Li Wei looked at the [-] soldiers in front of him. These soldiers were handpicked by him from the logistics and auxiliary soldiers.

Li Gang finally asked Li Wei to form a field medical soldier. Although he was still skeptical, he still asked Li Wei to do it with the attitude of giving it a try.

Li Wei instilled the concept of disinfection in everyone, including those quack doctors, and let them understand the importance of wound disinfection.

Seeing the bewildered expressions on these people's faces, and even hearing that their Adam's apples were rolling up and down and swallowing saliva greedily when they could be disinfected with strong alcohol, Li Wei couldn't laugh or cry.

Regardless of whether these guys understand the importance of disinfection or not, he stipulated a rigid order. After cleaning the used bandages, they must be boiled in a pot for disinfection, and then exposed to the sun. Those who do not strictly enforce them will be treated as returning to the army Regulations, salary deduction, military sticks, serious cases, guillotine waiters, if you feel impatient with your life, just try your own method and try to see if the guillotine is sharp enough?

Li Wei, who is currently serving as the medical captain for the time being, has tossed these men into the middle of the night before letting them rest. The medical battalion was set up urgently, and there was a shortage of everything. The logistics soldiers rushed to make dozens of stretchers. As soon as this thing was made When it came out, the soldiers immediately understood its benefits. With this thing, it is not only convenient to carry people, but also convenient to carry. Good stuff.

After dealing with these matters, he breathed a sigh of relief. Next, he had to write a detailed report and give it to Mr. Cheap. After all, this is a new type of army. It involves the number of soldiers, military pay and equipment. There must be a report for filing. .

Not long after Li Wei finished writing the report, he lay down, the sky brightened, and after breakfast, the army broke camp and set off.

An infantry force of [-] people was left in the Panlongshan barracks to prevent the Tang army from rushing into Jiayue Province. It would be best if the war could be kept outside Jiayue Province, and the losses could be minimized.

Before the army led by Li Gang approached Pingyang County, the main force of the Tang army had already retreated to the area of ​​Pingyang County, and several lines of defense had been built.

Retreating to Pingyang County, deploying heavy troops, and consolidating the existing battle results is actually the safest tactic. The Tang army occupied Gucheng, which is equivalent to opening the southern gate of the Qin Empire. The army can go deep into the hinterland of Qingchuan Province at any time, threatening Chang'an, the capital of the Qin Empire. .

When the Tang army retreated, Kong Rong, the prefect of Qingchuan Province, immediately led an army of 20 to Pingyang County, joined Li Gang's army, and another 5 troops reinforced Jincheng. The price, otherwise, life is hard.

The two armies on the front line have their own exchanges, and the wounded are constantly being carried off.

A simple large wooden shed was also built in the camp of the medical camp, and the surroundings were covered with mats. It was impossible to see what was going on inside, only the cooking smoke above the wooden shed and the mouth-watering aroma of wine.

Several large fire stoves were built inside the wooden shed, and some strange-looking utensils were placed on the stoves, steaming mist was coming out, and the smell of wine was mouth-watering.

Beside the stove, Qing'er and Zhao Fengqin were desperately adding firewood to the stove, sweating profusely.

This set of utensils is an alcohol distillation equipment that Li Wei got temporarily. He doesn't expect to purify high-purity alcohol like the medical alcohol of later generations. Due to various reasons such as the cost of distillation equipment, it only needs [-] to [-] degrees.

Seeing Qing'er and Zhao Fengqin sweating profusely from work, he could only sigh, he had no choice but to wrong them because he currently lacked trustworthy manpower, and this matter also gave him the idea of ​​forming a team loyal to himself .

With the help of [-] medical soldiers, the efficiency of bandaging the wounded has increased several times, and the pressure on the dozens of medical officers has been greatly reduced. They can safely operate on some wounded who need surgery, remove the arrow stuck in the body, and prepare wound medicine Waiting for work.

"General, great joy!"

Chapter 15 The cold weapon of cattle x

In the barracks, Li Gang was discussing with a group of advisers and generals, but Li San beside him ran in with a happy face.

"Careless, how decent!"

Li Gang gave a low drink, and glared at Li San.

"General, great news. The medical soldiers established by the young master have reduced the death rate of the wounded from the previous [-]% to less than [-]% within three days!"


Li Gang suddenly stood up in shock, and all the generals around him were also full of disbelief, especially Luo Yue who didn't believe it at all, his eyes widened at this time.

"Go, go and have a look!"

With a wave of his hand, Li Gang led the crowd directly to the rear.

As soon as they arrived at the medical camp, everyone smelled a strong smell of wine. Li Gang frowned slightly and led the crowd into it, just in time to see the doctor cleaning the wound of a wounded soldier with alcohol.

As soon as Li Wei saw his cheap father coming, he immediately greeted him. Seeing Li Gang looking at the alcohol in the doctor's hand with a puzzled face, he quickly explained: "This is alcohol invented by children. It is used for disinfection. After alcohol disinfection Then apply medicine to bandage, the wound is not easy to fester, and it is not easy to be infected and inflamed."

Li Gang and others followed Li Wei to look around. Sure enough, some seriously injured soldiers with broken arms and legs were still alive and well. They finally breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a look of relief in their eyes.

"Young master, Luo has blind eyes and is willing to be punished!"

Luo Yue was also completely convinced by Li Wei at this time, took off his shirt in public, and knelt in front of Li Wei.

"Uncle Luo beat the brat!"

Li Wei quickly helped Luo Yue up, but the big smile on his face revealed his feelings.

...Two days later, the Qin Army headed by Qingchuan Mansion soldiers finally launched a strong attack on Pingyang County. After several days of confrontation, the Tang Army has been fixed according to the danger, coped properly, and did not reveal any flaws. Order.

Li Gang led the Jiayue Army to contain the main force of the Tang Army stationed outside Pingyang City. He also agreed that Kong Rong's attack on Pingyang City might be able to capture the opportunity to defeat the Tang Army from the battlefield.

With the sound of rumbling war drums, tens of thousands of Qingchuan soldiers shouted and launched an attack on Pingyang City. Arrows rained down from the top of the city.

Li Wei witnessed with his own eyes the grand, tragic and tragic scenes of large group battles in ancient times, such as locust arrows raining down, blood bursting out, Qingchuan soldiers fell down one after another, and Qingchuan soldiers who climbed up from the ladder were also killed. The stones and rolling logs were smashed and fell down, the siege cones were burned by the pouring kerosene, and the people on fire let out screams of despair.

"What about the catapult? Why didn't it launch?"

Li Wei asked loudly. He had seen many ancient costume movies from the East and the West. Before attacking, the attacking party would first throw a huge boulder to destroy the enemy's solid fortifications, and then throw fireballs before launching an attack.

"What catapult?"

Everyone in the vicinity, including the cheap daddy counselor and military general, all had blank expressions on their faces. What is a catapult?

This is the first time they have heard of it. From the name, it seems to be a vehicle capable of throwing stones, but they have never seen it before.

Li Wei was stunned for a while before he realized that he dared not invent such a powerful weapon as a catapult in Cangyun Continent.

"Li San, return to the camp immediately, back camp."

He shouted loudly, there was no other way, he had just learned riding skills, and he didn't dare to gallop the horse, so he had to let Li San take the reins and trot back to the barracks.

"My lord, let's go and have a look."

Counselor Tian Ce cupped his hands at the bewildered Li Gang, and rode his horse to follow. He was very curious, what the hell was the ignorant Young Master Li doing?

Li Gang nodded. He didn't know what his precious son was going to do. As long as there was no big commotion, let him mess around. Now that the war is going on, he doesn't have time to talk to him.

Li Wei rushed to the back camp, which is a supply camp. As soon as he entered the barracks, he immediately had all the craftsmen called, and he got into a camp tent, drew a sketch in a hurry, marked some parts, and then Let those craftsmen take turns watching.

The catapult uses the principle of a lever to throw stones. A large iron block or stone is hung on the rear end of the lever, and the lever is hooked with an iron hook. When using it, the iron hook is pulled away, and the heavy object falls, and the stone bomb can be thrown. , He doesn't know the specific range, but it must be 300 meters away.

He has never seen a real guy in later generations, and he doesn't know how to make it. He just watched it from a costume movie and only drew a simple and rough sketch. The main parts are marked with text, and the general meaning is clear. Should be able to understand.

A crowd of military craftsmen formed a circle, staring at the sketch drawn by Li Wei, with a pensive expression on their faces, and after a while, someone jumped up and said excitedly: "Dare to ask the young master, this... Can things really throw rocks?"


Li Wei grinned, staring at the tall and thin young craftsman in front of him, "What's your name?"

The young craftsman hurriedly bowed and clasped his fists, respectfully said: "Returning to the young master, the small ones are called stones."

"Okay, Stone, I'll give you an hour to drive this guy out of me."

Dozens of artisans accompanying the army immediately got busy following the sketch drawn by Li Wei, but they were still full of strong curiosity and asked questions from time to time.

"May I ask the young master, how many stones can this thing throw?"

"At least a few dozen catties, the big guy can throw hundreds of catties."

"Dare to ask the young master, how far can this guy throw?"

"This...about a hundred or two hundred steps..."

Li Wei, who knows how to answer questions, hesitated before saying that the unit of length is different in ancient and modern times, anyway, it is about 200 to 300 meters away.

There are a lot of tools and materials in the baggage camp, and all the things are almost ready-made. What takes a lot of time is the bottom wheel of the catapult vehicle. There are many people and strong strength. In less than an hour, a simple catapult vehicle with rough workmanship has been made. .

Everyone looked at the huge monster in front of them and wondered, but the effect remains to be verified.

More than a dozen craftsmen pushed the catapult truck out of the camp, and several of them carried a large stone weighing more than 70 kilograms and put it on the catapult.


Li Wei gave an order, and the stone pulled off the iron hook of the lever, and the big stone hanging from one end of the lever fell, and the big stone in the flipper flew into the sky, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the flying stone in mid-air. piece.

There was a bang, the ground shook, everyone opened their mouths wide, and it took a long time to burst into cheers of success. Several people rushed forward to measure the distance. There were nearly [-] steps, and the ground was smashed by a huge boulder to a depth of one and a half meters. pit.

What happens if you hit someone?

Everyone can imagine how terrifying the power of this behemoth is, and everyone's faces can't help showing expressions of fear and anxiety.

"You continue to rush to make catapult carts, and you will be rewarded with five hundred silver for one."

Li Wei grinned and promised the craftsmen great profits.

A group of craftsmen and carpenters responded in unison, rushing to make the catapult trucks in full swing. For them, 500 taels of silver was an astronomical figure, and even dozens of them could get more than [-] taels of silver per person, equivalent to a year's worth of silver. The military salary is paid, and there is pie in the sky, who doesn't work hard to receive the reward? "You push this guy to the front of the formation, and you are responsible for collecting big rocks nearby. Big guys weighing more than fifty or sixty kilograms, oh, yes, there are also fireballs, and you also bring dozens of them."

Li Wei commanded the soldiers staying in the rear battalion in high spirits and assigned tasks to them. Although there was only one catapult, this guy was a sharp weapon. Once it was put into the battlefield, its terrifying power would definitely shock the enemy and greatly encourage him. Morale, at least in this battle, can play a decisive role in victory.

From the beginning to the end, Tian Ce didn't say a word, but just stood aside and watched silently. Even after witnessing the terrifying power of the stone bombs fired by the catapult, his face was still calm and expressionless, but he looked at Young Master Li. The look in his eyes is obviously different from before, with a bit of appreciation, and more of a strong curiosity.

At this time, the offensive and defensive battle in Pingyang County had reached a fever pitch. The soldiers on both sides were blood-red, and the roar of killing resounded through the sky. Several layers of corpses were piled up under the small city, and the blood flowed into a stream.

The battle on the other side was completely opposite. There was a lot of thunder but little rain. The purpose of the Jiayue army's attack on the Tang army's camp was only to restrain the Tang army from reinforcing the county defenders, and did not launch a real attack.

When nearly a hundred soldiers appeared in front of the formation pushing a huge monster, Li Gang and others all opened their mouths.

"This... what is this?"

No.16 Chapter Big Victory

All eyes fell on Tian Ce's face, expecting his answer.

Tian Ce smiled slightly, bowed to Li Gang and clasped his fists, "Ce congratulates the lord, congratulations to the lord."

"Brother Ce, don't be tricky, tell me quickly, what the hell is that?"

All the counselors and all the generals stared at him dissatisfiedly, and they were so anxious that they would still play tricks at any time.

Tian Ce stroked his long beard and said with a laugh: "This is the catapult cart invented by the young master. It's powerful. You will know it soon. Hehe, my lord, prepare to order the army to charge and kill."

The Tang army barracks was built outside the east gate of Pingyang County. Two rows of wooden piles were half-buried in the ground, then wooden planks were placed, the middle was filled with soil, and dozens of arrow towers were built. , just like a small castle that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

When the catapult appeared in front of the two armies, the soldiers of both sides all cast their eyes on the sudden appearance of the behemoth, full of doubts in their hearts.

"Shields and axes protect the formation, and archers lead the formation."

The general who received the commander's order shouted loudly and ordered the phalanx to move forward, with wing-protected catapults, and behind the phalanx were [-] cavalry ready to go.

The catapult was pushed to a distance of about [-] steps from the Tang army's camp. Li Wei personally directed the soldiers to load the catapult and then ordered the launch.

When the first giant disc roared into the air, the soldiers on both sides couldn't help looking up. The soldiers of the Tang army looked up at the black spots in the air that were getting bigger and bigger. Some people reacted and screamed in fright.

The ground shook violently. The mud wall couldn't bear the terrifying impact of the boulder, and a big hole was smashed out. Before several soldiers could react, they were smashed to pieces.

The entire battlefield was lonely, and everyone was shocked by the terrifying power of the catapult.

After roaring for a long time, the Jiayue Army burst into earth-shattering roars, and the terrifying power of the catapult boosted their morale and their fighting spirit.

On the contrary, after witnessing the terrifying power of the catapult, countless soldiers of the Tang Army turned pale and trembled with fear. It was too scary for such a long range and such a big stone to be hit and even the corpse could not be found.

The catapult fired five bullets in a row, smashing down the mud wall of the Tang army barracks in three places, exposing three gaps four to five meters wide.

"Fill the fireball!"

Li Wei commanded the soldiers operating the catapult to load the fireballs. The power of the grinding boulder to bombard the building is very scary, but now there is only one catapult, which is not very effective. It can deter the enemy and stimulate the morale of the enemy. At this time Throwing fireballs is more lethal and more effective.

In the Cangyun Continent where the catapult has not yet been invented, fireballs filled with inflammable materials such as kerosene, sulfur, etc. are just defensive weapons, and the siege cones used to burn the enemy's turrets and towers are defensive heavy weapons.

When the first fireball roared and fell into the crowd of soldiers, exploding fireworks all over the sky, and when more than a dozen fire men howled and struggled, everyone was terrified and turned pale.

Boom The second fireball exploded next to a tent, and the fireworks ignited the tent. A dozen Tang soldiers nearby couldn't avoid it, and turned into struggling and howling fire men in the blink of an eye.

After the catapult fired more than a dozen fireballs, the entire Tang army camp turned into a sea of ​​flames, with struggling and screaming fire men everywhere, and soldiers scurrying around like headless flies, billowing thick smoke, covering the sky and the sun.

"The whole army attacks and kills!"

The long sword in Li Gang's hand pointed forward and issued an order for the whole army to attack.


Amidst the thundering roar of killing, hundreds of thousands of Jiayue soldiers rushed towards the Tang army's barracks like a tide, and the five thousand cavalry charged ahead were like a torrent of steel, sweeping away any creatures who dared to stop.

As Li Wei expected, the catapult vehicle, which was put into use for the first time on the battlefield, not only greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers on its own side, shocked the enemy soldiers, but even played a role in winning the battle.

The Tang army was first shocked by the grinding stone, and then bombarded by fireballs. The barracks caught fire, and the soldiers were terrified and their morale was low.

The collapse of the main force outside the city also affected the [-] Tang troops guarding Pingyang County. They quickly broke away from the battle and withdrew from Pingyang County through the North City Gate.

Qingchuan government soldiers seized the opportunity to recapture Pingyang County, and chased the defeated Tang army with the Jiayue army. , the war in the Qin and Tang Empires ended.

The Tang Empire, the imperial palace.

Snapped!A delicate gold-patterned porcelain cup was smashed to pieces.

"Is that what you said, poisoning Li Gang's only son to death?"

Tang Huang glared angrily at the quack Taoist under his seat. He originally thought that Li Gang lost his son and had no intention of fighting, so he launched the invasion plan this time. Seeing that Qingchuan Province was about to be taken by him, Li Gang rushed to help with his elite troops. Tang Huang's plan was disrupted.

What angered Emperor Tang the most was that, according to the news from the front line, Li Gang's dandy son was clearly alive and well, and even traveled with the army, fiddled with a powerful trebuchet, which led to the defeat of the front line.

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