Lu Ming

Page 49

To deal with Zheng Zhilong, Xiong Wencan must be dealt with first.It is now 1628, Zheng Zhilong is still far from the powerful pirate king in the future, he is just one of the many Fujian and Guangdong pirate gangs, temporarily relying on his wrists to join forces with Zhong Bin, Li Kuiqi, these groups are full of internal conflicts While plundering the coast of Fujian, they put on various postures to beg for appeasement.

So once they leave Xiong Wencan's support, Zheng Zhilong's gang will be blocked from the ultimate ultimate move of infinite resurrection. If you simply kill this beast, there are plenty of means to pass through the crowd.

In the end, after discussion, the big office proposed a name for the sweet combination of Xiong Wencan and Zheng Zhilong, which is called "card position" - go to the card position like a green tea card position for girlfriends.

The three men sitting in the Xigao Hall drinking tea today are the early implementers of the plan.


The first is Huang Zhicheng.According to historical records, Xiong Wencan will pass by Hangzhou in the near future to take office in Fuzhou.The suggestion from the big office is: Huang Zhicheng should contact Xiong Wencan first.

In this process, Huang Juren needs to play the routine of a single-handed person: "Longzhong's right" or "Pingbian strategy", in short, it is best to shock Mr. Xiong, and strive to establish in Xiong Wencan's eyes. Fujian and Guangdong Maritime Experts".

After that, Huang Zhicheng can logically enter Xiong Wencan's screen and become an important chess piece that affects Mr. Xiong's decision to recruit.The duration of the entire plan is expected to be within one year. After Zheng Zhilong is settled, Mr. Huang can retire depending on the situation, and return to Hangzhou to lurk again.

Next is Bear Road.

The big office clearly requested that Xiong Dao, as the spokesperson of the time-traveling forces, contact Xiong Wencan after Huang Zhicheng—at least let Mr. Xiong know that there are a group of Smurfs on the other side of the sea... Friendly people, willing to help Xiong Futai Eliminate Zheng Zhilong, and wipe out the big and small gangs along the coast of Fujian and Guangdong.

Xiong Dao can't hide it. In this era, it's a common practice for large groups of pirates to open semi-public "liaison offices" in cities, sell command flags, sell stolen goods, and contact supplies.In the future, with the continuous production of new and novel industrial products by the big staff, the Xiong merchant in Tangzhuang can no longer hide it. Instead of doing this, it is better to disclose his identity and directly contact Xiong Wencan to show his attitude.

The progress of the completion of the above two-step card slot plan should be reported to the senior staff at any time, and the senior office will adjust the deployment and cooperate in a timely manner according to the information fed back from Hangzhou.


"In a word, he can be replaced." After the three discussed the plan in detail, Huang Zhicheng finally made a conclusion.

Xiong Dao smirked and shook his head: "Hey, why do I think that some people's hats will be deducted a few more times?"

"It's not that I want it again, it's already been locked up." The well-informed Master Lu stretched out his fat fingers at this time, and couldn't help but start counting with his fingers: "The three surnames are Lu Xianze, Xia Bu, Xia Hongzhang, um, time travel The country's first traitor, there are many, and there are many."

"Haha, this country has been sold before it was built... Are you still making an appointment to sell the country these days?" Huang Zhicheng couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Even the Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in Hangzhou, after seeing this slot plan, can feel the pressure from the senior staff. It can be seen that the people in the big office, especially Xia Xianze himself, are trying to pass this plan. What a storm it has withstood.

Once the "slot" plan starts to operate, the transmigration forces will definitely put on a gesture of accepting "appeasement" on the surface, even if only a small part of the force is allocated to become the so-called "Five Tigers Guerrilla General". The same is to appease... It means to bow your head.

The advantage of doing this is that everyone can see it: just this year in history, Zheng Zhilong, with the support of Xiong Wencan, transported tens of thousands of hungry people caused by severe drought to Taiwan in one wave.And the crossing people have been busy until now, and they have been so tired of sneaking and sneaking, they have only transported thousands of people to Dazuo.

This is the huge effect of the use of administrative power by the government, which will never be compared to the gangsters.

As for the benefits that will follow, there are even countless ones—monopolizing the raw silk trade in Japan, Fujian, and Zhejiang is a trivial matter. In history, Zheng Zhilong did not go to Guangdong and Zhejiang to collect refugees. In history, Zheng Zhilong did not go to the north. To defend against foreign races, he did not use the banner of "King Qin" to station heavy troops in Jinghuan...

All the things that Zheng Zhilong has never done, the time-traveling version of the "Five Tigers Guerrilla Generals" can do. There are too many places to operate, and when the Ming Dynasty is completely overthrown by the time-traveling forces that got into the stomach, The benefits are endless.

Therefore, a huge dividend is in front of us. Before that, it only needs a certain force to bend its knees a little...

Do you bend your knees?Big right and wrong, east wind and west wind, political line.

No matter who is sent to be the guerrilla of the Five Tigers, even if the golden body of the crossing force is broken, the new empire's state-building routine can only be followed by people like Li Zaige and Cao Prime Minister. In a word, it is Zhao Huangpao. Even if the hat of usurping the throne is worn. The phrase "to win the country is extremely righteous" has since drifted away from the time-traveling forces...

The trio at the Hangzhou station can now imagine with their feet how the emperors seized this opportunity to criticize the princes in power.

"The majestic industrial empire actually went to accept the appeasement of the natives. This is always unrighteous! Shameless! Send all the national thieves to stay at the Madou Society!" This is the roar of the emperors.

"Development is the last word. If you want to dominate the world in your lifetime, you can't waste time on shabby settlements. No matter whether the country is upright or not, the one that can save time is a good cat!" This is the rebuttal from the rulers.

Of course, since the three present here today can see this "card position" plan, it means that the big office has settled the emperors, and Cao Chuan has no objection-this is necessary, because in this plan Here, the one who suffers the most is actually Chairman Cao himself, whoever is the emperor will bear the blame of "gaining the country is not right, seeking to usurp the throne".


It was already past noon when Huang Xiaolian and a group of slaves came out of Xigaotang, the time for the master to drink tea is a bit long today.

After Mr. Huang left, Mr. Xiong also took a few companions who were drinking tea downstairs, and went out front and back.

After a cup of tea, the humble master Lu Shi Shiran went out alone. As the master walked forward, people who looked like idlers got up and accompanied the roadside, faintly guarding the master in the middle.

After Mr. Huang returned home, he didn't have time to eat, so he first called Butler Wu over.

"From today onwards, send a few smart people to the official post to wait on duty day and night. I have a letter from Xiong Wencan and Xiong Fujun from the capital. Let me know as soon as possible."

"Yes, let's arrange it."

...Xiong Wencan must have left Beijing after the majesty's resignation, and then traveled south along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal on an official ship.After arriving at Hangzhou, the terminus of the canal, Mr. Xiong will disembark and rest in the official post for a few days, and then travel overland to Fujian from Xianxiaguan.This is the standard route for officials entering Fujian in the Ming Dynasty to take office.

Since Hangzhou is the main station of water transportation, it can be said that officials from several southern provinces, from governors to county magistrates, generally pass by here no matter when they take office or leave office.

This has resulted in a large-scale and lively official post outside Desheng Bridge, and there are more than one official post, and there is also one outside Qingchun Gate.Huang Zhicheng now has to send at least four servants to keep an eye on the two official posts in turn.

As the governor of a province, there are bound to be guards who stand in front of Xiong Wencan and go to the official post with a ticket to book a room. What Huang Zhicheng needs to inquire about is this news.

After arranging the important matters, Master Huang was finally able to sit down and eat.

After the meal, Master Xiao Tian woke up and got up at the end of the day to wash and wash. After changing into a thin lake silk robe, Master Huang came to the flower hall—there were three matchmakers from Yan Majin who had been waiting in the flower hall for a long time. Sit for more than an hour.

Master Huang is going to pick a wife for himself...

Chapter 157

Yan Majin's three official matchmakers can be considered to have caught Mr. Huang today.Thinking about the hard work of following the order for half a year, and then calculating the many achievements after the success of this order, the three women couldn't help but at the same time... gouged out their opponents.

After speaking, Master Huang entered the flower hall.Because there are female guests, there is an extra woman behind the master today.Seeing Mr. Huang coming in, the three wives hurriedly stood up and saluted. At this moment, their attention was focused on Mr. Huang in plain robes.

In the long career of the three women, there are really not many templates like Mr. Huang. This is also one of the biggest motivations for the three women to pursue the single Mr. Huang: the case is special, and there will be special achievements after winning it.

Before this, Huang Ping's details had been found out by the matchmaker circle: before Zhongju, he was a down-and-out scholar, lived in a monk's temple outside the city, and made a living by writing letters to others.Later, he was elected overnight and changed the lintel.

Here's the wonderful thing: Mr. Huang's hair growth is too violent.

Usually, the official book is 400 mu of tax-free land, and there are various types of income after being selected, but the expenses are also not small.A dick like Huang Ping, without the backing of a rich family, and living in a high-consumption city like Hangzhou, is just a middle-class person at the beginning. Luxury cars and luxury houses can’t be achieved without a generation’s accumulation.

However, Master Huang did it.Ordinary Ming people are already accustomed to juren who get rich overnight, how about the Ming Dream?But matchmakers are different. It is a professional requirement to inquire about the inside story of the client's family, and they are well aware of the difference between them.

There are no in-laws to support, and there is a luxury house, a nice car, and a good job at home... This kind of diamond king will be robbed of his head in later generations.What Master Huang didn't know was that he had already been transferred to the highest rank by the wives, and his conditions were second only to those of the yamen of the big houses.


After Mr. Huang entered the flower hall and sat down, he ordered Mrs. Yan to do promotion first, and the other two went to the side hall to wait not too late.

This Mrs. Yan was about 30 years old, wearing a light red silk jacket and a green silk skirt, her face was covered with white powder, her lips were thick and her cheeks were fat, she looked like she was living by her mouth.After going up to see Li, Mrs. Yan was all smiles, and she opened her mouth to burst out a series of clichés, almost praising Mr. Huang as Ze Ju's rebirth, tearing the onion into his body.

Huang Zhicheng waved his hand with a wry smile, signaling Mrs. Yan to hurry up and get down to business, didn't you look at me tens of taels a second?

After seeing the master's signal, Yan Renjing stopped talking temporarily, reached out and took out a small "embroidered book" from his sleeve, and began to read it.

"Embroidery book" is a necessary information book for every official official media. It lists some customers' public information, and there is also a private note: this is a secret code, only I can understand it; Miss Zhang has body odor, Li The master does not mention it... These are all internal information that cannot be made public.

Mrs. Yan began to promote Mr. Huang while flipping through her embroidery book; Mr. Huang listened while drinking tea.

It is very rare for Huang Ping to have no elders in his family to make decisions. The phrase "the order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker" is not a joke. Without the consent of the parents, it is a private marriage. Without the matchmaker procedure, it is adultery. This is more severe, so usually the matchmaker is more dragging. If you don't believe it, you can refer to the great book "Jin Ping Mei".

Of course, the matchmaker would definitely like Mr. Huang's situation. This man seems to be able to make decisions on the spot, with a golden triangle style... When the elders need to appear, there will probably be one or two old men who are deaf and blind. Facade.

In this way, Mrs. Yan kept promoting the ladies of various families, and Mr. Huang sat at the top and seemed to be listening, half an hour passed without knowing it, and the more Huang Zhicheng listened, the more irritable he became.

He knew that his qualifications were good, so the matchmaker would definitely choose some girls with similar qualifications to introduce to him at the beginning, but this meant binding their feet - those who did not bind their feet were a special case and would definitely not appear in the first wave of promotions.

What is even more frustrating is that during this process, he cannot reveal the subjective wish of "I want to find a wife with big feet"... Once the matchmaker spreads the word, then Master Huang will become a scholar in an instant laughing stock.

Everything had to happen naturally: the matchmaker introduced a girl with big feet, the matchmaker tried her best to cover it up, the matchmaker tried her best to praise the advantages of the girl's family in other aspects, Mr. Huang was deceived, and Mr. Huang was distracted by the matchmaker's superb language skills. force……

It's called sociology - when society as a whole is so sick that bound feet are the standard of dignity, some people have to be careful not to be seen as different.

Yan Pozi finally failed.

After listening to Mrs. Yan's recommended candidates, Mr. Huang said politely: "Matchmaker Yan has worked hard, let me think about it." After that, he gave some rewards and sent them away.

Next was Mrs. Ma, someone who was beaming with joy and began to accept a new round of bombing.

Huang Zhicheng felt a little regretful at this time: he had neglected his duty before.If the marriage had been arranged two months earlier, there would be no need for such urgency now: Once I enter Xiong Wencan's shogunate as planned, what if the wedding date does not cooperate?If you go to Fuzhou later, what should you do if you delay the matter?

In short, due to some unforeseen reasons, the current embarrassing situation has been caused, and it may drag down the business.

"Oh, I was too complacent before, I have to find a way to make up for it." At this time, Master Huang was already out of his mind.

Unknowingly, the frothy matchmaker in front of him has been replaced by Mrs. Jin, and Huang Zhicheng has been suffering for a full hour and a half: "Let the housekeeper come and listen to it tomorrow!" Looking at the booklet in Mrs. Jin's hand, Huang Zhicheng almost turned to the end. Not easy to think of.

At this moment, a turning point appeared. In Huang Zhicheng's ears, he heard the keyword "foot wrap" for the first time today.

He coughed calmly, and a young servant had already brought a bucket of spit. Mr. Huang spat, wiped his mouth, and then got up and went to the back to digest it... After sitting for more than an hour, drinking tea or something, he must allow the master Convenient and convenient.

After finishing the toilet, Huang Ping returned to the flower hall again, and wiped his face with a wet towel. At this moment, Master Huang seemed to be much more energetic: "Well, that family just now, you start from the beginning."

Mrs. Jin did not doubt that there was him, so she retold the story of the family that was interrupted just now.

The family's surname was Zhong, and they were not well-known in Hangzhou city, but they were undoubtedly gentry.Mr. Zhong's ancestors were the offshoots of Zhong Fang, a famous minister in Qiongzhou during the Zhengde period. The Zhong family's poems and books were heirlooms from generation to generation. During this period, there were several ups and downs. Someone became an official, so the family luck did not fall.

Mr. Zhong himself served as the secretary of the Nanjing Imperial Academy and the magistrate once. A few years ago, when Wei Zhongxian gained power, Mr. Zhong saw that the situation in the court was not right, so he resigned decisively. Now he is at home.

The Zhong family has two sons and a daughter.The eldest son became an official as a juror and is currently the county magistrate of Nanhai County, Guangdong Province. The second son has no fame.

And the one the matchmaker plans to sell to Mr. Huang is the eldest daughter of the Zhong family: her boudoir name is Zhong Xiuxiu.

There is a reason why Zhong Xiuxiu was put at the end of the brochure by Mrs. Jin: the eldest lady of the Zhong family was trafficked when she was a child.

Miss Zhong's family was only 5 years old when she was cheated away by kidnappers. Later, she was sold to the family of a squire named Xu in Pingyang County, a remote place in Wenzhou.Fortunately, the reason why the squire bought this person was because the family had seven sons, but the only daughter was missing. At the beginning, seeing Zhong Xiuxiu was smart and well-behaved, he bought it from the kidnapper to raise him as a foster daughter.

The so-called country gentry are actually country people. The country is not so particular, and Zhong Xiuxiu has never had his feet bound since he was a child.Things didn't turn around until Zhong Xiuxiu was 16 years old: the kidnapper was caught in the Yamen because of another case.

A few clamp sticks were pulled down, the kidnapper poured urine and feces in the courtroom, and immediately began to spit, and then spit more and more, Zhong Xiuxiu's incident was also mixed in.Then it was a matter of course. Not long after Mr. Zhong became an official, he heard that a piece of film was handed over to the Renhe County Yamen, and he was rewarded with money. The servants immediately worked hard and arrested the second kidnapper within a few days—— It is not uncommon for children to change hands in between.

Miss Zhong's family was finally found.

When Mr. Zhong saw his daughter again after more than 10 years, Zhong Xiuxiu was already slim and heroic... There were 7 older brothers who played with her since she was a child.Seeing Zhong Xiuxiu who had changed his name to Xu Baoer and looked exactly like him, Master Zhong burst into tears immediately.

After that, there was a negotiation between the two families: Xu squire and his wife raised Zhong Xiuxiu as a padded jacket, and they had enough clothes for snacks since childhood.Now that she's grown into a big girl, she's about to talk about marriage, father has appeared.

First of all, Mr. Zhong is rejoicing: it is not uncommon for a girl to be abducted and sold to a brothel. It is already a fluke for Zhong Xiuxiu to grow up safely in the Xu family.

The second is the difficulty: it's not a child bride who is beaten every day, just take it away with confidence and it's over, she was raised as a young lady!

Originally, he planned to pay the Xu family money, but the squire Xu didn't want it... The country people are a bit idiotic, but can this matter be solved with money?I'll give you a few more, can you leave, I have to pay a large dowry to marry a daughter after you leave!

... Mr. Zhong was born in a scholarly family, so he is naturally not the kind of person who makes trouble without reason. After negotiations, the two families finally reached an agreement: from now on, the two families will become a good family, Zhong Xiuxiu will change back to the original name, and the husband and wife of the country gentry will be recognized as foster parents.

And so, and so and so, when Miss Zhong returned to Hangzhou, she was already 17 years old.

It's fine when you come back, and you have to get married when you come back.However, such good words as "heroic and valiant" and "walking like flying" suddenly became the object of snickering in the circle of perverted literati and bureaucrats in the Ming Dynasty who were disgusting and vowed to do their best...

In 2 years, when Zhong Xiuxiu returned to Hangzhou for 2 years, she was already 19 years old and still not married.

Mr. Zhong has a wrinkled face, his daughter is unsalable, help us...


This is the end of Miss Zhong's story, Mrs. Jin's mouth is parched, and Mr. Huang is secretly satisfied - he is sure that he heard Mrs. Jin's words just now: "Regulations in the countryside should be relaxed, Miss Zhong's feet will be covered for a long time. It is short, so it is slightly larger than Miss Bie's feet."

Generally speaking, if a young lady has a hidden disease such as body odor, the matchmaker can completely pretend not to know it, and you can talk about it later.

However, a matchmaker would never dare to lie about such a big event as not binding your feet. Firstly, it cannot be concealed, and secondly, even if the man was deceived, how can someone like Mr. Huang spare you afterwards?

So no matter how difficult it is, no matter how difficult it is to speak, Mrs. Jin still has to covertly get to the bottom of her words today: Miss Zhong's feet are slightly bigger than daughters of other families.

Chapter 158 Small Study Room

After listening to Miss Zhong's story, Mr. Huang tapped his fingers on the table with a pensive look on his face.

The golden matchmaker was completely surprised: Huang Sir actually reacted?

Originally, she was going to call it a day... The matchmaker, who had already reached the MAX level in observing words and expressions, had already seen Master Huang's impatience in the later stage of the promotion.Who would have thought that after Xu Ying's story was told, Mr. Huang seemed to really have a heart for the Zhong family?

Is this the legendary sea fishing?The Zhong family, a well-known water dispenser watchman in the industry, has a chance to play in garbage time today?The golden matchmaker was nervously reviewing the words of the Zhong family that he had just said, trying to deduce what Mr. Huang was concerned about, and at the same time, he used his full eyesight to stare at Mr. Huang's face, not letting go of any expression.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Master Huang to reveal the answer himself: "Master Zhong has worked as a secretary of the Nanjing Imperial Academy? He must have heard of it somewhere, and he is familiar with it. Come here, bring me the gentry record."

Jinshenlu is the list of ancient gentry, published by booksellers, later called resumes of leaders.

Not long after, Butler Wu took over the latest edition of the Record of the Gentlemen from the servant, and then searched for it himself, and soon found a page, and handed it to the master.

"Well, well, as expected." Mr. Huang nodded repeatedly while flipping through the records of Jinshen, as if he saw something that made him extremely satisfied... In fact, someone is more anxious than a matchmaker at this time, and he is desperately turning his brain to find This is where Mr. Zhong is different.

Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, Huang Zhicheng glanced at Jinshenlu, "Well, as expected, Senior Zhong is the empress of the famous official of Zhengde..."

The golden matchmaker was trembling all over at this moment. Although she didn't know which aspect of the ancestors of the Zhong family Mr. Huang had taken a fancy to, she had a strong premonition: she was about to put a big star in the matchmaking world!From now on, I will suppress Yan Ma Erjian under my body!

"Wealth is only three generations old, like Senior Zhong, whose family has not fallen for more than a hundred years, he is a role model for my generation. Alas, I don't know if an ordinary family like me will have a chance to ask for help." Huang Zhicheng is afraid that the financial matchmaker will listen. I don't understand, I seem to be talking to myself and sighing again.

"This is to find a fence to tie it tightly, and run the house properly!" If the golden matchmaker couldn't understand what Master Huang meant, she would not be a matchmaker.In an instant, I went through the few families I had recommended before, and found that if it is not about the quality, but only about the age of the family, there is really no one that can compare with the Zhong family.

At this moment, the woman understood.

"Oh, what a good Mr. Xiaolian!" The golden matchmaker clapped his hands at this moment, and jumped up from the round stool: "The Zhongfu is really an old householder, inquire in Hangzhou..."

A certain person smiled and listened to the matchmaker's improvisation, and at the same time heaved a long sigh: It can be regarded as the matchmaker's routine.

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