Lu Ming

Page 29

When there was still a hundred meters away from the entrance of the village, dozens of indigenous warriors were already standing at the door.These warriors were dark-skinned, with javelins in their hands, grass skirts wrapped around their waists, and bright feathers on their heads, all of which seemed to be well nourished.

When they came to the front, Nishiyamagata Ken stepped out of the crowd and stood in the front row of the natives. The only village chief Gongda, who was wrapped in a cloth, also stepped forward at this moment. After awkwardly bowing to each other, he was introduced into the village across the crowd.

Aboriginal villages are rudimentary.They don't have big saws and axes, and they don't have these woodworking tools, so bamboo and fine wood are the most important building materials in the village.

Standing at the door of the wooden house, the indigenous woman wearing a headdress, a grass skirt, and drooping breasts attracted the attention of the rough embryos.However, after the first visual impact passed, these country girls with thick dark skin and short stature, who were honestly around 0 degrees, ruthlessly shattered some people's illusions.

The largest building in the village is the public house. This house is Datongpu, which is tall and long. It is usually the residence of unmarried men. It is also used for discussions and is a multi-purpose hall.Today in the public residence, waiting for the Transcendental Congregation is the spiritual leader of the village - the witch.

For indigenous villages that are still in the form of primitive communes, witches are responsible for communicating with native idols, and through some primitive rituals to give some mysterious guidance to the villagers.

It was not yet time to break the Four Olds, so the leading group of people who crossed the crowd accepted with a smile on their faces the witch of the village: an old woman with strange ornaments all over her body and a tattoo on her face.

"This is the most unbearable thing." After the ceremony, the employees spread out the goods they brought in front of the palace.Looking at the aborigines who came up, Feng Jun, who was standing beside him, talked with Cai Feiming about the witch.

"In order to preach, the Dutch once drove 250 witches to Zhuluoshan to fend for themselves. When they were released ten years later, only 48 survived." Cai Feiming stared at the chatter, and happily selected the goods from the indigenous people. , while speaking.

"That's too low. It can be hidden and isolated. It's considered honorable support." Feng Jun said.

"Yeah, our business depends on these adults. That's purely blowing the ass. The key is to get rid of the fire..." Cai Feiming said, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he bent down, smiling, with a kind of smile on his face. The standard posture of the bad uncle walked forward slowly, and not far in front of him stood a little boy with bare buttocks.

Chapter 92

The little boy, who was about four or five years old, stood there naked, with a pair of black eyes curiously looking at the strange uncle who was slowly walking in.

Cai Feiming showed a sincere smile rarely seen since time travel, and he also felt a little bit emotional. Maybe he remembered the woman who promised to give birth to him a monkey.Kneeling down, he took out a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus brown sugar produced in Qiao's Old Guifang in West Lake from his pocket. The uncle's voice was full of temptation: "Kid...hehe...see what this is?"

The little boy grabbed the brown sugar, watched the strange uncle gesturing for "eat", smelled it, stuffed the brown sugar into his mouth, and smiled.Both of them were giggling, the uncle suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the chicken, pretending to swallow it in one gulp, the little boy ran away clutching his crotch...

In any US imperial middle-class community, Cai Feiming's actions just now are enough to make Tiaozi dispatch him, and there will be at least three charges waiting for him.The job will be lost, the reputation will be discredited, and the judge will ban him from appearing within XX meters of children in the future.

However, in the indigenous villages of the 17th century, now only Feng Jun walked over with a smile, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I found that you like children very much."

"I don't have a good thing for adults, so I can't like it." Cai Feiming nodded: "Children are the future..."

"Yeah, raising children to prevent old age." Feng Jun nodded and said with emotion: "We can't rely on any of us, we can only rely on children."


The transaction went well.The ironware, salt, glass beads, and cotton and linen cloth brought by Chuanzhong are all very welcome.Some fine lacquerware made by the Japanese and porcelain produced in Jiangnan were also quickly exchanged by villagers for deerskin, antlers, millet and air-dried meat.In a trade activity with a dominant political meaning, the indigenous side will naturally feel that today's transaction is particularly cost-effective, so it didn't take too long, and the Ming people began to pack their bags, and their task was completed.

Cai Feiming and the others were wandering around the village accompanied by Gongda.The village is not very big. The small village of about 300 people feels extraordinarily crowded today. That is because there are elders or village chiefs in the surrounding villages.The population of the entire Xingang community is actually more than 1000 people: the land bearing capacity is poor in the original state, and an indigenous village needs deer farms, fishing grounds, and a large piece of land for rotation farming to maintain.

The indigenous people here have no cattle, and the livestock are dogs, pigs and chickens.Chickens were not used to eat, but to provide the warriors with feathers.Because it is a primitive commune, almost every house in the village has dried venison and pork on the eaves, some barley, flax and millet are dried on the bamboo mat, and taro and sweet potatoes can also be seen, the latter must be traded back and forth. Seeds brought by fishermen or merchants.

The most interesting is the skull string hanging at the door of some houses. This kind of decoration representing martial arts is common among various indigenous peoples all over the world in the seventeenth century.The local indigenous people are no exception. It has been a custom for countless years for the soldiers to go out for headhunting or make an appointment every once in a while.

There is a long way to go to change customs...Feng Jun and the others looked at the bone ornaments on the porch, and felt more and more urgent.

The busiest people in the "local propaganda group" are naturally the two doctors Bai Shuchao and Dong Qiang.Dong Qiang crossed to Hangzhou with another doctor after the expedition team set off from Hangzhou. This time, he came with Cao Chuan's ship to support the large army.

The indigenous people's concept of "doctor" came from the Japanese and the red-haired people.The normal procedure is to find a witch when you are sick - do a ritual to eat some mountain soil and roots, and then go home and continue to wait for death.Because the natives of Xingang Society have contacted Japanese and Hongmao relatively early, they have this concept, even if the so-called doctors of Benzi and Hongmao are really suspicious in medicine, they are still more reliable than witches.

Therefore, after hearing Nishiyamagata Ken's introduction that the two were doctors among the outsiders, the indigenous people quickly surrounded them.Tooth extraction, feeding of deworming tablets, and sterilization and suture of various traumas, Master Miaoshu and Dong Qiang were very busy.

Right now, the two of them only have these three axes.They can neither diagnose the more profound diseases, nor use the few samples they have on the natives, such as antibiotics.

Bai Shuchao still hasn't got the dental equipment he has been obsessed with. If there is, he can fill his teeth with silver amalgam or gold today, instead of pulling out bad teeth when he sees them.

In a sense, the medicines and consumables that the "Tu Xuan Group" spends on the villagers today are the true blood of the transcendental forces: with the existing insect repellent tablets like Albendazo, transcendentalists simply can't get it in ten. produced within the year.As for the deerskin-denominated diagnosis and treatment fee announced by Bai Shuchao after the completion of the treatment, it is only to cultivate the correct trading concept of the indigenous people, and the value is incomparable.

The villagers were told that if the wound has been sutured, they need to pay an extra deerskin, and they can go to a doctor to remove the stitches after seven days.

Seeing the villagers dancing and gesturing, pointing at the cotton yarn on their arms and spitting out their clansmen, the head of Gongda, the rare aboriginal with a big picture, felt a lot lighter at this moment.

Lunch is cooked in a wok.There were iron pots traded in the village, and Chuanzhong naturally also brought iron pots, including kettles and bowls, all prepared in advance.Anyway, these things don't need to be carried by Master Kunlun, just take them with you.

The staple food is millet, large and small beans, and taro.The original planting method of burning wasteland and crop rotation of the indigenous people cannot serve rice, which needs to play with water conservancy. The drought-tolerant millet is the staple food of the Xingang community and even the indigenous people on the entire island.

Green onions and ginger are available in the village. Thirteen incense, which is not much marketed in the wealthy family of Daming, is an artifact in Dazhang Village.The air-dried venison and fish, which are full of fishy smell and lack of salt, are cooked in a pot with thirteen incense, and served with green onion, ginger and small rice. No matter what, it is a good meal.

After eating and drinking, the established program came on.

Before departure, CEO Xia Xianze gave important instructions: In this barbaric era, it is necessary for us to make our opponents realize that traversers have the ability to destroy them at any time.Only under this premise can everyone sit down and talk about cooperation and trade.If you haven't demonstrated strength, then cooperation must be unreliable, so there is no opportunity to create opportunities.

Following the boss's instructions, after the meal, the "local propaganda group" did not rush to negotiate with the indigenous leaders, but dispatched fierce men such as Wei Yuan, intending to use assault rifles to perform a few "improvisations" for the villagers. programme".

On the wall more than 200 meters away, there are bamboo knots, human skulls, wooden blocks and deer bones.This distance cannot be farther - it is already the diameter of the village.

The excited villagers on both sides of the main road calmed down immediately after the MK-17 assault rifle made a loud noise and muzzle flame.All those things on the top of the wall were smashed to pieces within a few seconds by a giant who was higher than the eaves with an iron pipe in his hand.

Chapter 93 Negotiation Conditions

The comrades of the program group then performed the classic project of moving target shooting.When the natives saw that the targets that had been thrown into the sky burst and the debris fell on their faces, some people began to run back to their houses.

Seeing this scene, Cai Feiming smiled and said to the translator: "The negotiation can begin now."

In short, in order to avoid possible repetitions, suppression and death in the future, the company has invested another amount of ammunition in Xingang people, I hope these people will know each other.

Next, today's last item: Negotiations between the "Turkish Propaganda Group" and the "Newport Society Indigenous Joint Conference" began.

"Pingpu" and "Gaoshan" are just collective names for the ethnic groups in Taiwan who live in the plains and mountains. Just like "Northwesters", they don't have much practical significance.

In fact, all the indigenous people in Jianan and Pingtung are subordinate to the Hilaya people.There are three major branches of the Hilaya people, and the first branch is closely related to the current people: four small tribes located within [-] to [-] kilometers of the north and south banks of Xingang River: Xingang Society, Madou Society, Xiaolong Society , Damujiang Society.

Each community here consists of several natural villages, worshiping different native idols, with a total population ranging from more than 1000 to more than 3000.

The people responsible for negotiating with Chuanzhong today are the village heads or elders of several natural villages under the Xingang Society.

At the beginning of the negotiation, in the face of several indigenous leaders who were generally unhappy after watching the show, the Transcendence Force struck while the iron was hot, and put forward several conditions including paying taxes, cooperating with the land reclamation, and allowing the Transcendence Force to freely hire labor and these conditions.

After discussing for a while, several natives responded: Regarding taxation, if the crossing forces can guarantee fair trade between the two parties in the future and the natives will not be oppressed, they can pay part of the deerskins as taxes on time.

Cai Feiming was happy to make a guarantee in this regard.Originally, it was not for the deerskins, but for the right to rule. Taxes represent the exercise of the right to rule. At this moment, everyone here is a little excited-this is the crossing force in this new world, through their own efforts, the first This is the official exercise of government powers!

Regarding cooperating with land reclamation and hiring labor, the indigenous people put forward a rebuttal: If the soldiers all go to work for the crossing crowd, then the safety of the community cannot be guaranteed.

Cai Feiming and Feng Jun couldn't help but smile when they heard Xishan's translator say this.Before they came here, they had assessed that there was a high probability that the natives of Newport would make demands in this regard, and sure enough, here it is.

In the original history, due to the sparse population, the indigenous people of Xingang Society have been at a disadvantage for a long time in the battle with the nearby tribesmen.This situation led to the fact that the indigenous people of Xingang Society were forced to seek assistance from outsiders under strategic pressure and were forced to open up.

Of course, there is no such thing as a free lunch.The Dutch protected them, but that was incidental.Cruel rule, exploitation, and being an auxiliary soldier and cannon fodder in the many wars the Dutch ruled over the island are the price they will pay in the future.

Therefore, no matter what conditions Chuanzhong puts forward today, Xingang people will turn the topic around to safety, which is the most urgent problem they need to solve.Cai Feiming and the others were naturally prepared. This issue had been discussed in the big office before departure.

The crossing forces don't act like the Dutch do.Sow discord, create hatred, and fight against the natives. This is a common method used by the colonists who are few in number and only for profit.

As an unprecedented industrialized bulldozer regime in this world, all the indigenous people are "good people" in the eyes of the powerful and powerful people of the Great Crossing Country.Right now, the conditions are really not allowed. Once the conditions allow, the industrial aristocrats will dare to mix the mainland good people with the local good people in a ratio of 3 to 1. If the production task is heavy, 2 to 1 is not non-negotiable.

Fighting and killing is not prohibited, but it is a government act.Even if it is to crusade a certain tribe that does not want to be a good citizen, it is an order from the dignified government to send troops, conquer it, and then quickly treat it and go to be a good citizen. Madou people.

So after the interpreter raised the concerns of the natives, Cai Feiming said to Ken Nishiyama with a serious face: "Tell them, since they pay taxes to the Kunlun people, from now on, the safety of the people of Xingang will be the responsibility of the people of Kunlun, and the people of Kunlun will Stop the vendetta between tribes. Also, if they are sincere, they will be rewarded and eligible to go to the hospital in the future.”

The veterans of the Xingang Society will naturally not refuse this condition.It seemed they had nothing to lose: if there was no need for headhunters or appointments, it was acceptable for young men to do some work, not to mention pay and doctors.

After the biggest problem was resolved, the Xingang Society, which had the closest contact with outsiders in history, was the most dominated by outsiders, was the first to smash idols, and all of them were baptized as Christians. The first Aboriginal citizens.

After the agreement was reached, Cai Feiming spoke a few words on behalf of the two sides, and the clever village head of Gongda also shouted a few words to the villagers. .

At this time, the aborigines took out the rice wine, and the travelers happened to have a bowl, so after happily drinking a bowl of wine, the travelers said: The bowl is for you...

In fact, there is no place to install it.All the burdens were already stuffed with wild goods, so the masters would naturally not carry bowls, so Cai Feiming had an idea, and gave two pots and a pile of blue and white bowls as rewards to Gongda; ... Chief Liaison Officer, responsible for communication between the two parties.

Immediately afterwards, he touched his body, turned out his wallet, and took out a Hualian VIP card from the inside. He made a blind eye on the scene and put it on a rope and hung it around Gongda's neck.

The mission of the "local propaganda group" was successfully completed. Later that day, the delegation who returned to the business hall was warmly received. The leaders of the crossing forces who picked up the ship at the pier were: Cao XX, Xia XX, Wang XX, etc.

In the early morning of the next day, a post jointly issued by Cai Feiming and Feng Jun appeared on the time-travel forum, "Who is our backer? ".

The post analyzed in detail the people of all ethnic groups that Chuanzhong has been in contact with so far, and came to the conclusion: In the medieval society, adults whose thinking has long been fixed are not credible, and these people can be good screws in the future.

The only people who can rely on the transmigrators are the children.Children are everyone's future, children can understand and inherit the ideas, technologies and political systems of the people.The post urgently stated that, as an investment with the highest yield ratio, any reliable regime should put education first.And cites various examples, including the 35 years of Tubing to northern Shaanxi, in April 36, there were already 4 primary schools.

Although Chuanzhong didn't have that many teachers right now, it was still possible to set up a primary school, starting with indigenous children.

The post aroused the interest of many people, and the discussions below were endless, so that this post became a hot topic in the next few days. Some temporary military actions did not even attract people's attention...

Chapter 94 Farewell, Gandidius

Qian Tieshan was dressed in grass camouflage, a standard mosquito-proof suit, and walked at the forefront with an assault rifle.Looking at the village that was gradually showing its outline in the distance, Qian Tieshan turned his head to say hello.

As a member of Transmigration who came to Daming only 2 months ago, Qian Tieshan's ability to adapt is fast among all people.Of course, this has something to do with the training he has received: he was a member of the sub-tiger special team of the Boiled Fish Military Region. Adjusting his mentality and physical function, and quickly adapting to the new environment are essential skills.

After crossing, Qian Tieshan quickly found a position in the army, which belonged to seamless docking.Although the Ministry of Army is a bit sluggish at the moment, with only officers and no soldiers, Qian Tieshan himself is optimistic about the future: at least for now, he is the only one who has received formal special training in Transcendence Zhongli.

Taking into account the huge poor equipment of the enemy and the enemy in the new world, and the unique advantages of special operations in terms of cost-effectiveness, Qian Tieshan is still very confident in setting up a special force by himself in the future.There are no resources at the moment. Once the conditions are ripe, he believes that the decision-making level will definitely recognize the benefits of special warfare.

Walking next to him was Wei Hu, a 1 meter tall black man who looked like a villain. In fact, he was an accountant, and the villain was a part-timer.This gentleman is in charge of statistics in the Human Resources Department. These office hooligans who manage "working people" of all ethnic groups are actually all thugs, and good people can't control those laborers.

Since the team is going to the indigenous village, the golden pair of Ken Nishiyamagata and Professor Luo is naturally indispensable.

Two days have passed since the negotiations in Dazhang Village.In the past two days, the big office has launched a series of programs for indigenous people, including indigenous census, recruiting indigenous teenagers to learn Chinese, and policy presentations, etc.Qian Tieshan's team, the task of these two days is to travel all the villages of Xingang Society.

The big bosses can just show their respect once, and the subsequent hard work will naturally be handed over to three, four or five.Except for Nishiyama Gata Ken, who is temporarily irreplaceable as a translator, the other three Transmigrators in the team are all of this number - including Professor Luo who has also relocated to the Human Resources Department. Why do you say "again?"

Today, the destination of the team is a place. Well, the original place name is no longer available. Let's call it the Xingangshe Village of "Lijia" Village.

Just the day before yesterday, after Cai Feiming hung up the VIP token for the village chief of Gongda, the newly released Leading Party secretly told them a piece of news: There are Dutch people in the neighbor Lijia village.

When the comrades went back and checked the information, they could probably guess who this was.

It was a Dutch Protestant priest whose name should have been George Gandidius.This person came to Dayuan in May of this year. Historically, he lived in a village of Xingang people for a long time as a missionary.

"Lijia Village", a small village in Xingang, has left a legacy in history.Speaking of reform and opening up, Lijia Village is actually earlier than its neighbor Dazhang Village, but they are purely passive and open, similar to my Qing Dynasty.

The first stop of the Dutch religious invasion was here.The natives could not resist the foreign priest with the arquebusier standing behind him, so they could only allow Gandidius to live in the village and preach the doctrine day and night.

At this time, the other end of the bellows blew the wind: Japanese businessman Hamada Yabei, because of the trade dispute between Japan and the Netherlands, in July this year, 7 natives were fooled from Lijia Village and ran to Japan on a Zhuyin boat, ready to play "Aboriginal Offerings" With the "land" trick, the legal ownership of Tainan was first determined by the shogun.The leaders of these natives were called "Rika".

The poor natives in the bellows had no way of rejecting the Dutch priests, nor the Japanese. They were able to carry out secret operations against the Netherlands when the Dutch priests were running around in the village, and the fate was predictable.

When the 11 natives come back next year (5 died on the way), Riga and the others will be tortured by the Dutch with chains on a boat on a ridiculous charge - treason.

This incident is also one of the fuses that triggered the "Hamada Yabei" incident.After the incident, Lijia Village will be retaliated by the Dutch. All the villagers ran into the mountains, and the villagers died. The Dutch did not allow them to return to their homes until they had extorted enough food and pigs.

Of course, now that there are Transcendental Congregations, everything is different.One of the goals of Qian Tieshan's team's trip was to capture Gandidius.

The outsiders who had suffered a stroke in Xingang finally came to the door today, and the villagers of Lijia Village did not dare to neglect them. They had already been tossed and exhausted by all kinds of outsiders.

Fortunately, the "Kun" people who came to the door today don't look vicious: the indigenous language is not that complicated, and they only need to learn a special syllable from the translator to represent the transmigration: "kun".

The government's big discounts have been staged again.Each subordinate village can enjoy this kind of "groceries to the countryside" activity, which exempts logistics fees and discounts the price.Of course, with that comes the ongoing census, and the selection of some flexible-looking Aboriginal juvenile "entourages".These teenagers are the seeds of fire, and they will be taken by the people across the world to learn Chinese. In the future, they will wear leather shoes, have their mouths full of industrialization, and return to the village to smash soil puppets. They are the Leading Party 2.0.

A small bamboo hut was kicked open, and several fierce outsiders rushed in and arrested the priest "Gan".

The natives stood in a circle in awe as they watched what was happening in front of them.They were powerless to refuse anything. When Pastor Gan moved in, they were powerless to stop them. After Dayuan Island changed, the natives still provided Pastor Gan with food and water. Entering the village, the village chief hurriedly ordered the door to be opened. Now that Pastor Gan was caught, they could only watch.

George Gandidius, who had been a missionary in Batavia, was as resolute and passionate about mission as the other priests who came to preach in the wild during this period.

In real history, he accomplished the feat of baptizing all the natives of the Newport Society in 1640.Moreover, he spelled the Xingang language in Latin letters, and the compiled script became the standard script for the Tainan aborigines to write contracts for hundreds of years.When the Dutch evacuated, dozens of mission schools had already been established in Taiwan, and Christianity took root in Taiwan, thanks to Pastor Gandidius.

In a sense, to bring civilization to barbarism, Pastor Gan has done everything he can and is a relatively great person.

So, because of his greatness, Pastor Gan is being beaten at the moment.

Biko I Ying, and vice versa.

In the documents published on the forum, the big office has classified monotheistic pastors as "dangerous people".That is to say, at the moment, perhaps due to some diplomatic concerns, crossing the forces cannot publicly execute priests like Gandidius, but if conditions permit, we still have to find a way to kill them—natural death is the best.

Therefore, Pastor Gan, who is focused on brainwashing children and teenagers and robbing the business of transcending people, is now being severely beaten under the watchful eyes of all the indigenous people.

There is a "Kun" who is not tall, but the width and thickness of the neck and body are as wide as two people, and there is another "Kun" who is tall and black, and looks fierce; these two people are using gun butts. Smashing Pastor Gan's head, Pastor Gan rolled on the ground with blood all over his face.

After everything was over, the villagers looked at the distant team at the entrance of the village, with mixed feelings in their hearts.In the team were two villagers who went to see a doctor with a senior officer, a few teenagers who went to serve as attendants for the "Kun" people, and Pastor Gan, who was bound by deer tendons and stumbled to the end.

Farewell, Gandidius.

Chapter 95 Dredging Newport Creek

The morning sun rises in the east, illuminating the earth, and it is a fine weather again.This bare rotten land by the Xingang River finally ushered in large-scale development today.

The flow of people rolled in from the direction of Chikan. These people brought various tools and came to the planned kiln area base. They divided into several groups and started busy.

The climate in Tainan is distinct from wet to dry, and 80% of the annual rainfall is concentrated in summer, so the wet and dry seasons of the local rivers are also obvious.

It is already November, standing on the river bank with a height of 11 meters, washed out by summer floods, and can clearly see the Xingang River flowing slowly below.The stream surface is only more than 4 meters wide at this time, and there is a riverbed span of more than 10 meters from each of the river banks on both sides. This can be clearly calculated: Xingang Stream can easily exceed the width of 10 meters when the flood is rushing in summer.

A large number of laborers found two gaps from the river bank at this time. Most of them went directly to the river bank. A small number of people took shovels and pickaxes and built the two gaps out of the soil steps to facilitate getting up and down.

Someone was already installing the boom on the shore, and one end of the metal boom painted in the opposite color was sticking out of the river bank, and a chain hoist was installed at the head.

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