What satisfies him most is the harmony between wives and concubines. At least, on the surface, the wives and concubines all restrained themselves by coincidence, and did not tear their skins openly because of jealousy. This is what makes him most proud. Of course, this Most of the credit is due to the precepts and deeds of the 13 aunts and daughters. Family harmony comes first. If you have the leisure to quarrel, you might as well fulfill your duties as a wife and have more young masters.

But, then again, everyone has selfishness, which woman is willing to let other women share the man she loves?

It would be false for the girls to say that they don't have any jealousy or complaints in their hearts. It's just that they didn't show it out of consideration of the overall situation, their own literacy and other reasons.

On the surface it is indisputable, but in the dark they still rely on their own cleverness to play some small tricks. It is a common thing to ask Mr. Li for advice on poetry, hard pen, thin body calligraphy and so on.

Among the girls, Zhuang Xi's calligraphy was the best, and Kong Rong's poems were the best. The two girls used this trick to lure the young master to their own room.

Zhongli Shengnan's temperament is quite bold, what kind of twists and turns made her feel a headache, relatively speaking, Xianggong stayed in her room for a little less time, but, in the eyes of all the ladies, she is a The most competitive among the daughters-in-law, the first to be pregnant with the flesh and blood of the Li family, but the one who is the most popular among the elders and daughters-in-law.

Qing'er is the most special and popular among all the girls. She used to be just a maidservant. It stands to reason that her status is the lowest and the most embarrassing.

But she is the personal maid of the old lady Su Yuejiao, and later became the personal maid in the young master's room. This personal maid is not capable of ordinary people, so she has to pass the madam first, and then You have to pass the young master again.

Theoretically speaking, the personal maid is considered the young master's default concubine, and she often stays by the young master's side. She knows the young master's personality and hobbies better than anyone else, so she knows how to please the young master better than anyone else, and is therefore more favored.

Don't you see, every time the young master goes out, he almost always takes Qing'er to accompany him, and stays at home until he becomes pregnant.

Qing'er is smart and considerate, she can be said to be slick in dealing with people, and she doesn't get carried away by her favored and transcendent status. Therefore, she has the best relationship among all the sisters.

With a beautiful wife and beautiful concubine, Li Wei is very satisfied with his current living conditions, but in order to keep this kind of happy life and protect his family, he has to bite the bullet and embark on the journey of competing in the world.

A lively festival just passed, and when Wu You, the military master of the right, appeared in front of Li Wei, Li Wei was taken aback.

This guy had lost weight obviously, his complexion was sallow, his eye sockets were black, and he looked weak and sick, making people think that this guy was a mummy who jumped out of a pyramid.

"what's wrong?"

Li Wei frowned, this guy was one of his trusted confidantes, if he died, it would be a huge loss.

"Young master, it's nothing, the subordinates are doing well, hehe..."

Wu You's face flushed, and he wanted to get away with it, but his expression was a little unnatural.

Chapter 2 Thirty

"what happened?"

Li Wei couldn't help but care, Wu You was one of his most trusted confidants, and there were some things that only he could do, and Tian Ce Wen Zishan, who was also his right and left arm, couldn't do it either.


The old blushing Wu You groaned for a long time, and under Li Wei's persecution, he hesitated to tell the whole story. There was nothing important recently, and he was happy and leisurely, and plunged into the gentle village.

Although this guy is not married yet, he already has a concubine, Le Niang, and later he snatched two beautiful concubines from the enemy and kept them in his house. In recent years, he has taken in a few more concubines. Plunging into the gentle countryside, working hard, applying rain and dew evenly, even a superman can't bear it, not to mention that his physique is not very strong, and he turned into the skinny and mummified appearance now.

In the words of a doctor, it means excessive drinking and sex, severe kidney deficiency, need to be controlled and recuperated, otherwise the old gun will be abolished, and a man who has lost his glory is better off practicing sunflower with a knife.

"You ah you ah..."

Li Wei pointed at Wu You, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, this girl is an old shooter, she really has the drive and momentum to die on a woman's belly.

Wu You lowered her head, her old face was flushed, and her expression was like that of a young daughter-in-law who just passed the door, shy.

In fact, it is not shameful to say such things, the only shameful thing is that the glory is weak at the critical moment, the young master also has a lot of wives and concubines, but the young master is young and has a lot of capital, unlike him, alas, it is good to be young.

"This Nine Suns Divine Art, you can practice it by yourself..."

Li Wei thought for a long time before he sent someone to go to the study, and brought the secret book of "Nine Suns Divine Art", and handed it over to this old archer to practice. He had to wait until he unified the Cangyun Continent before he could die.

"Master, you are my reinvented parents."

Wu You flipped through the secret book of "Nine Suns Divine Art", and immediately knelt down and kowtowed in excitement. If a man is not strong, what's the fun?

It's better to enter the palace and become a father-in-law.

"Fuck your ass!"

Li Wei kicked up his feet cursing with a smile, gritted his teeth and said, "Hurry up and let me go back and take good care of him. If he still looks like a ghost after a month, then he will simply enter the palace and become the chief servant. Your concubines, I will help you." You take care!"

"Yes, sir."

Wu You grinningly got up from the ground, and got kicked by the young master, but he couldn't close his mouth with joy, which showed that the young master regarded him as his own, which was a great honor, and no one could enjoy this honor except him.


Li Wei looked at the back of this guy who was leaving, and cursed helplessly.

The little six who stood by the side watched the whole process silently, envious eyes flashed in the divine light, and he transferred himself to serve the young master. Apart from serving with all his heart and responsibility, he just observed silently and understood the young master as much as possible. She has a good personality, and there are those confidantes who can often contact the young master.

Now, he can come to a conclusion that people who can often contact the young master can be divided into three classes. The first class is naturally those who are trusted by the young master, such as servants and maidservants in the mansion, etc., can also be classified as trusted people .

The second class is also based on trust, and they are all young master's confidantes. This class can be divided into two types, one is the unknown personal guards, such as Li Erye, Chongyang couple and others.

One is a think tank like Wu Youtian Ce and others who is relied on by the young master and can help the young master solve various problems, or a general who has military power and can charge forward and gallop on the battlefield.

In short, these people can be summarized as the young master's trusted confidantes, and they are also the core figures of the Li Group.

The third class is on the basis of the previous two classes, it can also be said to be the young master's close relatives and friends, like Li Erye and Chongyang couple, although they are not the young master's close relatives, the young master respects them very much, and even holds the gift of juniors.

For example, Wu You, the military master on the right, can be classified as a confidant, otherwise there would be no such bantering behavior just now, and being beaten, scolded and kicked by the young master is not only an honor.

Little Six is ​​very envious of Wu You, but he also understands that he can't become the young master's confidant like Wu You, nor can he possess extraordinary talents like Tian Ce Wen Zishan and others, and be relied on by the young master to share his worries and problems. Apart from his excellent martial arts, all he has is loyalty.

Little Six is ​​not worried that he will be excluded from the first class by the young master, because he knows better than anyone else, and he can put himself in a better position. If an eunuch with five limbs like him wants to get ahead, the only chance is to He can only cling to the big tree of the young master, so he must be loyal, moreover, more loyal than anyone else.

How could Li Wei know that Little Six had such complicated thoughts in his mind, the aunt sent Little Six to serve by her side, mainly because he valued his martial arts, with such a powerful expert guarding him, the safety was also greatly guaranteed.

Li Weichu was a little unaccustomed to having an extra eunuch serving by his side. However, the little six had an exquisite mind and was very good at serving others. Except for one thing that couldn't make him feel as comfortable as Qing'er, he was very satisfied with everything else. , Slowly, he got used to it.

For the sake of the overall situation, the identity of Xiaoliuzi cannot be disclosed for the time being. Except for a few insiders, the identity disclosed to the public is the newly transferred deputy head of the bodyguard, and his background is a mystery.

Winter is over soon, the temperature is getting warmer, the ice and snow are melting, and under the stimulation of various new policies and preferential policies, the people who have already suffocated their energy can't wait to rush into the barren mountains and ridges to reclaim wasteland and prepare for spring plowing.

In the ancient continent with extremely backward scientific and technological civilization, materials are scarce, and agricultural production is the most important lifeblood of the empire. Li Wei used modern knowledge to "invent" things such as plows, windmills, waterwheels, and potter's wheels, which greatly improved agricultural productivity and production efficiency. .

All these tools and stuff named after "Young Master" have spread all over the mainland, but no king of the empire is willing to invest a lot of money to help the common people improve production efficiency like Li Wei.

For example, the mining technology and tools of iron ore are very backward, and the smelting technology is even more backward. Iron ore is a prohibited item, and most of it is used to make weapons and equipment. The plows of ordinary people are all wooden, and only a few The aristocratic family was willing to invest money to make some iron plows, but they were limited to their own farms.

The common people of the Qin Empire all used iron plows of the same color, which were uniformly made and repaired by the government. Two or three households shared one iron plow and one ox.

Farm cattle are also lent free of charge by the government, and the common people are responsible for feeding them.

Cattle are the life and wealth of the common people, so there is no need to worry that they will cause damage, otherwise, the people who receive the cattle will not only have to pay double compensation, but also be imprisoned. Moreover, all empires promulgate laws that strictly prohibit the slaughter of cattle. Law, violators beheaded to show the public.

During the busy farming season, except for the standing army guarding the city, all soldiers were disarmed and returned to the fields to cultivate. Li Wei, who attached great importance to agricultural production, was surrounded by guards, and from time to time went to the fields to inspect the cultivation of ordinary people.

When the common people were in full swing to open up wasteland and cultivate land, the letter sent by the flying pigeon from Hongfeng Province alarmed the entire court, so that Li Wei hurried to Hongfeng Province the next day under the escort of a thousand tiger and leopard cavalry.

Chapter 231 Natural Disaster

Among the several great empires in the Cangyun Continent, the Wei Empire has the smallest population and the weakest national power, but its terrain is the most unique. It leans against the vast snow-capped mountains in the north, the vast sea in the east, and the undulating and towering Qiyun Mountain Range in the south. The Qin Empire blocked it, and the natural danger of the Nujiang River to the west also blocked the most powerful Jin Empire.

The unique terrain allows the Wei Empire to only bear the pressure of the Jin Empire. Although the Jin Empire is the most powerful, due to many reasons and the lack of attention to the navy, it is seldom able to break through the natural danger of the Nujiang River and enter the hinterland of the Wei Empire.

Although the Qin Empire is next to the Wei Empire, the navy is quite strong, and the fleet only needs to go upstream, and it can fight against the powerful navy of the Wei Empire in half a day. , the flames of war continued, unable to free up their hands to get involved in the Wei Empire.

Therefore, the Wei Empire was rarely affected by the war. If it were not for the fact that last year the empires joined forces to form a coalition to attack the Jin Empire, the Wei Empire had not been affected by the war for nearly 25 years.

It is precisely because the Wei Empire has not been affected by wars all year round, the people are rich, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, so some people regard it as the only piece of pure land in the Cangyun Continent, which fascinates some hermits who have nothing to do with the world.

As in previous years, after spring, the temperature warms up, the ice and snow melt, and the spring rains continue. Everything begins to wake up, and there are vibrant scenes everywhere.

However, in the Qiyun Mountains bordering the Wei Empire in the Hongfeng Province of the Qin Empire, it was contrary to the natural law. Dark clouds overwhelmed the top, strong winds blew, lightning and thunder, and then there was a torrential rain that could only be seen in summer. Several villages at the foot of the mountains.

This kind of irresistible natural disasters has long been used by people, and they can only consider themselves unlucky.

But then, the ground seemed to be violently stirred by something, and then there was a loud bang, the earth shook violently, the houses collapsed, and many people were crushed to death and injured.

After the shaking of the ground stopped, the officials who were still in shock organized people to rescue the affected people, and at the same time reported to the imperial court, because the westernmost peaks of the Qiyun Mountains standing in the surging Nujiang River disappeared completely, and the river flooded in, turning into a disaster. A vast ocean.

After receiving an urgent letter from Feige from Hongfeng Province, Li Wei discussed with his cheap father Li Gang, and then hurriedly set off to fly to Hongfeng Province on flying horses.

Riding fast all the way, traveling in the starry night, Li Wei's inner thighs were torn, but he gritted his teeth to hold on.

He had to be anxious. After the mountain torrents, there was an earthquake. He couldn't imagine the severity of the disaster. Modern reinforced concrete buildings couldn't hold up, let alone the wooden houses and mud brick houses of this era.

According to the current level of life-saving technology and tools, the people buried under the rubble cannot be rescued. What is important is the resettlement of the victims. If it is not handled properly, it is very likely to cause civil uprisings and the spread of diseases such as plague.

These issues are not the most important. The ancients believed that there are gods standing above their heads. All kinds of natural disasters may be infinitely magnified and imagined as ghosts and gods. What Li Wei is worried about is that this earthquake and mountain torrents will be destroyed Those with bad intentions take advantage of it.

The more I worry about something, the more things will come. The team has not yet arrived in Hongfeng Province, and has heard various rumors along the way. The most disturbing one is one of the rumors. It is rumored that the Li family is in control of the government and wants to usurp the throne. Only when it violates the will of heaven will the God of Longevity be wrathed, and God will punish him as a warning and so on.

"Check, find out who spread the rumors for Master Ben!"

Li Wei gritted his teeth and cursed, with a ferocious and scary expression. Once this rumor spreads, it will definitely cause people's instability, and the consequences will be very serious.

This matter must be thoroughly investigated to find out who spread the rumors, behead his head and ransack his house, as a warning to others.

Give an order, and the black-clothed guards will be mobilized. Anyone who dares to discuss this matter, regardless of their status, will be arrested and sent to prison first, and then they will enjoy a round of feasts.

Under the iron and blood methods, the prisons of the black guards and county government prisons in various places were overcrowded. In addition, the black guards were notorious, and no one dared to discuss this matter for a while.

Fifteen days later, Li Wei and his entourage arrived at the provincial capital of Hongfeng. Xu Zongtang, the prefect of Hongfeng, and He Jin, General Yingyang, waited outside the city to greet him.

Li Weiyi went into the city without taking a break. First, he ordered Xu Zongtang to resettle the victims as much as possible, ensure the supply of food, and at the same time pay attention to hygiene to prevent the spread of diseases.

Next, he led the team directly to Juyunguan. However, this time he was traveling in a carriage. He was so tired that he was not only falling apart, but also the skin on his thighs was worn out. It hurts even when he walked. cold sweat.

During the extraordinary period, Xu Zongtang, who is the prefect of Hongfeng, has to sit in the government office to command and dispatch disaster relief personnel and supplies, while He Jin, who is in charge of the army, also has to sit in the city and control the army to prevent emergencies.

The two could not follow Li Wei to Juyunguan and other hard-hit places, but they each sent a confidant to accompany them and report the situation to the young master.

According to reports from accompanying officials, the worst-hit areas were the four counties under the jurisdiction of Juyunguan, and several other counties were affected, but the damage was not serious.

According to current statistics, there are more than 5000 known deaths, more than 8000 people are missing, and the loss of material and property is heavy. The specific data is still being counted.

A large number of disaster victims flooded into Hongfeng City, and all of them were placed by He Jin in the air force camp outside the city. This military camp is spacious enough to accommodate 5 people. The soldiers who practiced intensively were all disarmed and returned to the fields. Usually, only a small group of soldiers were left to guard. He Jin used it to resettle the victims, which made Li Wei very satisfied.

There were also a large number of victims in the counties. Xu Zongtang ordered the parents and officials of the counties to properly arrange the victims. If something happened, they were the only ones to ask.

The government has some contingency plans for disaster relief. The order of a county only needs to follow the scriptures, arrange a place for the victims to be resettled and enough food for disaster relief, which is basically enough to appease the victims.

He Jin urgently recruited an army of 1 people to Juyunguan and other disaster-stricken areas to assist in local disaster relief while maintaining public order to prevent accidents.

The brigade rushed all the way, and along the way, officers and soldiers could be seen escorting food and other supplies to the disaster area. Li Wei knew that in this era, the government was able to do this, and it was already doing their best. He was quite satisfied with the effective command and arrangement of the disaster relief work. What he wanted to add was some health issues.

Five days later, Li Wei and his entourage arrived at Juyun Pass. The guard of Juyun Pass, the commander of Hongfeng Navy, and General Yingyang Zhou Bo greeted the young master outside the city.

It was already evening when we arrived at Juyun Pass, and it was getting dark. Li Wei had to suppress his urgency to go to the disaster-stricken area and stay there to listen to Zhou Bo's report.

Chapter 232 Natural Disaster 2

After resting overnight, Li Wei went to Gu County to check the disaster situation under the leadership of Zhou Bo, the guard of Juyun Pass, early the next morning.

Guxian City was not hit by the flood, but it was affected by the earthquake. The solid city walls were not damaged, but many houses in the city were destroyed. More than 300 people died and more than 3000 people were injured.

The villages at the foot of the westernmost mountain in the Qiyun Mountains are the center of raging flash floods and earthquakes. Several mountain peaks and villages were all submerged in the surging river, and no one survived.

Based on some common sense about earthquakes in his memory, Li Wei felt that this earthquake should be called a ground subsidence. If it was an earthquake, if the magnitude was small, it would be impossible to collapse and sink the westernmost peaks of the Qiyun Mountain Range. It is said that it is the county seat of Gu County, I am afraid that Juyun Pass will be completely collapsed.

He is not a seismologist, but just a random guess. It seems more reasonable to feel that the disaster is a local subsidence.

Standing in the mud, looking at the tragic situation after the catastrophe before him, Li Wei could only let out a helpless sigh. Even in a modern society with highly developed technological civilization, facing such a terrible natural disaster, there is nothing he can do, right?Fifty bodyguards with wet cloths on their faces and spears in their hands explored the way tremblingly in front of them. They were not afraid. How can ordinary soldiers be able to be selected as the young master's personal guards?What they were worried about was the young master's safety. God knows if this landslide will happen again?

In fact, the old road is still easy to recognize. Although the big trees on both sides of the road have been washed away by the flash flood, the outline of the road is still faintly visible. The only thing to pay attention to is the branches and wooden corpses buried in the mud. , accidentally tripped, must fall very embarrassingly.

This area has not been cleaned up yet, the corpses of humans and animals soaked in the mud have already swollen, exuding a disgusting and vomiting stench. Although Li Wei covered his mouth and nose with a wet cloth towel, he still couldn't bear it and vomited. Crashing, even the jaundice was vomited out.

He regretted it in his heart, but at this moment, he could only bite the bullet and persevere. Behind them, there were countless people who were cleaning up the sludge. In order to protect the tall image of the people, he could only grit his teeth and endure up.

Xiao Xiao is still careful. Although she followed Li Wei into the mud, she took out a small porcelain bottle from the sachet she was wearing, poured out a dark red pill from it, divided it into two halves, and squeezed it into a circle with her fingers. , ordered a guard beside him to bring two small pills to Li Wei and stuff them into his nostrils to eliminate the nauseating stench.

Li Wei stuffed the two small pills into his nostrils, only to feel the intoxicating smell of the medicine in his nostrils, and he could no longer smell the stench. He turned around and waved to Xiao Xiaoxiao who was standing pretty far away, saying Thank you.

Under the scouting and guarding of a group of guards, Li Wei and others walked nearly five li in the knee-deep mud before arriving at the edge of the Nu River.

This place was supposed to be a village, surrounded by fields, and more than three miles ahead is the towering Qiyun Mountain Range. Wanglong Peak, Longqi Peak and other towering peaks were originally the westernmost peaks of the Qiyun Mountain Range. Today, these mountains that even the spirit apes cannot climb have collapsed and sunk, and the water of the Nu River poured in, turning into a vast ocean that could not see the other side.

"Have you ever sent someone to investigate?"

Li Wei pointed to the front and asked Zhou Bo, the commander of the navy who was with him, that several peaks on the west side of the Qiyun Mountain Range collapsed and sank this time, but he didn't know what the situation ahead was, so he had to investigate clearly. Judging from the current terrain , this place has become the perfect place for a naval camp.

Zhou Bo quickly bowed and answered that after the flood receded, he sent his confidant Hong Wu to go upstream in a warship to investigate the situation, measured the depth and width of the water, and drew a new map. As the guard of Juyun Pass, he has to sit in command and cannot go to investigate in person.

After Hong Wu came back, he reported the situation detected and the new map drawn. Zhou Bo couldn't sit still any longer, and took the time to go to the investigation in person to check the situation detected by Hong Wu and the map drawn.

Zhou Bo personally checked and confirmed the accuracy of Hong Wu's investigation and the new map drawing. The westernmost peaks of the Qiyun Mountains that continued to the Wei Empire all collapsed and sunk, just like the original Qin and Wei empires separated by a wall. , Now the corner of the wall has collapsed, and the two empires have become connected at once, with only a large ocean in between.

The vast ocean submerged by the Nu River is very wide, but the current is slow. It takes almost a whole day for warships to go upstream to reach the border of the Wei Empire. If the warships of the Wei Empire go down the river, it will take half a day. Able to reach Juyun Pass.

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