Lu Ming

Page 60

The "Mission" of the Intelligence Bureau took over the Ryan the next day."Boss Cao" wearing a wig immediately boarded the ship. After walking around the sea, the officers found that the ship was in good condition. With the wood gas power fully turned on, the Fuchuan could reach a high speed of 4 knots when the sails were lowered. that's enough.

The mission will soon be ready, and then set off for Fuzhou to meet Lao Xiong in secret.

As a result, the crossovers entrenched on Dayuan Island began to adjust their policies in order to deal with the coming war in the near future.


Since war is to be dealt with, the first thing to be opened up is gun ban.

It's ashamed to say that after a certain force has occupied Dayuan for such a long time, so far, it has not produced a single gun or cannon to defend its homeland.

For a long time, the fighting method of the crossing people, in addition to using the weapons and ammunition of later generations to destroy the enemy, is to distribute some knives, axes and spears to their subordinates and let them fight hand-to-hand...

The advanced and the backward are mixed together, there is no transition in between, and the style is extremely weird... However, a certain force has mixed up to this day without any sense of disobedience.

Now the princes of the court finally couldn't hold back anymore.

The bad slogan "All resources should be given priority to the development of basic industries" can no longer be shouted in the face of the increasingly severe situation!

On the third day after Comrade Chen Huoding came to Dayuan, the Dayuan Office issued an official document: Kiln District Base will open a special weapons workshop from now on to produce self-made guns.


It was too late to complain about the insane style of the princes who are in power, and the weapons sub-section on the forum became extremely lively overnight.All kinds of information flooded the screen, from bronze cannons to barrel cannons, from brown basses to AKs, fans behind all kinds of weapons jumped out at this moment, shouting hoarsely for the best murder weapon in their minds. Countless debates, invective and taunts.

So the weapons expert came on the scene——the only gun repairman in the cross-country has been appointed as the general manager of the newly opened state-owned weapons company. Comrade Ma Zekai officially announced: the meeting will be held tomorrow.

What meeting?Firearms stereotypes meeting.

As for artillery?

We'll talk about it the day after tomorrow.

Chapter 179 Knockout

There was a buzz in the hall.

Since the establishment of Dayuan Telecom Company, the leaders have maintained the operation of the entire traversing force through forums, voice software, and small-scale meetings.And this large meeting room, which was converted from the Dutch restaurant, has not been used for a long time.

Today's "firearms finalization meeting" is really because there are too many noisy things in the past two days. Those who understand guns are not convinced by anyone. All kinds of opinions are sharply opposed. It is not clear on the forum... so the newly released weapons Ma Zekai, the general manager of the company, held such a meeting, ready to settle the situation and quickly determine the main gun type of the future crossing army.

In the old restaurant that had been hastily cleaned, fine dust was floating in the air. Travelers were scattered in groups of three or four, sitting on dilapidated wooden stools, gathering in small groups in a messy manner, with their heads together, whispering to each other. Whispering.

Sitting behind a broken table on the rostrum, Ma Zekai, who was smoking with his legs crossed, looked at his watch from time to time, preparing to announce the opening of the meeting as soon as the hour came.


"I really don't understand. Shouldn't the people in the army have the final say on what weapons to use?" Wearing a 07-style blue navy general uniform with polished leather shoes, the meticulous navy general Mu Longcheng, At this time, he was sitting in the corner of the restaurant, whispering angrily to the people next to him.

"In theory." Beside Mu Longcheng, Han Xiaobo, the army commander in camouflage training uniform, laughed at this moment: "But in reality, weapons are decided by the arms dealer and the senator at the wine table , Soldiers can only take the prescribed allocations and purchase the prescribed varieties... This is called shuanggui."

"Just return the arms dealer, cut, put the cart before the horse!"

Hearing Mu Longcheng's complaints, Han Xiaobo pouted with a smile: "Well, there are no arms dealers in this room, but the MPs are sitting in a bunch..."

It's a bit pitiful to say, except for these two representatives of the navy and army in military uniforms sitting at the base of the wall, there is no soldier in this room.

Even the commander of the Marine Corps, Qian Mou, who was supposed to show his face, found an excuse to get out of the way after seeing this funny scene of gun emperors gathering - the Marine Corps has no scale now and is used as a special force Well, all the weapons are "imported" high-end goods, Commander Qian has the confidence, so he won't come in troubled waters.

Dozens of spear masters from all walks of life sat abruptly in the restaurant like the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period.

Comrade Mu Longcheng in the corner was finally so bored that he started to investigate the enemy situation: "Is Tao Zheng's group members of 56 and a half party?"

"No, it's from the AK gang." Han Xiaobo told the gang well.

"Huh? Didn't you say that the top 56 and a half people are the most, why are they all in the AK gang?"

"It's all a joke on the Internet. Who doesn't know that AK is using his energy?"

"Cut, can it be made?" Mu Longcheng looked contemptuous.

"The AK Party has already demonstrated it on the forum." Han Xiaobo had a playful face at this moment: "The old men in Afghanistan can make it in the workshop, so we can do the same!"

"I'll go, those are some assembly workshops, and the barrels are all imported." Mu Longcheng rolled his eyes.

"We can also import gun barrels..."

"The barrel can be imported, then..."

At this moment, the conversation between the two was interrupted by Ma Zekai, who was knocking on the broken table: "Everyone, be quiet, it's time for the meeting, let's start now."

Ma Zekai's age is relatively high among those who are generally under 30 years old: 36 years old.Lao Ma had worked as a firearms repairman in a private weapons company before, and he was the only one in the group with actual combat experience in making guns.

"We still use the old method today: each group sends people to the stage in turn, and each person has 10 minutes to speak, after which there is voting, and the final elimination system."

...Ma Zekai is very clear that his new weapon company is just a worker, and has no right to speak at all, so now the old horse has a calm expression that has nothing to do with him: Let's make a noise, it doesn't matter if you make a noise, you Dare to give materials, I dare to build.

However, the masters who understand guns in the audience don't think so, especially the supporters of AK, 56 and a half guns with the largest number of people.Comrades have confident smiles on their faces, and they seem to have enough confidence to knock down their opponents, so that thousands of brave fighters who will cross the country in the future will go into battle with the guns in their hearts to kill the enemy.


Just as Ma Zekai was about to draw lots and arrange the order of contestants on stage, three people walked in outside the restaurant.

The first one is the current CEO of Time Travel Group, Xia Xianze and Xia Zhongtang.

Following Mr. Xia was Zou Guoqing, Mr. Zou Ge, one of the princes in the big office, who was in charge of the industry.

The last time traveler, who was wearing a suit and had prematurely grayed hair, was around 35 years old named Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng is the former captain of the fire brigade of the Armed Police. He has recently started to walk in the big office, in charge of military logistics, recruit training, and military material procurement.

Seeing these three people enter the door, the originally warm atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly stagnated... The comrades are quickly assessing the impact of these products on their team, so the scene is a little deserted.

However, Han Xiaobo, who was sitting in the corner at this time, grinned slightly and laughed silently - his rich life experience told him that there should be a good show to watch today!

Seeing Zhongtang enter the door, Ma Zekai hastily stepped out to greet him, took Mr. Xia's hand in casual clothes, and shook it non-stop, his flattery was beyond words.

As for Xia Xianze, the three of them walked up to the rostrum while smiling and greeting the gun masters with changing faces.

…After coughing twice, Xia Xianze, who was standing on the stage, first tapped the broken table in front of him with his middle finger, then smiled and said, "I won't waste everyone's time, I will leave after a few words."

No one doubts Lao Xia's words—there are less than 200 people in the time-traveling crowd, and bureaucratic habits are far from being formed.People in Xia Xianze's position are busy with affairs all day long, and they will leave after a few words. It will definitely not exceed 3 minutes. to get off work...

"I'm here today, first of all I want to tell you some good news!" Xia Xianze smiled all over his face at this moment: "After negotiating with Mr. Cao, I now solemnly declare to everyone: No matter what type of gun we choose, Mr. Cao will use the best Fast speed, import 200 sample guns of the highest quality, to equip our earliest cadet company!"

Scattered applause and scattered cheers came from the audience.Xia Xianze, who was already used to this kind of situation, was about to open his mouth to say something, when his cuff was suddenly pulled by Lu Sheng, and then the middle-aged white-haired former armed policeman whispered a word in Lao Xia's ear .

"Gun butt, oh yes, I forgot the gun butt." Xia Xianze patted his head: "Sorry, I don't know much about guns. Well, we have to produce the gun butt ourselves."


At this time, no one in the audience spoke, and there was silence.

Even the person with a less sensitive sense of smell felt that something was wrong at this moment, and everyone is now waiting for Master Zhongtang to say "but".

"But, um, everyone knows that our power is extremely short of various industrial raw materials, so..."

When Xia Xianze said this, he turned his head and nodded to Zou Guoqing who was standing beside him: "So, after our research, we have decided that for a period of time in the future, all self-produced guns must not use metal cartridges, especially copper cartridges. This restriction will remain in effect until we have a sufficient amount of copper mines! My words are over."


If you say what you say, you must practice it, and in reality you believe in others.

Xia Xianze's trio, from entering to leaving, took a total of 3 minutes.

The ignorant gun masters were left sitting there staring with big eyes.

After 5 suffocating minutes passed, a person slowly stood up from the seat——Tao Zheng, vice president of Dayuan Telecom, a fan of AK series rifles.

He took two mouthfuls of the long-mouthed Liqun that was about to burn out between his fingers, then threw the cigarette butt under his feet, and crushed it again. The next moment, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Tao Zheng turned around and walked out of the restaurant door , like a dignified dog.


"Hahaha." Mu Longcheng, who had been blushing for a long time, began to laugh wantonly at this moment.Following Mu Longcheng's laughter, a large wave of AK and 56 half-party members turned around and left expressionlessly.

You can’t use copper bullet casings, which means that you can only use black powder and paper-wrapped bullets. All semi-automatic and automatic firearms are silently eliminated at this moment——AK and 56 semi-precision firearms, with black residue flying around Gunpowder, a few shots will explode the chamber.

"Very good." After laughing, Mu Longcheng straightened his face, glanced at the remaining goods in the room, stood up and said, "Let me make it clear first, brothers go to the battlefield to fight to the death, Lao Tzu The lives of you and your brothers are not used to play with your feelings. Therefore, those who are arguing to equip the army with muskets can go now, or you will lead the team yourself, and I want to see if you can survive How many days?"

...Looking at Mu Longcheng's contemptuous eyes and Han Xiaobo's stern face, several Brown Beth party members also left in desperation.

"Very good, the ticket players are gone, and finally we can talk about something serious." Ma Zekai walked over from the stage at this time, pulled a broken bench and sat down, then glanced at the few survivors in the room, and smiled Speaking of.

...The vigorous firearms stereotypes meeting, just like this, dramatically turned into a small meeting with less than 10 people participating.

Now, after going through the process of eliminating all kinds of strange things, there are only three candidate rifles that still insist on the post: Minigun, Sharps, and Chasaipo.

The principle is simple: since you can’t use copper-cased bullets, you can only push forward according to the history of firearms development. Which gun is the closest to the age of rifles equipped with copper-cased bullets, and which gun must be the most powerful candidates.

Therefore, the Minigun was quickly eliminated.

In the Prussian-Prussian War in 1866, the Austrian army equipped with Mini guns was defeated on the battlefield by the Prussian army equipped with breech-loading striker-style Dreiser rifles... The famous front-loading Mini guns officially withdrew from this moment. stage of history.

The transitional breech Dreiser rifle was quickly eliminated by the French army's excellent Chasepo rifle.

Therefore, the problem faced by the time traveler is: choose one of the two excellent rifles in the same era.

Sharps and Chasepo, choose one of the two.

Chapter 180 New Gun Prototype

In the first half of the 19th century, the term breech-loading gun was no longer a mysterious code, but gradually entered the eyes of the great powers, a powerful weapon that could change the destiny of the country.

Although the early breech-loading guns were very primitive and various problems emerged one after another, relying on the huge advantages in both speed of fire and accuracy, breech-loading guns quickly drove the front-loading guns out of the stage of history.In the Prussian-Prussian War, the peak front-loading Minigun was eliminated by the original Dreiser rifle, which is a classic example.

The current situation facing the crossing crowd is to choose a gun as a prototype in the era closest to the metal bullet rifle, and equip the troops after improvement.

This time period is the middle of the 19th century.

At that time, in France and the United States, two excellent breech-loading rifles were born almost at the same time: Chasepo and Sharps.

These two guns are breech-loaded paper-packed fixed ammunition, with a range of more than 800 meters + and high accuracy. They are models of breech-loading guns before the popularity of metal bullets, and they are very suitable for today's travel forces.

After all the ticket players were driven away, the minority who remained in the meeting room were basically rational people who had considered the actual situation of the crossing forces beforehand and advocated that the troops be equipped with breech-loading paper-packed rifles.

Therefore, Ma Zekai can finally discuss the pros and cons of these two rifles with everyone calmly.

First up is Sharps.

The Sharps rifle was designed by the American Christian Sharps in 1848. Here we call it the "American Gun".

The American gun is a mechanical descending structure: this is a mouthful, but it actually refers to the locking principle of the artillery. The bolt slides vertically up and down along the groove on the containing wall, and the vertical wedge locks.

The trigger guard of this gun is linked to the bolt, that is to say, when the shooter pulls the metal guard under the trigger, the bolt also slides down at the same time, and the chamber is exposed at this time, and the bullet can be loaded .

The firing method of the gun is to fire the cap with the bird's beak hook.The fire cap and the paper-wrapped bomb are loaded separately. After locking, the shooter pulls the trigger, the bird's beak hook falls, detonates the fire cap, and then ignites the black powder in the paper-wrapped bomb.

It is worth mentioning that the locking block of this gun is designed with a sharp semicircular cut surface, which can cut the tail of the paper-wrapped bullet when locking, thereby exposing the black powder: this saves the shooter from biting it open with his teeth Bullet steps.

By any standard, the Sharps was one of the best rifles of the pre-metal casing era, safe, reliable, accurate and powerful.

Ma Zekai, who is proficient in firearms, also likes this gun: for the low-quality troops who traveled through the crowd in the 17th century, the simple structure of this gun is a big bonus: the gun has only three parts: the locking block and the gas ring , Connecting pins, very easy to clean, can be disassembled without any tools.


Back to Chasepo.

Chasaipo is a rifle designed by the Frenchman Anthony Chasaipo around 1857. Here we call it a French gun.

The difference between American guns and French guns is that the French gun is a rotating rear bolt, fired by a firing pin, and the locking method is somewhat similar to the original pull bolt.The American gun is locked vertically up and down, and the two guns are fundamentally different here.

This is the reason why French guns are not favored by Ma Zekai: Compared with American guns, this primitive bolt structure has poor airtightness.

The French gun originally had a unique design to solve the air-holding problem: the rubber ring.

However, the rubber ring, after a few shots, will harden due to the high temperature generated by the gunpowder gas and lose its locking ability, so soldiers need to carry the rubber ring to replace it at any time.

This trick hits the weakness of a certain force: rubber.

French guns need rubber rings or substitutes to ensure firing, while American guns win by design and do not require additional accessories. The difference between them is clear at a glance.

In addition, French guns required additional springs and firing pins, which added unnecessary stress to the industrial sector.

... After Ma Zekai's analysis before and after, most of the people here realized the problem: French guns are not suitable for the current time-traveling forces.

"But Chasepo's rate of fire is unparalleled!" A supporter of the French gun, Zeng Rong, the director of the woodwork factory, almost gave up resistance at this time, but he still pointed out the biggest advantage of the French gun at the end of the discussion.

"Hehe, there is a price for a high rate of fire." Hearing this, Ma Zekai nodded and said, "Because the warhead, black powder and cap are wrapped in one piece of paper, Xia Saibo's firing pin can directly penetrate the tail of the paper shell." , Initiate shooting, this is the most concise way, so Chasepo’s rate of fire was the fastest at that time.”

"But the high rate of fire brings high failure rate." Ma Zekai said after a pause: "Chasaipo's original firing pin must first penetrate the paper shell to detonate the cap. The original spring and firing pin, due to the stroke , due to ablation and quality, the paper shell often breaks, and the cap is not hit hard enough to fire normally. At this time, it hurts—the broken paper shell cannot be pulled out by hand.”

"But American guns are different." Ma Zekai waited for everyone to digest the information, and then slowly said: "The caps and paper shells of American guns are packed separately. There is no need to penetrate the paper shell for a long distance like a firing pin - when the tail of the paper shell is locked, it is cut by the locking ring, and the black powder has been exposed. This design is very classic."

"French guns are about 12-14 rounds per minute, while the rate of fire of American guns is 8-10 rounds per minute, which is enough for use."

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