Looking at the thousand riders in front of him, Fulong rubbed his eyes hard several times, but still couldn't believe it.

"The surrounding area has been investigated and understood, is there no Qin army in ambush?"

"Khan, three waves of troops have been dispatched. After careful inspection, the surrounding area is flat, and there is absolutely no way to hide the ambush."

The more he said this, the more uncertain Fulongduo was. He was able to annex other countries one after another and let Daqin show the image of dominating the world. Of course, Li Wei is not an idiot.

But what Li Wei is doing now looks like a fool no matter how you look at it.

The number of the Qin army was small, and they didn't know where to focus their attack. They evened out the forces on the left and right wings, for fear that the coalition forces would not be able to fully utilize their superiority in numbers.

Now it is even more dare to attack his 20 army with only a thousand riders. How is this possible?

If there was a fight, the Jin army didn't even need to draw their swords, and they would charge over with their horses, and they would be able to trample Li Wei and his small army to pieces.

"Let's explore again..."

"Khan, you don't need to probe anymore, it must be..."

"What? My words don't work anymore?"

Sensing Fulongduo's murderous aura, the soldiers did not dare to say anything, and hurriedly rode away.

At this time, there were shouts of killing from the left and right wings, and Furondo knew that the battle had already begun.

"Great Khan, let's send troops too. There are only 1000 people in front of us. If you defeat them, you won't take it. The final general is willing to bring [-] soldiers from the headquarters, and decapitate Li Wei to the Khan!"

After thinking hard for a long time, Furlong nodded.

Even if there was an ambush, it would cost three thousand soldiers at worst, but if Li Wei bluffed, he would make a lot of money.

Seeing the formation change of the Jin army, Li Renhe said eagerly, "Your Majesty, the Jin people are about to attack. Let me wait for your Majesty's escort to evacuate now."

"Withdraw? Why do you want to withdraw? Get off your horse."

"Dismount? Your Majesty, no!"

Li Wei ignored Li Renhe's shout, and directly dismounted and sat down. The emperor did this, and the guards around him didn't dare to dissuade them. They dismounted one after another and sat on the ground with Li Wei.

Even at Li Wei's request, they took out the water bag and began to drink water. At Li Wei's request, some guards lay down on the grass unwillingly.

Seeing this scene, Furondo hurriedly shouted: "Stop! Everyone stop! No one is allowed to attack!"

"Khan, why, why..."

"What? Are you blind? Didn't you see what the Qin people were doing? Didn't you see what Li Wei was doing?"

Frondo roared.

"The general saw it. They were originally cavalry, but they dismounted on their own initiative. The general led the army to charge over at this time. They didn't even have the strength to resist!"

"Do you think Li Wei is a fool? Even if he is a fool, are the people around him also fools? Open your dog eyes and take a good look at the posture of those people sitting on the grass next to Li Wei. They are all betrayers. The golden people of my Dajin, they don’t know the harm of getting off the horse? But they still got off the horse, why? Look at the people who are lying down, they are already fighting and still sleeping, is this possible! Trap, all of this It's all a trap!"

At this moment, even looking at the grass blown by the wind, Fulongduo felt that there was an ambush there. It seemed that as long as the Jin army took action, countless Qin troops would rush out.

The calmer Li Wei was, the more flustered Furondo became. He felt that he had fallen into a terrifying trap, and that as long as he made a slight move, he would be lost forever.

On the left-wing battlefield, the Qin and Han armies had just clashed, and relying on blood and courage, they actually defeated the three times the Han army in front of them. In desperation, Chen Zhuoyuan had no choice but to invest more troops in support.

Chen Yuzhou rode up and said loudly: "Your Majesty has an order, press on all of them, and fight with all your strength!"

"What? How does this work?"

"Why, do you want to resist the decree?"

Several generals of the Qin army noticed the undisguised murderous look in the eyes of their own soldiers, so they could only obediently accept their orders.

Under Li Wei's military order, the Qin army all pressed forward and launched a fierce attack on the Han army.

The Qin army that launched the general offensive had a numerical advantage on the battlefield, forcing Chen Zhuoyuan to keep mobilizing troops.

"Your Majesty, don't send troops to support!"

Chen Zhuoyuan frowned and asked, "Why?"

"Our army continues to deploy troops, and the reserve team is already insufficient. If something happens..."

"You bastard, it's a war now, so you have to spare some strength? If you don't continue to support, what will you do if you can't stand it!"

It has to be said that under Li Wei's determined reforms, the Qin army's combat power is the best in the mainland, even if the main force of the Qin army is absent, these second-rate domestic troops can still stabilize the main force of the Han army.

With the same number of people, the Han army is by no means an opponent of the Qin army. If there is no support, the Han army in front will definitely not be able to withstand it.

"Your Majesty, the Qin army has suppressed all the troops! We don't have to suppress all the troops, let the frontline troops grow bigger and retreat, and slowly wear down the Qin army.

Now that the Qin army is all out, there is not even a reserve team. When they have exhausted their physical strength and exhausted their vigor, their combat power will be greatly reduced. At this time, our Han army counterattacked. Will be able to win big! "

"Why, old general, do you think our Han army will be unable to win the decisive battle with the Qin army at this time?"

"Win is possible to win, but the loss is too great..."

"Because the Qin army has already attacked across the board, our Han army can't be coaxed, and the order is to press the entire line!"

The old general still wanted to persuade, but Chen Zhuoyuan passed him directly and issued a military order.

As a veteran of the Han army, although he does not have the dazzling record of the Qin army's famous generals, his military quality should not be underestimated. He couldn't understand why he had to fight to the death and let the Han army bleed for nothing. .

Not only him, but also some generals around him who only understand military affairs but not politics also looked puzzled. Only the civil servants around Chen Zhuoyuan understood Chen Zhuoyuan's intentions.

This time it is not the Han army singled out the Qin army, but the three joint attacks against Qin. With comparison, the Han army will not only win this time, but also win beautifully.

Chapter 719 Who Are They?

The generals who were defeated by the Qin army with an absolute advantage did not care about it in order to reduce unnecessary sacrifices, but the civil servants who valued their face more than their lives couldn't stand it, let alone sacrificed their own lives.

Some lowly people are just lowly, and they can still recruit [-] after [-] deaths. How can ants have national respect?

As Li Wei expected, with Zhulan Yaer, the most incompetent commander in the military, the Han army really went all out.

Under such circumstances, the Qin army's offensive was quickly contained, and every breath of the Qin army's soldiers fell. Under the leadership of the chief officers, the Qin army still held the front line and did not retreat a step, but anyone with a discerning eye could see Come out, Qin Jun's collapse is only a matter of time.

While the Han army was slowly taking control of the victory, the Chu army on the right wing fell into a bitter fight.

On the two-wing battlefield, the number of the Qin army is roughly the same, but the army is also divided into strengths and weaknesses. No one would have thought that the thousand cavalry around Li Wei were all ostentatious, and the most elite palace guards were all placed by Li Wei. on the right-wing battlefield.

Yang Wenyi personally supervised the battle in the rear, Yang Zhike commanded the Chinese army to support, and Yang Zhihong grabbed the vanguard position and led the army to fight endlessly with the Qin army.

According to Li Wei's deployment, the right-wing Qin army also played with no room for room, and did not make any temptations at all. When they came out, they were the most elite troops that Li Wei could bring out.

The second-rate Chu army sent by Yang Zhihong to test the truth was naturally defeated in one blow.

In desperation, Yang Zhihong could only send all his troops to stop the Qin army's onslaught.

Seeing an army being defeated, Yang Zhihong, who was full of ambition before the battle, turned pale. He swallowed and asked, "Then, which army is that? Who are they?"

Zhu Xufeng on the side sneered and said: "They are the Iron Blood Battalion of the Great Qin Dynasty. When Tang was annexed, this army, 500 people, blocked [-] Tang troops. Because of their meritorious service, they were promoted by Li Wei to the Imperial Forest Army.

These people are all superb in martial arts and fearless of death. It is not uncommon for one person to beat five or six soldiers of the Chu army. "

"Then, who are they then?"

Yang Zhihong asked, pointing to another Qin army that was chasing and beating the Chu army.

Zhu Xufeng, who had become Yang Zhihong's confidant for a long time, naturally knew what he was most afraid of, "They are the Huba army, they are the barbarians recruited by the Great Qin Emperor in the mountains. These people are addicted to eating human flesh. Come on, eat the flesh and blood of the enemy army."

Retching, Yang Zhihong said nervously: "Among the Qin army, is there such a cruel person?"

"It's more than that, there is also the Fire Army. If you want to be selected, you have to pass through the circle of fire. Every year in the assessment, hundreds of people are burned to death, and the ones who can be selected are all brave and fearless. A lunatic who can continue to fight to the death with seven or eight knives.

There is also the Broken Arm Camp. The chief officer is a man with a broken arm, who likes to eat people's hearts. There, those are the former Jin troops. In order to train them, Li Wei did not give them food. To change the head.

Half a year later, 2000 of the [-] former Jin soldiers who were captured survived, but each of these [-] people was a brutal and bloodthirsty generation. Their eyes were all red, and they couldn't sleep well if they didn't kill people for a day. "

"Don't, stop talking."

Looking at Yang Zhihong's virtue of being able to fall off his horse at any time, Zhu Xufeng couldn't help but feel contemptuous. He had already seen that this great prince of Chu State was strong on the outside but capable on the inside. He would never let go of the opportunity to bully the weak. But when encountering a strong person, he doesn't even have the courage to confront him head-on.

This time, the most elite troops were dispatched as soon as the battle started, which was Zhu Xufeng's secret performance to Li Wei.

Now it seems that His Majesty trusts him very much, and his strategy has not failed. Facing a strong enemy, Yang Zhihong is really afraid.

"We, what shall we do?"

At this time, the front army of the Chu army had been disrupted by the Qin army, but the Qin army also tried its best to drag it down, waiting for the support of the Chu army's middle army, and the Qin army would inevitably suffer heavy losses.

But will Zhu Xufeng really give advice to Yang Zhihong? "Run."

"What? What did you say?"

Yang Zhihong obviously couldn't believe that his most trusted counselor would persuade him to escape at such a critical moment.

"Eldest Prince, what can you do if you don't run away when the battle is over? These are your direct descendants, and they are the backbone supporting your succession. The loss is here, even if you help His Majesty win this battle , but what can you get?"

Turning his head to look at the Chinese army under Commander Yang Zhike, Zhu Xufeng said meaningfully: "You are making wedding dresses for others."

Although Yang Zhihong was timid and selfish, he was not a fool, he hesitated and said: "If we withdraw, it will definitely disrupt the Chinese army."

"Isn't that better? Why did we suffer heavy losses, but Yang Zhike was unscathed? First Prince, there is only one throne."

Yang Zhihong said with some concern: "Yes, but if I do this, my father will let me go."

"Your Majesty only has two sons, you and Yang Zhike. If Yang Zhike dies, no matter how serious a crime you have committed, His Majesty will not punish you. Otherwise, who will inherit the throne?"

Hearing this, Yang Zhihong couldn't help but realize, yes, he used to always think about how to suppress Yang Zhike, how to escape the favor of his father, but why didn't he think about getting rid of Yang Zhike once and for all?

On the battlefield, the only ones who lost were Yang Zhihong's supporters. Even if he won the battle, without these supporters, he would not be able to sit as emperor. Since ancient times, none of the princes who competed for the throne could end well.

If he messed up the Chinese army, even if he lost, he would die, anyway, he would die, and even if he died, he would not be able to take advantage of Yang Zhike.

Under the temptation of the throne, the dizzy Yang Zhihong finally gave the order to retreat across the board.

The two armies of Qin and Chu had been completely strangled together, and it was impossible to retreat in an organized way. After hearing the sound of Ming Jin withdrawing troops, whoever could run could only run.

The chaotic former army frantically ran towards the central army. Yang Zhike was worried that his army formation would be overwhelmed, so he hastily ordered that anyone who approached the army formation would be killed.

For Yang Zhihong's supporters, he will not have the slightest mercy.

The battle for the throne between Yang Zhihong and Yang Zhike has long been intensified, and the supporters of both sides also understand that if the prince they support fails, they will also die.

The two sides already had deep grievances, and now that they received Yang Zhike's military order, they naturally would not care about their fellowship, not to mention ordinary soldiers, even a general of the Chu army who had just approached the Chinese army formation was shot to death by random arrows.

Seeing this situation, Yang Zhihong's supporters will not be polite, they hacked and killed their former comrades with knives and guns.

The Chinese army dared to kill officers and soldiers, but they did not dare to attack Yang Zhihong. Seeing him coming in person, they could only give way.

Yang Zhike rode over and said angrily, "You idiot, why are you retreating! Go back immediately, hold Qin Jun, and wait for my rescue!"

"Yang Zhike, who do you call an idiot? You have no respect for me, the emperor's brother."

"What did you say……"

As soon as he spoke, he saw a guard next to Yang Zhihong raise the bowstringed crossbow and directly pull the trigger. Yang Zhike was pierced through the heart by the armor-piercing crossbow before he could figure out what happened.

"Prince! Your Highness! The eldest prince rebelled, and he killed the second prince!"

"Kill Yang Zhihong and avenge the Second Prince!"

Yang Zhike's personal guards who reacted yelled and cursed one after another, drew their swords and galloped towards Yang Zhihong, and Yang Zhihong's personal guards who had been prepared for a long time also drew out their weapons to block them, allowing Yang Zhihong to take the opportunity to escape.

After escaping from the battle circle, Yang Zhihong felt a sense of exhilaration that he had never felt before. He laughed and said, "Haha, Yang Zhike is worthy of competing with me for the throne. He deserves to die. Zhu Xufeng, let's go back to the army now. To protect myself in this chaotic war, after returning to the country, even if my father doesn't want to, he can only pass the throne to me..."

Before he finished speaking, Yang Zhihong felt a chill in his heart. Looking at Zhu Xufeng's smiling face, and looking at the unsurprised expressions of the guards around him, he seemed to understand something.

Yang Zhihong's body fell off the back of the horse, Zhu Xufeng suddenly changed his face, and said in panic: "It's not good! Yang Zhike's people killed the eldest prince! Avenge the eldest prince!"

The news soon spread to the former army, which was already at war, and the supporters of Yang Zhihong and Yang Zhike believed that the other party had killed their master.

If the party and government are defeated in the country, some people will choose to compromise and surrender, but on the battlefield where killing is red-eyed, if you don't kill others, you will be killed by the other party before you can figure out what is going on with this strange thing.

In order to protect themselves, for revenge or for other reasons, Yang Zhihong and Yang Zhike's supporters have seen each other as enemies, and they are merciless in their attacks.

In the Qin army's main formation, a bearded general laughed and said: "Haha, the Chu army is really an idiot, it's too easy to fight, my lord, give the order to hunt down the Chu army, drive them, and disperse the Chu army... "

Wen Zishan shook his head and said, "Wait a minute, Your Majesty has a will!"

"What purpose?"

"Your Majesty has said that if the Chu army kills each other, our army cannot attack. We will lead our troops to attack the Chu army and attack Yang Wenyi."

"However, my lord, the front army of the Chu army is in chaos because of our pursuit. Once we stop attacking, the front army and middle army of the Chu army stabilize and attack our army's rear, and we will be surrounded by the Chu army."

"Don't worry, the former army and middle army of the Chu State will never stop. If we don't make trouble, they will only have more fun killing them. Follow His Majesty's orders."

The Son of Heaven has an order, and Master Wen Zishan, who is in command of the battle, must insist on carrying out the order. Naturally, the generals under his command dare not say much, withdraw the army, and kill the rear army of Chu State.

Yang Wenyi never dreamed that at this critical moment, the armies of the two sons would fight together. When he sent the third wave of envoys to inquire, the Qin army had already killed them.

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