Zhulan Yaer gritted her teeth and said, "You are talking nonsense! Our Mende tribe is a tribe from the Kingdom of Jin, how can we collude with the Kingdom of Qin?"

"There is no collusion, why do you shirk and avoid the battle, don't say nonsense that will be discovered by Qin people, Qin people will find out, I will cut off your head right now..."

Before he could finish speaking, the door was kicked open.

In order not to be found by the Great Qin Neiwei, the Mende warriors who had sneaked into the city were divided into several teams. Even if Mu Gulang and Zhulan Yaer came back again, there were only thirty warriors guarding here.

Chapter 717

The few people guarding the yard were apparently secretly removed, otherwise they wouldn't even have sounded the alarm.

Seeing the people at the door wearing the uniforms of the Qin Army, several Mende warriors raised their knives and rushed over.

Several sharp arrows were shot from outside the window, hitting their shoulders one after another.

Hearing footsteps outside, Zhulan Yaer knew that there were many people coming, and hurriedly shouted: "Stop, stop! Don't mess around!"

The originally broken windows were violently smashed, people kept rushing in, and a group of sword and shield soldiers poured into the door.

Lundib was stunned for a moment, and shouted: "Okay, Mugulang, your Mende department really colluded with the Qin people! Otherwise, how would they know about this place!"

"Is it difficult to know here?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Lundib immediately asked, "Li Wei?"

The officers and soldiers took the initiative to get out of the way, and Li Wei in armor walked over with a cold face.

"Even the Great Qin Emperor is here, Mu Gulang, what else do you have to say?"

Lundib doubted Mende's department several times, and Zhulan Yaer shouted: "Idiot, if we had taken refuge in Li Wei, we would have tied you up and sent you to the people of Qin. Why should the people of Qin use so many people?"

"This, this... Li Wei, how did you find us?"

"Think you'll be safe by using refugees as a cover? There are indeed many refugees in Chang'an City. Even if I issue an imperial edict, I can't order them. You just hope that the court will expel the refugees and cause conflict between the two sides. You want to profit from it? This kind of careful thinking, I just had a little trick, and I broke it."

Chen Yuzhou on the side immediately started to cheer, and said arrogantly: "I am wise and powerful to Your Majesty, and I will issue a decree this afternoon, the government will give porridge to help the refugees."

"Do you want to help the refugees outside the city, so as to trick the refugees out of Chang'an City? Impossible, the refugees are not that stupid, they must be worried that you have ulterior motives, and will never leave the city easily!"

Zhulan Yaer didn't come to Daqin for nothing, at least he knew the thoughts of the people like the back of his hand.

"That's right, they won't leave the city easily, but are there any porridge sheds in the city? I decreed that a porridge shed should be set up every two miles in the city, extending all the way to the outside of the city.

The porridge shed near the imperial city only gave each refugee half a spoonful of rice soup each time, and then the porridge shed outside the city gave a spoonful of rice soup, half a spoonful of gruel, a spoonful of gruel, half a spoonful of thick porridge, and a spoonful of thick porridge. Thick porridge, half a bowl of thick porridge, a bowl of thick porridge. "

Hearing this, Lundib, Mugulang and Zhulan Yaer all understood that if the Daqin court strictly ordered the refugees to leave the city, it would inevitably trigger a civil uprising, and the relief could be used as bait, and the refugees would naturally be willing to eat more.

In this way, without any guidance, the refugees will rush out of the city on their own initiative.

"Okay, okay, Li Wei, you are really powerful. In our Mende Department, there are only warriors who died in battle, and there are no cowards who surrender!"

After speaking, Mu Gulang pulled out his waist knife and clamped it around his neck.

After the Qin people appeared, they only shot and wounded the warriors of their own tribe. Mu Gulang knew that Li Wei must be caught alive first. He is a chief, and he must not be humiliated by the Qin people.

Just when Mu Gulang closed his eyes and was about to kill himself, he found a force blocking him.

He opened his eyes and saw that Li Wei's right hand was tightly gripping his waist knife. The sharp blade had already cut his palm, and blood flowed out.

"You, what are you doing!"

"Enough is enough."


"The blood of the Jin people, the blood of the Qin people, have you shed enough?"

"Hehe, even without the Kingdom of Jin and the Kingdom of Qin, the war between the grasslands and the Central Plains cannot be stopped!"

Mu Gulang said disdainfully.

"That's right, the environment of the grassland is harsh. Not only are the ministries killing each other, but they also face the threat of yellow and white disasters. Once too many livestock die, the grassland doesn't want to die, so they can only go south to plunder."

With a cold snort, Mu Gulang said disdainfully: "Since you know it, what's the point? Even if my Kingdom of Jin is swallowed up by your Great Qin, even if the land of my Kingdom of Jin is occupied by your Qin people, but when the famine comes, they will be the same as you." will rebel."

"What if I can make the grasslands so that there will be no more hunger and everyone can live in peace?"

"how can that be?"

"How is this impossible? You also know the method of silage fodder I taught Zhulan Yaer? Besides, I also have the method of weaving, which can exchange the useless wool on the grassland for food, Iron utensils, salt tea."

Hearing this, Mu Gulang couldn't help being startled, "These are all trade controls, aren't you afraid that the grassland people will threaten your Great Qin after they grow stronger?"

"They are all raised by parents. If they can live a good life, who wants to fight and who is not afraid of death? I believe that as long as the grassland people are given a rich and stable life, if someone just rebels, there is no need for Daqin to send troops. If you want to live well The prairie people living in the past can organize themselves and kill the rebels."

Mu Gulang, who has lived in the grassland all his life, is too familiar with the thoughts of grassland people. He knows that if Li Wei can fulfill his promise, no one on the grassland will be willing to fight anymore.

Seeing that Mugulang was wavering, Zhulan Yaer hurriedly persuaded him, "Father, why are we fighting? Isn't it to make the tribal people live a better life."

"Shut up! Zhulan Yaer, I'm right. You've been in collusion with Li Wei for a long time. Uncle Mugulang, you can't listen to Li Wei. The Qin people are the most cunning. There are not even ten sentences in their words." One sentence is true, they..."

Before he finished speaking, Lentibu saw a pain in his lower abdomen, and looked down at the dagger that stabbed him. Lundib couldn't believe it and said: "Zhulan Yaer, you, you are indeed a traitor of the Kingdom of Jin!" ,ah!"

Zhulan Yaer twisted the dagger and pulled it out forcefully, then asked: "Father, we were never the direct descendants of Fulongduo, nor did we fight for Fulongduo, we are all for the people of the Kingdom of Jin together."

"Okay, you don't need to say anything, Dad already knows."

"You agreed?"

"You killed Lundib with your own hands, do I have any other choice?"

After speaking, Mu Gulang turned his head and asked, "Li Wei, is it possible to fulfill what you said earlier?"

"I swear to God."

"Okay, I believe you."

"So, I will let someone escort you out of the city and return to the army."

"You want me to go back?"

After seeing Li Wei nodding, Mu Gulang hurriedly said, "Zhulan Yaer will go back with me too."


Even Mu Gulang, who is quite deep in the city, couldn't help showing a look of surprise. Letting himself go back to the army is to let the tiger go back to the mountain, not even keeping Zhulan Yaer as a hostage. Li Wei trusts him so much? "Your Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, don't worry, the man from the Mende Department, if you say something, you will shoot an arrow and you will never look back!"

Fulongduo had never had any illusions about the plan that 300 people could work together to destroy Chang'an City, and Mu Gulang was not surprised when he brought people back to the barracks.

Instead, he was satisfied with the death of a younger brother who threatened his position.

As for doubts, Furondo never believed in Mu Gulang, a former cronies of Mu Gulang. After asking a few questions as a matter of routine, he sent Mu Gulang back to the army and placed the Mende Department at the forefront of the army.

If there is a war, the Mende Department will be cannon fodder.

The Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms all wanted to spend less effort and gain more advantage. Facing the tall and thick Chang'an City and the Qin Army deployed outside the city, the three armies all wanted to attack, but none of them were willing to attack first.

There are a large number of refugees in the city of Chang'an, which reverses the situation of the offensive and defensive sides. The more it goes down, the more beneficial it is to the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms. Inside the tent of the Allied Forces, under the protection of thousands of soldiers from the Three Kingdoms, Yang Wenyi, Fulongduo and the new Han Dynasty King Chen Zhuoyuan Sit in three directions.

"The men of my country of Jin are all heroes on horseback. If it is a field battle, a hundred thousand Qin troops can be broken overnight, and they can attack the city. It is not my leader, Da Jin. To attack Chang'an, we have to rely on the Han and Chu countries."

As soon as Fulongduo finished speaking, Zhu Xufeng let out a sneer: "The city wall of Chang'an is more than 20 feet high, there is a moat, the defenders are sufficient, and there are a large number of defensive weapons on the top of the city.

If you want to capture it, the corpses of our Chu people might fill up the moat. You Jinren really know how to choose your opponent. "

"Bastard, I am Da Jin Da Khan talking, where is it your turn to talk nonsense?"

Zhu Xufeng has become the confidant of the eldest prince of Chu, and the eldest prince immediately stood up and said: "Today is the common court meeting of the three kingdoms, so naturally you can speak freely. If you Khan of the Kingdom of Jin disdain Chu ministers for speaking, you don't have to speak."

How could the domineering general of the Kingdom of Jin be able to bear this kind of anger, his eyes widened and he was about to speak, but Fulongduo waved his hand to stop him.

"Hundreds of thousands of troops, working in vain, become a laughing stock. Chang'an can't be defeated in a day or two. The three countries attack in stages, one country for three days, how about it?"

After thinking for a while, Yang Wenyi nodded and said: "The Han Kingdom will attack first, and I will attack after the Great Chu, and the Jin Kingdom will be the last."

Now that the Great Qin army is in its heyday, whoever wants to run into it will suffer the most, Chen Zhuoyuan stares and wants to talk.

But after he saw the meaningful eyes of Yang Wenyi and Furondo, he swallowed the words abruptly when they reached his lips.

He is a new king, and the country is already unstable. If he offends the two allies, it will definitely not be a good thing.

Thinking of some disliked generals in his own army, Chen Zhuoyuan gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, our Han army will attack first, but the army rations should be supplied first."

Among the Three Kingdoms, the richest is the Chu Kingdom. Yang Wenyi also knew that now is not the time to be too fussy, so he nodded and said, "My Chu army is willing to allocate [-] shi for military rations..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden commotion outside, and the faces of the monarchs of the Three Kingdoms became ugly.

Now there are three supreme beings discussing matters, and some people dare not give face, and order the courtiers to investigate.

The news came back quickly, and now all kinds of news are flying in the camp, rumors have appeared in the Three Kingdoms Army, and there is no need to hide it in front of other monarchs.

Hearing the same return, Chen Zhuoyuan stood up in shock, "How dare the Qin army attack my Han country! Go back to the camp and gather the generals..."

"You want to lead the army back to the country?"

"Naturally! The Qin army also sent troops to attack Chu. Do you want to lead the army to stay here?"

Fulongduo sneered and said: "The fact that the news can be widely spread among the hundreds of thousands of troops of the Three Kingdoms shows that the Qin people did it intentionally. Now leading the army back to the country is a trick of the Qin people, and they will be ambushed by the Qin army on the way home. !"

Chapter 718

"That's right, even if our Han and Chu countries are empty of domestic forces, and now we attack Chang'an, if Da Qin really transfers the main force away, we will be able to conquer Chang'an soon, and it is not so easy for the Qin army to work hard to achieve results. .

We don't need to return to the country for rescue. As long as we continue to occupy the territory of Qin, the Qin army that entered our Han and Chu countries will quickly return to rescue.

If Daqin didn't transfer the main force away, our attack on Chang'an will not be smooth, but at that time, the rumors will be self-defeating and the army's morale will be stable. We can slowly entangle with Qin's army, not only can we conquer Chang'an, but we can wipe it all out in one fell swoop. The main force of Qin State. "

Not only the Chu and Jin generals nodded, but even the Han generals agreed with Yang Wenyi's words.

Attacking Chang'an now is the best way.

"The Chu and Jin troops stayed behind to attack Chang'an. If the main force of the Great Qin was present, the Chu and Jin armies would be able to deal with each other. After I lead the army back, I will fight the Qin army.

If the main force of the Qin Dynasty is not there, Chang'an's defense will inevitably be empty. Without our Han army, Chang'an can still be conquered. If our Han army leaves first, we can also take the first step to suppress the Qin army that invaded our Chu and Han countries.

Since it is uncertain whether Daqin will transfer the main force, two options are undoubtedly better. "

The new ruler, Chen Zhuoyuan, had a low prestige in the country. This time he participated in the coalition attack on the Great Qin. Rather than saying that he wanted to eliminate the threat of the Great Qin to the Han Kingdom, it was better to say that he wanted to use the opportunity of the conquest to increase his prestige and secure his throne.

Now that he leads his army to leave the country, he hasn't even won a decent battle. On the contrary, his own country is about to be attacked, and those who covet the throne in the country may directly rebel.

His proposal is for himself, but it seems to be a better choice for the current battle situation.

Seeing that Yang Wenyi and Fulongduo did not speak, the generals of the Three Kingdoms couldn't help talking.

As Li Wei said, the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms seem to have a large number of people, but the three families have their own ideas, and when they meet the enemy, they can fight against each other. As long as Daqin doesn't put enough pressure on them, they will get involved with each other.

Facts have proved that Li Wei's patience was not in vain. Even if the main force of the Qin Dynasty had not yet entered the border of Han and Chu, as long as there was news, the alliance of the three families would be cracked.

Chen Zhuoyuan, who didn't want to lose his prestige and was worried about domestic chaos, wanted to lead his army back to the country. The Kingdom of Jin and the Great Qin were separated by Han and Chu. Duo naturally urged the armies of the three countries to stay and attack Chang'an together.

Yang Wenyi wanted to concentrate on conquering Chang'an, but also wanted to go back to rescue his own country, and it was difficult to make a decision at the moment.

Listening to the constant quarrels and discussions around, Furondo drew out his waist knife and looked heavily at the table.

"Enough! You have worked so hard to lead the army into Qin, and now Chang'an is right in front of you. You don't even dare to try, so you want to run away! If the Chu and Han countries are so timid, I have nothing to say. Whoever goes first will go away." , I, Dajin, must conquer Chang'an!"

After finishing speaking, Fulongduo left angrily, and the generals of the Kingdom of Jin left without talking nonsense.

"The Jinren are indeed arrogant and powerless. If he wants to fight, he will fight. I will also bring the Han army back to the country..."

"Can you really take it back?"

Hearing Yang Wenyi's words, Chen Zhuoyuan frowned and asked, "Why, Emperor Chu wants to threaten me?"

"It's not a threat, it's an admonition. The Kingdom of Jin has many horses and is selfish. Fulongdo must attack the Qin army. What will he do if he finds out that our Chu and Han countries are not helping each other? He must lead the army back to the country, and the Jin army will be drawn." A horsewhip can walk away, how can our Chu and Han armies do it?"

Only then did Chen Zhuoyuan understand that Fulongduo's so-called must attack Chang'an was actually an ultimatum to them.

"Then, what shall we do?"

"What else can I do? Whether it's fighting or retreating, I want to fight Qin Jun!"

On the battlefield, hesitation is the most taboo. Whether it is to attack the Qin army in Chang'an with all its strength or retreat immediately, it will make Li Wei uncomfortable. Yang Wenyi, who is hesitant, made the most stupid choice.

The generals in the army also knew that rumors spread everywhere and the morale of the army was disturbed. The longer the delay, the worse it would be. After the monarch issued an order, he immediately set up the army formation and marched towards Chang'an to oppress the past.

In this first battle between the two sides, both Li Wei and the monarchs of the Three Kingdoms knew that the first battle must be won, and they must have enough momentum.

The armies of the three countries have their own precautions, so the Han and Chu countries are deployed on the left and right wings, and the Jin army is in the middle, ready to rescue the two armies at any time.

And Li Wei is also like a battlefield rookie, splitting the already absolutely disadvantaged Qin army into two, and confronting the Han and Chu armies respectively.

In front of the 20 Jin army, there were only a thousand cavalry led by Li Wei himself.

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