Chapter 28 People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong

As the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong. Li Wei, who tried every means to change his image before, now deeply understands the troubles of being famous.

Before dawn, all the women and their personal maids packed his room full, all of them beaming with joy and chattering non-stop, like dozens of heavy bombers, bombing Li Wei Get dizzy.

It's no wonder that in this generation of the century-old Li family, there is only such a single seedling that inherits the incense. The aunts and girls hold it in their palms for fear of breaking it, and hold it in their mouths for fear of melting. They dote on it to the extreme. The dandy prodigal has a headache.

After Li Wei suffered a serious illness, he suddenly had a monstrous transformation. He completely changed a person, making people unbelievable. To be called a minister, to be honored as Mr. Li Weiyi, and to be nicknamed the God of Poetry, is the youngest grand master in the Cangyun Continent, so it's hard to be happy about it.

Li Wei has a headache, but he can't disturb the good mood of the aunts and girls. In addition to coaxing them to be happy with his three-inch tongue, he has to accompany them to respectfully offer incense to the gods and bless the whole family Be safe and sound, and then accept the pocket money they gave, as well as some playful toys and pets that made him laugh and cry.

He has been "reformed,"

All the dandy toys and pets left by the predecessor were disposed of at a high price, but all the older ladies were too enthusiastic and caring, so they had to accept them if they didn't want them, so as not to make them sad.

When the aunts and girls go out, he asks people to take out these so-called dandy toys and pets and sell them for cash. If you are not in charge, you don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive. At this time, he can't wait to break a big coin into two halves to use .

Of course, fame also has various benefits. People look at him differently than before. Apart from fear, there is also respect, even admiration. At least, Qing'er, who has always been afraid of him like a tiger, looks at him obviously differently now. up.

Only then did he send away a group of aunts and girls who made him dizzy, and the guards of the cheap father respectfully stepped forward to salute, and the master was waiting for him in the study.

When Li Wei came to the study, he realized what he meant when he saw the cheap old man. The batch of iron swords that failed the test that were sold a few days ago had caused quite a stir. A few wealthy generals in the army snapped up one or two. Showing off in front of his colleagues made most of the generals who didn't buy good swords jealous. They all came to complain to Li Gang and asked the young master to sell them the good swords made by the camp first.

Li Wei smiled bitterly and explained that although the batch of swords sold were several times better than the iron swords equipped by soldiers in the army today, they were all failed experiments. The blacksmiths are still in the process of experimenting. , just to make some money.

With today's technology, even if high-quality steel is successfully smelted, it cannot be mass-produced on a large scale. In addition, the weapons produced will be used as secret weapons and must be kept strictly confidential. Secrecy is also a very headache.

The horseshoe is also a secret weapon, as well as the new cavalry and heavy armored infantry in his plan, which has modern special operations awareness and tactics, the brand-new Yeburei, the catapult bow and arrow with a longer range, etc., are closely related to the smelting of high-quality steel , it can be said that improving today's iron smelting technology is the current top priority.

And all of this must be backed by strong financial resources. The Li family is the richest man in Jiayue Province, but Li Wei still feels that the money is seriously insufficient, so he must earn more money. With the strong support of the merchants, it is best to tie them to the chariot of the Li family and live together in honor and disgrace.

The mainland is an imperial feudal system, emphasizing civility over military affairs, emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business, and the hierarchy is strictly divided. Even if a high-ranking person is as rich as an enemy, his status is not as good as that of a landlord with only a few acres of land.

Everyone ignores the role of merchants. It is precisely because these merchants are engaged in commodity sales that they can reflect the prosperity of a city. The most important thing is that a large amount of money is concentrated in the hands of merchants. If they get their strong support, the problem of military expenditure easier to get around.

The amount of information to be received at once was too much, and Li Gang had to ask his son to repeat it again. After understanding the grand plan of his son, he couldn't help but take a breath. Will be improved several times, isn't that an invincible and invincible lion in all battles?Li Gang stood there in a daze for a long time, his heart skipped a beat. The monstrous transformation of his precious son was all due to the God of Longevity teaching him in his dream. Could it be God's favor for the Li family?Or some kind of guidance?

His mind suddenly became active, even a bit like a young man in full swing, his blood was surging and boiling.

Everyone has ambitions and desires, the only difference lies in their size. Li Gang has great ambitions, and he has indeed worked hard for it. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, the Li family has withered one after another. He spent a lot of effort and energy secretly arranging Those are all idle, useless, he can only helplessly bury his ambition deep in his heart.

Now, his son's words revived his dead heart and rekindled his ambition. However, all of this is just like what the precious son said, improving the current iron-smelting technology is a prerequisite for implementing all plans.

Although the iron smelting experiment failed many times, the iron sword produced was several times stronger than the weapons commonly equipped by the armies of the empires in the mainland today. Although it did not achieve the expected effect, it was really feasible.

Li Gang pondered for a long time, and suddenly his right fist hit the palm of his left hand heavily. The plan of the precious son is feasible. Even if it fails, it can consolidate the current interests of the Li family and keep the Li family safe for a hundred years.

"Wei'er, dad is getting old, this inheritance will be handed over to you sooner or later, don't hide it from dad anymore, if you have any thoughts, just say it, dad will fully support you!"

Li Gang stroked his long beard under his chin, and showed a gratified smile on his thin face. The monster-like transformation of his precious son made him see Li's hope, and a highly feasible plan, and the blessing of the God of Longevity made him even more so. He made up his mind.


Li Wei grinned and scratched his head. This was the first time he called Dad from the bottom of his heart. The stuff he was messing with before was because he was worried that Dad would not believe in his ability, so he didn't tell him. He planned to find out after some results. his support.

Now that Cheap Papa expressed his full support, it will be much easier to implement his grand plans, at least without the headache of talent for money.

The father and son sat in the study and muttered for a long time. No one knew what they talked about, except that the prefect was smiling very happily when he went out.

The tiredness of becoming famous gave Li Wei a headache, and he talked with Daddy Cheap for a long time, and then he finally said it, and he was blocked again.

Chapter 29 throwing arms and sending hugs

The gate of the mansion was crowded with people, a large black area blocked the entire avenue, making the guards guarding the mansion feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Without exception, these people are all military generals in the army, each of them is tall and burly, with a mighty appearance, and awe-inspiring momentum. The dozen or so who are the leader are the powerful confidantes of the prefect Li Gang, the most famous generals in the Jiayue Army, behind them , it is Lang Jiang, partial general and other middle and low-level officers.

"Li Wei."



They rushed forward and surrounded Li Wei.

"Little nephew sends greetings to all uncles and uncles."

Li Wei bowed his hands again and again, in terms of seniority, they were all his uncles, and he had to be polite for the Li family who went through life and death.

He also knew the purpose of these generals. In the era of cold weapons, a good war horse and a good weapon are equal to the second life of the generals. The failed products of the camp test are regarded as the best weapons in the eyes of these generals. This meeting is all about asking for a good sword.

Most of the warriors were straightforward and vulgar. They yelled around Li Wei and asked to buy a sword. "Uncles, please listen to my nephew."

Li Wei smiled and cupped his fists, bowed to the group of generals surrounded by him, and then explained that these generals can be said to be members of the Li family's army. They were born and died for the Li family. They belong to the uncles' generation, so I, as a junior, naturally have to honor all uncles.

What kind of weapons do you uncles like?how much weight?

Tomorrow, write it on paper, or draw a graph, and hand it in together. When good steel is smelted, it will be made according to the requirements or according to the drawing.

These words made all the generals feel comfortable and moved. Who said that the nephew came here from a dude?It is clearly the demeanor of a generation of wise and respectful corporals. In the future, whoever dares to speak ill of my nephew, I will be anxious to him!After finally dismissing the generals, Li Wei saw a group of civil servants standing in the distance. He couldn't help scratching his head and smiling wryly, and stepped forward to salute, "My nephew greets all uncles."

Those generals just need a good weapon and they are easy to send away. This group of civil servants and advisers is a headache for him. They are all full of ethics. People like Tian Ce and others are even more famous in Jiayue. They are more thieves than the old fox who has cultivated for thousands of years Fine, it's not easy to fool them.

"My nephew."

Tian Ce and other civil servants returned the salute politely. Even though the young master regards himself as a junior, his status still needs to be clearly distinguished. Not to mention that the young master is the future overlord of Jiayue, his impressive talents and learning alone are enough to win their respect. .

Although they are full of classics, outstanding talents and learning, they are known as contemporary celebrities, but they think they can't compose the eternal masterpieces such as "Ode to the Willow" and "Shui Tiao Ge Tou", and there are two songs in one, the title of the young master poet is well-deserved .

Tian Ce and others came to ask for advice, so they couldn't help but dragged Li Wei and went straight to Tianxiang Tower.

Lin Ruoying, the new boss of Tianxianglou, is becoming more and more famous now, and has the potential to overwhelm all the brothels in Jiayue City. Literati have always seen it as an elegant and interesting thing to hang out in brothels. Tian Ce and others want to drink flower wine, so they naturally choose Tianxiang Building.

The young master and a group of famous people from Jiayue came to visit, Lin Ruoying was surprised and delighted, she rushed downstairs to greet her without waiting for her mother to call her.

The old procuress smiled happily, arranged a private room, and asked the girls under her banner to serve her wholeheartedly. Lin Ruoying sat beside Li Wei as a matter of course, and Tian Ce and others made fun of her beauty, making her cheeks flush with shame, but her heart was sweet sizzling.

During the banquet, Tian Ce and others humbly asked for advice on poetry and the so-called hard-pen style method. Apart from plagiarizing the masterpieces of predecessors, Li Wei could not write any poems. Ce and the others kept stroking their long beards and nodding.

Seeing that Tian Ce and the others had nothing to say, and seemed to want to continue the discussion, he quickly changed the subject and brought up the "original" calligraphy with hard pen and thin body, which successfully diverted the attention of Tian Ce and other civil servants.

The appearance of each new typeface will arouse people's curiosity and interest in learning, and one after another imitated it. The hard pen and thin body book completely overturned Tian Ce and others' understanding of traditional writing. It was not until Li Wei performed live that the Understand the magic of the quill pen.

"Come, come, we are not allowed to talk about business affairs today, only talk about Fengyue, I would like to offer you a toast, ha."

A celebrity raised his glass to pay respects from a distance, raised his head and drank the water and wine in the glass, and his boldness was no less than that of a general.

"Ruoying toast the young master."

Lin Ruoying raised her glass to toast, and looked at Li Wei's beautiful eyes with a little more tenderness. Since she made up her mind to look at someone in these eyes, it was difficult to conceal her inner thoughts.

Li Wei had been given a lot of wine by Tian Ce and others before, and he was three to four points drunk. The beauty toasted, and he did it first as a respect, how could a man not drink it?

He bite the bullet and drank a few drinks with Lin Ruoying, only to realize that she was quite drinkable.

It's no wonder that in this line of work, besides laughing, they accompany drinking. If a prostitute like Lin Ruoying doesn't sell her body, if she doesn't drink enough, she would have been drunk by some evil-minded guys.

"Young master, come, come, I will toast you."

Someone offered a toast, it was hard to turn down the hospitality, and it was rare to accompany these literati and poets for a crazy time. Li Wei would not refuse anyone who came, and after drinking more than a dozen glasses of water and wine, he was finally poured down.

"Miss Ruoying, please."

Tian Ce and the others blinked. How could they not see that Lin Ruoying was interested in the young master? This is a good time for adult kindness. It depends on whether Lin Ruoying's skin is thin or thick.

Lin Ruoying's cheeks were flushed, maybe she drank too much alcohol?Still shy?

All in all, very charming.

She helped Li Wei, who was standing unsteadily, to leave, and behind him came Tian Ce and others' knowing low laughter.

Lin Ruoying and the maid helped Li Wei, who was in a daze, back to his attic, and put him on the bed. The maid took off Li Wei's shoes and outer clothes, then exited wisely and closed the door.

Lin Ruoying stood by the bed and looked at Li Wei, who was drunk and unconscious, with a very complicated expression on her pretty face, showing that her heart was entangled.

After standing in a daze for a while, she gritted her white teeth lightly, bent down, and undressed someone with trembling fingers, her smooth and clean cheeks were blushing with embarrassment.

Chapter 30 You have to be responsible to me

On the right side of the military camp in the south of the city, there is a row of mansions, which are VIP houses specially built by Li Gang to entertain guests.

Inside and outside the VIP house, there are many soldiers. Outside one of the large wing rooms, there is a post at five steps and a sentry at three steps. The guard is extremely strict.

In the wing room, Mr. Shen was sitting upright, with a very respectful expression. An old man in green robes was standing in front of the window sill with his hands behind his back, with an uncertain expression on his face. It was obvious that he had encountered some trouble, which made it difficult for him to make a decision for a while.

Mr. Shen Lang said in a low voice: "Master Fang, it seems that the old guy has not had a good life for a few years, but this little one is so powerful that even Zheng Chongguang bowed his head and bowed his head..."

The green-robed old man paced and pondered for a long time, then suddenly raised his head, stared at Lord Shen and said in a deep voice, "Our every move is being watched, how will your plan be implemented?"

Mr. Shen Lang stood up and said happily: "Master Fang, don't worry, I'm all ready, just waiting for your order."

The green-robed old man nodded in satisfaction, and reminded: "Regardless of success or failure, you must do it clean!"

"Don't worry, my lord, those people are all specially trained dead soldiers."

Lord Shen said in a sullen voice, the group of people who sneaked into Jiayue City first were indeed specially trained dead soldiers. Even if the incident happened and they were surrounded and unable to escape, Li Gang would definitely not be able to catch anyone alive.

After getting Mr. Fang's permission, Mr. Shen Lang exited the wing room, took more than a dozen guards out of the VIP room, made a show on the street for a while, then went into the Yingchun Pavilion, and drank flower wine with his pink head in his arms.

In Tianxiang Tower, Tian Ce and other civil servants and advisers hugged their pink heads for a while, until the sky was getting dark, and they hugged each other drunkenly, and staggered downstairs, some of them were even carried out .

"Bring wine... I want to have a good drink with the young master..."

A drunken scribe yelled loudly, supported by his companions, and struggled to climb into a carriage, "Young master...uh... come here... let's drink another three bowls..."

Several carriages carrying Tian Ce and other civil officials and advisers slowly set off on the road, and before they drove out of the Fireworks Lane, the scholar who was clamoring to get drunk with Li Wei just now suddenly opened the window and poked his head out, wow spit up.

"Brother Gu is really...a temperamental person, hahaha..."

Tian Ce, who was at least five or six times drunk, pointed at the man and laughed, and several coachmen stopped the carriage unanimously.

Tian Ce staggered out of the car, "Brother Gu..."

Before he could finish speaking, the sound of arrows piercing through the air suddenly sounded. Tian Ce didn't react too slowly, and immediately got into the bottom of the car with his head in his arms, hissing, "Assassins, there are assassins..."

Amid the ear-piercing whistling sound, more than a dozen light arrows shot at Brother Gu's carriage, and Brother Gu, who was vomiting with his head on his head, was shot by several arrows in an instant and died on the spot.

The assassin's arm was very strong, and the arrows he shot actually penetrated the carriage and penetrated into the carriage. When the second wave of arrow rain penetrated the carriage, the dozen or so coachmen who were frightened and foolish came back to their senses, and some of them were frightened. Jumped off the carriage, ran for his life in a panic, and instinctively drove forward.

The originally bustling Fireworks Lane was in chaos, the clients ran away with their heads in their hands, the girls fled into the building screaming, and some clients who fled in a hurry were hit by the horse-drawn carriage and spurted blood.

When the brigade of soldiers and yamen servants rushed over, the assassins had already fled in chaos, and the scene was in a mess. The carriage that Brother Gu was riding in was tilted in the middle of the road, and the horse that was pulling it lay dead on the side. Before reaching the arrow feathers, the carriage was riddled with holes, and the ground was covered with blood.

Ding Xi, the commander of the internal guards, bent down to probe his head. When he saw the situation inside, his expression changed slightly. The dilapidated compartment was filled with arrows, and Brother Gu and a scribe lying drunk inside had dozens of arrows stuck in them. Arrow, died in a terrible state.

"Commander Ding, quickly send people to surround Tianxiang Tower."

Covered in mud and miserable, Tian Ce didn't care about his appearance, and whispered to Ding Xi, "The young master is in the building, he is the assassin's target."

With so many colleagues, the assassin only attacked the carriage that Brother Gu was riding in. Even if he was Brother Gu's enemy, he couldn't afford to take such a big risk and make such a big commotion, right?

Reminiscent of the drunken words that Brother Gu said before getting into the car, he immediately hit the key point.

Ding Xi was taken aback, and quickly led the crowd into the Firework Lane, completely surrounding Tianxianglou and several nearby brothels.

In Tianxiang Building, in Lin Ruoying's attic, Li Wei sat on a soft chair, and Lin Ruoying stood behind him, combing his hair with a comb, like a gentle and virtuous wife serving her husband.

Li Wei didn't get drunk, he just felt uncomfortable. After lying down for nearly two hours, the alcohol was too strong, but he still felt a little headache, his throat was so dry that it was smoking, and he downed several bowls of hangover soup in one go.

Drunk three minutes awake, what happened during this period, he is very clear, being attacked by a girl bully, sounds a bit of fantasy, believe it or not, but it did happen.

He doesn't bother to care about what other people think. He doesn't mind coming over to this kind of ecstasy. Of course, the prerequisite for being raped by the overlord must be a beautiful woman. As for status and so on, for him from modern society It's all floating clouds.


Li Wei suddenly sighed heavily, startled Lin Ruoying, who was fixing his hair, and asked softly, "Young master, why are you sighing?"

Li Wei chuckled and said, "My young master's innocence is gone, you have to take responsibility."


Lin Ruoying's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she looked for cracks all over the place. Speaking of this, she was really ashamed to death. She also made up her mind and summoned up a lot of courage to dare to do so.

"Ha ha……"

Li Wei grinned, and hugged him into his arms, his two wolf paws were not at all restless, Lin Ruoying half-pushed and half-resigned, letting him do whatever he wanted.

Feeling the young master's arrogance and ferocity, she was startled, instinctively shrank back, and said in a trembling voice: "Master..."

After going through human affairs for the first time, the pain is still there, which makes her a little scared, how can she bear the conquest?

However, she also knew that this was a responsibility she had to bear. If the young master insisted, she could only grit her teeth and bear it.

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