He Dequan, who took the lead, didn't show any fear when he saw Li Wei, and said with a sneer, "It's only natural to pay back the debt. Today we are here to ask for the debt, so you have nothing to do with it."

"How much do you owe them?"

Hearing Li Wei's words, Ma Minjun said angrily, "I don't owe much, but they are clearly blackmailing! This man sells firewood, and he needs three taels of silver for firewood a month!"

The man pointed out by Ma Minjun hastily explained: "I'm a man of duty, you can't wrong me like this! You are a rich and powerful family, can the firewood you use be ordinary firewood? It's the branches of trees that are more than a hundred years old on the sunny slope. .

The chopped firewood is also carefully selected, and it will be delivered only when it is about the same length and thickness. How much is the labor?How much will it cost to ship to the city? "

"That's right, the eggs I sell to the mansion, the hens eat refined grains and medicinal materials, I'm not afraid of your jokes, my mother's food is not that good, the ingredients are sufficient, shouldn't it be better to charge more?"

"The vinegar I bought is..."

Hearing this, Li Wei also understood that after Wenyanghou's mansion fell into ruin, there was no way to increase income, but it had already reduced expenditure to the maximum extent. Even if it owed debts, it would not owe too much to these small traders. Today is called asking for money. The arrears are actually extortion.

After waving his hands to shut up these people, Li Wei said impatiently: "Since you say that the Hou's government owes you debts, then go to the government and see how the government judges."

Before He Dequan could speak, Ma Minjun hurriedly stopped him.

"No, if things get serious, I won't be ashamed to see people in the future!"

Even if it is down and out, the Marquis of Wenyang's mansion still behaves like a tiger and a tiger, and it must not be ashamed.

He Dequan obviously saw this, so he dared to lead many traders to blackmail them blatantly.

"Stop talking nonsense, take out 120 taels, and we will leave immediately, otherwise..."

"Just now I said I owed you 90 taels, how did it become so much all of a sudden?"

"Our brothers come out for a trip, should we give some starting money?"

The gangsters didn't dare to provoke the powerful at all, so Ma Minjun didn't know what to do when he encountered a scoundrel like He Dequan, so he could only gasp heavily and stare at He Dequan with murderous eyes.

"Of course, there is a solution if you don't have money. Drive them away, and you can delay the debt."

Hearing this, Ma Minjun understood completely, "You've been arguing for a long time, is this what you guys are doing?"

"Nonsense, Guiyuandao has already greeted them all over the city, and no one dares to receive them, but you brought them to the mansion without showing any color, what face does Guiyuandao have?"

Hearing He Dequan's words, Li Wei stopped Li Renhe who was about to strike with his eyes, and looked at Ma Minjun playfully.

Ma Minjun knew better than Li Wei how powerful Guiyuandao was in Jinghuai County. Facing He Dequan's threat, Ma Minjun also fell into hesitation.

Taking a deep breath, Ma Minjun gritted his teeth and said, "This is Wenyanghou Mansion, not a place where you can run wild! Get out immediately! I can pay you back the debt you owe now!"

Yesterday Li Wei had someone send a deposit of [-] silver dollars, and it was no problem to pay back the money, but the silver dollars he just got were given to others before they were warmed up, which made Ma Minjun feel like a knife.

"Ma Minjun, you have figured it out. Even if the bill is settled this time, your house will not eat or drink in the future? But if you want to buy anything, if it is not ten times more expensive than the market price, I will take your surname!"

"You, you are shameless!"

"Hehe, there is no way, who let me rely on Guiyuan Dao, who has a lot of influence?"

Regarding Ma Minjun's "righteousness", Li Wei nodded in satisfaction, and said with a sneer, "Whoever is powerful can do whatever he wants?"

"Are you stupid in Chang'an, don't even understand this truth?"

"Understood, understood, come here."


"Show you something good."

The information that Guiyuandao detected was compiled by Li Wei in advance. In He Dequan's view, Li Wei is just an idle and painful clan son, and there is nothing to be afraid of except for a good pregnancy.

It's fine for this kind of person to come to Jinghuai County, but once he comes, he will find Gui Yuandao's bad luck, so he must give some color, let him know who is in charge of Jinghuai County, so as not to cause any trouble again.

Hearing Li Wei's words, He Dequan thought that he had given up and wanted to bribe him, so he walked over cheerfully.

"Give me something?"

"This is it."

After speaking, Li Weilun rounded his arms, and slapped He Dequan hard on the face.

Since entering Jinghuai County, Li Wei has been suffocating with anger in his heart. He Dequan came up to him without knowing his life and death, and just used him as a punching bag. This slap was slapped with [-]% of his strength, and half of He Dequan was slapped away. Mouth.

"You, why are you beating someone! Hurry up, report to the officer!"

Seeing that He Dequan was beaten, the vendors shouted one after another. They may not be able to do other things, but selling along the street is their most basic survival skill. A dozen vendors shouted together, which directly alarmed half the street.

Jiang Lian, who had been waiting outside for a long time, rushed in immediately.

"What's the matter! What's the matter?"

"Master Jiang, we came to collect debts, but they refused to pay and beat people!"

Jiang Lianyou, who had been in collusion with him for a long time, was waiting for these words. He directly pulled out the iron ruler, and said with a sneer, "Even if you are a son of the clan, you can't act recklessly like this!"

"If he commits the next crime, I'll hit him, shouldn't he?"

"You stand here safe and sound, and you don't look injured. You didn't get hurt and beat He Dequan seriously. It shouldn't be!"

"Okay, remember your words and don't change your words."

"I, Jiang Lianyou, am an imposing man of seven feet. If I say it, I will spit out nails and I will not change it!"

Nodding his head, Li Wei said with a sneer: "Okay, He Dequan attacked me just now, but you said I shouldn't have stood up to protect myself, come here, take Jiang Lianyou down, and go to the county guard's mansion to ask carefully." , I should or should not, I really can't, take Jiang Lianyou back to Chang'an, and ask Mr. Zongzheng for comment!"

Jiang Lian didn't expect Li Wei to put on such a hat, and hurriedly looked at He Dequan.

"Jiangye, he was wronged, he wronged me! I didn't attack him!"

Pointing to his palm, Li Weili said boldly: "How dare you say it? You clearly used your face to attack my hand just now! My hand is hurting now, don't try to deny it!"

Hearing such a bizarre accusation, Jiang Lianyou almost choked on his own saliva, "You, what are you doing..."

"Haven't you heard of Iron Head Kungfu and Iron Palm Kungfu? There is also a strange martial art in this world called Iron Face Kungfu. After you practice it, your skin is as thick as iron skin. It can hurt people and kill you, can't you? Let's go to the government office The theory is."

Li Renhe, who couldn't bear it for a long time, went up and said He Dequan raised it. Jiang Lianyou wanted to stop him, but he was directly restrained by two machetes around his neck and dared not move.

It's not news for a long time that dudes oppress the common people. According to Jiang Lianyou's assumption, after being provoked by scoundrels, Li Wei, a dude, must be furious and take action directly.

He thought of the beginning, but he didn't expect the end. Li Wei hit someone, but he was pretending to be assassinated.

The same thing, with an excuse is not the same result.

The clan is the ruling class. A street rogue dares to assassinate the clan. It is definitely a major case that shocked Daqin.

"I... good you He Dequan, you are so daring, you dare to assassinate the clan, you really deserve death!"

"You think He Dequan deserves to die?"

"Sin deserves death!"

"Then I'll leave it to you."

Seeing Li Wei's wink, Li Renhe immediately dragged He Dequan in front of Jiang Lianyou. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he had no choice but to let his arresters take him away quickly.

"Leader Brother"

After being captured, the small vendors didn't dare to make trouble anymore, and followed them away in desperation.

When he was taken to a place where no one was around, He Dequan knelt on the ground, "Jiang Ye, Jiang Ye, I was wronged, I did something for you..."

Before he finished speaking, He Dequan felt a pain in his heart, looked down at Jiang Lianyou's right hand holding the dagger, and said in disbelief, "You, you..."

"What's the use of keeping you, dog?"

He was labeled as assassinating the clan by Li Wei. If Li Wei had to pursue it, He Dequan would definitely bite himself out. Only the dead are the safest.

Kicking down He Dequan's body, Jiang Lianyou glanced fiercely at several policemen. It was obviously not the first time Jiang Lianyou had done this kind of thing. Ma Wenduo was the first to react and shouted loudly. Said: "This bastard dares to snatch the knife and arrest him. It's really a pity to die!"

"That's right, thanks to Master Jiang being here, why not let him run away today."

"He Dequan, who injured two policemen, was beheaded by Lord Jiang. Master Jiang is really brave!"

Street gangsters like He Dequan have a bad reputation. Even if they were killed, their family members would not pursue them. Even if they wanted to, they would not have the guts to pursue Jiang Lianyou.

Testify, killing is also killing for nothing.

The death of a He Dequan is nothing, but the matter explained by the superiors has not been completed, so Jiang Lian is distressed, the officials who are flowing water, the subordinates who are hard-pressed, once the term expires, the officials pat their buttocks and leave. To stay in Jinghuai County, future generations will continue to eat Gongmen.

The officials could not care about Gui Yuandao, but Jiang Lian could not.

Just when Jiang Lian was having a headache, Ma Wenduo came over and whispered, "Master Jiang, look!"

Seeing the two men sneaking into Wenyanghou's mansion carrying fresh fish, a sneer suddenly appeared on Jiang Lianyou's face, no matter what he was going to do, as long as he dared to get close to Li Wei, I would kill you.

Under the guidance of the guards, the two brothers Sun Ercheng walked up to Li Wei and knelt down.

"You are looking for me?"

Chapter 653

"My lord, we were obsessed with ghosts and did something wrong before. You forgive us. This is a great kindness. We don't have any good things, so we have some fresh fish that we brought to honor you."

Glancing at the carps that Sun Dacheng was carrying, Li Wei nodded and said, "Since you're here, let's wait until we've eaten."

The two brothers looked at each other, and Sun Ercheng gritted his teeth, summoned up his courage and said, "Master, I, we come today, and I don't want to leave."

"Not going? What do you mean?"

"My lord, we don't have the face to stay in the country after we did that kind of thing."

The fishermen hated the real Suping who lied to them to build a temple, but they hated the two brothers Sun Dacheng who were also poor people. Traitors are always more hateful than enemies.

If the poor want to survive, they have to hug each other to keep warm. The two brothers who were boycotted by the fishermen obviously cannot survive.

Seemingly worried about not being taken in, Sun Dacheng hurriedly said: "Master, we have hands and feet and strength, as long as you give us a bite to eat, Master, we can do whatever you want us to do!"

The more clever Sun Ercheng echoed: "Master, we are all locals, and we can do whatever you ask. I just ask you to take me in."

When Li Wei decided to enter Jinghuai County in person, the inner guard sent a large number of spies to infiltrate secretly, but it took too long and to prevent exposure, the information of the inquiries was not comprehensive enough. More importantly, the two brothers could still serve as role models .

"Leave them all, and everyone will be rewarded with ten silver dollars."

There are so many rewards before doing anything, the two brothers couldn't believe it, knowing that Li Renhe put the silver dollar in their hands, Sun Dacheng bit it hard, and then he couldn't believe it was not a dream.

"Master, I have something to report! Master Su Ping was killed."

"Who moved the hand?"

"It's Yao Sixiao, the holy girl of Guiyuandao. She said that the real Suping is a liar, and she cheated in the name of Guiyuandao. The real Suping also admitted it in public, and then apologized by herself. Give less food to other fishermen, and now everyone praises the saint."

Nodding his head, Li Wei couldn't help chanting Yao Sixiao's name. The court had limited information and didn't know much about Yao Sixiao. He thought the so-called saint was just a vase sign, but he didn't expect such a clever method. He broke the trap he had set for Gui Yuandao.

Not all people in Guiyuan Dao are greedy for money, but there are still some capable people, which should not be underestimated.

As soon as the Sun Ercheng brothers were taken in, Jiang Lianyou, who had gone and returned, brought people in directly.

Even if the country changed hands, Daqin didn't cut off the title of Marquis Wenyang, so his own family can be regarded as a powerful man. These arresters barged in twice in succession, which made Ma Minjun furious.

"What are you doing?"

Ma Wenduo sneered and said: "Catch the wanted criminal, get out of the way, and don't block the way."

"You dog slave..."

He scolded his dog in front of his face, Jiang Lianyou directly interrupted: "Bastard, Ma Wenduo is now a fast catcher, but a member of the public family, not your slave in Wenyanghou's mansion. Be careful, otherwise you will be charged with the intention of restoration!"

"What are you thinking?"

Jiang Lianyou ignored Ma Minjun who ran away, pointed at Sun Ercheng and Sun Dacheng and said, "These two people are involved in a fraud case, and they are suspected to be related to the serial robbery and murder outside the city. Now someone has reported the case and we need to bring them back. .”

"What's the evidence?"

"It's not directly questioning the crime and convicting the case. It's just taking it back for questioning. What evidence do you want? After asking, there will naturally be evidence."

Glancing at the two brothers who were full of panic, Li Wei said coldly: "Under the three trees, there is nothing more than demand. If you want you to bring him back, why not just do what you say?"

"Hehe, what do you mean, are you trying to favor the two? Don't blame me for not reminding you. I have someone to provide physical evidence and forcibly prevent the government from arresting the wanted criminal. I can only report it to the master."

Daqin officials like to use dignitaries to gain prestige. In Chang'an, Li Wei was often annoyed by civil officials using this method. Local officials do not have the convenience of Beijing officials. Once they encounter an opportunity, they will never let it go.

What's more, Li Wei's current public identity is the clan, which seems to be relatives of the emperor, but it is the group that the emperor is most wary of. As long as he seizes the opportunity to impeach him, he will definitely be able to gain political capital. Officials will rush to impeach themselves.

"Bring over the witnesses and evidence."

"Although you are a noble family, you are not a prison officer, let alone a local prison officer. You have no right to interfere with local judicial cases. I just ask if you want to favor the wanted criminal. As long as you admit it, you will take him away immediately .”

After hesitating for a moment, Li Wei gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, you can take him away."

"Master, we have been wronged, we must not..."

As soon as Sun Dacheng was about to beg, Ma Wenduo took the lead and put on the chains. Sun Ercheng gave Li Wei a pessimistic look, and obediently cooperated with wearing the chains, which made him suffer less flesh and blood than his elder brother.

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