Lu Ming

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Huang Ping and Huang Xiaolian's continuation plan has been decided in such a twists and turns.In terms of family status, Huang Juren's Mansion is slightly inferior to Zhong Jinshi's Mansion.But from other aspects, Huang Juren's qualifications are far beyond. After all, Miss Zhong's congenital qualifications are not enough, which can be regarded as the right family to a certain extent.

Since then, there has been a classic case in the world of matchmakers: how a golden matchmaker discerns a client, how cleverly speaks, and how to divert the client's attention... In short, a Ming Dynasty version of an inspirational story about how to sell leather shoes to Uncle Hei was compiled in this way. Come out, spread word of mouth in the matchmaker world, and the classics are endless.


Watching the golden matchmaker hurrying to Zhongfu to propose marriage, Huang Zhicheng was sitting in the flower hall, couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile: It seems that he is not the only one who is afraid of having long nights and dreams!

He turned his head and told the housekeeper to start preparing for the marriage from today, and cooperate with the matchmaker to go through the "six rituals" before the marriage. After arranging the trivial matters, the master waved his car and ordered him to go back to the "little study".

There are three study rooms in Huangfu.Large study room, inner study room, and small study room.

The large study room is used to meet some close guests, the inner study room is used to read quietly, and as for the small study room... no servants have entered it since it was completed, including the housekeeper.

The small study room was built during the new renovation of the Huang Mansion. It is located behind the main house, in a small courtyard alone; the surrounding squares are the key areas of the inner house, and there are guards patrolling it 24 hours a day.

The yard is empty, with no flowers or trees, only a small stone path leading to the study, and the rest is covered with a thin layer of fine sand - if someone climbs over the wall, they will definitely leave footprints on the ground.

If a thief intends to enter the house by the most common method of "exposing tiles and slings" in ancient times, he will find that in this humble hut, there are dense rafters under the blue tiles, each of which is as thick as a calf... well, please Go back and get the saw first.

If a thief intends to break through the window, the seemingly inconspicuous window lattice will break his hands—made of iron and wood.In addition, there is a buckle behind the window, so the thin-edged window prying that is common in TV dramas does not work.

At this point, friends with craftsmanship will probably not give up, and will pick the lock on the door.Then he will soon find out...the keyhole is wrong, why is it square?And what do the little words "Shanghai·Third Ring" on the lock mean?


Master Huang took out the key, opened the courtyard door of the small study, and walked straight in along the path.The two young servants who followed him stopped tacitly and stayed at the gate of the courtyard. After entering the door, he began to clean the house. After finishing the work, he sat down and closed his eyes for a while.

The furnishing of the small study is actually very simple, with bookcases, thread-bound books, desks, pens, inks, papers and inkstones. The only thing that is a little strange is a small pine wood cabinet placed under the desk.

However, when Master Huang wanted to finish his work and leaned over to open the cabinet door, everything became clear: this is a safe.

The safe contains a set of communication equipment, a small German-made HKP7 pistol and accessories, a first-aid kit, some deed documents, a few gold bars, and some jewelry.Every once in a while, Zhao Liu, the only person in the house, would go to Tangzhuang to bring back replacement batteries.

At this time, Huang Ping gently turned the combination dial to open the cabinet door, first took out the pistol case, and began to wipe the gun in a leisurely manner according to the training he received in Tangzhuang at that time.

After cleaning the gun, he looked at the Rolex watch in the cabinet. It was exactly six o'clock in the afternoon, so he took out the mini car radio, turned it on, and started calling with his hand microphone.

Fortunately today, the owners of the two radio stations located in Tangzhuang and Moyunguanli were both there, so the three "Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism" held a brief short-wave communication meeting inside and outside the city of Hangzhou in the 17th century.

In addition to reporting on his choice of wife, Huang Ping also informed Lu Cheng to get him one or two "clan elders": the pre-marriage procedures required the presence of elders.Candidates, the requirements are not high, the elderly are deaf, and the mind is confused, just the one with a toothless grin.

After the short meeting, the spy Huang packed up the equipment, checked the window lattice, Shi Shiran locked the door, and continued to be his master...

Chapter 159 The Big Bear is Coming

As the days went by, the Zhong and Huang families, each of whom had a bit of a secret to hide, coincidentally cooperated quite well in the matter of marriage.The whole thing went smoothly for a time: the four initial procedures of Nacai, Wenming, Najib, and Nazheng were quite fast. Sudden suspension of the process - without it, Xiong Da... Master Xiong is here.

Xiong Wencan resigned from Beijing at the Golden Luan Hall in early March, but the North Canal hadn't thawed at that time—the thawing of the canal was slower during the Little Ice Age.In this way, Master Xiong's team had no choice but to go overland first, and after dawdling along the canal all the way to the border of Shandong, Old Xiong got on the official boat and started to play rafting.

By the time Huang Zhicheng's staff stationed in the official station came to report, it was already early April.After getting the news, Huang Zhicheng resolutely suspended the wedding process: he would decide the next step based on the result of his contact with Xiong Wencan.


Two days later, Desheng Bridge official post.

Mr. Huang Ping, who was dressed in a black wide-brimmed straight dress that Shi Lin defaulted as a formal suit, was sitting in the lobby of the official post at the moment, drinking tea and eating snacks, chatting and spanking with a bunch of low-level officials .

The official boat that Xiong Wencan was on was the Desheng Bridge that arrived before noon.Huang Zhicheng came here today for the purpose of submitting a post, recommending a letter, and responding to him—Old Xiong will definitely not see him today, but he must put on a straight posture and wait at the official post.

As the governor of a province, even if he is passing by, at the beginning of disembarkation, there will inevitably be people of the same level in Zhejiang official circles to come out to socialize. After that, he will wait in line, and when Lao Xiong is free to meet Juren, it will take two or three days. look.Therefore, in the past few days of waiting for the flop, Huang Juren has to come here to work every day.

After entering the gate of the official post, there are traditional flower halls on the left and right sides, which are places for officials from all walks of life to sit idle.In the waiting hall of Deshengqiao official post, there are more officials, scholars, businessmen, and scholars like Huang Zhicheng running around than dogs every day. This place is very lively all year round, no less than the waiting hall of later generations.

These people who have been fighting for positions all day long in the official post will not be in a good situation. They are usually miscellaneous officials and candidates who have no background.Those who are really capable have already settled down with the official department and took office. Who still sits like a dog in the official post every day waiting for the big boss to summon?

From the next day, Mr. Huang brought good tea and snacks—these two days were the first time when Longjing went on the market in the Ming Dynasty, and it is now the 17th century. There is no such thing as selling Longjing on trucks, and ordinary people can’t drink it at all. from this expensive tea.

So Huang Ping, an outlier, has been very popular in the past two days. He is generous and elegant in conversation. While drinking tea, everyone intimately exchanges various experience in running an official.

Huang Juren's camp is full of Juren and low-ranking officials, and this belongs to the Husky team with the loudest voices.These people scolded the postmen all day long, yelled three times and drank four times, and the whole flower hall could be messed with by them.

Only when the door yelled: "Master So-and-so has arrived...", the scene will be quiet for a while, and after the big man in official robes walks by without looking sideways, the noise will remain as before...

On the side there is the quieter talent camp, this one belongs to Teddy's team, everyone's faces are full of passion, and they want to get angry when they see people, but no one responds.

The least sense of existence is the merchant camp in the corner.This group of people belonged to the Chihuahua team, each of them was covered in silk, with harmless smiles on their fat and round faces.

However, in such places where officials come and go, merchants are the least powerful category, and the harsh hierarchical oppression of feudal society is fully reflected here-no poor official dares to get close to merchants on such occasions.

In fact, even if these people's homes are full of money, here, they can only buy a bowl of the worst tea from the postman to quench their thirst-the grass people drink good tea and eat snacks?Where are the faces of the old men in the hall going?It would be nice if you didn't make you kneel down!

Huang Ping was in this kind of situation, forced to soak in the official post for three days, filled his belly with tea and snacks every day and went home... Fortunately, there was a Hou Jian businessman named Xiong Dao who was even worse than him, he didn't even have any snacks. He had to eat and drink bad tea, which filled Mr. Huang with a sense of superiority.

On the first day Xiong Da came to the post house, Mr. Zhang Yandeng, then the governor of Zhejiang, came to pay a visit.

The next day, Dong Chengshao and Sun Zhifang, chief envoys of left and right Zhejiang, came to visit.

On the third day, Mr. Lin Zhi, the envoy of Zhejiang Ti Xing Press, came to pay a visit.

On the afternoon of the third day, after Liu Mengqian, the prefect of Hangzhou, came to wander around the posthouse, Huang Zhicheng knew that it would probably be his turn tomorrow.


Sure enough, in the afternoon of the fourth day, when Mr. Huang was having fun with a group of waiting dicks, a servant wearing a soft hat (the style Zhou Xingchi ordered Qiuxiang) ran into the flower hall and asked loudly: "Is Huang Ping Huang Xiaolian in Hangzhou? My Master Xiong is here."

Hearing the sound, Huang Ping dropped half of the sweet-scented osmanthus peach cake in his hand, picked up the tea bowl and began to rinse his mouth. A few water blowing friends hurriedly handed over towels... After Mr. Huang wiped his face and wiped his hair, he used the only The specially trained Ming Dynasty walking style with chest bowed and head followed the soft hat family to the inner courtyard.

After a few steps inside, Huang Ping began to ask: "I don't know what to call this person?"

"Don't dare, little Xiong Qi."

"Well, the journey is tiring, Mr. Xiong, is your body still healthy?"

As he was asking, Master Huang flicked his sleeves, and a small ingot of water silk fine silver came out of Xiong Qi's hand in an instant.

Xiong Qihuan squinted his eyes with joy, and the pompom on the soft hat trembled: "Master Huang, my lord has a good look, and I just added a small bowl of rice."

"Oh, you look good." As Huang Zhicheng walked, he thought: "Don't let me spend the whole day and night thinking about it, as long as I don't have food and drink."

Xiong Wencangui was the governor of a province. When he took office, there were no less than a hundred people from all walks of life who accompanied his master, staff, family, bearers, and guards, so he set up three yards in the post house.At this time, Master Huang was led to sit in a side hall, and a cup of good tea was served by Xiong Qi later.

After the tea was turned from boiling hot to warm, Xiong Wencan, who was dressed in a pine-patterned Taoist robe, came out from the back hall.

Xiong Wencan is a native of Sichuan, with a thin body and a clean face. He is 53 years old and is in his golden years as an official.

Seeing the boss appearing, Huang Ping hurriedly got up and went to see him.

Here Huang Ping doesn't need to kneel down: not to mention in court, in private occasions, Juren's rank is equivalent to deputy division, and no matter how high Xiong Wencan's official position is, his rank is only Zhengdi (Jinshi), except for the three deputy divisions in Yijia. In addition, other people are half a level behind in the system, so there is no reason to kneel down.

This is the Juren who has passed the provincial examination on the right track—already a member of the ruling class.In all kinds of ancient ghost novels, scholars have always been deceived, slaughtered, and slept by fox spirits. Have you ever seen a master Juren being taken care of by a child?


Xiong Wencan is thin and small, but his lung capacity is not small, and his voice is like thunder: "Zhicheng doesn't need to be polite, my teacher and I have been inseparable for many years, and we will sit down and talk."

...At this moment, the dividends of the "Operation Li Kui" that was spent so much time and energy before traveling through the crowd began to appear.

It can be heard from Xiong Wencan's address that he has read the famous post and recommendation letter submitted by Huang Ping before.

The day after Huang Ping learned that he was going to join Xiong Wencan, a messenger went straight to Nanjing with an urgent letter from Mr. Huang—Huang Ping's tutor, Chen Meng, was the current Secretary of the Imperial Academy of Nanjing.After presiding over the Ding Maoke Township Examination, due to the increasingly severe party struggle between the DPRK and China, Chen Meng returned to Beijing, but was kicked from the Hanlin Academy to the Nanjing Guozijian.

Chen Siye and Xiong Wencan were both high-ranking officials from Sichuan when they were in the court, so they naturally had personal relationships.So when the teacher saw the messenger, after reading the letter of appeal for help from his most filial disciple, he immediately wrote a letter of recommendation for Xiong Wencan, and the messenger brought it back.

This is why Mr. Xiong called Huang Ping directly when we met today: the content of the old friend's recommendation is not the ordinary "Eight Elements", but an all-round recognition of Huang Ping.

After the guests and hosts were seated, Xiong Wencan knew that this person was here to answer the curtain, and after a few words of politeness, he began to test Huang Zhicheng.I didn't want to take this exam, but it surprised Xiong: the visitor gave him his words, he had unique insights, and he had a clear understanding of the situation in Fujian.

It only took a cup of tea, and Huang Zhicheng's straightforward, unobtrusive, and analysis of the situation mixed with some specific figures made Xiong Wencan look at him with admiration, in one sentence: There is something to be said.

This is very rare.Xiong Wencan spent half his life in officialdom, and he has seen many gentlemen from all walks of life, staff, advisers and advisers, and he knows how useful these people are: he is full of small talk and righteousness on weekdays, but he is helpless when things happen, and he just lifts out the dead principles in the book and applies them mechanically.However, there are many mentors and friends behind this generation who come forward to recommend sponsors, so in many cases, the old bear is holding his nose to take in.

To be honest, based on the recommendation letter from Huang Zhicheng's teacher, Xiong Wencan was originally determined to keep Huang Zhicheng today-as long as his performance is not too bad.As a result, Old Xiong never expected that this son actually gave him a surprise on the spot!

"Zhicheng is currently living in Hangzhou, how can he be so familiar with the situation in Fujian?" Xiong Wencan asked, staring at Huang Zhicheng with bright eyes.

"To be honest with the Fujun, since I saw the mansion newspaper in March and learned that the adults will go south to Fujian soon, the students have moved their minds." Huang Zhicheng's face was sincere at this time: "These days, the students only look up some old papers. In addition to the mansion report, I also visited a few sea merchants and inquired about some news from Fujian, Guangdong and foreign countries, so I dared to show off in front of my lord today."

"Zhicheng has a heart." Xiong Wencan nodded slightly when he heard this, and his heart became more and more satisfied: these days, there are not many people who can collect information in a down-to-earth manner, even if it is hearsay.

Xiong Wencan didn't care whether Huang Zhicheng's so-called analysis of the situation just now was accurate or useful. The news was not smooth these days, and when he came to Fuzhou in the future, he would naturally have accurate information for analysis.

What he cares about is only this son's talent. In other words, Huang Zhicheng has the ability to analyze the current situation by combining the information in his hands. It is Xiong Wencan's favorite.

Chapter 160 Appearance

Xiong Wencan accidentally discovered a talented person today, and he is in a good mood at the moment.Looking at the water leak in the house, he realized that he had talked with Huang Zhicheng for a long time without noticing it, so Old Xiong said to Huang Juren with a pleasant face, "Since that's the case, why don't Zhicheng go back and wait for news?"

As soon as he spoke, Old Xiong was going to order some soup to see off the guests-there was still a bunch of people waiting for him to meet him.

"Students, there is still a report here. Master Wan Wang will be upright in his spare time." Huang Ping saw that the old bear was going to chase him away, so he quickly took out a report from his sleeve pocket and presented it.

This report was written by Huang Zhicheng himself based on the outline and materials sent by the big office.

The content of the report was written in accordance with the habits of the ancients, using the format of top, middle and bottom, with some false information and judgments mixed in it-it is impossible for Huang Juren to collect accurate information about all Fujian in Hangzhou.

The core idea of ​​this report is to point out from a strategic level: recruiting Zheng Zhilong is not the best choice.

In history, after Zheng Zhilong was caressed, he really settled down and started to manage his own one-acre three-point land.When the Qing army arrived in Xiamen N years later, the heroes of the past had already polished their spirits in the wealth and wealth, and their fate was ugly.

Therefore, Huang Ping only listed recruiting Lao Zheng as a medium strategy in the article, and by the way, he focused on the harm of recruiting Zheng Zhilong: once Zheng Zhilong, a native of his hometown, gains power, if one day in the future, Lao Zheng raises the flag of rebellion, then he must be a man from all over the country. The corrupt situation in which traitors in Guangdong are vying for their wings—Xiong Wencan will be unable to bear it no matter where he is at that time.

... Everyone in the time travel knows Zheng Zhilong's character, but Xiong Wencan in 1628 doesn't.

Therefore, Huang Ping pointed out another best strategy in the article: recruit a pirate force that has no foundation on the ground in Fujian and Guangdong, and then kill Zheng Zhilong after supporting it.Although this strategy is a bit difficult at the beginning, once and for all, Xiong Wencan doesn't have to worry about repeating it in the future.

Of course, Tiao Chenli didn't mention anything about the transmigration forces occupying the high officials—Huang Juren still "thinks" that the red hairs occupy the high officials, so Tiao Chenli only uses "borrowing the teacher to help suppress" as a backup plan. Mentioned.

The main purpose of this report is, of course, to further highlight Huang Juren's talent, and secondly, to plant a nail in Lao Xiong's place - when certain figures and forces appear in front of Lao Xiong one after another in the future At that time, Huang Juren can come forward to express his support: "Look, I have already analyzed it in my report, and now it seems that this group of people is suitable."


Xiong Wencan was interviewed by Huang Ping on the fourth day after coming to Zhejiang.

On the evening of the fifth day, Huang Juren, who went home to wait for news, was called to the official post again.This time was different, Xiong Wencan met him in the study, and after the two of them finished discussing a certain report, Huang Ping received Xiong Da's letter of appointment on the spot.

Well, I'm going to kneel this time.The letter of appointment is equivalent to determining the master-slave relationship, similar to Zhuge Caotang kneeling Liu Bei.

After playing happily with Huang Pingyue kneeling down on Xiong Da, the guests and hosts were very satisfied, and then Huang Ping reported his working hours.

Now that the most important task is completed, Huang Juren can arrange the future time: Xiong Wencan can stay at the post house for two or three days at most, which is not enough time for Huang Ping to arrange the wedding, so Xiong Wencan's large troops will set off on schedule, along the way. Follow the ancient official road all the way to Fuzhou.

Officials will not take office by sea. Large troops will face more than 1000 miles of official roads in the future, and most of them are mountain roads in southern Zhejiang and northern Fujian.When Lao Xiong spent more than 20 to [-] days to get to Fuzhou, Huang Ping had already finished the wedding arrangements, and when the time came, he would take the transport fleet from Tangzhuang to the south and head straight for the city of Fuzhou by sea, and the time would not be too far behind.


After Xiong Wencan came to Zhejiang, he met officials in the officialdom for the first three days, and dispatched scholars for the next two days. On the sixth day, he finally had time to meet merchants.

Unlike public occasions, when meeting in private, officials are very polite to businessmen—after all, they are all sitting in front of them, and there must be money in their pockets, and no one will make trouble with money.

Xiong Tianran also understands the truth, so today he was the first to turn over the brand of his own Xiongdao: without it, only courtesy!

Even Xiong Wencan, who holds a high position and is well-informed, was dazzled by the gifts that the businessman surnamed Xiong sent last night: the bright light, the oil lamp without smoke, the crystal mirror with every detail, and the Hanging a string of beads... These rare treasures really made the old bear breathe a sigh of relief.

You know, this is the first time we met, and he gave such a heavy gift before the business was done. Xiong Wencan is very sophisticated, and he knew that this family member might not be an ordinary merchant, so early this morning, he turned over Xiong Dao's signboard, intending to see if this person is What's the background.

"Grassman Xiong Dao kowtows to Mr. Fujun." After Xiong Daobiao completed a set of kowtow procedures, Xiong Wencan, who was at the head, kindly greeted his friend Xiong to get up, take a seat, and have a cup of tea.

"Student Meng Sheng'en is the governor of Fujian. I don't know what kind of livelihood does friend Xiong do in Fujian?"

Xiong Dao asked to see his family today, originally he came here to show off his name, plus the time was tight - there were still a bunch of people waiting for the old Xiong to meet him, so he got straight to the point at this moment, and didn't hide it anymore: "To tell the truth, my lord, the grass people are now and Some friends get together on Dayuan Island, and do some small business to make ends meet on weekdays."

"Well, Dayuan Island. What? Dayuan Island? Bold! You are the 'Helan people' visiting the eyes?"

... Xiong Da, who was originally smiling with his beard, was slightly startled when he realized where the senior was, and then pointed his halberd at Xiong Dao and asked loudly.

"My lord doesn't know that the Dutch on Dayuan Island were persuaded by their brothers to return to Bacheng as early as last autumn. Now the people on Dayuan Island are all decent Han people like me. There is no more Hongyi."

"What? Persuasion?" Xiong Wencan grasped the key words and asked after thinking about it: "But there is a fight?"

"Yes. With muskets against muskets, the brothers first smashed the Dutch gun array and then the Dutch city wall. They originally planned to kill the other generation, but later they worried that business was more important, so the brothers let the Dutch people go. The rest will go back to Bacheng to transport goods, and they will do business honestly from now on."


Hearing this, Xiong Wencan slowly picked up the tea bowl and took a sip—he needed time to digest the information Xiong Dao gave.

After stroking his beard and pondering for a while, Old Xiong first denied the possibility of this person being insane, then looked at the businessman with a bit of a weird behavior, and then thought of those rare treasures in the back room that were obviously not Chinese style, Old Xiong followed along. Thinking all the way down, gradually understand.

"Since that's the case, you should explain your origin clearly."

"Dare you not obey?" Xiong Dao smiled slightly at this time, and told the origin of the crossing forces according to the routine compiled by the big office.

The origin of this is very simple. In short, the time-traveling forces are also a group of "maritime merchants" similar to Zheng Zhilong. Although the scale is smaller, because the time-traveling forces have traded with Westerners for more sophisticated weapons, their force is tyrannical, and the newly-rising forces are now Based on Dayuan Island, it is trying to get involved in coastal trade.

As for the organizational structure of the Traversing Congregation, Xiong Dao gave a template of "Master Shaoguoyi": the young chieftain, surnamed Cao, belongs to the second generation of bandits who just took over, and is now assisted by an old courtier surnamed Xia who is in power.

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