Li Wei giggled and said, "You were very powerful just now, why are you so scared?"


Lin Ruoying was so ashamed that she buried her head in his arms. She knew it was a joke, but she was really ashamed to death. However, she was sweet in her heart. The young master's pity and consideration made her feel happy.

The young master was feeling unbearable, and evil thoughts were spinning in Li Wei's mind, trying to figure out how to trick her into using other methods to relieve the young master's pressure, when suddenly there was a loud noise outside, which made him slightly startled, it was so chaotic outside , Could it be that something happened?

In a daze, the door of the room was knocked open, Qing'er rushed in, seeing the situation in the room, her pretty face turned red, she was neither entering nor retreating at this moment, her expression was extremely embarrassing.

The young master was drunk and was helped into the room by Lin Ruoying to rest. Naturally, she knew what would happen next. She stayed outside the room all the time. She could hear the movement from inside the room clearly. Even if she felt a little uncomfortable, she was helpless, young master It's not something she can monopolize, and she is only a concubine. After a while, the young master will marry the young lady of the Kong family.

There was a sudden change outside, the roar of assassins and the shouts for help rang out together, she was worried about the safety of the young master, so she rushed in recklessly, and saw something she shouldn't have seen, which made her extremely embarrassed.

Chapter 31 Scary people scare people to death


Lin Ruoying exclaimed, like a frightened little white rabbit, jumped up from Li Wei's arms, hid behind the curtain as if fleeing for her life, and straightened her messy dress with a blushing face.

"My husband... There is trouble outside... Assassins..."

Qing'er, with an embarrassed expression, stammered and explained the reason for her sudden intrusion, worrying that she would spoil her husband's good deed and make him unhappy.

"There are assassins in Fireworks Lane?"

Li Wei was stunned for a moment. The assassins in this kind of place were probably vendettas. Driven by curiosity, he stood up and walked out.


Qing'er quickly pulled him back. Since the old man took over the family, he has been assassinated at least ten times. Xianggong is the future overlord of Jiayue, so there must be assassination actions against him. How dare she let him take risks.

"I'm just going to see..."

Li Wei believes that a gentleman should not build a dangerous wall. However, driven by curiosity, he wanted to find out what was going on, and he was also the parent officer of Jiayue Province. How could he be a turtle when a case happened?He wanted to go downstairs, but Li Er and Li San, who were guarding the stairs, did not give way. They both bowed and clasped their fists together, "Please come back, young master."

"I'm just looking at it..."

Li Wei smiled wryly, seeing the resolute expressions on the faces of the two brothers, unless the two brothers fell down, they would not give way. The loyalty of the two made him both moved and helpless.

Unable to go downstairs, he had no choice but to go back to his room and lie on the window sill to look at the street, only to see a lot of people in front of him crying and shouting for their parents and fleeing here in a panic, but he couldn't see the murder scene.

It didn't take long before the army and government officials rushed in and surrounded the entire Firework Alley. Then they saw the commander of the inner guard Ding Xi and the counselor Tian Ce who looked extremely embarrassed rushing over, leading a team of wolf-like tigers The soldiers rushed into Tianxiang Tower.

The assassin escaped into Tianxiang Tower?

Standing behind Li Wei, Qing Er stood on tiptoe and looked out. Seeing Ding Xi leading a group of soldiers rushing into the building, she also thought that the assassin was in the Tianxiang Building. She couldn't help being startled. Low whistle.

Li Er and Li San, who were standing guard on the stairway, were startled. The two brothers rushed in, seeing that the young master was fine, and couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. Draw out the saber, both guard the front door.

Lin Ruoying was also taken aback by the actions of the three of them, and instinctively shrank behind Li Wei.

Qing'er's whistling sound startled Ding Xi, who was leading the team into Tianxiang Tower, jumped up to Lin Ruoying's loft a few times, and was relieved to see that the young master was fine.

Tian Ce then rushed up to the attic with a group of soldiers. Seeing that the young master was safe and sound, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He didn't blame him for being so nervous. He put all his treasures on Li Shi. If the young master had an accident, It also means that the iron rice bowl is gone.

With his talent and reputation, he can be a part-time official anywhere, but he has his ambitions and dreams. His biggest dream is to have a stage where his talents and ambitions can be displayed. Li Gang gave him this stage and Opportunity, however, due to various reasons and limitations, he felt that his talent had not been brought into full play, so he turned his attention to Li Wei, who had been acting like a monster recently.

Perhaps, this was his last chance in this life, so he kept a close eye on the young master, and while paying attention to him, he also showed some kindness. If the young master was not his ideal candidate, he had no choice but to retreat bravely and hide his name.


Seeing how nervous the crowd was, Li Wei couldn't laugh or cry, they were so frightening that he had a heart attack.

Tian Ce stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Young master, the assassin's target should be you."

"kill me?"

Li Wei was taken aback, "Mr. Tian is not joking, is he?"

It wasn't until Tian Ce described and analyzed the situation at that time that Li Wei frowned. It really seemed like this, and the two counselors acted as scapegoats in a daze.

He said a few words to Lin Ruoying, and then ordered Ding Xi, the commander of the inner guard, to let his subordinates secretly protect Lin Ruoying, and warned the old bustard before leaving Tianxiang Tower and returning home under the guard of the brigade.

There was a murder case in Fireworks Lane, and the one who died was the confidant of the prefect. All the defenders in the city were mobilized to hunt down the assassins, turning the entire Jiayue City upside down. There was a bad luck, but the murderer was not caught.

The lights in the prefect's mansion were brightly lit, and all the confidants and generals under Li Gang's command gathered in the hall, each with a sad and indignant expression. , there are also objections.

Li Wei participated in the government affairs meeting for the first time. He sat in the last seat, showing respect for all civil servants and military generals, and also touched their hearts by courtesy and virtuousness. Lord.

After the conflict between Tianxianglou and Shen Langjun and others, he got to know him and found out that Shen Langjun and others were officials from Chang'an. This time he came to Jiayue, one of which was to bring the imperial decree of King Qin's award to commend the Jiayue Army He fought bravely and repelled the Tang army's invasion. The second was to collect last year's tribute silver. By the way, he secretly spent money to buy the structural design draft of the catapult.

The matter was provoked by Mr. Shen Lang first. Li Wei took the opportunity to use Zheng Zhongguang as a stepping stone to become famous in one fell swoop and changed his bad reputation in the past.

He didn't blame Mr. Shen for being narrow-minded and revengeful. He was also ordered by others. The real mastermind behind the scenes should be the people from Chang'an. Just look at the over a hundred assassinations of Daddy Cheap.

"My lord, Ce thinks that since it is going to be done, it should be bigger."

Tian Ce got up to offer advice. Two colleagues and friends died suddenly. He almost died. His heart was filled with grief and anger. He was the first to jump out and demand a strong fight back. He thought that since he wanted to warn Chang'an, he should do something big and let them Feel pain and fear, otherwise you won't restrain yourself.

His so-called revenge was robbing tribute silver. All provincial governments had to pay a certain amount of tribute silver to Chang'an every year. Jiayue Provincial Government had to pay 80 taels of tribute silver every year, which was the largest among the three major provincial governments.

The prefects of the three major provinces all support their own self-respect and dominate one side. Paying tribute to Chang'an every year is just a gesture. After all, the King of Qin is still the symbol of the Qin Empire. As for them, or their ancestors, have they ever given birth to wanting to The ambition to usurp the throne is unknown.

After listening to what he said, Li Wei couldn't help turning his head to look at Tian Ce again. This guy looks elegant on the surface, but he is actually a ruthless guy. It's a bit interesting, and he should be regarded as one of the best in this era.

The temptation of 80 taels of tribute silver was too great, which made his heart skip a beat.

Chapter 32 The Temptation of Tribute Silver

"Father, let the child be responsible for this operation."

After the discussion, Li Wei stood up. He had to build up his prestige in order to be able to control the arrogant soldiers under Daddy Cheap. This was also a preparation for taking over a huge foundation in the future.


Li Gang nodded in satisfaction. He also had the same idea in his heart. If he wanted to take over the military and political power, he had to make achievements and have enough prestige to convince his gang of arrogant soldiers and lay the foundation for the future.

He immediately ordered that Bao Baozi was in charge of the operation, Tian Ce accompanied him, and was responsible for making suggestions, picking up omissions and making additions. The specific actions would be discussed by Bao Baozi and his subordinates. He didn't ask how many people would be mobilized. The meaning of cultivation.

After making the decision, Li Wei yawned and went back to the room. After taking the shower, Qing'er hugged Qing'er and fell asleep, but Tian Ce was as excited as if he had been beaten with chicken blood. After returning home, he went into the study and carefully View the map and study the course of action.

Early in the morning, after Li Wei had breakfast, he led his people straight to Tianxiang Tower, and plunged into Lin Ruoying's attic.

After getting over his hand addiction, he explained why he came here. He planned to redeem Lin Ruoying's body and let her move out. He had asked someone to find a small house, which was just a temporary hut for hiding. There is no need to spend extravagantly on taking her into the mansion.

"Msister, this concubine wants to...want to move out after the oiran meeting..."

Lin Ruoying said in a low voice, with a somewhat disturbed expression on her pretty face.

Her dream in this life is to strive to be the head of the family on the first floor and participate in the oiran meeting. It would be better if she could win the oiran. If she fails, she has no regrets. She is just worried that Li Wei will be unhappy. If Li Wei insists on asking her to move out She can only obey.

"Well, it's up to you."

Li Wei understood her thoughts very well, anyway, he had already warned the madam face to face, and asked Ding Xi, the commander of the inner guard, to arrange people to take care of her secretly, so there was no need to worry about any accidents.

"It's a good husband."

Lin Ruoying was so happy that she took the initiative to offer a kiss. She was worried that Li Wei would be unhappy, but she didn't expect to be so considerate.

Li Wei hugged her up and down, chuckled and said, "Ruoying, I heard that your flute skill is also good?"

"My husband laughed at me. It's hard for a concubine's flute skills to be elegant."

Lin Ruoying replied softly, she spoke politely, but the expression on her pretty face showed a touch of color. She is proficient in everything, including piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and Dongxiao is her specialty. She is proud of being in a painting, and her flute skills are half as good as An Suyun's.


Li Wei patted his thigh and said happily: "Then let the gentleman appreciate it, hehe."

"The concubine will go get the dongxiao first."

Lin Ruoying wanted to get up to get Dongxiao, but she was held down by Li Wei, "Here, Xiao is here."


Lin Ruoying was stunned for a while, and when she saw the tent erected high by the young master, she realized that this Xiao is not the other, and her pretty face turned red, "Mr.

A swan song in the world, which fills the room with spring and ecstasy.

Nearly two hours later, Li Weicai, who had appreciated Lin Ruoying's flute skills, left Tianxiang Tower with a smile, and went to work at the so-called temporary command post.

The command post was temporarily selected by Tian Ce to serve as the headquarters for this operation. He had been waiting there and stayed up all night, his eyes were bloodshot, but he was as excited as a chicken blood.

He studied all night, and drew up several action plans that he thought were feasible. He waited for the young master to come and study them together. In fact, he said it was research, but it was just a gesture of goodwill. As long as there were no accidents, these action plans were all feasible. of.

However, after waiting for a long time, he did not see the young master coming. Impatiently, he sent someone to urge him several times, and Li Weicai came late.

"My nephew has been delayed by something, please don't blame me, sir."

As soon as Li Wei came, he bowed his head and apologized. He didn't put on the high profile of a young master to overwhelm others. Tian Ce's dissatisfaction disappeared immediately, and he returned the salute politely, "Young master."

"Sir, please take a seat."

Li Weike politely gestured to invite him to sit down, and when Tian Ce sat down, his face became serious, and he said, "What good advice do you have, sir?"

The temptation of 80 tribute silver was too great, and he was so greedy that he was salivating. This robbery must be successful, but it is also very difficult. Various conditions, constraints, factors, variables, etc. must be combined into a perfect strategy.

Tian Ce stroked his long beard and smiled. He appreciated Li Wei's straight-to-the-point manner of doing things. His politeness and solemnity also made him feel relieved that he was being reused. He was not polite at the moment. He stood up, pointed to the map, and told him about his night. Several sets of plans that Wanmian came up with.

As in previous years, after receiving the 80 tribute silver, the envoys from Chang'an, escorted by a thousand imperial guards accompanying them, traveled northward via Baiwuguan into Hongfeng Province, and transferred to Chang'an after collecting the tribute silver from Hongfeng Province.

This is the itinerary of the Chang'an envoys. The looting site cannot be chosen on one's own territory, but can only be done in Hongfeng Province. Shi is also a happy thing.

Furthermore, even if everyone guessed that it was the tribute silver that was robbed by the Li family, so what?

If there is no real evidence, it is just a cloud. The Red Maple Lan family has to bear the responsibility for the loss of the tribute silver, and fill in the shortfall of 80 taels of tribute silver. Who told you that the tribute silver was lost within your jurisdiction.

However, considering various factors, it is conceivable that the difficulty of robbing the silver this time is enormous, but the temptation of 80 taels of tribute silver is too great, and Li Wei has to bet on it anyway.

Tian Ce's several sets of plans are all feasible, and they are very different from the methods he thought. The difference lies in some small details of the action. After repeated research and deliberation, the two finally settled on three sets of feasible action plans. , depending on the circumstances at the time.

With the acquiescence of his father, Li Wei held the Tiger Talisman as the young master and mobilized the most elite [-] cavalry troops of the Jiayue Mansion Army. Under the pretext of escorting the second sister, Li Wei galloped to Baiwuguan. Disguised, mixed in with the Five Thousand Cavalry Army, first rushed to Baiwuguan, then sneaked into Hongfeng Province with various identities, and secretly gathered at designated places for orders.

Ye Chongyang and his wife are also busy. They are the key figures for the success of this operation. Zhao Fengqin is nicknamed "Poison Lady,"

The ancestor who used poison fell on her to overwhelm a thousand imperial guards.

At this time, Li Wei has asked people to quietly purchase the ingredients for preparing Mihun San in the major medicine halls in the city. Mihun San is not a poison, but a Mongolian sweat medicine that can make people feel numb, but the medicine prepared by Zhao Fengqin is more effective than ordinary Mongolian sweat medicine fans. The medicine is much more powerful, just a little bit can fascinate a big buffalo, and it is colorless and tasteless.

To fascinate a thousand Imperial Forest Army, you have to prepare a large amount of Mihun powder, which requires a lot of medicinal materials. Fortunately, the medicinal materials are common herbs, which are sold in all major medicine halls, but the preparation method is complicated.

Next, Li Wei began to select personnel to form his own personal guard.

Chapter 33 A Timely Rain

Ever since his precious son became a blockbuster and was honored as a god of poetry by scholars, and the subsequent assassination incident, Li Gang became more and more worried about his precious son's personal safety. Moreover, how could the majestic Young Master Jiayue not have his own personal guards?

As for the 13 aunts and wives, they were even more worried, wishing to hold them in the palm of their hands, put them in their mouths, and lock them in a silver cabinet to feel safe.

Under the pressure of the cheap daddy and a group of aunts and girls, Li Wei had to select [-] elite soldiers from the army to form his own personal guard.

Li Wei carefully selected [-] experienced veterans from various armies. Wang Chengzong, who was originally arrested by the government office and later promoted to lieutenant colonel, served as the captain of the guard, and Li Er and Li San served as the left and right generals and personal guards.

After tossing and tossing, it was already evening, Li Wei ran into Xiaoyu, Zhuang Xi's personal maid, on the way home, Xiao Nizi handed him a letter and disappeared in a flash.

Li Wei opened the letter, and the familiar handwriting came into view.

In the letter, Zhuang Xi told him that when he heard that his mother was ill, she would go home to take care of her, reminding him not to forget to pick an auspicious day to come and propose marriage.

Li Wei grinned and laughed, no one in this world would dislike too much money, and men would not dislike too many beautiful women. After marrying the young lady of the Kong family, he would send someone to the dealer to propose marriage.

Early the next morning, Li Wei was dressed as a businessman, Qing'er was dressed as a handsome boy, Tian Ce was dressed as an accountant, Li Er, Li Sanye, Chongyang couple and several personal guards were dressed as bodyguards and accompanied them. Going to Baiwuguan, the 300-person guards dressed up as ordinary people, used various identities as a cover, and walked in groups of twos and threes to protect them secretly.

Although Li Wei's riding skills are difficult to reach the level of refinement, at least he can ride a tall horse galloping. He traveled all the way in a hurry and arrived at Baiwuguan in three days.

The second brother-in-law Tang Tianhe was in charge of guarding the Baiwu Pass. A few days ago, he had received a letter from Li Gang, Master Taishan.

This second brother-in-law is a handsome and talented man, resolute and calm with a bit of a scholarly taste, and a Confucian general with outstanding literary and military strategies is considered a master at this time.

Entering the second brother-in-law's general's mansion, Ding Xi, the commander of the inner guard, waited in the mansion to greet him, with a look of admiration on his face, "Young master."

Before setting off, Li Wei specifically confessed that he was asked to inspect the several terrains where the ambush was to be set up to see if there were any discrepancies with the map. Ding Xichu didn't pay much attention at first. Although the map was drawn decades ago, the previous How can it be possible to make mistakes in the field survey and drawing?

However, he still faithfully carried out Li Wei's order, and led people into Pingguan, the governor of Hongfeng, to survey the terrain nearby, which really shocked him. An important ambush site has changed. It used to be a forest, but now it has become a field, full of green seedlings.

The young master has foresight, it can be said to be far-sighted, Ding Xi is full of admiration.

Tang Tianhe didn't expect that there would be discrepancies between the field and the map. It seems that in the future, it is necessary to send people into Hongfeng Province to re-survey the field and draw a new map. He looked at the eyes of this brother-in-law who was once notorious and now has a great reputation Something is different again.

Early the next morning, Li Wei loaded up several carts of goods and swaggered into Changping City.

Although Li and Lan's family had a long-standing feud, the border gates of the two provinces have always been open, and the border residents and merchants of the two provinces are conducting business and trade, which seems to be quite prosperous and lively.

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