It was freezing cold, but Xiao Liuzi's forehead was covered with bead-sized beads of cold sweat. He had to go all out, and he had to be careful not to hurt anyone. This was a terrible job.

He could only bite the bullet and fight against Su Yuejiao, whoever wanted to make a move would immediately startle him, if he hadn't dodged quickly, he would have received a slap in the face.

He could feel that the prime minister's wife's cultivation was very high, but he did not expect it to be so unfathomably high. At the moment, the little six didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

Su Yuejiao's Su Nu Heart Sutra and Xiao Liuzi's Sunflower Canon are the most yin and soft ways, the former's moves are light and elegant, not only beautiful, but also mysterious and unusual.

The latter's moves are extremely weird and sinister, and the angle of attack is unimaginable.

In the world of martial arts, speed is the only thing that can't be broken. The speed of the two people's moves is so fast that it is dazzling. Li Wei originally wanted to see how powerful Little Six's Sunflower Book is, but now he has lost interest because he can't see it at all. Knowing how the two of them made their move, in this hall, except for the turbulent strong wind and occasional low shouts, he couldn't even see the phantoms of the two of them clearly.

"Father, I want to ride a horse."

Xiao Yongfu raised his head and shook his father's hand vigorously, his red face was full of anticipation.

Li Wei is nominally King Xiao Qin’s sub-father, and Xiao Yongfu called him sub-father. The difference between sub-father and dad is the difference between godfather and real dad, but in fact, Li Wei is his biological father. Wu Huiniang naturally taught him Calling him son like this, the palace is full of his own people, so there is no need to worry about it being spread.

"Okay, ride a horse."

Li Wei grinned, bent down and picked up his son, letting him ride on his shoulders.


Concubine Wu Hui was taken aback. It was unlucky for someone to ride on her head, not even her own son.

"It's okay, let's go."

Li Wei turned his head and smiled at her, supported his son's two calves, and started jogging in the hall, the little guy giggled happily.

Concubine Wu Hui stood aside prettyly, watching the father and son play happily, her eyes were full of tenderness and tenderness, and her heart was filled with the happiness and sweetness of family happiness.

The contest between Su Yuejiao and Xiaoliuzi ended soon, although the time was short, but from the smile on Su Yuejiao's face, it can be seen that she played comfortably and happily in this fight.

Xiao Liuzi panted and wiped his sweat from the sidelines. Although he was defeated, he was convinced. In this battle, he went all out like the life and death fight with Lay Jingyun. The prime minister's wife's cultivation is unfathomable. If you haven't reached the supreme state of Mahayana, I'm afraid it's not far away.

This battle also made him self-taught, and he benefited a lot from the lack of actual combat experience. Given time, if he can break through again, it will all be thanks to the prime minister's wife.

"Auntie, how is Little Six's martial arts?"

On the way out of the palace, Li Wei asked aloud. He knew that Su Yuejiao's aunt Su Yuejiao had a very high level of cultivation, but he didn't know how high it was. Anyway, the patriarch Gu Daochang said that it was enough to start a sect, so he was a little bit Curious, I want to know what the aunt thinks of Little Six.

It's been a long time since Su Yuejiao had fought with someone so heartily, and she felt indescribably relieved when she vented out, and her mood was naturally extremely good. She pondered for a while, and said what happened after the fight feel.

The little six lives in a secluded palace, and rarely fights against masters, so he lacks experience in actual combat. However, he can master himself without a teacher with only a copy of "Sunflower Treasure". A once-in-a-lifetime martial arts genius.

"Sunflower Treasure" is indeed a marvelous martial art, but it is too feminine and weird, and apart from eunuchs, even females belonging to Yin cannot practice it. If a normal man comes from the palace to practice "Sunflower Treasure", then It must be a person with monstrous ambition and evil intentions.

Su Yuejiao's evaluation of the strange martial art "Sunflower Treasure" is very pertinent. Righteousness and evil are only in the mind of a person, and the same is true for martial arts. Use righteousness for righteousness, use evil for evil, not like chivalry Xuan Suju, the Taoist leader, is so paranoid, claiming that his own martial art is the authentic martial arts in the world, and regards this profound and strange peerless martial art as an evil one.

She has a very high opinion of Xiaoliuzi, a martial arts genius who is rare in a hundred years, given time, he will surely be able to become a strange person at the level of Master Gu Daoren.

Li Wei thought of "The Swordsman" by Jin Daxia, and he couldn't help sighing for a while. Some crazy people really dare to swing their swords from the palace if they want to practice magic skills.

But, then again, in modern times, even if some men have no magic skills to practice, they still wield swords from the palace, put on beautiful dresses, and dress themselves up beautifully. They are really more beautiful than real girls , the Internet term is the third sex between male and female.

Everything in the world is full of wonders, hidden dragons and crouching tigers among the people, no one dares to say that they are the best in the world, but Li Wei can be sure that the little six sons are definitely the number one master in the inner court of the Qin Palace.

Chapter 227 Those things in the harem

After Su Yuejiao returned to the mansion, she went straight to the study. She knew that her husband was very busy. Since he became the prime minister, he was even more busy. She did her duty as a wife and never disturbed him. He didn't make any pillow talk to interfere in the government affairs. On the contrary, Xianggong would come to ask her for advice when he was hesitant about some things, but now this matter is very important to talk about, so she must come.

"Ma'am, I saw Xiao Yongfu, hehe."

The madam came suddenly, no matter how busy Li Gang was, he had to put down what he was doing. He knew in his heart that the madam would not disturb him at such a time. If he came, it must be something important.

A guard left after serving the fragrant tea and stood guard outside the study door. When the Prime Minister was in the study, no one was allowed to enter and disturb him unless there was something urgent. This was an unwritten rule and no one dared to violate it.

The couple said a few words, Su Yuejiao explained the purpose of coming, and transferred Xiaoliuzi to be Li Wei's personal bodyguard, and sent another person into the palace to replace Xiaoliuzi.

If Li Gang is the backbone of the Li family, and the baby son is the hope of the Li family, so his safety must be guaranteed. This guy has always been restless and often runs out. Only Xiao Xiaoxiaoye and his wife, Chongyang and Li Er, are the second-class expert guards. However, Su Yuejiao was still worried, the little six sons were not only powerful in martial arts, but also clever, and his son's safety was more assured.

The most important point is that the son will definitely ascend to the throne in the future, and he must have a loyal person to serve him, and he must be an eunuch, and Xiaoliuzi is fully qualified.

As for the inside of the palace, Concubine Wu Hui also had to arrange a reliable, smart and quick-witted person beside Concubine Wu Hui, who had to help Concubine Wu Hui make up her mind at critical times.

"Madam's words are reasonable, but the choice of this person must be carefully considered."

Li Gang stroked his long beard and nodded. He understood Madam's careful thinking. He was worried that Concubine Wu Hui would have ambitions and would not allow Xiao Yongfu to abdicate the throne at that time, so he had to place a reliable person by her side, even for surveillance. A warning is fine, the change of dynasty is imperative, it depends on whether Concubine Wu Hui knows what to do.

"Don't think about it, just Yun'er."


Li Gang was stunned for a moment, then frowned, Madam's thoughts are not small.

"Why, Yun'er is not suitable?"

Su Yuejiao put her hands on her hips and raised her willow eyebrows lightly, a sign that the Hedong lion is about to go wild.

"Aren't I thinking of you? You see, you are quite old, and there are only thirteen of us, can you handle it?"

Li Gang is like a child who has done something bad, he lowered his head and kept silent, his old face was flushed red, Madam, can you really say this?

Don't give me any face, it's so embarrassing.

Why didn't he know that he was old and couldn't deal with 13 wives and concubines who were like tigers and wolves, but...but... "Yun'er is the maid I married as a dowry. She is smart, understanding, and martial arts. Not inferior to Qing'er, she has good adaptability, she has served me for so many years, she has worked hard without credit, she is still young, so should she be given a title, right?"

" case Weier..."

Li Gang groaned and expressed his worries. After all, Yun'er was the maidservant in name of their husband and wife, and she could also be said to be a concubine, what she lacked was only the status of a concubine.

Now he wanted her to serve his son, he was worried about what his son and Yun'er would think.

In this era, it is normal for friends or various reasons to give concubines as gifts. In order to teach the next generation of sexual intercourse knowledge of the emperor or some big families, they often let some concubines or concubines who think they are trustworthy to teach them personally , so, this kind of thing is also very normal.

"Let the concubine handle this matter."

Su Yuejiao smiled coquettishly, looking confident.

Yun'er is her personal servant who came over as a dowry. She has served her for more than [-] years, so she naturally understands her temperament. With a sigh, she intentionally or unintentionally said that Qing'er's life was good in front of her, how could she not see that little thought?It was precisely because of this that she dared to be a bodyguard. If this girl knew how she arranged it, God knows what she would be happy with?

As for the son, this is out of his control, making Li's family prosperous is a priority, a shortcut, of course, the more daughter-in-laws the better, the more children the better.

After Su Yuejiao returned to the room, she called Yun'er into the room, and said what she had discussed just now, Yun'er was stunned for a long time before she realized, and knelt down with a bang, and was so excited that she couldn't speak for a while.

After Su Yuejiao gave her careful instructions, he summoned the eunuchs and female officials in the palace on the same day, and asked them to teach Yun'er for a short period of time. There are many rules in the palace and complicated etiquette, but it is related to the face of the emperor. , these must be understood.

The next day, Su Yuejiao quietly entered the palace with Yun'er. Even though Concubine Wu Hui felt a little bit reluctant and resentful, she knew very well that if she refused, her status in the Li family would definitely plummet in the future.

However, this matter is not without benefits, the little six sons belong to her, if he serves by his side and wins his trust, he will be able to say something nice to her in the future.

On that day, Yun'er stayed in the palace. She was nominally Concubine Wu Hui's maidservant, taking the place of Little Sixth Son, but both Concubine Wu Hui and Little Sixth knew that Yun'er was Su Yuejiao's personal maid, After serving Su Yuejiao for so many years, what a detached position in the Li Mansion is. Moreover, Su Yuejiao also made it clear that Yun'er is only temporarily replacing Little Six, and will take over the house in the future. She is the young master's default concubine.

Just because of this, Concubine Wu Hui and Little Six dared to treat her as a maidservant. Before Yun'er entered the palace, she also got Su Yuejiao's instructions, so she didn't dare to be arrogant. It is the status of a concubine, and she simply matches her sisters to avoid the embarrassment.

During these three days, Little Six took Yun'er to familiarize himself with the palace's roads and various rules as much as possible, as well as various issues that needed attention, and then quietly left the palace to report to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Suddenly a beautiful eunuch with delicate features was replaced by the queen mother, and the little six sons who had been favored all along disappeared. The imperial party was only a little surprised, and then didn't care. It's a bit complicated, even ambiguous.

Those maids who have not been favored by the emperor or concubines who have fallen out of favor live in the deep palace. Things that happen in the palace are as common as drinking boiled water. Eunuchs are not considered men, so, not counting cuckolding the emperor, the emperor most of the time acquiesces in such things.

The empress dowager is new and widowed, but she is still very young, and she guards the emptiness alone. It is certain that the loneliness will be unbearable during the long night. I think this handsome and handsome Eunuch Yun has practiced wonderful finger skills, which is very useful to the empress dowager. Therefore, he has always been loyal The sixth father-in-law fell out of favor. As for where he was demoted, whether he was dead or alive, no one cared at all. Who would be too idle to pay attention to a little eunuch who fell out of favor?

Some ministers who are good at making money even came up with crooked ideas, found a few handsome and strong men, and quietly sent them to the palace, soothe the loneliness of the queen mother, blow the wind around the pillow, and in the future, they will surely become prosperous.

Chapter 228 The Upper Beam Is Not Right

Li Wei didn't know the arrangement of his aunt Su Yuejiao, until the little six sons in bodyguard robes appeared in front of him, which shocked him a lot.

After listening to Little Six's report, he couldn't help but sighed wryly, the aunt's arrangement was all for his own good, but, in this way, Concubine Wu Hui felt somewhat wronged.

Li Wei was worried that Wu Huiniang had something in her heart, so he sneaked into the palace that night, and was relieved to see that she got along well with Sister Yun'er, and they were also sisters.

That night, he stayed in the palace, trying to comfort Concubine Wu Hui as much as possible, as a disguised compensation, and made a promise that he would never treat their mother and child badly.

Concubine Wu Hui's sense of grievance dissipated. She is a smart woman who knows when to stop. With her husband's promise, both mother and child will be guaranteed in the future.

After tossing around for most of the night, he was exhausted. Li Wei was used to the days of being served by maidservants. However, seeing that it was not the twin lolitas of Dafeng and Xiaofeng who came in, but Sister Yun'er, he couldn't help but grow up. mouth.

Before he could react, Sister Yun'er had quickly cleaned up the aftermath and left with the tub in her hand.


Li Wei, who took a long time to react, scratched his head desperately. Only then did he understand another purpose of the aunt's arrangement, not just letting Sister Yun'er take the place of Little Six.

However, Sister Yun'er is the personal servant in the aunt's room, the so-called housemaid...

He glanced guiltyly at Wu Huiniang, who was still panting delicately. Concubine Wu Hui was tossed back "hardly", and all the bones in her body were falling apart. With a bit of tiredness and a satisfied smile, the soul seems to be still wandering in the sky.

Although Concubine Wu Hui didn't have any complaints, Li Wei knew that because of the arrangement of the aunt, Yun'er more or less acted as a surveillance role, and Concubine Wu Hui felt somewhat uncomfortable, but she didn't say it or show it, which made Li Wei feel uncomfortable. Wei felt somewhat guilty.

He thought of the compensation method in the future. After he ascended the throne, he would set up the Empress of the Five Palaces. The right should be regarded as a kind of compensation for Wu Huiniang. All are treated fairly, and I hope that while hugging left and right, wives live in harmony, harmony in the harem is king.

However, although the idea is good, it can only be unconventional in this era, and it is a bit unworkable. The wife is still the wife, and the concubine is still the concubine. He has no idea. The elders and wives and concubines don’t think so. Let him quite helpless.

With a super expert like Xiaoliuzi beside him, and a little more guarantee rate in terms of safety, Li Wei was also relieved a lot.

Little Six knows his identity very well. Without the young master, he is nothing, let alone rich and prosperous. Therefore, he has always regarded himself as a slave of the Tian family, and faithfully fulfilled his duty as a slave. Li Weichu still had some If you are not used to it, it will become natural after a long time.

The arrival of the little six made Xiao Xiaoxiao, Ye Chongyang and his wife, the second-class bodyguards, all the master guards feel uneasy. Get a quick upgrade and benefit a lot.

The most uncomfortable one is Zhang Fenghua, the former chief hall master of Frustration Hall. Although she dare not call herself the number one expert in the world, with her current cultivation level, there are only a handful of people in the world who can defeat her, but she must be defeated first. The prime minister's wife, Su Yuejiao's simple girl Xuan Gong, is now defeated by the little six son's sunflower book, and she can't even keep her position as the second master of the Qin Empire, which makes her very depressed.

Fortunately, she is not a person who will be depressed when encountering setbacks. She was deeply humiliated by Xuansuju Xuanyue's master back then, and the two factions were natural enemies. She was determined to defeat Xuanyue. For her fighting spirit, she simply retreated and practiced, and no longer interfered with the affairs of the gang.

In fact, after Li Wei took over Frustration Hall, he started several rounds of screening. After the big elimination, the remaining people went through a series of adjustments and were scattered among the army or various departments. These people were in the process of receiving various training. Zhong was quickly brainwashed and became a fanatical and militant imperial soldier.

The disciples of these Frustration Halls are almost all poor people, and there are also a few down-and-out people who do not appreciate their talents. They join because of the small benefits and dreams that may come true from the Frustration Hall. But ideals and dreams are sometimes like floating clouds in the sky. It may not be possible to achieve it in a lifetime, but the benefits given to them by the empire have been directly realized. Ideals and dreams seem to be only one step away. With a little effort and a little luck, they can be reached immediately, and fools will hesitate to refuse , It's normal to be brainwashed so quickly.

It is precisely because Zhang Fenghua saw this that she knew that people's hearts were scattered and she was no longer in her control. Master Xuanyue, the sworn enemy, has taken over.

The end of the new year is approaching, and every family is busy buying new year's goods. Even the poor grit their teeth and rip a piece of cloth for their son or daughter to sew a new dress for the new year.

The various new policies implemented by the prime minister made people see hope, and with hope in their hearts, the common people were willing to spend the little money they saved from living frugally to buy various things.

Those military households are even more exhausted. They are a huge group of poor people who have benefited from the implementation of the New Deal. The food they bought is not only enough for their family, but also some surplus can be sold or exchanged for some necessities of life.

People were busy buying new year's goods, and some big merchants were busy giving gifts. The Li family's mansion, the largest local tycoon in the Qin Empire, was naturally full of traffic, and they were all coming in and out to give gifts.

Li's father and son will not refuse anyone who comes, and will accept all orders. If they don't accept the gift, the person who gave the gift may not be able to swallow even the New Year's Eve. Moreover, because of the implementation of various new policies and preferential policies, tax reduction and exemption for the common people, etc. , the empire's finances became very tight, and these holes had to be filled in every possible way, and the father and son had to openly accept bribes.

If the upper beam is not right, the lower beam will be crooked. Li Wei clearly knows that it is impossible to prevent officials from taking bribes. Therefore, he asked his cheap father Li Gang to let his officials say that I have no objection to you accepting bribes, but there must be a limit. , What kind of money can be collected, what kind of money can't be collected, you can decide for yourself, don't blame me for not being sympathetic when the time comes.

The ugly words are in the front, but there are still a few Jiayue officials who don't take it seriously, until the wolf-like guards in black took them into the big prison and announced their scandals to the public. Prime Minister Li Gang ordered them to be beheaded To show the public and confiscate their property, all the officials were taken aback. No one dared to stretch out their hands indiscriminately for confiscation, let alone do things that violate the law. The black-clothed guards who hold the power of life and death are everywhere. Ding Xiding of the Black Guards was inexplicably terrified.

Chapter 229 Happy Life

Everyone is busy, and the black guards under Ding Xi's command are also busy. The black guards who are in charge of making young master wine are even more busy. They have to work overtime to produce a large number of young masters. liquor.

The alcohol content of the liquor brewed these days is low, and those who are willing to invest in it are willing to invest. The good quality is only about ten degrees, and the worst is only six or seven degrees. The consumers of this kind of wine are generally poor people. The profit is also quite large, otherwise there would not be hotels and restaurants everywhere.

The young master wine "invented" by Li Wei is actually just distilling and other methods to increase the alcohol content in the wine. However, it can be regarded as the strongest and most fragrant fairy dew in the Cangyun Continent.

The reason why Young Master Wine is so famous is not only because of its alcohol content and mellowness, but also because Li Wei has clearly grasped people's psychology. Rare things are more expensive. Supplying middle and senior officials, or rewarding meritorious ministers and soldiers, not only makes young master wine cast a layer of mystery, but also becomes a symbol of honor and wealth.

There is even a saying in the upper class that, apart from the Tiangang 36 Excalibur, which symbolizes supreme glory and status, the prime minister or the young master rewarding you with a jar of young master wine is more significant and meaningful than rewarding you with ten thousand gold. The honor, such a legend, made the young master wine more and more a myth.

Li Wei didn't put Young Master Wine on the market, although it was a big loss in terms of money, but he made Young Master Wine into a fairy nectar that wins people's hearts, and he also kept the secret of using high-grade wine to disinfect wounds.

As the New Year approached, Li Wei wanted to win people's hearts, so he ordered the guard in black to make a large amount of Young Master's wine and transport it to the provincial capitals and border gates to reward the soldiers of the three armies.

For the New Year's Eve dinner, Li Wei did not eat it at home, but had it with tens of thousands of soldiers in the barracks. All the soldiers of the Central Army were so moved that they wanted to cut their hearts out to express their gratitude and loyalty.

Everyone celebrated the New Year's Eve happily, but Li Wei was too busy to touch the ground. He drank a few glasses of wine with the soldiers in the barracks, and then had to rush into the palace to have the New Year's Eve dinner with Concubine Wu Hui's mother and son. , His arrival made Concubine Wu Hui very happy.

Knowing that he hadn't gone home to accompany his elders, Concubine Wu Hui was so moved that her phoenix eyes turned red, and urged him to go back quickly.

When Li Wei returned home, it was estimated to be more than ten o'clock in the evening in the modern time, and a group of women and girls gathered around chattering, still treating him as a child who would never grow up, stuffing all kinds of expensive gifts into his arms , Doting so much that all the daughters-in-law are jealous.

After a fuss, all the elders and daughters let him go, and returned to his Hussar General's mansion, seeing all the wives and concubines gathered together, all dressed up, beautiful and with different temperaments, Li Wei felt indescribable. Seductive and comfortable.

What's more, the man's vanity has been greatly satisfied, and he can't help but sigh for a while, life is like this, what more can a husband ask for?

He was very content with the current situation, but he had to work hard and fight desperately to keep what he had.

There are many empires in the Cangyun Continent, and wars between empires are as common as drinking plain water. These empires are all potential enemies. Only after destroying these potential enemies, can he dare to say that he has truly saved the land in front of him. all of these.

A group of wives and concubines singing and swallowing, together with a group of pretty maidservants serving on the side, the whole hall was extraordinarily lively and festive. As the only male host, Li Wei grinned and laughed.

It's because everyone has a dark side, but it's just that they don't show it at ordinary times, so there is a saying that good and evil are only in one thought.

The evil psychology of most men is nothing more than groups of wives and concubines, hugging left and right, sleeping together, Hu Tian Hu Di, who dies is also a romantic ghost, Li Wei calculated, these evil thoughts have almost come true, that is Sleeping with the big quilt has not reached what he thought in his heart, but he believes that as long as he continues to work hard to induce and train, this evil and sexy problem will be solved.

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