Lu Ming

Page 69

The other sailors were ordered to stay on deck and were not allowed to disembark or return to their cabins.

No one dared to disobey the orders of these heathens.

Not to mention the team of soldiers holding mahogany guns on the pier, the newly built red brick concrete gunhouse in the Chikan wharf area also made any force that had close contact with heavy machine guns lose the confidence to resist: the Spaniards were turning a corner. When entering the port, I finally saw the big killer on the Yuandou from a close distance.

The only person on board who was allowed to step down was Gomez, the purser.His task was to work with the black-haired port officials to count the few cargoes in the hold.

After the registration of all the goods was completed, the officials conveniently sealed off the gun ports of several artillery pieces.After returning to the deck, everyone left, leaving only the interpreter to tell the purser: the sulfur in the cabin is now being requisitioned.

After hearing this sentence, the second mate, the purser and the boatswain, who had the highest positions on the deck, looked at each other, and immediately began to drive the sailors away, carrying out the 20 bags of sulfur in the cabin, and stacking them neatly On the pier outside the ship.

The translator who kept the size of the board was very satisfied. He smiled at this time, and then under the watchful eyes of everyone, he took out a bag of shredded tobacco, and a crude green-oka wood pipe that was obviously cut by an apprentice with a woodworking lathe, and began to lean on the On the side of the Alicante, smoking a pipe.

Seeing this situation, the purser bowed in front of the translator a little nervously: "Dear sir, I think we have the right to know what will happen next."

While looking at the towers of the shipyard in the distance, the translator let out a puff of second-hand smoke leisurely, and then said with a narrow expression: "The next step is labor, or do you think there is rum to drink?"

"Oh, God!" cried the sailors miserably.At this moment, they thought of those pagan slaves who worked their whole lives in Christian sugar cane fields.

Fortunately, the interpreter was only trying to scare them temporarily. Soon, he pointed to a string of wooden carts approaching from far to near on the pier, and said with a smile: "The labor is here, let's move the goods, gentlemen."

... The sailors began to move the red bricks from the cart into the hold with a look of astonishment on their faces.The piefaces are now in a state of extreme confusion. They don't know who the goods are for. Many people even think that these heretics have confiscated the ships. Everyone is experiencing the first day of slavery...

Hundreds of red bricks on 10 small carts were moved quickly, and then dock workers wearing moon white waistcoats pulled away the sulfur with small carts.

This kind of single-person trolley has the same shape as the tin trolleys on construction sites in later generations. They are all square buckets, a pair of large wheels, and two poles at the rear.It's just that except for a layer of iron on the axle and the outer ring of the wheel, the rest are made of wood.

In the absence of rubber, the material of the wheel can only be wood at present.The quality of the wheels produced in the kiln area is still good: the two semicircular wooden wheels after steam fumigation are first riveted together by the spokes, and then the outer rings are covered with hot iron rings. After emergency cooling, the iron rings shrink, A pair of wheels with the principle of "body self-tightening" was born.

At present, the wheels used by the entire crossing forces, except for a few imported solid tires, are all manufactured through this process.As for the effect, at least on the concrete floor of the dock area, the trolley with iron rings is quite practical, and it runs fast.

Therefore, the sailors on the Alicante did not rest for long, and the car came again.This time, the car was loaded with "box-type cement" which is very popular in Hangzhou's business circle: a camphorwood box filled with cement sacks.

In the age of sail, water leakage in the cabin is almost one of the unavoidable problems, so valuable goods in this era need to be wrapped layer by layer.The gift boxes that were opened layer by layer on the later generations of Riman originated from this: without such packaging, the precious silk fabric would be soaked in sea water after getting it.

"Box cement" is also born out of this.It's just that the wooden box shipped today is a finished camphor wooden box with iron sheets and corners produced by the kiln area.

Those skilled painters, coppersmiths and carpenters in Hangzhou will dress up the semi-finished wooden boxes as copper-skinned corners, copper animal handles, and exquisitely lacquered high-quality furniture.However, Manila in 1628 was a rural place where even groceries had to be imported from Daming, so the wooden boxes shipped today are all simple-style finished boxes.

The bewildered people began to move the wooden boxes to the cabin again.

After that, the trolley brought fine china, delicate cotton cloth, beautiful silk, and some glass tableware.

At this time, Comrade Translator had already turned into an accountant, standing at the hatch, checking the cargo with the chief purser.

When everything was over, the translator asked the purser to sign the triplicate manifest, and then said the truth loudly with a smile: "These goods are samples to be taken to Manila, gentlemen, you can leave tomorrow here."

Ignoring the weeping sailors, the interpreter took another person away before leaving: "Has anyone here ever learned the art of building walls with mud?"

"Sir, my father was a mason."

"Very well, what's your name?"

"Andres Iniesta Jr., sir."

"Come with me to the dockyard now. By tomorrow morning, you must learn how to use cement. Luckily for you, boy, the big shots in Manila will be asking you to visit soon."


While the sailors were working hard to move the goods, Sandoval's team, who was taken to the temporary office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Dayuan Island, was arguing with Cai Feiming.

Comrade Cai Feiming sold luggage in Barcelona back then, so he speaks Spanish very fluently.

When Comrade Second Lieutenant and several other high-level staff came to the office, Cai Feiming quickly explained the intention of crossing the forces to these prisoners.

First: Trading rights for castles.

From now on, Dayuan Port is open to the Philippines, and Spaniards can freely buy goods here.

While handing the second lieutenant a catalog of goods, Cai Feiming told him that a batch of goods was being loaded into the cargo warehouse of the Galen ship.These goods will be taken back to Manila by the second lieutenant as a trade sample and presented to Governor Juan Nino de Tabora to show the sincerity of the high officials.

At the same time, Cai Feiming told the second lieutenant: As the price for obtaining trade rights, the Spanish side must transfer the city of San Salvador, which was built in Jilong Bay, Taipei, to the powerful forces in the shortest possible time.

As for the city of Santo Domingo, which is under construction at the mouth of the Tamsui River, Cai Feiming said openly: We are not interested in it.If you want, you can completely move your soldiers and belongings there, and we will be good neighbors in the future.

In addition, Cai Feiming also promised: If the agreement is reached, the Spanish ships can start directly from Dayuan in the future, take a shortcut in the strait, and go to the mouth of the Danshui River to complete the supply task.The Spaniards can even outsource the supply tasks to the big staff, and everyone can talk about these.

Chapter 196 Night Scene

What I said before is sweet dates, and then it’s time to talk about big sticks.

In order to urge the Philippine side to make a decision as soon as possible, Cai Feiming officially announced at this moment: The officials will block the routes inside and outside the island from now on. This order will remain in effect until the two sides reach an agreement.

Second Lieutenant Sandoval was shocked.

They first took some time to sort out the logical relationship: these short-haired pagans, first hijacked them here brutally, then filled their cabins with smiles, then they promised to open trade, and then Blocked the route, trying to starve the soldiers in Taipei there...

Half sea water, half flame.Half guns, half roses.

This kind of reckless sweet date + big stick policy, to be honest, is a bit too forceful.They would be out of their minds if they weren't devout Catholics, +2 on Confusion and Confusion checks.

When Sandoval's team thoroughly understood the intentions of the traversers, they instinctively started bargaining: "In the name of God, that castle belongs to His Majesty Philip IV! You can't take it away like this!"

Cai Feiming rolled his eyes: "Is the fact of sitting in front of me not enough to make you realize the fear of force?"

"The reason why that small fort is still in your hands is entirely because of our kindness, do you understand kindness?" Cai Feiming knocked on the table, with a look of foolishness on his face: "In one morning, all your soldiers can be killed." Kill, think of the corpses on your ship!"

Seeing that these bastards finally began to show terror in their eyes, Lao Cai added angrily: "Besides, I don't think you have been given diplomatic rights by Manila. So, gentlemen, you have no right to talk to me here. What are you discussing, you are just messengers."

Speaking of this, Cai Feiming took out four documents from the drawer.The first two documents are the official diplomatic agreement and Xia Xianze's personal letter, which needs to be taken by the second lieutenant to Manila and handed over to the governor.

The third document is the list of requirements.

Considering Manila's tragic commodity export capacity, the list is very short, so short that there are only two commodities, silver and "Filipino maid".

Needless to say about silver, the galleon trade transports a lot of silver to Manila every year to renew the fee for this regime that has no competitive commodities and only exports but not imports.Not to mention the Filipino maids, they will be well-known until later generations, so the officials are now very interested in young and strong men and women in the Philippines.

The strategic minds of Lieutenant Sandoval and the others were not enough to realize the importance of this trade condition: when this demand list was presented, the Philippines had a "self-produced" high-quality product for the first time.

Of course, the cross-travelers don’t need these guys to understand everything, they just need a messenger to bring the letter to Governor Juan Nino de Tabora in Manila, and that’s it.When Governor Tabora saw these documents, he would naturally understand the value of them.

As for the small stone castle in Taipei, it is not even a bargaining chip in the face of such huge interests: the Spaniards are now in the recession period of industrial hollowing out, and they have nothing but silver.Now and in the future, they will fully shrink in America, Africa, and Asia, and the colonies will be eaten away one by one, not to mention the loss of many forts every year.

As long as Governor Tabora's standard is above the crappy level, he will definitely agree to this agreement.

The fourth, which is the last document, is a letter of commitment: the crossing force promises that after the two parties establish a comprehensive strategic partnership, they will provide several coordinate points near Manila for free for the Spaniards to dig for gold. Silver and copper mines.

Of course, it is irresponsible for the huge consumption in the early stage to build mines in malaria, savages and tropical jungles.As for the day when the gunboats arrived at the gate of Manila, whether or not the piefaces could dig out minerals, and if they did, how much gold and silver they could dig up, all depended on their luck.


After sealing the four documents with wax bags, they were locked in a lacquer box, and then Cai Feiming handed over the keys and the lacquer box to Second Lieutenant Sandoval.

When the second lieutenant swore in the name of God and the king that he would hand over the letter to the governor, and the other three promised to testify, Cai Feiming nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, it seems that you finally understand the nature of your work."

At this point in the meeting, most of the planned diplomatic missions have been completed.

Next, Cai Feiming took out a few sheets of paper and a quill pen, and threw them in front of the Spaniard: "Okay, let's write the last item."

"What do we need to write?"

"Of course it's a letter to the commander in Taipei, tell him everything that happened here." Cai Feiming's gaze scanned the faces of the four people: "Also, I need one of you to take the survey ship to Taipei tomorrow, Give the letter to the commander over there. And before the order from Manila arrives, persuade the commander to facilitate the survey ship... at least don't show hostility and provoke our men to fire."

... After the four Spaniards discussed for a while, they finally decided that the first mate, Samper, would be the courier to Taipei.As for the letters, the chaplains who professionally wrote them wrote them at a stroke.

In the end, everyone signed and adjourned the letter. This long-planned meeting, which was facilitated by a coincidence, finally came to an end.

Since they only stayed in Taijiang briefly for one night, these Spaniards who had not been quarantined were ordered to stay on board that day.

After the meeting, the second lieutenant and the others were also sent back to the Galen ship. After that, the senior officials ignored them except for sending a batch of supplies.

The only one who enjoyed hotel accommodation, hot showers and clean clothes was First Mate Samper.He will take the re-starting exploration ship to Taipei early tomorrow morning.

When the second lieutenant returned to the Alicante, the sailors who finally learned the truth could finally weep with joy... Everyone's life was saved.

As for those trade agreements, those are things that big people need to worry about, and small people are not qualified to comment.

By this time it was completely dark.The Spaniards on the Alicante were enjoying the night view that they had never seen before while eating the salted fish rice from the port.


The Industrialists eventually compromised.

With the successive completion of Chikan Wharf, Chikan District Government, Crossing Villa District, Taijiang Shipyard, and Taijiang Cold Storage Area, the kiln industry party has no way to delay the power supply on both sides of the Taijiang River. As a result, the 5-kilometer main cable and the same length of auxiliary cables, distribution stations, transformers, etc. were imported in one step not long ago.

For the entire Taijiang lighting project, the proportion of self-produced accessories in the kiln area, including utility poles and various shell brackets, is less than 20%.This is also the reason why the Industrial Party keeps complaining: if it persists for a while, old-fashioned asphalt wires can be produced in the kiln area, and so many import quotas will not be used at all.

Tucao belongs to Tucao, the effect is still extremely beautiful.

Today's Taijiang River, because the east and west banks are connected to electricity, so every night is a unique bright world in the 17th century.

Starting from the shipyard area in the north where the work started all night, it extends all the way to the warehouse and cold storage area in the south, and then crosses the sea to Dayuan Island... The Taijiang River is surrounded by endless lights of various colors, like a long shining river, flowing endlessly. interest.

The lights are reflected on the dark blue sea, and with the undulations of the waves, the light and shadow of the broken stars, and the stars in the sky above the head reflect each other, like an upside-down mirage, which is fascinating.

The Spaniards were holding on to the side of the boat, watching all this greedily.The night scene of the pagan city fits their fantasy of heaven so much. The excited roar of the sailors came from the Galen ship from time to time. The next moment, the searchlight on the gun tower shone over, and the sailors screamed in a blinding white light. Well, let's be honest now.

When the terrible searchlight post was removed, the big pie faces hid silently behind the side of the ship, still looking at the Chikan Street that made loud noises.

The Chikan Avenue in front of the Chikan government gate is now the busiest place on a summer night.

Due to the limited number of light bulbs and wires, the Denghe on both sides of the Taijiang River is actually limited to the important buildings around the Linjiang River.It is limited by the north-south Chikan Avenue, with light bulbs on the west and self-produced gas lamps on the east.

A large number of workers now come out of the dark dormitories every night, crowding on Chikan Avenue and the banks of the Taijiang River to enjoy the coolness and eat grilled fish: pure charcoal grilled fish.

All kinds of spot, all kinds of shrimp, and all kinds of crabs that are expensive in later generations are not too expensive in the current Chikan night market: if a worker only invites customers once a month, he can afford it.

These seafood bakes, topped generously with salt and a dash of chili flakes, are fresh from the day's shipment into cold storage.

Theoretically speaking, Dayuan's seafood should be extremely cheap - in the 17th century, there were endless seafood growing freely in the straits.

The reason for the high price of seafood is the lack of fishing nets.Dayuan's fishing fleet does not have nylon at present, and they can only catch shallow fish with traditional hemp nets. Not to mention the low efficiency, they cannot continue to operate.

To fix this, the closest tech tree right now is the Wire Fishing Net.Of course, this black technology can only be put on the agenda after at least the development of the iron sand mine in Taitung.


Early the next morning, little Andres, who was dragged to the construction site overnight to study the knowledge of cement use, came back staggeringly.The poor man was illiterate, so when he finished work in the morning, he also got a hand-painted schematic diagram on Fujian bamboo paper-this thing was mass-produced, and it was prepared for those illiterate craftsmen in Daming.

At the same time that little Andres returned to the Alicante, the first mate Samper also boarded the deck of the Yuandou.

As a result, the two sailing boats that were fighting to death yesterday, like friends at this moment, sailed out of the Dayuan channel one after the other, and went south with the wind.

Chapter 197 Drifting Show

The two ships parted ways soon after setting off from Dazuo.

The Alicante will continue south to Manila.On the other hand, the Yuandou headed straight to Kenting Cape that night without stopping, and went northward the next day, heading straight to the coast of Taitung.

Compared with the west coast of Taiwan, which is often visited by Fujian people, the east coast facing the Pacific Ocean is more desolate and more primitive. Every inch of land is covered with vegetation, dense trees, lush greenery, and towering mountains.

The development progress of Taitung area is also very slow in history: the transportation is inconvenient, many places are isolated from the world, and every year we have to face the Pacific storm directly. It takes a lot of courage to mix here.

Since the age of great navigation in the 15th century, the Portuguese have named many places on the global route "Formosa".

To some extent, this is a bit like the Michelin certification of later generations: any place named "Formosa" by the Portuguese must be a primitive area with beautiful natural environment; because the word "Formosa" in Latin means It means "beautiful".

This term is not used in later generations, mainly because of its colonial color.And through the age of the people, the official names of Taiwan and the strait to the colonists were "Formosa" and "Formosa Strait".


After crossing Bitou Reef where the Galen ship met, 70 kilometers further north is the Taitung Plain.The distance that cars of later generations can cover in a few ten minutes, sand boats ran for most of the day under the headwind.

When you see the Taitung Plain, you will naturally see the Green Island on the east sea.So Pan Mingzhong was humming "Green Island Serenade" while directing the Yuandou to dock at the mouth of Beinan River.

Beinan Stream is the largest stream in Taitung, originating from the Central Mountain Range.The Taitung Delta Plain is the Beinan River and several other streams, alluvially formed over tens of millions of years.

Soon, the sand boat found a small flat bay north of the mouth of the Beinan River.After the ship was parked, Lei Jian was wearing a canvas overalls, fully armed, and led a group of sailors with guns, ready to disembark for exploration.

"Sir, I have to remind you that the savages here are very cruel and difficult to deal with."

...The first mate Samper with a thin face and blond hair led the interpreter to Lei Jian.

Samper had a fulfilling life on board the Yuandou these days.

Although the stern cabin and the engine room below the stern cabin did not allow him to approach, he still found many surprising places on the Yuandou.

Only by boarding the traverser's ship in person can one feel the horror of being dominated by technology-in Samper, technology is always called "the power of the devil".

The iron cylinder that hangs on the mast and makes a loud roar from time to time, the iron that rotates strangely, the pulley block on the sail cable, the rifle that can be fired without a matchlock in the hands of soldiers...all these make Samper feel that he is on a devil ship .

There are also night flights.Although every night, he was ordered to sleep in the cabin, but as an old seaman, Samper only needs to stand on the deck the next day, and he can calculate the voyage last night from the familiar terrain of the Taitung coastline.

It made him shudder.

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