It's like designing a program. A good programmer may be able to handle a program with five lines of code, but a good programmer may not be able to handle it with more than a dozen lines of code, and eventually a bug has to be created.

This Lin Xiao is good in the field of mathematics, but why is he so good in computational materials now?

Seeing these people's astonishment, Cao Zhong couldn't help thinking that when he knew from Chen Bao that Lin Xiao was still engaged in computational materials science, didn't he look like this?

Feeling slightly emotional in his heart, he then said, "You don't need to understand some people with common sense. Lin Xiao belongs to this kind of person."

Hearing what Cao Zhong said, these people nodded immediately, feeling deeply convinced.


The funding can be approved, Cao Zhong naturally conveyed the good news to Lin Xiao and Chen Bao directly.

"500 million?" Chen Bao showed a smile on his face: "It should be possible to experiment twice, not bad."

"Hehe, don't worry, 500 million is not enough, let's apply for more."

Cao Zhong showed a smile on his face, and then said to Lin Xiao: "By the way, Lin Xiao, let's add the contact information. I will send you the project application form, and you can fill it out and hand it to me. After that, you will go through a special channel. A Funding will be approved within a week."

Lin Xiao was taken aback: "Should I apply? But I don't know how to design experiments."

"Of course you applied." Cao Zhong shook his head: "This is the material you designed. Of course you are the person in charge of this research group, so the credit belongs to you. Otherwise, those of us who are engaged in calculation materials in China will find someone to help design it. In the experiment, the main credit should be given to others, do you think there are still people who are willing to engage in computational materials science?"

Chen Bao also said with a smile: "If it's yours, you can continue. You just invite me to come to the research group to help you. Moreover, you will become the youngest person in charge of a key research project in our country at the age of 19." Ah, don't you want to try?"

Hearing what the two academicians said, Lin Xiao stopped giving way, and said, "Then please trouble Academician Cao."


a week later.

A research group on the design of a new type of titanium alloy production process was secretly established. Today, Lin Xiao, who is only 19 years old, has become the person in charge of this national key project, and the members of the research group are academicians. host.

If such a lineup is spread, it will probably attract countless people's surprise.

An academician actually works under a 19-year-old young man?

However, due to the secret nature of this project, not many people will know about it. Except for the members of the research group, there are no more than ten people who know about this research group for the time being.

For Lin Xiao and the others, they don't need others to know, all they need to do is to do their tasks well, that's all.

In this way, time passed quickly.


Chapter 154 Super-standard Titanium Aluminum Alloy


The northern hemisphere, facing the sun directly, has entered the hottest period of the year.

However, when the sun's radiant energy reaches the earth, it will also be weakened in various ways. When people feel it, it is actually less than one percent of its total radiant energy.

And for the few people who are in the State Key Laboratory of the Aeronautical Materials Research Institute at this time, the temperature brought by this one percent energy is far lower than the temperature in the vacuum electric arc furnace they are approaching now.

The temperature inside has reached nearly 2000K.

As for the casting inside, it is naturally the titanium alloy designed by Lin Xiao.

From the theoretical model to the real entity, they spent more than a month designing three sets of production processes.

The people responsible for designing these technological solutions are either academicians or Changjiang scholars, such as Academician Chen Bao of the Academy of Aeronautical Materials, or Academician Wen Changping of the Metal Research Institute... In short, they are all big names in the domestic material industry.

Of course, there are not many people, only four, but no matter what, this lineup is quite luxurious.

These four big bosses are all able to lead national key projects alone, and they went to this project together to be responsible for the design plan, which is probably only the kind of large-scale national science plan that can happen.

Lin Xiao was surprised when he learned that his project had attracted so many big shots, including Cao Zhong who invited them.

When he sent invitations to these three academicians, Changjiang, he thought it would be great if one of them could come, but in the end, all three agreed, so several big shots appeared in their small research group.

Of course, these three bigwigs are willing to come here, not only because of the importance of this subject, but also because of Lin Xiao’s name, no matter what, it’s good to get acquainted, and it takes a long time to design a production process for a material. There are still relatively few, at least compared to their own projects, which are usually a year or a half.

However, although there are many bosses, it is still difficult to design this production process.

Because of the need to use single crystal directional solidification technology, and it is still a new titanium-aluminum alloy, it is still a bit difficult for these academicians. Two of their three previous plans have failed. If the third set now If the plan is not successful, then they have to continue to design other processes, which will cost more money and time.

Therefore, they can only expect to succeed this time.

"Okay, Xiao Huang, let's get out of the oven and get ready for directional solidification."

Chen Bao greeted, and then Huang Haoran and several other graduate students came up and began to operate.

These graduate students were also called to do odd jobs. After all, some things cannot be done by the older academicians, and it is impossible for Lin Xiao, the person in charge, to do it. Graduate students called over, of course, they all signed non-disclosure agreements.

Upon hearing the tutor's greeting, these graduate students quickly went up, then turned on the furnace, and then began to operate according to the steps of directional solidification.

Directional solidification pays attention to a temperature gradient, so as to avoid the turbulent flow of the internal liquid during the solidification process of the molten metal, and finally affect the performance after solidification and molding.

In addition, there are other details, which are the key to ensuring that they can do it.

In this way, when the time passed slowly, they finally took out several titanium alloy rods from the solidification furnace.

The shimmering metallic luster on the surface made everyone present look forward to their performance later.

"Okay, let's go to the performance test."

After Chen Bao finished speaking, they left the casting laboratory and returned to the testing laboratory next door.

Put one of the titanium alloy rods in the stretching machine and lock it in place, and then continue to increase the force.

"100MPa, 200MPa..."

Until finally, they tested the maximum tensile strength.


When this number came out, everyone present was shocked.

"Damn it! What's going on here? Why is it so much higher than the theoretical value?!"

"Isn't the theoretical value only over 700?"

These academicians feel incredible, and if it is more than 700 tensile strength, this is in line with their original idea.

At present, the highest tensile strength of titanium alloy is 1764MPa, but that kind of titanium alloy is not titanium aluminum alloy, but other precious metals, and the density of precious metals is generally relatively high, which is not suitable for aerospace.

Titanium-aluminum alloy is regarded as one of the best materials for aerospace, because the proportion of aluminum alloy in it is relatively high, which greatly reduces its density, which in turn greatly reduces its weight. Generally speaking, titanium The tensile strength of aluminum alloy is basically between 400-700.

As a result, the tensile strength of their new titanium-aluminum alloy has reached more than 900 MPa. Isn't this a rhythm against the sky?

When the tensile strength reached over 700 just now, the first thought of these academicians was that it was stable, and they finally succeeded, but now the second thought appeared in their minds, maybe the test data was wrong?

But obviously, it's impossible to go wrong, so in this case... an unexpected surprise?

It's like fighting monsters to the end and finding that the boss has flashed, and it's still a double yolk egg? !

Immediately, they looked at Lin Xiao next to him, wondering what the designer thought.

However, what surprised them all was that Lin Xiao just watched the scene quietly, without any surprise expression on his face.

In fact, he still has some regrets in his heart. According to the data given by the system, the strength can actually go up by about 100MPa, directly reaching the level above 1000MPa.

After all, this is something he spent so many truth points on, and it would be too much if he couldn't break a few records.

However, it may be because of process problems or errors in the production process that it is so much lower.

However, the problem is not too big. The gap in craftsmanship can be gradually corrected in the future. Now that it has reached this level, it can be regarded as meeting expectations. At least, he has proved that his calculations are correct.

It also has to be correct.

He came back to his senses, glanced at those who were looking over, and said with a smile: "Let's discuss these things later. No matter how you say it, this is a surprise. Let's do other tests now."

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, several academicians let go of their surprise, as Lin Xiao said, this is also a surprise.

At the same time, they also admired Lin Xiao's calm state of mind.

As the person who designed this material, as an ordinary person, I am afraid that I can't help myself, even academicians like them, God knows how much help such a powerful titanium alloy material can bring to their future military technology .

The turbine blades, compressor blades, etc. of fighter jet engines can directly use this brand-new material, and their engine thrust-to-weight ratio may directly become the strongest among fighter jets.

All in all, this brand new material will bring countless possibilities.

Thinking of these futures, they can't wait to see other properties of this titanium alloy.

Then, other tests continue to start.

Now they are only testing the properties at room temperature, and the performance at high temperatures is the most critical.

However, seeing the performance of this material at room temperature and the results at high temperatures, it goes without saying.

Sure enough, as the results of the high-temperature test came out, this new titanium alloy once again showed shocking capabilities.

Whether it is high-temperature structural strength or creep resistance, etc., they all show the ability of top-level materials.

It's a pity that they don't have professional equipment here, otherwise they all want to simulate the performance of this material in the high temperature and complex stress environment where the turbine blade is located.

But in any case, judging from its current performance, it is no problem at all to be able to function as a turbo blade!And it's not just 'no problem', it's much, much better.

Known as the jewel in the crown of the material industry, it was born in their hands!

And it's the brightest one.

Although I don't know how the United States is using the materials on fighter jet turbine blades, they are now confident that they are definitely not as good as their materials.

Even, considering the recyclable first-stage rocket that Huaguo is developing, it may not be a problem to use this titanium-aluminum alloy on it.

At this moment, these academicians felt very fortunate in their hearts, thankful that Cao Zhong did not refuse when Cao Zhong invited them to come, and was able to participate in such a cause.

Then, they looked at Lin Xiao again.

The young man just smiled, but he didn't show too much joy.

This made them feel sincere admiration again. Lin Xiao didn't show much joy just now, probably because he wanted to see other test results come out, but now that all the main test results have come out, he is still so calm, This is probably the realm of not being happy with things and not being sad with oneself, and forgetting both favor and disgrace?

It is no wonder that after making so many achievements, he can continue to achieve breakthroughs, from mathematics to today's materials science.

As for the graduate students of Chen Bao who were present, they didn't know what to say.

Before, they called Boss Chen Bao, because Chen Bao’s project gave them money, but now, within a few months, they ran into Lin Xiao’s project again, and Lin Xiao paid them wages, and they wanted to call Boss Lin Xiao again up.

This change caught them off guard.

In addition, they also thought that computational materials science was just an aid, and it was not orthodox compared to experiments, but looking at it now, it is simply nonsense!

Look at Lin Xiao, who started to study computational materials in March, and now in July, it has only been more than four months, and then he backhand designed a material that can be used as a turbine blade, and look at the properties——

This is simply cheating, even more than cheating!

They just want to say now, I want to learn computing materials!

"We did it."

Chen Bao said with a sigh.

"Yes, it worked." Academician Wen Changping also nodded.

I don't know who gave the first applause, then the second applause, the third applause, and finally, the laboratory was full of applause. Everyone looked at Lin Xiao and congratulated him.

Lin Xiao also applauded to express his gratitude for their congratulations.

Chapter 155 Lin Xiao wants to defy the sky

As the designer of the theoretical model of this metal, Lin Xiao's contribution is undoubtedly the greatest. Without this model, no matter how powerful they are academicians, it is impossible to know what the structure and model of this material look like out of thin air.

This is computational simulation, and sometimes it's outrageous, but sometimes it can surprise people.

At this time, these academicians can basically guess how much impact it will have on the field of computing materials once the news spreads.

Although it is impossible to spread the details due to confidentiality, more people will inevitably know about such a titanium alloy in the future. After all, this material will be used in the engine in the future. At that time, people in the industry will pay a little attention. After a while, you can probably know that the turbofan blades of their Huaguo turbine engine need to be replaced with a stronger material, and then after inquiring, this material is calculated by using the method of calculating materials, and I am afraid that more people will go to it. Learn computational materials.

In this way, Lin Xiao can almost be regarded as the advocate of computational materials science in China, although there is a high probability that no one will know him for a long time.

Even academicians such as them have an idea of ​​developing computational materials science in their hearts at this time. No matter what, Lin Xiao has shown them the ultimate role of computational materials science today, which is to directly predict a material. structure model.

This is also the high hope given by people at the beginning of the birth of computational materials science.

"However, having said that, Lin Xiao, why is there such a big gap between your calculation results and our actual results?"

At this time, Chen Bao suddenly asked.

"Probably an error?"

Another Changjiang scholar said.

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