Li Wei picked up the scroll and glanced at it. On it was the "Spring Dawn" read in the official way yesterday, but the title of the poem was not filled in. The intention of the person who wrote the invitation was obvious, please fill in the title of the poem.

The handwriting is beautiful and soft, which is obviously from the hands of women.

The invitation was to invite him to attend the Spring Garden Poetry Meeting in a few days. The host was obviously worried that he would not come, and the tone seemed very sincere and expectant, making it embarrassing to refuse.

Li Wei smiled happily. He had to go to the Spring Garden Poetry Club. This was a good opportunity for him to become famous in one fell swoop and change his image. How could he miss it?

Outside the prefect's mansion, there was a servant of the Zhuang family standing aside and waiting until Qing'er came out. The servant took the scroll and immediately trotted back to the house to do business.

After Li Wei had breakfast, he leaned back on the soft chair, swaying his legs, thinking about where to go shopping today?

In fact, Xu Jun and other dandies came here just now and invited him to drink flower wine. He refused on the pretext of being uncomfortable. Whoring and gambling, but also educated, ideal, and ambitious high-end dude.

The market was still bustling and lively, but Li Wei felt a little different from the past.

The streets were full of young and strong men, they were shopping in groups of three or four, their voices had different intonations from different places, the number of patrolling soldiers was twice as much as usual, and the frequency of patrolling was several times more.

What happened?

Li Wei asked Li Er curiously, only to find out that the border gate was still under the cloud of war. In order to prevent accidents, Dad Cheap not only strictly ordered the guards at the border gate to be on guard, but also assembled the army at the rear, and at the same time recruited [-] young men to go to the front line at any time.

Is there going to be a war?

Li Wei was a little worried, but suddenly he was eager to try. If the war really started, this young master would also like to see it.

Li Wei suddenly lost the mood to go shopping, and when he returned home, he asked Qing'er to go to the study to find a few books on military equipment and so on to read to him.

The military system of the Cangyun Continent is all government soldiers. Except for a small number of elite troops who stay behind at ordinary times, the government soldiers are all farmers who cultivate the land. They train in the farm breaks, join the army to fight in wartime, and prepare their own weapons and horses to participate in the war. After the war, they are disarmed and farm. .

Li Wei frowned when he heard this. Farmers are usually busy farming, how can they have much time for training?With their own weapons, how high is their fighting spirit and combat effectiveness?Why not make it similar to the garrison system of the ancient Chinese Ming Empire, spend some money to train professional soldiers, and build an elite army with great combat effectiveness?

For the sake of the Li family, for the sake of the old man, and for himself, he felt that it was necessary to make suggestions for the old man, change the current backward military system, implement the farming system, and carefully build an elite army with professional soldiers as the main force.

Whether it is to help the cheap old man, or on a whim, Li Wei immediately took a pen and wrote down what he knew. He didn't know the specific situation of the farming system, but he only needed to write the general meaning. There are many advisers around the cheap old man , There are many talents, as long as they are adopted, they will do everything well.

Li Wei was busy most of the night, and finally wrote down everything he wanted to say on paper. Although the writing was a bit messy, the general meaning was still understandable.

Bookmakers, backyard loft.

In the attic, the second lady Zhuang Xizhuang was sitting in front of the window lattice, holding her fragrant cheeks in her hands, and she was in a daze. On the table was a roll of paper, which was the "Spring Dawn" she had written before. The handwriting was beautiful and graceful, showing her extremely thick calligraphy. However, the first word "Chunxiao" is extremely scribbled, very abrupt, and seems out of place.

The word Chunxiao must not be written with a brush, it seems to be very hard and thin, and the handwriting is so thin. At first glance, it feels weird, as if a child randomly scribbled, but, the more The inspection is more moving.

Although the font is thin, every stroke is as powerful as a knife and an axe. It looks scribbled, but it is done in one go, and the flowing water reveals a majestic atmosphere.

Obviously, this is a new font that has never been seen before, and it was written with another pen. At that moment, Zhuang Xi's heart was shocked, her jade cheeks flushed with excitement and embarrassment, and her beautiful eyes were shining brightly. With a bit of admiration, a bit of curiosity and expectation, and a bit of obsession.

This talented man with outstanding literary talent lives in the prefect's mansion. Could it be that he is a counselor next to Li prefect?

Zhuang Xi took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to break into the prefect's mansion. In a few days it will be the Spring Garden Poetry Fair, and if you stay a few more days, you will be able to see its beauty.

Imagining the appearance of that great talent, her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, and her heart was bouncing around like a deer.

"Little lady, it's not good..."

The maid Xiaoyu ran in panicked, "Little lady, it's not good..."

"What's the matter, are you surprised?"

Zhuang Xi's pretty face sank slightly, and she stared dissatisfiedly at Xiaoyu who had completely lost her composure. Anyone who felt upset when her dream was disturbed.

"Little lady, the Li family has come to propose marriage..."

Xiaoyu looked worried, she was downstairs just now, and she heard from her good sister Zhuer that someone from the Li family came to propose marriage, and the master has already agreed.

"What did you say?"

Zhuang Xi stood up abruptly, the news was like a bolt from the blue, and she was so shocked that her pretty face was pale and bloodless.

The Li surname is only a big family in Jiayue Province, a big family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, if it is any male member of the Li family, it will be fine, but in the generation of Li Gang and Li Taishou, there is only a single seedling like Li Wei. The most important thing is that this young master Li has no knowledge, only eats, drinks, plays, prostitutes and gambles.

She didn't know that the young man she was thinking of was the young master of the Li family who was doing all kinds of evil in his mouth at this time! "Little lady, what should I do?"

Xiaoyu also had a pretty face and was pale and bloodless. She was the little lady's close maid, and when the little lady got married, she also had to dowry and serve her in the past. She became the maid in the husband's house, that is, a concubine.

Young Master Li's reputation is so bad that any pretty girl or lady, even a married woman, will turn pale with fright, fearing that she will lose her innocence if she meets this notorious Hua Hua Tai Sui.

If the little lady married such a person, her life would definitely be worse than death, and her end would be even more miserable.

"Xiaoyu, what should I do?"

Zhuang Xi also panicked.

Run away from marriage?

Under extreme panic, Zhuang Xi calmed down, and she was unwilling to marry the notorious Young Master Li even if she was beaten to death, but she could not control the major events in her life, and her parents' orders could not be violated, so she had no choice but to run away from marriage.

"Then... what about poetry?"

Xiaoyu was stunned for a long while, and also felt that the only way to escape this catastrophe was to run away from marriage. However, the Spring Garden Poetry Fair will be held in a few days, and her little lady is full of enthusiasm for that talented man with outstanding learning. Not expecting, maybe it's already a secret promise from the heart, wouldn't it be a good idea to escape marriage?

Zhuang Xi lowered her head and thought for a while, a smile appeared on the corners of Dan Hong's lips. She thought of her boudoir best friend, one of the founders of the Spring Garden Poetry Club, and Miss Fei Wu, who was also known as the talented girl of Jiayue City. With her help, all problems were solved.

At that moment, the master and the servant hurriedly packed their bags, used an excuse to go out to visit friends, prepare for a poetry meeting, took a carriage, and swaggered out.

Zhuang Xi first visited Mrs. Fei Wu, a close friend of her boudoir, and explained everything. Then, she drove the coachman away on the pretext of going shopping, and then slipped into Fei's house through the back door, changed into men's clothes, and the master and servant rented a carriage. Leaving Jiayue City.

Chapter 13 Tang Guo Ambitious

The war is really coming!On March 25, 20 of the Qin Empire, the Tang Empire suddenly went to war without declaration. [-] troops attacked from Pingtang Baimo and Changchuan Three Passes to invade the Qin Empire, and the war broke out.

The defenders of Ningyuan City, a dangerous pass in the southeast of Jiayue Province, had taken precautions for a long time. The soldiers and civilians in the city rose up to fight and repelled the Tang army's repeated attacks. Both sides suffered casualties.

Kong Rong, the prefect of Qingchuan Province, didn't care about Li Gang's reminder. The defenders of Gucheng, a border fortress within his jurisdiction, were unprepared.

Jincheng, a fortress in the east of Qingchuan Province, was also attacked. Fortunately, the guard Xiao Jingtang led his army to resist desperately, repelled the Tang army with heavy casualties, and defended Jincheng.

The main force of the Tang army broke into the hinterland of Qingchuan Province from Gucheng, broke through several counties in a row, and with the vigor of a great victory, they approached Pingjin City, the prefecture of Qingchuan.

A Tang army crossed the Panlong Mountain connecting the two provinces of Jiayue and Qingchuan, appeared behind Ningyuan City, cut off the connection between Ningyuan and Guanning City, and separated an army to advance to Guanning City, making it impossible for the Guanning garrison to send troops to reinforce Ningyuan .

It was already the third day that Ningyuan City was besieged when the Babaili Jiajitang report reached Li Gang, the prefect of Jiayue Province.

Li Gang had long been vigilant about the abnormal mobilization of the Tang army. The army had already assembled and was on standby, and military supplies such as food, grass, weapons, etc. were almost ready.

Li Gang was in the central army, surrounded by a group of generals and counselors, all of whom were riding tall horses, and there was a carriage among them, which looked particularly abrupt and conspicuous.

Sitting in the carriage were Li Wei and Qing'er. Father Cheap led the army to go out, and he also asked to come along, saying that he had a look at the tragic and tragic wars in ancient times. In fact, he also wanted to see if he could be of any help.

Li Gang readily agreed, and was even a little happy. Sooner or later, Li's huge business, which has been in operation for more than 200 years, will be handed over to his son. The huge family business that came down was wiped out.

When they arrived at Guanning City, Xie Xin personally led a group of generals out of the city to greet him, and Li Wei also met his eldest brother-in-law for the first time.

Not to mention, this eldest brother-in-law is handsome, tall, shrewd and capable, and has a breathtaking cold and stern aura. This kind of aura is only possessed by veterans who often fight on the battlefield. I can't even pretend.

Led by the elder brother-in-law, Li Wei followed the cheap daddy to the top of the city. Unfortunately, the Tang army had already retreated and saw nothing, so he could only wait for the night without receiving news.

Not long after, Yebu received the news. General Chi Shijie, who led the army in pursuit, saw that although the Tang army retreated, it was orderly and without a trace of disorder, so he had to lead his army back.

Li Gang stroked his long beard, and said in a deep voice: "The army retreats without chaos, you are a general."

The army retreated in an orderly manner without revealing any flaws, so that the chasing Chi Shijie could not catch the opportunity. Such a general who commands the army is indeed a general who can stand alone.

He is also satisfied with Chi Shijie's performance, at least he didn't seek victory and take risks, these are the keen and strategic vision that a handsome man must have, otherwise, no matter how high his personal force value is, he can only be reduced to a charge the warlord.

Half an hour later, Chi Shijie led the army back to plead guilty. Li Gang didn't say a word of reproach, which dispelled Chi Shijie's uneasiness.

Li Gang summoned the generals and counselors to discuss matters in the General's Mansion, while Li Wei crammed his feet temporarily and practiced horseback riding on the school grounds. The future overlord of Jiayue Province will make people laugh out loud if he doesn't know how to ride a horse.

The horse he was riding was a well-trained filly, very docile, so he rode on the horseback with Li San holding the reins, still looking trembling, afraid of falling off the horseback and breaking his buttocks into pieces. two halves.

Qing'er and Ye Chongyang couple wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, so they could only hold back, that feeling was very painful.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Gang led a mighty army out of the city and quickly marched towards Ningyuan City. Ningyuan City was besieged by the Tang army for several days.

"Where's our cavalry, why didn't we see it?"

Li Wei asked, Jiayue Province is located in the southwest of the Qin Empire, mostly mountainous and jungles, it is impossible to build large-scale military horse farms, and there is a shortage of war horses, so they can only be purchased from neighboring countries or exchanged for iron ore.

Daddy Cheap has dispatched [-] elite iron cavalry for this expedition. He could still see this cavalry unit when he first set off, but he doesn't see it now. Although he guessed some possibility, he still couldn't help asking.

"The cavalry has been ordered to head to Panlong Mountain."

Feng You, the recorder of joining the army, said in a low voice, this is a military secret, if you leak it, your head will be beheaded, but telling the young master is another matter.

The prefect is getting older, and sooner or later he will hand over this foundation to the young master. If he doesn't curry favor with the future Southwest overlord in front of him, when will he wait?Li Wei nodded. Even he could guess that Panlong Mountain was the key to the decisive victory. Why didn't the commander-in-chief of the Tang army notice it?The attack on Panlong Mountain was indeed a conspiracy. The key was whether the [-] cavalry troops and the [-] troops of Chongyang Guard General Sun Jai could successfully capture Panlong Mountain and cut off the retreat of the tens of thousands of Tang troops in Jiayue Province?

As Li Wei guessed, when the tens of thousands of Tang troops heard that Jiayue's reinforcements had arrived, they immediately gave up the siege of Ningyuan City and retreated towards Panlong Mountain.

Li Gang immediately ordered Chi Shijie to lead [-] soldiers to garrison Ningyuan City. The army turned around and marched quickly to Panlong Mountain.

The [-] cavalry troops arrived at Panlong Mountain in advance and fought fiercely with the Tang army who stayed behind at Panlong Mountain. Although the Tang army was defeated, the defeated Tang army retreated to the camp.

Sun Zha then led an army of [-] to the stronghold, stormed the stronghold, captured the stronghold at the cost of great casualties, and successfully cut off the retreat of the [-] Tang troops in Jiayue Province.

The 2000 Tang troops who withdrew to Panlong Mountain forcibly broke through, and the enemy and us fought fiercely at the foot of Panlong Mountain. The Tang army was cut off because of its retreat, and its morale was shaken. It was finally defeated. More than 5000 Tang soldiers died on the spot, and [-] surrendered. A few escaped into the vast Panlong Mountain, and some with good water quality swam across the Panlong River to escape.

When Li Gang and his army arrived at the foot of Panlong Mountain, the battle was over, and soldiers from our own side were clearing the battlefield.

Looking at the abandoned weapons, armor and battle flags all over the ground, although Li Wei did not witness the tragic and tragic battle at that time, he can still imagine the tragic battle between the enemy and our army.

In order to prevent the plague, the enemy's corpses were piled up in one place and set on fire, while the dead soldiers' corpses were buried on the spot, and the wounded soldiers were treated by their own doctors.

Although they won, the faces of Li Gang and the generals who followed him were not good. Li Wei didn't understand, so he asked, and only heard Ye Chongyang next to him explain in a low voice: "Although the Tang army was successfully defeated, our soldiers suffered heavy casualties. Serious, especially the number of injured people is so high that it accounts for half of the army, and there are probably less than three out of ten who still retain their combat power."

Sitting or lying on the side of the road, there are many wounded soldiers moaning in pain. The doctor's treatment is extremely simple, even rough. Simply tie up the wound with cloth strips and finish the job. If it is serious, sprinkle a little plant ash on it. stop bleeding.

Seeing the army attendant's black hands covered in mud and blood, he carelessly wiped his body before going to treat the wounded, let alone disinfect, Li Wei frowned.

He suddenly understood why Ye Chongyang said that there was only one-two-tenth of the army's combat power left, even though the death rate in battle was only two to three-tenths. If the wounded were treated in this way, once they got infected, their legs would have to be amputated, and most of the wounded would survive. It's really hell to come down!Only some are physically strong and lucky enough to survive, but they also become disabled.

Chapter 14 Military Order

Seeing the soldiers who died of excessive blood loss being carried out of the barracks, Li Wei's heart was heavy. The ancient medical methods in the field were too backward, and the death rate of the wounded was so high. No wonder his cheap father still won the battle. A pair of frowning looks.

Li Wei turned around and walked out of the barracks, heading straight for the camp.

At this time, in the commanding tent of the Chinese Army, Li Gang and a group of counselors and generals are discussing how the army will enter Qingchuan Province to fight the Tang army in the early morning to break the siege of the important town of Pingjin. Not enough, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to fight in the future.

The important town of Pingjin was besieged. Kong Rong, the prefect of Qingchuan Province, recruited a large number of young and strong to help defend the city, and sent a large number of messengers for help. Li Gang received no less than ten letters for help.

Li Wei went straight into the tent of the Chinese army commander, but the guards dared not stop him.


The generals and counselors in the commander's tent are more polite to Li Wei.

"What's wrong with my son?"

Seeing the frowning of his precious son, Li Gang slightly eased his frown, and asked.

"Father, I have a way to increase the survival rate of the wounded!"

When Li Wei opened his mouth, everyone's expressions changed.

"My son, this is not a trifling matter!"

Li Gang was also shocked by Li Wei's words, and said in a deep voice with burning eyes.

As the coach, how could he not know how high the death rate of the wounded is? If there is really a way to reduce the death rate of the wounded and the army can recover quickly, many problems will naturally be solved!Li Wei briefly stated his thoughts. Even if he has never studied medicine, he still knows some general first aid methods for trauma. He can understand some of them just by watching war movies and TV shows. Field hospitals and medical soldiers must be established.

Seeing the strange expressions of surprise on the faces of Daddy Cheap and several counselors, Li Wei knew that these things were too evil to be digested and understood in a short time, so he could only sacrifice a convincing "big killer."

"Wei'er knows this... It's surprising, but these are all passed down by the God of Longevity in a dream..."

"General, this is a major military matter. The general thinks it is inappropriate based on the young master's one-sided words. Please think again, general!"

A big bearded man looked at Li Wei fearlessly and said in a deep voice.

Luo Yue knew what kind of person Li Wei was. He was proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, but he was a complete idiot in other aspects. This time he went out with the army, if he obediently walked in the rear, he would just turn a blind eye. But Li Wei took the lives of tens of millions of wounded people to play, he couldn't bear it.

Most of the other generals had flickering expressions, obviously they had the same idea with Luo Yue in their hearts.

Li Gang also hesitated a little.

Damn it, how dare you look down on me? "Father, don't worry, my son can issue a military order. If there is even half a joke, my son is willing to be punished!"

Li Wei said loudly.

"Okay, if the young master really succeeds, Luo is willing to take the blame!"

Luo Yue stared at Li Wei.

... "From today onwards, you will be Jiayue's first field medical team."

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