Lu Ming

Page 28

"It's long overdue to train the regular army, it's a little late to start today." Cai Feiming said, looking at the sailboats soaking in the big pool of Taijiang River.

"It's not that easy, including disinfection, simple replacement of weapons and equipment, and installation of radar. It took half a month." Xia Xianze took a look at Cai Feiming and continued: "The four sand boats that came with the senior officers barely screened out 30 young people. It has only started in the past few days, and I haven't even taught footwork yet."

"'s quite troublesome, so the sandship is short of sailors now?"

"There is no shortage. How many people do you need to go back empty? There are spare sailors in Hangzhou."

"When will the empty ship go back?"

"Just these two days. It is enough for the officer to keep a Yuandou number, and the rest will be transported."

After chatting aimlessly for a while, and seeing that Cai Feiming's emotions gradually subsided, Xia Xianze said: "It's better to fight for it again, even Ma Zai, after fully understanding our intentions, can start well To the role of communication and bridge. We have now become tigers, and we have to fight for every resource. The logistics and human resources of the Dutch are very important. This cannot be done by machine guns. Alas, industrialization is too resource-intensive. "

"Well, I understand all of this. I will consider the backup plan. It depends on whether this horse is worthy of cooperation."


Early the next morning, when the Dutchman sat in the corner of the big office again, the atmosphere was much more relaxed-Mr. Van der Hagen asked to meet today, because this guy almost broke his thigh after he got back yesterday. the lieutenant.

The lieutenant was lying in bed these days recovering from injuries, naturally he didn't realize that those terrible weapons had a weakness - ammunition.Therefore, the professional analysis finally obtained by Van der Hagen is: the Kunlun people are fully capable of destroying the company's fleet, and even if the company sends another fleet to start a war, it will still fail.

"Fan, I have a premonition that today's conversation will be very pleasant." Cai Feiming said with a smile.

Van der Hagen nodded slightly: "Yesterday, I made some excessive demands, which led to the breakdown of the negotiations. This kind of thing will not happen again, dear Cai."

"It's not a negotiation." Cai Feiming leaned his body on the back of the chair and said easily: "Although from the perspective of the situation, it seems that we are negotiating. But you have not been authorized by Batavia, and the power of the interim chief is too small. The only Mr. Nuiz, who is qualified to negotiate with us, is still in Japan."

"Then why am I sitting here?"

"Convey." Cai Feiming said with a smile: "We hope that the first time Mr. Nuiz returns to the staff, there will be a gentleman who fully understands the thoughts of the Kunlun people and will bring our friendship and trade plans to explain. "

"It's a little frustrating, but I understand my worth, well, what is friendship?"

The friendship that crosses the company can only be raw silk and porcelain at this stage, and the production of industrial products is still early.But that's all the Dutch lack, so friendship should be established soon.

"So, those coolies carried raw silk and porcelain from the gondolas into the warehouse of the store?" Van der Hagen was a little excited at this moment.

"You are now allowed to visit the warehouse after lunch."

"Oh my god! Tell me about your aftermath plan, I can't wait to know about it now!"

The aftermath plan of the Kunlun Bandit Gang is simple: the Dutch will be eligible to enter the trade of high-ranking members from now on, and the Kunlun people are guaranteed to provide a certain amount of raw silk, porcelain and Songjiang cloth.As a symbol of friendship, the moment an agreement is reached, the captive will be released, and it's over.

Van der Hagen's eyes widened: "Where's the silver coins? I've given up hope for the business hall, but don't you have any explanation for the 30 dongs that you stole? That's the company's payment, oh my god!"

"You are a bastard who likes to spoil things." Cai Feiming said contemptuously: "As of today, how many people and ships have the gentlemen of the East India Company paid for raw silk and porcelain from the Ming Kingdom? And the Portuguese The war, the war with the Spaniards, the war with the Ming people, the attack on Macau, the attack on Penghu, oh yes, and the attack on Tongshan a few days ago, by the way, another fleet was destroyed.”

"The silver coins wasted in these wars are far more than 30 dongs! But where are the raw silk and porcelain? You idiot, getting a stable supply channel for Ming Dynasty goods is a plan that VOC is pursuing at all costs. Now, this channel It's in front of you, the important thing is that you've paid! I know now why you're not even a senior businessman, you bastard has no strategic mind at all, you better go back to Amsterdam and open a brothel there It's a live deal, for you."

"However, this is too much. If at least part of the spoils are returned, I think the misunderstanding between the two sides can be resolved faster. Please believe me, Cai, my starting point is good."

Cai Feiming shook his head helplessly, and then asked gently: "Any force, country, company, including church, will have some factions within, my friend, you won't deny this, will you?"

"That's clear, I agree." Van der Hagen nodded.

"There are also factions within the Kunlun people." Cai Feiming pointed to the tip of his nose and said, "The person sitting in front of you is a member of the faction that currently holds internal power. We are moderate and advocate developing strength as the first priority. faction."

"In our organization, there is such a party, the name is 'Meet and kill all the other races except the people of the Ming Dynasty to exterminate the party'".

"It's a bit radical, but you should be familiar with this kind of people: in Europe, they cook a lot of living people every year. Look, you've remembered, yes, fanatics."

Cai Feiming stood up, patted the already sluggish Dutchman on the shoulder, and then gestured in front of him with the tip of his little finger: "Even if it is such a small piece of silver, after it becomes a trophy, if it is returned to you, then this piece will be returned to you. Silver coins will be raised to political heights; the development factions currently in power will be strongly accused and attacked as cowards and traitors, they will be very good at inciting neutrals, trust me, my friend, you don't want to see Until I was kicked out."

"On the first day these people take power, you will enjoy the first batch of hanging because of your high status. When Mr. Nuiz returns to the sea, he will not recognize the wandering in Weiss. You on the beautiful gallows that Mr. himself ordered to build, because your shoulders and overhead would then be full of black-faced spoonbills, trying to find the last shred of meat from your ribs."

Looking at the Dutchman who was slumped in his chair, Cai Feiming smiled and finally concluded: "Trade, my friend, everything is secondary. As long as trade can be carried out, all unhappiness will disappear immediately, believe me."

"But if there is no payment for the goods, even if Your Excellency Nuiz signs a business contract with you, there is no way to implement it. Only God knows when Batavia will deliver the silver coins again! Maybe the next time it will come is not a silver ship, but a fleet!" Van der Hagen shouted with the last of his strength.

"Don't worry, my friend, Mr. Nuiz will return to Batavia with a full load of raw silk and china."

"I need an explanation!"

"Loans, my friend." Cai Feiming said with a smile on his face: "The spoils of war are political issues, but loans are just ordinary business issues. The Dutch East India Company, with its outstanding reputation and strong strength, has been unanimously evaluated as a high-quality customer by the Kunlun banking community. , so, take a loan, dear..."

Van der Hagen's mouth was open, his pupils out of focus—it might take him an hour to figure it out.

Chapter 89 Indigenous Gunda

The Chikan New District on the other side of the staff was full of people and in full swing, and a large number of coolies were busy on the construction site.After this period of hard work, a 30-mu piece of land was leveled on the east bank of the Taijiang River.

All the debris has been cleaned up, the shrub roots have been excavated, and the surrounding stagnant water, including some seasonal shoal wetlands, have been filled up; the core castle and the living area opposite, including the road irrigation canal between the two have been planned. A small number of laborers are hardening the ground in the planned place - a group of four, shouting horns, shaking the square stones and smashing the ground tightly.

A large number of people are building simple docks on the banks of the Taijiang River.Right now, the crossing forces don't have any construction machinery, and they can't play with those tall buildings. They can only build a temporary wooden pile dock on the shore, and use small boats to transfer people and goods between the two sides of the strait every day.

Due to the arrival of the second batch of two sand boats, the already overcrowded shanty towns of commercial buildings were completely burst.In view of the severe situation that there were too many enemies and few others at that time, the two sand ships that came with Cao Chuan greatly increased the number of Ming laborers, each with 100 people.

Chuanzhong could only urgently adopt the big relocation method: all the residents of the Japanese village were moved back to the shanty towns of the commercial halls. Although the nature of these surrogates belonged to merchants, they could only temporarily live in the shanty towns, and a few Merchants like Toru Higashino can live in the mall.

The Ming supervisors, the Dutch and the Banda all moved to the Japanese village, and then urgently cut down some miscellaneous wood and bamboo, and built temporary shacks around the Japanese village.The wood has not been dried, and the shack will be deformed and finished in a short time. However, I can't care about that much now. It would be good to have a shack, not to mention the warm weather.

In this way, the transportation capacity is greatly saved: the laborers go to Chikan to work every day, and they do not need to take the ferry by boat. They only need to walk two miles south from the Japanese Village on foot.

What remained in the business hall were some of the original Class B employees, who were responsible for daily chores.In the past two days, there have been 30 more navy officers in the barracks of the business hall: the navy has a ready-made "Chengfeng" and is in urgent need of a new owner, so they took advantage of it - Xia Xianze readily approved the report of the navy's priority selection.

The surface brothers are like this, and they can't stand the test: on the day the Navy picked people, the Army had already turned against them.There were less than 300 Mingren employees in total, and 20 non-commissioned officers had already swept away the younger ones - the last two didn't even know how many years they had lived, and the navy people opened their mouths to see their teeth picked out. .Together with 10 of the original young pirate men, the navy's happy crew went for a ride on the ship.

Looking at the remaining "old men" with vicissitudes of life, full of yellow teeth, and tomorrow's braids, the army's gang was furious, Han Xiaobo asked the CEO to reply with a cold sentence: "Wait for the boat. If you arrive, or negotiate for the navy to let you go."

If it weren't for the "intimidating body" incident two days ago, the army was in a state of pinching its tail recently, it is estimated that the brothers on the surface would at least fight for this matter.You see, those in power really want to do you, and they will do it without a sound.


Speaking of Surface Brothers, Cai Feiming is the one who has contacted the Surface Brothers the most: he just got the Dutch brothers two days ago, and today another Japanese brother came to him.

But the Japanese brothers came to him with good intentions - the natives showed up.After hearing Toru Higashino running and saying that the natives were coming, Cai Feiming, who was looking for information in the big office, quickly got up, ran to the pier with Higashino and his deputy, got on a sampan and headed for the Japanese village.

It was only on Dongye Road that I started to introduce in detail: Today, the one who ran to the Japanese Village was an indigenous village chief of Xingang Society, named Gongda.In the past, people from this village often came to the Japanese village to trade local products, but Gongda himself was rare.According to Dongye's guess, the natives came to inquire about the situation.

Since the day of the trade war, some indigenous people who traded in shanty towns ran back to the island, and the indigenous people disappeared for a while.It was not until after burning through a large area and the line of fire approaching their homes that the natives were forced to fight back.

According to Cai Feiming and the others, the natives should have been frightened by the violent war scene in the business hall that day. After that, the burning of the wasteland by the black cloud was not considered friendly: the natives were not stupid, and the bare earth made outsiders far away. If you can see them, the natives will try their best to stay away from outsiders under the instinct.

The plan to solve the indigenous people has already been put on the agenda in the past two days: the upcoming construction of the kiln area requires large-scale dredging of the upper and lower reaches of the Xingang River, and the builders have to go deep into the upper mountainous area for logging and mining, so the villages along the way have already arrived. the point of resolution.

Today, since some indigenous people figured out and took the initiative to take the initiative, then of course you can't miss it. The need to explore the truth is not only for the indigenous people, but also for the transmigrators?Cai Feiming excitedly followed Dongye to the Japanese Village.

Naturally, the village chief of Gongda does not know that his performance today will greatly affect the policies of outsiders towards the indigenous people in the future.As a branch of Tainan's Siraya people and a village chief in the Xingang community, Gongda has a political talent higher than that of ordinary people.This is also the reason why he was able to be re-elected as the village chief when his family members were not prosperous.

Since the clansmen who were sent to the island to trade deerskins ran back in despair, and after a detailed questioning by Gonda, he ran to other villages overnight. Get the most detailed information about the Transcendence.

Unlike those ignorant clansmen, Gunda has always maintained a strong interest in outsiders.The Japanese who collected deerskins, expelled all the clansmen on the big island (Northern Line Mishima), built gallows in front of the castle gate, and hanged the red-haired white people of the clansmen for no reason, all these once worried him deeply.

The lives of the tribesmen have not deteriorated over the years, and even improved due to the exchange of deerskins with outsiders, but Gonda always has a hunch: those red-haired whites are very powerful, and sooner or later will do something unfavorable to the tribe, and The reality is gradually verifying his ideas.

After the trade war, Gunda soon found out that the red-haired white people were defeated by a group of more powerful people with the same skin color as himself!This makes Gunda ecstatic, after all, how bad can it be?He had a hunch that these mighty outsiders were not the same as those redheads.

Travelers will never know that on the second day after they came to Dayuan, when some people were shooting rocket launchers at the gate of the Japanese village, a native who was extremely interested in them was hiding in the grass in the distance …As of today, Gunda is the only native who has a clear understanding of the firepower of the crossing crowd.

Chapter 90 First Contact

After days of observation, Gonda knew he couldn't wait any longer: the outsiders had begun to build a camp near Newport Creek, not far from his village.He came today, and he wanted to know what price he would have to pay so that his people could avoid the fate of being smashed by the thunder and fire of the gods.

When Cai Feiming came to the Japanese Village, he found that it was empty and working people of all ethnic groups seemed to be at the construction site.The first room in the village was guarded on duty, and now there is only a well-recovered overseer of Mingren eating, and there are no crossover people carrying AKs.

Cai Feiming frowned slightly. Even though he knew that all the people across the world must have gone to the construction site, he still wanted to turn around and suggest that there should be someone on duty in the village 24 hours a day.Today, the indigenous people came directly to the village. In theory, Cai Feiming should have received the call immediately, not the Japanese who stayed behind to report.

Just as he was stupefied, Higashino's other deputy in the village, a samurai named Ken Nishiyamagata, came to him with two natives.

Cai Feiming couldn't help being a little surprised when he first saw the native walking in front: this native was actually wearing clothes!A rough piece of indigo blue cloth was not cut, just wrapped around the upper body, and the lower body was a sarong of the same style.

This is a very interesting native - Cai Feiming suddenly became interested at this moment.You must know that the younger aborigines behind him only wore a grass skirt. As far as Cai Feiming knew, a grass skirt should be their standard dress.

Cai Feiming, Toru Higashino, the gate of the Japanese village, plus a Gunda who was lurking on the side at the time, they met again today in the place where the exchange of fire once occurred. It must be said that this is a bit fateful.

He motioned the Japanese to lead the native to the duty room next to him, and when he walked to the door, Ken Nishiyamagata, a Japanese who was already familiar with transcending habits, said a few words to the native, and the two natives obeyed. Weapon - A springy wooden javelin placed in the doorway.

When Cai Feiming was still surprised by the politeness of these natives, he actually didn't know that the village chief of Gongda was a little scared at this time.

People who don’t read, play video games, or watch the glory of the king since childhood generally have good eyesight, not to mention that the indigenous people eat venison, fish and pork, and they don’t even have night blindness.At the first sight of Cai Feiming, Gongda recognized the leader among the outsiders—after he waved his hand that day, thunder and fire came, and the wooden door in the village was blown away.

There are not so many chairs in the duty room at the entrance of the village, and books usually sit on the ground. Cai Feiming can only follow the local customs and greet everyone to sit on the spot.

After close observation, Cai Feiming found that the indigenous village chief was not too old, about 30 years old.Hair tied back, eyebrows straight, eyes wide apart, cheekbones at least protruding more than most transgenders.Gunda should be around 1.67 in height, with a well-proportioned build, strong muscles and thick calluses on the soles of his feet.There are some kinds of ornaments hanging on his ears, and several strings of handmade ornaments are also hanging around his neck. Of course, there are some glass balls mixed with small ornaments made of wood and stone.It's bound to happen, from Manhattan to Daejeon, wherever the Dutch exist.

As the manager of the Chayajia area and a low-level samurai who stayed in the Japanese Village all the year round, he was responsible for purchasing deer hides. He could communicate with almost all the ethnic groups under the Hiraya tribe.

After a few words with Gunda, Nishiyamagata told Cai Feiming that the indigenous people wanted outsiders: "Don't extend the camp to the upper reaches of the river, which is their traditional deer farm."

"Yes, it can be seen that we have to expand." Cai Feiming laughed: "Tell him, we will cut down some trees, remove some stones, and will not rob deer with them."


After Xixiang and Gongda said a few quick words, Xixiang translated: "The large-scale burning of wasteland has made many indigenous villages uneasy. If the adults continue to expand, the situation will make them even more uneasy."

For some reason, from the moment Cai Feiming saw Gongda, he felt that the aboriginal village chief was a little afraid of him.It was just a feeling at first, but Cai Feiming later found out that his feeling was right.This native has a pair of dexterous eyes, which proves that he is very smart, but at the same time, dexterity also means that his eyes will betray himself - especially for people who don't usually lie.

Dodging his eyes subconsciously, Cai Feiming felt that there was an opportunity. Anyway, he would not get pregnant if he tried it, so he suddenly raised his face and shouted at Ken Nishiyama: "If you don't cooperate with the adults, it will be war! All the natives will die!"

As a translator, Xishan naturally followed suit, so the roar happened again.

The next moment, Cai Feiming said with a straight face, but he was already laughing in his stomach - because Gongda, who was full of panic, said, "Please don't kill the villagers with thunder, they are willing to send deerskins and pigs."

"This guy must have run away from the business hall that day and saw the RPG live broadcast." Although Cai Feiming's guess was not right, it was not far away.

"Tell him that the adults from Kunlun will not blackmail the villagers. As long as they cooperate, the adults will visit them with goods and rewards."



Not long after, Cai Feiming sat in the big office and happily reported on his contact with the natives.

"Well, it seems that there is still something to be done. I originally thought that it would take two fights to open up the situation." Feng Jun, who was sitting beside him, said with a smile.

"Not necessarily..." CEO Xia sighed from the side: "Indigenous people are very troublesome. The key is the language barrier. You have good intentions. People think it is malicious. If you don't make it, it will be raw rice. You have to have a good appetite!"

"Everything is difficult at the beginning. I think the opportunity is good. No matter what the next policy is, early contact is still necessary." Cai Feiming is very optimistic about this matter.

"Contact is definitely necessary, but you must pay attention to safety." Xia Xianze nodded: "Let's form a team, the relevant departments will send people to collect more information."


The village where the village chief of Gongda is located is on the south bank of Xingang River, and it is not far from the kiln industrial base planned by Chuanzhong.Because there are several huge camphor trees behind the village, the village is called "Big Camphor Village" in Xingang language.

Two days after the village chief of Gongda visited the Chuanzhong, this morning, the "Aboriginal Reassurance Mission" established by the company was officially launched.There are a lot of people in the mission, there are as many as 30 people, half of them are travelers, and the rest are laborers who are responsible for picking luggage.

There are Feng Jun, Cai Feiming, and other professional counterparts, Wei Yuan, who is in charge of security, Master Miaoshu, and another colleague who is studying medicine, Dong Qiang. Their medical skills are the "reward" that Cai Feiming promised. Let's go together this time.Professor Luo, who is omniscient in heaven and earth, leads 15 porters at the end. He is responsible for trading the goods brought with the natives.

Chapter 91

Everyone is ready to wear a jungle special combat uniform, check the equipment, and set off from the pier of the commercial hall.After crossing the Taijiang River, go east along the Xingangxi Road on the other side, and after walking for a while, you come to the planned kiln area.

A small enclosure with a side length of less than 20 meters was temporarily built here, and only a few people would come over during the day to do some preliminary work.However, the "Indigenous Relief Group" who came here today knows that if the problem can be improved quickly, then this place will soon be occupied by a large army, and the industrialization process of this plane will start here.

After arriving at Muwei, the team stopped to take a break for a while.At this time, Professor Luo appeared on the stage. After slapping everyone's attention to attract everyone's attention, he opened his mouth and said: "Attention, I will say a few words below, and then emphasize the precautions."

The comrades don't give the professor much face, some drink water, and some chat in a low voice.

"First: Do not act alone at any time, and let yourself be in the sight of the guards." Professor Luo didn't care, he said: "Because the natives are naturally weak, their information ability is poor, and the outside communication is not smooth. , so when the pressure accumulates, there will be occasional brainstorming, which can refer to Lafayette's declaration of war. So everyone must be vigilant at all times, and keep the firearms away."

"What if the brothers are disarmed by the country girl? Ah! Fortunately, we still have a gun!" At this time, a bastard was dismantling the platform in a strange way. The joke caused everyone to laugh. Mingren staff and Benzi The translator, Xingjian Nishiyama, didn't know why the gentlemen laughed, but there were still some funny glances.

Recently, the bottom line of Chuanzhong has dropped significantly: the girls are still in Hangzhou, and even if they come, there is no place to settle them.Right now, everyone's housing conditions are very poor, and people are crowded. You can't fight every day when the girl is here, right?Therefore, the jokes of this group of people are now coming when they open their mouths, and they are all held back.

"Bastard! This kind of thinking will end sooner or later!" Professor Luo was furious: "How did the Dutch soldiers get killed? It doesn't matter whether the natives asked to carry them across the river or they forced them to cross the river anyway. At that moment, the gun left his hand, and then dozens of people were killed in the river! If you bastards, if you still think that Lao Tzu is a god, then you are already a dead person in my eyes!"

The scene fell silent for a moment.Although everyone has a lot of materials from the late Ming Dynasty in their computers, those complicated historical materials, notes, diaries, letters, including the papers and posts of later researchers, not every traveler is willing to sit there and study, like Professor Luo. This kind of interdisciplinary endorsement is even more rare.So more than half of the people in the team really didn't know that in history, the indigenous people had a violent operation to ambush and kill the Dutch soldiers when they were marching together.

Everyone is a little awkward.Seeing that this group of people somewhat realized the seriousness of the problem, Professor Luo's tone softened: "Indigenous people have little knowledge, but their brains are not small, and they are very smart. They know that we will be nothing if we leave the iron pipe in our hands. , As for retaliation afterwards... Comrade brother, can the dead be brought back to life? Don't you know how precious you are?"


After completely reversing the sloppy atmosphere of the team, Professor Luo emphasized some hygiene precautions: including drinking only the water you bring, not to mention the water cup; if you eat, the food in the pot must be boiled in boiling water for a period of time. It's time; it's best not to shake hands, and it is strictly forbidden to have a relationship with indigenous girls. No matter which party takes the initiative, the offenders will be quarantined and observed after returning, and they will not be allowed to see people. Life is better than death.

The last one was personally endorsed by Master Miaoshu.At present, there is a shortage of all kinds of medicines in the company, and all medical supplies and medicines need to be "imported", so Bai Shuchao is now saving as much as he can, intimidation, and prevention first.

There are a few lower limits that are so low that they start to seriously consider the local girl's stuff. After hearing the last one, they dispelled Xiao Jiujiu in frustration.

After arguing for a long time, seeing that it was more than 10 o'clock in the morning, everyone carried their luggage and continued to set off.

After walking further east along the stream for a while, vegetation began to appear around - the rotten effect of crossing the crowd ended here.The entire team immediately became tense, and Jianbing Weiyuan, who had rushed forward, even had a thermal imager ready.Fortunately, after everyone went around a miscellaneous forest along the stream, they could see aboriginal villages at least 500 meters away from the river bank.At this time, Nishiyamagata Ken told the crowd that it was the destination of the trip, "Dazhang Village".

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