"You understand righteousness, you are smart, remember, in Jinghuai County, no one can bend the law for personal gain, who dares to get close to people who shouldn't be close, who dares to take in people who shouldn't be taken in, hehe, there is no escape from the law. "

After speaking, Jiang Lianyou sneered and turned around, humming a ditty and leading people away.

"They just took refuge in you, and you just watched? Can you bear this? I can't bear it!"

"You can't bear it, then go on."

"I... you have endured it, what else can I do, be strong on the outside and do it on the inside."

After casting a contemptuous look, Ma Minjun turned and left directly.

"Master, I'm going to kill Jiang Lianyou!"

Before, Jiang Lian took the lead in booing and driving them out of the inn, but now he came to arrest people on purpose. Li Renhe didn't understand the principle of the king humiliating his ministers to death, but the master was humiliated, and the slave must help the master to express his anger.

"Hehe, I'm afraid some people are just waiting for us to do it. If we destroy the temple building, we will become the targets of Guiyuan Dao. If we don't subdue them, their prestige will be damaged. Jiang Lianyou really can't Stayed."

County magistrates are not as good as they are now, and the county guards dare not act recklessly, but the subordinates who have lived in the county for generations and have been eating for generations have great courage. They are also the key to Guiyuandao's maintenance of ground dominance.

Since Gui Yuandao asked himself to be the chicken to scare the monkeys first, he would take a step forward and kill a chicken to show them.

"But the master just said that Jiang Lianyou cannot be killed."

"You can't kill him clearly, but it can ruin his reputation. Go back."

As soon as Li Wei took people back to the room, he saw Ma Minjun waiting at the door.

"This is your deposit, return it to you, you go."

"Why, are you afraid?"

"Afraid? Auntie... I'm so old, I don't know how to write fear. I don't want to see you suffer. You are foreigners. You come here for fun. It's not worth fighting with those people. It's better to leave early. Bar.

Qin people's world is very big, how can they not play, must choose Jinghuai County? "

"You also know that this is the Qin people's world, so the Qin people should have the final say. Don't worry, Jiang Lian must die."

Hearing Li Wei's words, Ma Minjun couldn't help but snorted. He had suffered two big losses in a row. He had no power to fight back in front of Jiang Lianyou. He also said that he would definitely die.

"Don't believe me? Let's wait and see."

"What can you do?"

"The secret cannot be leaked."

"Okay, if you can really move to Jiang Lianyou, who has been a headhunter for more than ten years, I will waive the rent for you."

Just as Li Wei was about to speak, a guard walked quickly to his side and whispered.

Nodding his head, Li Wei smiled and said, "Do you have time tomorrow? Go and see how Jiang Lian was killed by me."

"Okay, tomorrow!"

The success of the newspaper industry has led to imitation in various parts of Daqin. Jinghuai County also has a direct county newspaper, which has published advertisements, lace news, and many propaganda articles.

Early the next morning, the man who had breakfast in the teahouse put down the newspaper in his hand, and Ma Minjun said with a sneer: "Look, you are loyal and brave, you are not afraid of the rich and powerful, and the son of the clan bends his waist to hand over the prisoner, and you are famous in the newspaper. It's a pity that it's notorious."

Seeing that Guiyuan Daoism was promoted in the newspaper, and they did those good deeds again, Li Wei knew what kind of thing this newspaper was, and he was not surprised that he became a villain.

The only thing I'm not happy about is that the newspaper I created to control public opinion has been used by Gui Yuandao. They have been able to develop rapidly in the past two years, so they can't have their own credit, right? "Is Jiang Lian a god catcher?"

"Of course, he is still a good catcher who has repeatedly solved strange cases and protected the people."

Ma Minjun deliberately accentuated the pronunciation, "It's easy to catch the head"

The three words were almost gritted and sent out, which is enough to explain her true thoughts.

"Hehe, it's a pity if you think about it, the true face of the good headhunter will be revealed to the world today."

"Do you really have a way to deal with Jiang Lianyou?"

Ma Minjun didn't believe that Li Wei could deal with Jiang Lianyou, because Jiang Lianyou had a very high popularity in Jinghuai County. Two years ago, the prison officer in the county once dismissed Jiang Lianyou, which caused a sensation in the city.

The number of robberies in the city increased sharply, thousands of people only the county guard's mansion petitioned to restore Jiang Lianyou's position as head arrester, but Jiang Lianyou continued to be his head arrester, but the official who dismissed him was impeached. It was quite miserable.

With deep roots, deep collusion with the rich and powerful local families, and the support of countless people, how could a newcomer from the clan be able to impress Jiang Lianyou?

But seeing Li Wei's confident face, Ma Minjun was unsure again.

"The secret cannot be leaked."

Seeing that Li Wei still looked like he deserved a beating, Ma Minjun snorted coldly, simply ignored him, and drank his tea with his head down.

Jiang Lianyou was drinking tea in the tea house, and saw two men rushing over. Jiang Lianyou looked around vigilantly, then nodded slightly, and the two men leaned outside the box, pretending to be two Like people chatting.

"The things you explained have been done. The people we are looking for are now waiting in their designated positions. They will act as soon as we make a move.

""The storytellers have also arrived, they are all famous and famous, and I will definitely wish you a helping hand when the time comes. "

Chapter 654

"Okay, you guys did a good job on this matter. I really didn't misunderstand the person. That's all right. You shouldn't stay here for a long time. You should hurry up and arrange it. There will be a lot of rewards when things are done."

After speaking, the two men agreed softly, and then left quickly.

After a while, a commotion was heard outside the teahouse, and a group of tea drinkers ran out to watch the excitement. Only Jiang Lianyou was sitting calmly drinking tea in the teahouse box.

At Tian Baoping's banquet yesterday, news leaked out that the imperial court would send a group of criminal investigators from all over the country to Dali Temple and the Yamen of the Ministry of Criminal Justice in Chang'an to alleviate the problem of insufficient criminal investigators in Chang'an.

They all eat public food, but in Chang'an and Jinghuai County, they are completely different concepts, and Guiyuandao also needs manpower to go to Chang'an to handle errands. If he can go, it will be of great benefit.

If you can get Tian Baoping's recommendation, you will be guaranteed to be transferred to Chang'an. It's just that you are the son of the chief assistant of the court, and you can't curry favor with him. If you do a few beautiful cases and let everyone in the city spread your reputation, Tian Baoping will notice. I, at that time, create a "coincidence", let Tian Baoping take the lawsuit, and solve it by myself, and then push the boat along, everything will be much easier.

Thinking of the wealth within his reach, Jiang Lianyou couldn't help but smile.

"Have you heard? Two masked men robbed the gold shop opposite, and it is said that the daughter of the owner of the gold shop was also arrested."

"I just came out of there just now. I was scared to death. A mistress was beaten to the point of bleeding. Is there no one to take care of it in broad daylight?"

Jiang Lianyou poked his head out to watch while listening to the good-for-nothing people in the teahouse gossiping.

Inside the gold shop, the shopkeeper shivered and curled up in a corner, his daughter was strangled by one of the robbers, "I tell you, be honest, or I will kill her."

"Yes, yes, sir, don't be impulsive, just tell me what you want."

The shopkeeper of the gold shop didn't dare to move around. One waiter was almost beaten to death because of his resistance, and the rest of the shopkeepers didn't dare to do anything, for fear of angering them.

"Put all your valuable treasures here for me."

Another kidnapper casually tore off a piece of cloth from his clothes and threw it on the ground. The treasurer of the gold shop quickly followed his instructions.

"Want to play tricks? I warn you, if you test my bottom line again, you will all die."

The robber gestured ferociously in front of him with a knife, and the owner of the gold shop fell to the ground in fright, and quickly stuffed all the gold jewelry on the cabinet into their cloth pockets as instructed.

"Everything is here, please let my daughter go, don't hurt her."

Seeing that the items were in hand, the two robbers fled quickly. The treasurer of the gold shop hurriedly asked Xiaoer to report to the officials. On the way, he happened to meet several officials who were patrolling.

Jiang Lian saw that the official was dispatched, so he quietly prepared to leave from the back door of the teahouse. When he got up, he bumped into Li Wei who was walking towards him. He simply said sorry and left in a hurry.

Li Wei felt that this person looked familiar, so he kept an eye out and followed him out along the way.

According to the agreed place, Jiang Lian had arrived early, but the two robbers hadn't arrived yet. Li Wei felt surprised. What he was in a hurry just now was to stay in this alley where no one passed by?

Just when Li Wei was about to leave and return to the teahouse, he suddenly heard a commotion not far away.

"Get out of the way!"

I saw two robbers rushing towards Jiang Lianyou directly, but Jiang Lianyou stood in the middle of the road calmly.

"You want to run after grabbing something?"

Jiang Lian looked relaxed with his arms wrapped around his shoulders.

At this time, the rest of the people flocked to this alley, and everyone surrounded the place, and the storyteller arranged before also rushed over.

Jiang Lian glanced at him from the corner of his eye, and then raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "You have no way out, so just grab them obediently."

"Where did you meddle? Do you know who we are? I warn you, don't be so ignorant, or you won't know how you died in a while!"

"That's right, I'll give you one last chance, get out of the way quickly! We don't have time to talk to you now."

"Since that's the case, then I'll really take care of this nosy matter!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Lian rolled up his sleeves, as if fighting a battle.

Someone in the crowd suddenly said a word: "You are a good hero, we are optimistic about you!"

"We are optimistic about you! Give him some color!"

The crowd gradually began to cheer. Jiang Lian had heard about it, and carefully winked at the two of them. Then, the two robbers rushed towards Jiang Lianyou. Their moves seemed to be approaching Jiang Lianyou's life, but Jiang Lianyou But as if he knew it in advance, he dodged easily, and captured the two of them with three strikes.

"Good! Great!"

When the onlookers saw this, they clapped their hands and applauded. Several storytellers squeezed out of the crowd. When they saw Jiang Lianyou, they picked up their pens, ink, paper and inkstones and began to record.

"If we hadn't seen it with our own eyes today, it would be hard to describe the splendor! Come and tell us, how did you have the courage to fight this robber alone?"

"Don't worry, let me ask first, were you afraid at the time? If this had been processed by me, your heroic deeds would have spread all over the streets, and everyone would know that you are our great hero."

Several storytellers were scrambling to be the first, and the two robbers were waiting calmly beside them, cooperating very well. Li Wei saw the expressions of the two robbers from the crowd, and felt that something was wrong.

"Where are you, you gentlemen are too polite. In fact, I am an official, and it is my responsibility to protect the safety of the people. The situation was urgent. I ran out when I heard the movement. I roughly estimated the escape route of the robbers. Guess this is the path they must pass through."

After Jiang Lian had finished speaking, Li Wei couldn't help but chuckle. Although this alley is remote and there are few people, the robbers are not fools. Running from here is a dead end, unless you are out of your mind.

"Then you are really clever, really amazing."

While praising, the storyteller kept waving the pen and ink in his hand, and took down all the main points Jiang Lianyou said just now.

"You don't need to do this. I just did what I should do. You don't need to mobilize teachers like this."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Lianyou turned his head to look at the two robbers, "Although you only robbed and caused no casualties, you can't escape even one of the crimes you should bear, so go back to the Yamen with me to deal with business, you robbed All the belongings will be returned to the owner, and they will be given a lighter punishment.”

"Yes, yes, your lord is right, we will do as your lord ordered."

Ma Minjun, who was hiding in the crowd, said dissatisfiedly: "You just brought me to see this? I know, Jiang Lianyou is the God of Qingtian, can you go home?"

"The show isn't over yet, what are you in a hurry for?"

"Is there anything left unfinished?"

"Wait a minute, the second half has begun."

Just when everyone was about to follow Jiang Lianyou back to the government office, Li Wei suddenly said: "It's not good, news came from the gold shop just now that these two robbers killed someone."

After speaking, everyone was in an uproar.

Originally, the matter was very simple. If it was just a robbery, everyone would think it was nothing. But when human life was involved suddenly, the two robbers panicked at first.

"How did you do it? Didn't you say don't kill people?"

Jiang Lian pretended to be calm, but said without moving his lips or teeth, "This is going to be troublesome."

"We don't know what happened. It was obviously pushed, so why did he die?"

"Yeah, when we were leaving, I turned around and took a look. He was lying on the ground, and he didn't look like anything..."

In order to appease the two of them, Jiang Lianyou hurriedly asked, "Is it confirmed? Are there really casualties at the scene?"

"Yes! I rushed over from there just now, these two people cannot be forgiven, capital punishment!"

After speaking, everyone raised their fists in protest. Seeing that the situation was not good, the robber hurriedly begged for mercy, "Master, this job is over, let us go quickly, we didn't kill anyone."

Originally, it was to cooperate with Jiang Lianyou to put on a good show, but unexpectedly, there was an episode in the middle. Jiang Lianyou was the one who was the most angry about it. Seeing that his goal was about to be achieved, he completely destroyed him because of one sentence. plan of.

"Put whatever you want, you've all got the money, the matter is over, go back with me first, I'll figure out a way, you have to trust me."

"Don't bluff people. We made an agreement before and took the money to do things. But now that someone is killed, it's clearly arranged by you. You don't want us to leave."

After Jiang Lian heard about it, he really couldn't laugh or cry. If his reaction was more obvious, everyone would have seen the clue.

"Are you crazy? How could I do that, what good is it for me? This is the end of the matter, you can only trust me."

Seeing this, the two robbers began to break free one after another. They were originally prepared to go to jail. Jiang Lian had said that they would be released after a few days in prison. But now that there is a murder case, they don't want to be scapegoats.

"If you don't let us go, we'll tell you about how you settled us before."

Jiang Lian was worried that the matter would be revealed, so naturally he couldn't let the two of them go. Besides, everyone was watching them. If he let them go, all his previous efforts would be for naught.

"In that case, don't blame me for not showing affection."

At this time, Jiang Lianyou waved to the yamen guards who were patrolling nearby, and they hurried over to escort the two of them.

Jiang Lianyou held on to the two of them tightly and did not let go. The two of them got anxious and shouted: "We are not robbers, we are all this person, for..."

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