe with oars.Some big men standing at the bow of the boat waved the spears in their hands and shouted loudly, showing off their strong chest muscles and the white mud camouflage on their faces.

...Because the natives' boat was going down the current, its speed was very fast. At this time, Pan Mingzhong was impatiently estimating the distance between the canoe and the boat.

But it's useless to be anxious, Yuandou can't do anything at this time.Although the anchor has been drawn, the sails cannot be fully drawn yet: the boat can not move at full sail until the boat returns.As for the engine room, a few minutes wasn't enough to get the propeller going.

Finally, just as the small boat returned to the sand boat, the native canoes had skillfully passed through the rock formations at the mouth of the river, split into two strands, and emerged from the left and right of Xibran Island.

Lei Jian, who desperately climbed back from the ladder to the deck of the Yuandou, was panting heavily, looking at the natives hundreds of meters away in a daze.This gentleman's head is sweating at this moment: I guess it's because of fright.You know, if it weren't for the binoculars and the walkie-talkie, he would probably be finished.

There are more than 10 canoes and more than 100 strong natives. He doesn't know how many can be killed by the AK in his hand in a hasty encounter?

As soon as Lei Jian boarded the boat, the sails began to be raised, and after a few people climbed up on the small boat, the sandboat had already started to sail towards the open sea.

After waving his hand, the remaining three people on the small boat hurriedly rowed the boat aside. At this moment, Pan Mingzhong pushed Lei Jian: "What are you doing, go use the machine gun?"

"Ah, oh, I got it." After Lei Jian took two steps towards the rear cabin, the reflex arc finally worked, and he was afraid of attacking him, so he jumped up and shouted: "Where did these grandchildren come from? Lao Tzu Kill them!"

"Dear Lei, these are natives of the Kavalan tribe, and they often attack Spanish ships like this."

... At the critical moment, the yellow-haired first mate Samper reappeared with the translator.

"Nonsense, the Kavalan people are from Yilan. When did they come to Taidong?"

Lei Jian shouted while running towards the machine gun nest.

Chapter 198 Planter

Due to the remote location and traffic congestion, the process of "assimilating" the indigenous tribes along the Taitung coast by civilization is quite slow.

At the beginning of the 17th century, people from all walks of life came to cultivate and hoard, and it was not until the end of the 250th century, more than 19 years later, that Yilan in the northeast corner of Taiwan was officially "taken over" by the Manchu and Qing Fujian immigrants.

Therefore, the natives of Taitung, who are isolated by mountains and seas, have historically been quite difficult to deal with.Due to the lack of communication, these natives are more savage, more aggressive, and more difficult to tame.

In history, after the Penghu War, the Dutch were hesitant and considered retreating to Dayuan or Taipei. A Chinese "Japitan" who came from Batavia gave advice: "Chicken coops and fresh water are not good anchorages. The people nearby are vicious and cannot communicate with each other."

Listen to people's advice and eat well.

The Dutch finally succeeded in the big players.Even after the buckskin trade ended, the Dutch quickly turned Tainan's white sugar into a flagship product.

The unbelieving Spaniards suffered a lot in Taipei.A place with 3000 mm of rain a year is not so easy to mix.The heat, disease, and uncompromising natives overwhelmed the Spaniards, who eventually withdrew from the territory.

Therefore, the reason why the Spanish chief mate regarded the natives killed today from the upper reaches of the Xiuguluan River as the Kavalan tribe entrenched in Yilan was because these people were so similar to the Kavalan tribe.

The same savage pig protrusion pattern, the same dress, including the battle patterns painted with various mud on the face, are very similar.

However, the two time travelers knew very well that these savages who suddenly jumped out were not from the Kavalan tribe.Pan Mingzhong and the others dared to come to Taitung for exploration, so they naturally had to read some indigenous materials beforehand.This is Xiuguluan Creek, not Yilan. The Kavalan people are still 100 kilometers away from here.

So these drifting warriors in front of them are mostly the plain branch of the Amis tribe.

The Amis are the most populous indigenous tribe in Taitung, with branches in both mountains and plains.Someone like this who can mobilize hundreds of soldiers to play tactical raids at any time is definitely not a small clan.

Of course, none of this matters now.

The important thing is to adjust your posture.


In the era of black powder, there was a headache: gunpowder smoke.When there is no wind or the wind direction does not match, the gunpowder smoke from the muzzles of the soldiers will soon permeate the battlefield, blocking the sight of one side or both sides.

As for the main battle gun type of the crossing forces: the 1-type rifle, because it far exceeds the rate of fire of the smoothbore gun, this problem is magnified instead.In the case of no wind, the visibility of the test team will drop sharply after 8 minute of shooting: the gunpowder smoke after firing [-] rounds at full speed is very thick.

…When the line of sight is blocked, the party with the backward weapons must be the one to benefit, and the crossing army, which is full of black technology, will naturally try to avoid this from happening.

Therefore, in the latest infantry drill code compiled by the military, the troops' choice of the wind direction of the battlefield has already overwhelmed the demand for terrain.In other words, when there is wind, the army would rather endure the condescending charge of the opponent, and adjust the wind direction to face the wind or cross the wind.

This is what Yuandou is facing now.

The wind was blowing from the direction of the North Yuandou's bow.Today's wind is not strong, only three or four degrees, that is to say, if the soldiers fire on the side of the ship, the machine gun position in the poop will soon become a fairy palace with white smoke.

Although by visual inspection, the soldiers on the boat can handle the natives on the opposite side, but who dares to guarantee the war?A few minutes ago, someone was being chased to the crap... So Yuandou is honestly turning around at this moment.

As for the dozen or so canoes rushing out of the stream, after bypassing the island in the middle of the river, the kinetic energy of the impact has been exhausted, and they are now moving forward by the power of the oars.

"It's almost done, let's do a few rounds of gun platooning first?" Lei Jian, who was lying in the machine gun nest, saw that the canoe had rowed within 500 meters, and couldn't wait to shout into the walkie-talkie.

"Don't worry, we'll talk about it when we turn around." Although Pan Mingzhong said that he guarded the coastal defense post for three years as a soldier, he still has some tactical skills: "If you get closer, you won't be able to escape!"

In order to ensure no accidents, the two traversers are now separated: one holds the machine gun at the stern, and the other holds the AK at the bow.

As time went by, the Yuandou finally drew a circle slowly on the sea, pointing the stern to the north.The native's canoe also approached within 150 meters of the Yuandou.

Seeing the canoes rowing towards them in a fan shape, and the ferocious-faced indigenous warriors waving spears all the time, the weapons on the Yuandou, they finally let out a roar at this moment.

The first three rounds of platooning completely suppressed the arrogance of the natives.The three rounds of guns fired by 15 sailors smashed the first canoe within half a minute into a coffin: the leader who was playing cool in the wind was blown out of the bow, and the rest of the paddling boys There were many casualties, the canoe had completely turned sideways, and the trough was filled with blood.

Just half a minute is naturally not enough to make some warriors who are in the midst of a pig's attack change their course, so the remaining canoes are still charging at the moment, but the various unique pronunciations full of folk customs used to communicate on the sea are now gone. A lot of low-key.

Another half minute passed.When the other canoe was knocked over directly in the sea, the contact sound floating on the sea finally uttered some terrified syllables.

There is no need for translation, the obviously slowed down boat speed and the obviously changed pitch can be felt by everyone on the sandboat.

There was confusion in the indigenous fleet at this time, and some people had stopped paddling—the enemy did not launch harmless iron balls like the traditional passing Spanish and Chinese ships, but used a strange weapon The two canoes were knocked down in an instant, which terrified the warriors.

The sinking of the third canoe helped the warriors decide to retreat.Although the nearest canoe had rushed to a distance of less than 30 meters from the Yuandou, the natives at the bow even tentatively threw a spear in the direction of the sand ship.

It's a pity that this is the bow of the ship shaking, so the javelin missed the point, and just stuck into the bulkhead of the Yuandou.The canoe that hit the "historic impact point" did not run smoothly like the submarine in later generations. The next moment, the canoe was smashed into a sieve by the rain of bullets close at hand.


Seeing the remaining seven or eight canoes start to make a cool U-turn in front of the enemy, standing at the bow with an AK in hand, Pan Mingzhong, whose face was blackened by the gunpowder smoke blowing in the wind, couldn't help laughing up.

The natives were not Togo Heihachiro, and the canoes were not gunboats in good condition, so when the canoes finally completed their tactical maneuvers and started running towards their hometown, they paid the price of three more canoes.

"Man Fan, catch up!" Pan Mingzhong gave the order at this time.

The sand boat quickly caught up.

Seeing the 5 canoes running away screaming and screaming, the itchy Lei Jian, regardless of Pan Mingzhong's scolding, finally fired 10 rounds of heavy machine gun bullets - the reason was to avenge the fright he had just received.

Only one of the 10 bullets hit the human body.

However, it was this bullet that caused the natives on the canoe to encounter the opening scene of "Saving Private Ryan" on the spot: candied haws on a string.

And after Lei Jian finished having fun, he was scolded.

... Although the soldiers and sailors on the Yuandou were temporarily assigned to the exploration team, their files are all in the Ministry of the Navy.In other words, after returning to Hong Kong in the future, these soldiers will still be under the management of the navy.

Therefore, when reporting and summarizing the battle cases, the navy will definitely know that the exploration team will still abuse imported ammunition after the enemy apparently escaped...

The next consequence is that the exploration team will be recruited by the navy who has obtained the evidence, and then a part of the ration of imported materials will be cut. This is almost a must... On the road to compete for imported materials, there will never be friends.

The so-called masturbation is good for a while, and it is like a dog afterwards, which is the current situation.

So Lei Jian was scolded.While commanding the Yuandou to chase after the fleeing enemy vigorously, Pan Mingzhong scolded Lei a few times on the walkie-talkie.

After the chase and escape work was carried out near Hexin Island, it did not end.While the Yuandou was slowing down, Pan Mingzhong sent a signal to order the small boats behind the ship to approach, preparing to organize people to board the boats and hunt them down.

"It's not necessary, right? There are only two left, let him go?" Lei Jian looked at the canoe that had almost turned around Hexin Island, and asked in confusion.

"No, we must let the aborigines know that we have the ability to fight on land and hunt and kill." Pan Mingzhong said while stuffing magazines into the short vest on his body at this time: "This is already the case, we must let the aboriginals remember deeply, Otherwise, there will be no peace in the mines in the future!"

After speaking, Pan Mingzhong climbed the ladder and got off the boat.

Easy to come, hard to go.After bypassing Hexin Island, the aboriginal wooden boats no longer faced the downstream, but the upstream that required constant twists and turns.And just as they were struggling upward, the pursuers behind them also bypassed Hexin Island.

Five minutes later, the aborigines, who were hit by scattered bullets, threw the corpses on the boat, jumped out of the stranded canoe, stumbled and began to run upstream on their own two legs.

Meanwhile, the 5-member team led by Pan Mingzhong pulled over to the side of the boat unhurriedly at this time, and began to shoot the enemies in front one after another, like a cat chasing a mouse.

When passing by the canoe, a member of the team was going to replenish guns for two wounded natives on the shore, but Pan Mingzhong held him back: "Let them fend for themselves."


Of the more than 100 aborigines before departure, less than 10 escaped into the dense forest. The reason why they survived was because the AK in someone's hand did not fire, not because they ran fast.

And Pan Mingzhong did not open fire, not because he was kind, but because he needed these aboriginals to serve as planters and propaganda teams, and together with the struggling wounded on the bank of the stream, spread the horror of the crossing crowd, and reduce the number of people in the future. trouble.

Chapter 199

That night, the Yuandou stopped at the mouth of the Xiuguluan River.

Early the next morning, heavily armed intruders once again boarded the creek bank in small boats.The difference from yesterday was that the small boat made two round trips today, sending both traversers ashore.

This already belongs to PowerSearch.Pan Mingzhong commanded in the center, and more than 20 sailors with [-] caps pulled out the skirmish line, and the whole team began to slowly walk to the upper reaches of the Xiuguluan River.

Following behind the main force were Lei Jian and a few team members carrying baskets on their backs.

No matter how ruthless the killing was yesterday, no one dares to guarantee that the aborigines will not retaliate today.So everyone looks like they are facing an enemy today, maintaining a high level of vigilance throughout the whole process-the safe distance that the river beach can provide is less than 200 meters, and there are dense jungles outside, and no one knows what is hidden inside. How many dick fighters.

The canoe that overturned on the shore yesterday was still there, including the two wounded natives who were half-soaked in the water and died long ago.

The exploration team walked past them without stopping.

The team didn't go far upstream, and there was a harvest: Lei Jian found iron ore with dark brown spots in the shallow water by the river.

It didn't take long for the two exploration team members who rolled up their trousers to go into the water, and shoveled a basket of iron sand up from the spot.

"How about it, is it this thing?" Pan Mingzhong who ran over was impatient.

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