Lu Ming

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What the time-traveling people are facing now is the result of this second grade.

Xibei goods are easy to find, after all, Xiong Wencan doesn't know what Cao Chuan looks like.

As for Cao Chuan himself, it would be ridiculous to go to Fuzhou.As the core competitiveness of the time-traveling forces, the source of all power, not to mention appeasement, even if one day the time-traveling crowd takes down a certain coastal city, without the escort of a large fleet, it is impossible for Mr. Cao to move away from the big staff—— This shit is too important to move lightly!

... To sum up, Zhang Dongdong from Xibei came out.

Zhang Dongdong, from Hebei, was an account manager of an advertising company before crossing.

Zhang Dongdong is not handsome, nor does he look very similar to Mr. Cao, nor is he wise, nor does he know how to fight in naval warfare, land warfare, and espionage warfare, so how did he become Mr. Cao's stand-in?

Very simple, the method of elimination.

The first thing to get rid of is heresy.

What is heresy?Those who criticized Xia Xianze's right-leaning capitulationist line were heretics.Simply put: Emperors.

Those who went to accept the consolation would not stay in Dayuan for a lot of time in the future.Therefore, Dayuan's current leadership and all technical personnel, including steelmaking and shipbuilding, are also excluded.

There are not many people left, and most of the people who are unwilling to kneel to the officials of the Ming Dynasty must be eliminated.

In history, when Xiong Wencan recruited Zheng Zhilong, the "five tiger guerrilla generals" he gave not only had a low rank in the Ming system, but even in the traversal system, it was also not a good job.

If you want power but no rights, there are people behind your every move, there are military professionals in wars and so on, and you have to be sprayed by the emperors from time to time... This is a puppet.

To be honest, there are not many competitors for this position, so Zhang Dongdong, the advertising manager, took the position smoothly.Brother Zhang is currently undergoing emergency training: under the name of Cao Chuan, with half-length hair and a wig in his pocket, he is practicing how to kneel and kowtow every day...


After clarifying the person responsible for recruiting and planning, the team headed by Dai Yun, after several days of discussion, quickly came up with a plan to eliminate Zheng Zhilong: ambush.

It's impossible to face Gang head-on.There are not so many boats and sailors going to the other side of the sea to find Old Zheng on Dayuan Island.It is unrealistic to expect that Lao Zheng will suddenly become brain-dead, and the whole army will be killed, so after all the calculations, we still have to use the unique high-tech advantage of a certain force: ambush.

As for how to ambush him, Zheng Zhilong had to show his face.Now that the enemy is in the clear and I am in the dark, Dai Yun and the others have prepared a series of plans. As long as Lao Zheng still wants to appease him, there is no need to worry about him not taking the bait-get old Zheng, good luck, and eat chicken tonight.

As for the situation after Zheng Zhilong's death, it is the least worrying thing - in history, after Zheng Zhilong was placed under house arrest by the Qing Dynasty, the group of people under him fell apart in an instant, and there was no one who convinced the public.

During this period of time, none of the so-called sea masters, including Zheng Zhilong's brothers and sisters, possessed the innate ability of old Zheng He.On the surface, the brothers would fight each other as soon as they learned of Lao Zheng's braid.

If Lao Zheng is included in Glorious Three Kingdoms, there is no doubt that Lao Zheng's leadership will be at 90+.In his youth, Zheng Zhilong had a talent shared by all great commanders: forming a united front.

Looking at the successors throughout the ages, such as Liu Han, Li Tang, and even Zhu Baba, the Taizu of the later dynasty, these people can always clearly distinguish between ourselves and the enemy in a complicated situation-at a certain point in time, unite with the second brother to fight against each other. Boss, let's break up, turn our faces, and continue to join forces with the third child to fight the second child...until all opponents die out.

Zheng Zhilong also has this ability.

In history, Zheng Zhilong first united a group of seemingly indistinguishable pirates to plunder, using bonuses as bait to trick everyone into opposing the government.However, after someone successfully accepted the recruitment, he turned around and killed the old brothers one by one.

There is a historical fact in the middle that can make an extremely obvious comparison: shortly after Zheng Zhilong was first recruited, he was rebelled by his superficial brother Li Kuiqi.At that time, Li Kuiqi had already instigated most of Zheng's original team, occupied Xiamen, and drove Zheng Zhilong and several of his clan brothers back to Fuzhou.

At this time, the Dutchman played.

The Dutch fleet came to Zhangzhou Bay at the invitation of Zheng Zhilong.At that time, Zheng Zhilong changed his attitude of ignoring the Dutch, not only organized a small amount of raw silk to be delivered to the Dutch, but also wrote many letters promising: as long as you help me get Li Kuiqi, the raw silk business will be easy to talk about in the future... …

The Dutch are not stupid. The Dutch subconsciously do not want Zheng Zhilong to gain power. Therefore, during the days in Zhangzhou Bay, the Dutch sent ships to contact Li Kuiqi many times and made a request: as long as Li Kuiqi promised the raw silk trade in the future, the Dutch would turn around and attack Zheng Zhilong. .

The Dutch were blatantly doing the above double asking for prices, and Zheng Zhilong's envoy was living on the Dutchman's boat at that time.

However, Li Kuiqi is unwilling to cooperate with the Dutch...

At such a critical moment, the arrogant Li Kuiqi was unwilling to ship raw silk to the Dutch... At that time, Li Kuiqi occupied Xiamen and had a large amount of raw silk on hand.

The days passed day by day, until the night before Zheng Zhilong led the fleet supported by the government to join him, the Dutch contacted Li Kuiqi for the last time... The Dutch finally despaired, and the next day, the Dutch gunboat rushed into Li Kuiqi first With a small fleet, Zheng Zhilong had the last laugh.

The above historical facts are recorded in detail in the Dutchman's "Zelandia Diary".

Therefore, judging the situation, especially in the Middle Ages when information was poor, the ability to put aside all likes and dislikes and unite with the enemy is really a trait possessed by a small number of people.

Therefore, the only one who can make the time travelers afraid is Zheng Zhilong himself - this handsome guy who can unite his strength and fight against the time travelers as long as he doesn't die.

Chapter 177 Shipyard

The Taijiang Inland Sea in 1628 was 5 kilometers wide and 12 kilometers long.A large number of beautiful lagoons are distributed along the north and south ends of the Taijiang River. This situation will continue until later generations. The lagoons will eventually become wetland parks and fishing grounds for tourists to take pictures.

Today, the Taijiang River under the rule of the crossing public already has the demeanor of a future port.

First is the route.

In the early Taijiang River, due to sedimentation, the water depth in many places was only 1-3 meters, and cargo ships could not pass through it.Since the crossing people got their dredgers, they first cleared out a main route from Chikan Wharf to the entrance of the Dayuan Channel, and then set up buoys along the way.

As for other areas, the dredgers are currently widening the waterway, and there is no time to clean it up.Despite this, the Port Authority still uses various buoys with different appearances to plan functional areas for the sea surface of the Taijiang River. Shallow-draft small boats, including offshore freight and short-distance passenger transport, now have dedicated waterways.

And these neat and smooth special-purpose small boats have been the main works of Taijiang Shipyard since its establishment.

The shipyard located in the northeast corner of Taijiang River has been at full capacity since its establishment in view of the surge in demand for ships from all parties.With the increase in manpower, the factory area has been extended to the north one after another, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger: on the various berths that are hundreds of meters long, ant-like shipyard workers are busy around some ship frames every day, the machines are roaring, noisy and noisy, and the scene warm.

Of course, a large scale does not mean high technical content. Currently, most of the shipyard is occupied by the small boat work section.

These workshops for manufacturing small boats are quite simple, in fact, they just dug a shallow pit in the sand.Novices usually have to build two or three small boats before they can talk about entering the industry, and then specialize in a certain skill.

And the master craftsman, who is called the project manager by the people across time, is a scarce item, and usually one person is responsible for two or three small boat sections.

After Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty, the traditional "shift" system was actually bankrupt due to too many craftsmen fleeing, and it was changed to a conversion system for the government to collect labor service silver.During the reign of Chongzhen, truly skilled craftsmen, including shipwrights, although these people were of low social status, they were actually middle class, and it was difficult to become refugees.

Many of the craftsmen collected in Moyun Temple are hired, bought, or redeemed from prisons with lavish money, such as criminals in custody, gamblers, and the like.

After these people are recruited, the first thing to do is to learn Chinese and mathematics.

Traditional craftsmen have an extremely troublesome problem: Most of these people are illiterate, and their production depends on memorizing a few fixed templates by rote, without creativity.

After learning basic language and numbers in Moyunguan for a period of time, these people will continue their studies when they come to Dayuan—learning while producing.The learning content will gradually focus on some unit conversions, simple geometry, and measurement. Shipwrights and carpenters will come into contact with specialized content such as the expansion coefficient table of wood.

Some people who are good at learning soon become the best craftsmen.These people armed with theoretical knowledge are now "project managers" in Taijiang Shipyard.This position is not given for nothing, the minimum requirement: they must be able to understand the blueprints of the ships given by the cross-travelers, and guide the workers to make the real objects.


"Taijiang Freight Type I" and "Taijiang Passenger Type I", the two most built small boats, are the basic ship types independently developed by Taijiang Shipyard.

It is said to be self-developed, but in fact the shipyard only provided requirements and various environmental parameters.The detailed drawings of the two hulls were brought back to Mr. Cao on a hard disk after he found a professional ship design company from later generations.

At present, there is no such thing as "design" at all with the crude industrial capabilities.Whether it is the equipment in the kiln area or the ships in the shipyard, they are actually "imported"-directly import complete sets of equipment, or import key parts, and then crudely imitate other parts.

The shipyard masters headed by Qiao Zhengtai are also facing the same problem: they can come up with hundreds of existing drawings and data of small boats, but the key is, which one is most suitable for the current conditions?Or make them all and experiment one by one?

Society is constantly progressing.Those classic ship types in history, ranging from small wooden sailboats to large steel warships, if these blueprints and data are reviewed with the industrial design standards of the 21st century, there must be a lot of room for improvement.

It is impossible to complete the ship design work with such simple manpower and equipment.The design is not that simple. The finalization of various drawings requires an experienced design team, supplemented by a large number of calculations and simulation equipment.

In the not-too-distant future, a certain force will successively build various wooden sail warships, transport ships, iron-ribbed wood-hull warships, iron-clad ships, and battleships...

Cao Chuan has already placed orders for the above-mentioned ships with various types and functions in later ship design companies.These fully-improved ships will gallop across the seven seas across the plane with the highest navigation efficiency, the best structural layout, and the most beautiful line shape, spreading their weapons all over the world.


Back to the dinghy.The "Taiwan cargo type I" for freight transportation is designed and manufactured according to the current transportation environment in Taijiang.

This type of boat has a flat bottom, uses a Chinese-style hard sail, and lifts the sail surface with a pulley block. It has a load of 2 tons and can be easily operated by 2-3 people.

As a small boat dedicated to transportation between Chikan and Yaoqu bases, this boat has a shallow draft, fast speed, stable cargo, and is quite practical.The Chinese-style hard sail raised and lowered by the pulley block not only saves manpower, but also ensures that the ship can work normally in most wind directions.

The good maneuverability allows some old boatmen to enter the Newport Creek without going around the North Line Weidao when the tide is high.These people drove the unloaded empty boat from the Chikan Wharf directly into the Xiehu area on the north side of the Taijiang River. Relying on their familiarity with the road, they attracted thousands of water birds along the way, and then took a shortcut into the Xingang River.

...Different from the wide and flat small cargo ships, the 10 passenger boats specially used for carrying people use white canvas schooners.This kind of small boat has a slender hull, beautiful lines, and fast speed. It carries people back and forth across the Taijiang River every day.

However, this kind of small boat has a shortcoming at the moment: the number cannot be built too much.

The reason is simple: lack of canvas.

Although the kiln area used imported parts to DIY the loom and the welding machine used to bridge large canvas pieces, the raw materials could not keep up with the consumption.

Travelers do not have enough transport capacity to import cotton from the south of the Yangtze River, and Taiwan is not suitable for growing cotton, and the fiber crops such as flax and ramie that are planted in large quantities in the agricultural sector have not yet reached maturity, and the limited canvas must be given priority to guarantee the main sails such as Chengfeng It is used by warships, so it can only run offshore small boats, and will not build too many for the time being.


In addition to the largest number of small boat workshops in Taijiang Shipyard, sloops and brigantines with higher technical content are also under construction.

Both of these ships are derived from the two-masted schooner that appeared in the Dutch in the 16th century.Great speed, gaff sails, and the signature long bowsprit are the hallmarks of this boat.

In North America in the 18th century, schooners began to be widely used in occasions requiring speed and tack ability, such as slave trade and pirate ships.And this kind of sail is also common on fishing boats and expedition ships. By the late 19th century, more than 2000 two-masted schooners transported goods in the Great Lakes region.

Therefore, the schooner is an all-rounder vessel.Except that it is not as good as a slow, big-bellied cargo ship in terms of cargo capacity, it is perfect in other aspects, and it is a real all-rounder.

What is currently being built on the berth are two schooners, one with a single mast and the other with a double mast, that have been improved by later designs.

The length of the sloop is 22 meters, and the length of the two masts is 30 meters. The appearance of the two ships is similar.In the future, after the completion of these two ships, they will be equipped with artillery and soldiers. The navy will test the cruise, combat and transportation capabilities of the ships in the strait. use.

Since these two ships are medium-sized ships with a length of more than 20 meters for the first time in the shipyard, the senior management in the shipyard also attaches great importance to them. Recently, a large number of skilled workers and four project managers gathered on the berth, and every day There will be two people who will travel through the high-rises to participate in the construction of the project.


At the northernmost end of the shipyard, it is the only dry dock in the world.

The dock was newly built not long ago, and was used to maintain the Chengfeng, a special ship equipped with electronic instruments and power equipment.

Recently, the real technical force of the shipyard, including the factory director Qiao Zhengtai and several people from the mechanical department, has gathered in the dock.

Parked in the middle of the dock is a big blessing boat.

This 800 ship named "Ruian" was bought from Fuzhou.

Some time ago, the colleagues at Fuzhou station who were sent to Fuzhou for layout, purchased the Ruian and a ship of iron materials as soon as they arrived in Fuzhou, and quickly sailed back to Dayuan.

After the staff unloaded the cargo, the Ryan was locked in the dock and a series of transformations began.

The Xibei product "Cao Chuan" will go to Fuzhou to meet Xiong Wencan in the near future, and the Rui'an will just be refitted and serve as an envoy.

Neither the old Xiong himself nor the time-traveling forces wanted to leak the news before the formal appeasement.Moreover, the mission this time may have to do some shady things. Therefore, "Cao Chuan", played by Zhang Dongdong, went to Fuzhou this time, which was essentially a secret operation.

Since it was a secret operation, the plywood boats parked on the wharf outside Fuzhou City would not be the Sand Chuan Canton Boats. The only unobtrusive ones could only be Fu Chuan.

Therefore, the material used for the Rui'an ship is not bad, and the 8% new blessing ship was put on the transformation platform of the crossing crowd.

There are still many projects that need to be renovated on the Ryan.

The hull structure needs to be strengthened, the cabin needs to be re-divided, and electronic equipment, power systems, and some hidden parts including machine gun nests must be reserved.

Chapter 178 Preparations for War

The renovation project of the "Ruian" is now coming to an end: including strengthening the hull, adjusting compartments, and installing electronic instruments. These modifications have been completed, and now only the power system remains.

Traditional blessing boats and sand boats rarely use ribs.The craftsmen developed these ship types, which were originally aimed at cargo ships. The main function of Fuchuan is to carry goods in the coastal areas of the mainland.

The designer did not expect Fuchuan to cross the Pacific in a storm, nor did he consider installing dense ship ribs on the bulkhead for firing guns—it can be seen from the "V"-shaped bottom of the ship.If you want to fire guns on the side, the shape of the ship must be a "U" shape with a big bottom and a small top, and the bottom tank must be filled with ballast to lower the center of gravity of the whole ship below the waterline, just like a tumbler.

Since it is only a coastal freight, and there is a storm, you can stay close to the shore at any time, so it is very wise to omit the expensive process of ship ribs: Facts have proved that the existing structural strength of Fuchuan is sufficient for hundreds of years of civil sea trade. needed.

However, the "Ruian" which is being transformed by the traversing people is different.

For Fuchuan that needs to perform special missions, a thin layer of outer plate is definitely not enough-even if the power system is running, there may be leakage, not to mention that this ship may have various unpredictable battles in the future.

Therefore, the structure of the Ryan was fully strengthened.

After various supports, reinforcements, and the replacement of good wooden decks, the Ryan finally paid the price of a 20% reduction in the volume of the cargo hold in order to be strong.There is no way, the shape of the ship has already been fixed, and it is impossible to add ship ribs from the keel, so this is the only way to go.

After the firmness problem is solved, other communication aspects are the simplest: the telegraph, radio, radar screen are installed in the stern cabin, and the antenna and radome are installed on the rear mast. These are all skilled procedures and can be easily done.

...Like all other refitted ships, the most difficult part of the refitting project of the lucky ship "Ruian" must be the power system.

In the early sand ships represented by the Dog Eye, the power system was a diesel outboard engine installed at the stern.

The advantages of outboard motors are many: plug and play, concealed, safe and efficient, no need to install complicated power systems in the cabin, no need to consider sealing, leakage and other troubles, outboard motors only need to install an external slide rail at the stern , everything is OK.

However, one black top ten fans: Outboard motors need to eat diesel, firewood, and...

Although the amount of diesel consumed by the transport fleet is very small, it is usually only used in some special cases. However, with the continuous increase of the fleet, the consumption of diesel oil is always increasing. The friends finally couldn't stand it anymore. This shit is a bottomless pit!

At this time, even though the big office has ordered the formation of an oil exploration team in advance, the outboard motors are still temporarily disabled under the strong calls of many departments.

Nowadays, the power systems of all pilot ships and special ships such as "Chengfeng" have been changed to wood gas + propeller power.

This is rather cheating.

Wood gas power: slow start, low power, and the whole system is much more complicated than outboard motors.From the gasification furnace to various connectors, gas pipelines, special gas engines, and then to the main shaft and propellers, the completion of this series of projects has also made the industrialists in the kiln area slander.

First of all, the operation and maintenance of this system is a big trouble: some workers who have finally been trained in the kiln area will now be separated by the fleet.

Secondly, the ability of the current kiln area to produce workpieces is still very low.In the above systems, except for a few stupid cast iron gasification furnaces, the rest of the spare parts, including lubricating oil and metal sealing rings, still have to be imported...

If you kill one thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred.It seems to prevent the consumption of imported diesel oil like a bottomless pit, but the one-time basic investment amount is enough for young and old to drink a pot.

... The only consolation is probably the volume of the gas system.

The entire system occupies a small area, and does not need to install a huge boiler and a water purification system like a steam engine.Although the power of the gas engine is insufficient, the crossing public does not need the Fuchuan to soar to a high speed of 20 knots like a battleship—under the same circumstances, as long as the speed is 2-3 knots higher than the native ships, the navy is already satisfied.

The "Ruian" renovation team headed by Qiao Zhengtai finally installed all the equipment before the deadline, and the test run was successful.

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