After all, it is very common for these calculation and simulation software to have errors. Their errors are actually benign errors, because when reflected on the real body, the calculation errors are much worse.

The others also nodded, thinking that this was probably the reason, anyway, they got better results, and they didn't care much about this kind of error.

However, Lin Xiao shook his head and said, "I don't think it's just because of this reason."

"Oh why?"

Everyone looked at Lin Xiao suspiciously.

Lin Xiao did not answer, but said: "I need to obtain more data, including EDS, SEM analysis, and spectral analysis and other data."

He looked at Huang Haoran and said, "Old Huang, I will trouble you with this matter."

"Good! Boss Lin"

Huang Haoran responded immediately.

For Lin Xiao's request, he now promises to respond to every request, and he has a future if he hangs out with the boss.

Warming the bed is not out of consideration.

Seeing that Lin Xiao seemed to be doing other research, Chen Bao and the others became puzzled. However, this might be Lin Xiao's own research, so they didn't ask any more questions.

Next, they continued to conduct other experiments on this material, such as its performance under long-term stress, and they had to apply for some laboratories with other conditions to test its more performance.

Of course, they did not forget to convey the news to insiders, such as Cao Zhong.


"Damn, it really succeeded? What? The tensile strength alone is more than 900 MPa? Are you kidding me? Is this titanium-aluminum alloy?"

"Then at a high temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius, the tensile strength increased a little? What kind of metamorphosis is this?"

After Cao Zhong received the call from Chen Bao, he was immediately surprised.

The tensile strength of some alloys will be improved compared with room temperature due to internal stress release and dislocation strengthening during high temperature deformation.

But their titanium alloy is already so perverted, and it turns out that it can still perform so well under high temperature conditions. What kind of ghost material is this?

Cao Zhong felt quite unbelievable.

And this is not over yet, when Cao Zhong heard Chen Bao talk about some other properties, he couldn't help opening his mouth.

"You guys are going against the sky..."

"It's Lin Xiao who wants to go against the sky, and it has nothing to do with the rest of us, so don't talk nonsense."

"That's right, it's Lin Xiao, by the way, where's Lin Xiao?"

"He seems to have some other research. His calculation results are somewhat different from our actual results. The actual results are better than the calculation results, so he seems to be planning to use calculations to explain this reason."

"Can you use calculations to explain things that experiments can't explain? This is a major role of computational materials science, but can he find out the reason?"

"Don't underestimate others."

Chen Bao said: "I may not be as good at his research in computational materials science... Heh, I should be more confident and remove the possibility. This young man's learning efficiency is really hard to understand with common sense. "

"Perhaps he was born to study?" Cao Zhong said with a smile: "Fortunately, he is from our country of Hua."

"Well, indeed, he is from Huaguo." Chen Bao also laughed.

"So what we have to do is to protect him." Cao Zhong sighed at this moment.

Chen Bao hummed, "Just keep the secret well."

"Well." Cao Zhong said: "I have to report this news to the higher-ups now, and wait for the good news when the time comes."


After hanging up the phone, Chen Bao could already look forward to how excited the military people would be when they saw this material.


Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Data Center.

Lin Xiao still stayed here, continuing to perfect his theory.

For the success of the new titanium alloy, he didn't show much joy, because he had already enjoyed that kind of joy when he spent so many truth points to exchange for this new material.

But now, he has only one purpose in mind, and that is to explain why the actual result is better than the calculated result.

As a scholar, or an academic person, if you encounter a problem, you have to find a way to explain the reason for the problem.

Now, other data about their new piece of titanium alloy material is available, and he has also collected various other data. Based on these numbers, he is getting closer to his ultimate goal.

But until now, his theory still lacked something.

"Has the method of quantum chemistry reached its limit? Maybe it is a problem with the mathematical method?"

Thinking in his heart, suddenly, his cell phone rang.

Looking at the telegrapher, it is the staff of Sunway TaihuLight.


"Hello, is this Mr. Lin Xiao?"


The staff on the opposite side said helplessly: "Mr. Lin, we have detected that you have not used the node you applied for for a few days, because there are quite a lot of organizations behind the queue, are you sure you can use it in a short time?" ?”

"Give me a few more days, I have applied for a week, now there are still three days?"

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, the other party could only say, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao sighed helplessly.

A few weeks ago, he applied for Sunway TaihuLight. He originally wanted to get the results within the few weeks of waiting in line, but because of the research on the project, it was impossible for him as the person in charge to be the shopkeeper. If he doesn't go at the level of academician or Changjiang scholar, people will think that he, the person in charge, doesn't care about the subject at all, so he still has to visit it from time to time.

As for this problem, it is a bit difficult to solve it. With his current material science level 2, it is still difficult to solve this problem in a short time.

As for why he was promoted to level 2, it was naturally because he had read seven books on materials science in the past few months, so he was also provided with 35 points of experience in materials science, so his materials science was upgraded to level 2 , The degree of brain development has also increased by 0.2%. In addition, he has read five books on computers, which also provided him with 25 experience points.

However, although it has not been done yet, it has to continue to work. If it is not done in the next three days, it will have to continue to queue for several weeks to apply for Sunway TaihuLight.

So, Lin Xiao turned his attention to the draft paper in front of him again, and continued to think.

At this moment, he suddenly misses Mimi, if he hugs it and rubs it a few times, he will probably find inspiration, right?

Unfortunately, Mimi is not here.

I squeezed my brows, Mimi is my lucky star in mathematics research.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao's heart suddenly moved.

math research?

What if I completely turned this problem into a mathematical problem?

He had always thought about using chemical theories and computer software to complete its explanation, but it was still a little short.

If he turns all those things into pure mathematics, will he find something different?

"Try it!"

Then, Lin Xiao began to change his thinking.

"Turn these things, the electronic orbitals of these titanium atoms, into numbers, this function, this wave function..."

"If you use the method above graph theory to describe it..."

Lin Xiao's heart suddenly moved: "Let me discuss the topological equivalent form when titanium atoms and aluminum atoms are combined..."

He suddenly felt that he had found a new direction.

Level 2 Chemistry isn't enough, add Level 4 Math to solve it!

In an instant, Lin Xiao felt that everything became so clear.

Just do it!

Then, two days passed again.


"Mr. Lin Xiao, you..."

"You don't need to say anything."


"I'm connecting to your node now, and I'm going to use it soon."



After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao opened his bloodshot eyes and entered Sunway TaihuLight's supercomputing software platform, and then copied the program he had sorted out after staying up all night into it.

In the last three days, he only slept for two or three hours almost every day. In addition to completing his mathematical models, he also translated these mathematical models into codes.

This is a huge project, and he completed it all by himself. Of course it was very tiring, but no matter what, he finally completed it.

"Come on, come on, I can't succeed!"

Thinking so in his mind, he clicked to start cluster computing.

Chapter 156 I figured it out

As Lin Xiao started the calculation, in an instant, lines of calculation codes appeared on his interface, just like a hacker's interface.

Lin Xiao sat quietly in front of the computer, waiting for the final result to appear.

Although Sunway TaihuLight has very powerful computing power, it still takes a certain amount of time to react to such large-scale calculations.

In particular, the pure mathematical models written by Lin Xiao are very complicated. He turns each atom into something in the form of a "graph" in graph theory, and each electron on this atom is a part of this graph. A point is like a Hamiltonian circuit.

Then, the structure between atoms is continuously constructed, starting from the unit cell, and then to a complete lattice, and more complex calculations are performed to realize the simulation calculation of the entire microstructure.

And it was in this way that Lin Xiao finally found a way to explain what happened in the process of casting this new titanium-aluminum alloy, or what the principle was, which caused the properties of the titanium alloy they produced to be higher than the theoretical properties. stronger.

That is an organic mechanism between titanium and metal bonds that has not been discovered by material scientists. When these titanium atoms are arranged in a certain order, the distribution structure of the metal bonds formed will change its overall strength, and may become worse, and may also become stronger. These mechanisms actually exist in various titanium alloys, and are not limited to the titanium alloys they produce.

Their new titanium alloy can have such strong mechanical properties that it directly exceeds the average level of titanium-aluminum alloys, only because under the guidance of Lin Xiao, or the system, they have found a method that can perfectly utilize this titanium atomic composition. The method of bond mechanism, thus enhancing the overall strength.

If they can reproduce this redness during the development of other titanium alloys, then they may be able to continue to develop a variety of stronger titanium alloys.

Of course, this is only the result calculated by Lin Xiao. Regarding its authenticity, it has yet to be verified by a supercomputer. Alloy materials, basically can only rely on luck, or conduct more in-depth research on this theory, and finally realize the leap from theory to application.

At this time, Lin Xiao probably also guessed why this new material needs so many truth points. It is very likely that this answer hides a theory that has not been known to humans.

The system told him the answer, which is equivalent to telling him the theory indirectly, and now he has deduced the theory hidden in it through the answer, which is the real value of the hidden value of nearly 40 truth points. It was dug out.

However, Lin Xiao still has some doubts at this time. If the theory he deduced is correct, why didn't the system tell him that it was correct at the first time, and then reward him?

This kind of theory is very important to the research of the entire material world and even the chemical world. No matter how you think about it, it should be worthy of a systematic reward, right?

This made him have three guesses in his mind. One is that his derivation is wrong, so the system does not reward him. The second is that his derivation is correct, but he will not be rewarded until the supercomputer calculation is successful, lest The BUG of his card system, third, is because he exchanged it with truth points, so even if he deduces it now, the system will not reward him.

If it is the first two reasons, it is acceptable, but if it is the third reason, it is a bit uncomfortable. This is equivalent to saying that a reward is gone for nothing.

I can only hope that the system can be kinder.

Lin Xiao didn't think too much anymore, quietly waiting for the final result

Because the whole process is quite complicated, only a supercomputer can complete all the simulations in a short period of time. If you use an ordinary computer, you don't know how long it will take, and Lin Xiao can't guarantee it.

In this way, time passed slowly.

During this period of time, Lin Xiao could only hear the sound of the fan in the case, but outside, the influence brought by the new titanium alloy was still expanding.


Sichuan Gas Turbine Research Institute.

The Gas Turbine Research Institute, also known as the 624th Institute, was the main research and development unit of the turbofan 15 engine.

The turbofan 15 engine is the heart of the J-[-] fighter jet. This engine is of great significance to the military of Huaguo, and even the entire Huaguo.

As its main R&D unit, Gas Turbine Research Institute is also very important.

At this moment, in the office of Jiang He, the chief designer of the turbofan 15 engine, the old man was on the phone.

"What? The Institute of Aeronautical Materials produced a titanium-aluminum alloy, which is considered to be the strongest titanium-aluminum alloy in the world?"

Jiang He showed surprise on his face, is it considered to be the strongest titanium-aluminum alloy in the world?

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