Slowly, the audience applauded.

The applause was continuous and lasted for half a minute before it ended.

Professor Viana called a staff member and said to him: "This blackboard is in sight, no one is allowed to wipe it, and then take it back to IMPA directly as an exhibition."

Of course, the staff knew what the chairman of the conference meant. The importance of this conjecture is obviously very high. After all, it is a kind of "bridge" conjecture, not just to solve a problem, such as proving Goldbach's conjecture. It just proves that all even numbers Both can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers. What is important is what new theory is developed in the process of proving this problem, and after proving this problem that can be named "Lin's conjecture", it can give other theories research is of great help.

Therefore, the importance of Lin's conjecture can be seen, and the blackboard on which Lin Xiao personally wrote this question may also become a cultural relic in the mathematics world for everyone to admire in the future.

So the staff member nodded, and immediately fixed his eyes on the blackboard. Anyone who wants to touch it later has to ask him if he agrees.

Including Lin Xiao, who knows if Lin Xiao will just wipe it off later?

Of course, Lin Xiao didn't have this idea.

Since no one has any questions, his report is over.

Afterwards, he solemnly bowed to everyone again, and then said: "Then, thank you all for coming here to listen to my report. At the end, I would also like to express my gratitude to Professor Pompieri for solving this problem for me." Provided enough help."

After speaking, he nodded towards Professor Pompieri, who also smiled at him.

The applause also grew louder, and everyone did not rush to get up and leave, but expressed their praise for what could be called a perfect report.

This report will probably be unforgettable for everyone.

At the same time, it will also become one of the most influential reports in this International Congress of Mathematicians.

In the future, when all talents inquire about the history of the 'Lin's Conjecture', they will see that it was proposed in the report of the 2018 International Congress of Mathematicians.

And Lin Xiao did not forget to leave the stage to thank Professor Pompieri again. Then, he looked at the professor who asked him the question just now, and asked, "Are you Professor Deligne?"

Deligne nodded with a smile: "Yes, Pierre Deligne, Professor Pompieri and I are colleagues."

"Oh! I see." Lin Xiao nodded.

No wonder, just now he said that his teacher was Grothendieck, and no wonder he was so excited just now.

Grothendieck is the founder of modern algebraic geometry, and he is also a top mathematician in the world. As Grothendieck's proud disciple, Deligne's achievements in algebraic geometry are naturally quite huge.

The Weil conjecture it proves is an important issue in algebraic geometry, because it proves the Riemann conjecture on the elliptic curve. Its proof also provides a huge foundation for the development of the framework of algebraic geometry and number theory. contribute.

And Lin Xiao's conjecture is very important to the theoretical research of algebraic geometry, so Deligne is so excited, because it means that the algebraic geometry pioneered by his teacher once again has a sufficiently important research direction.

"Young man, come on, I hope I can see you in more places in the future." Deligne reached out and patted him on the shoulder, encouraging him.

"Thank you Professor."

Lin Xiao thanked with a smile.

Chapter 111 Huge Influence, Lin's Conjecture Shakes the Mathematics World

After that, Lin Xiao continued to get acquainted with several other famous professors, including Professor Sarnak and Professor Wiles. It was also the first time he met Professor Sarnak. He was very grateful to Professor Naker for his evaluation of his thesis.

Professor Wiles complained a few words about Deligne's interruption of his speech just now, but Lin Xiao also learned the mantra of Professor Wiles from several other professors.

That is "When I proved Fermat's Last Theorem...".

Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry about this, but it was understandable. After all, Wiles was also the only person who was awarded the Fields Special Award, and it was understandable that he often mentioned this matter.

Moreover, the reason why Wiles is so proud of this achievement is also related to his fate with Fermat's last theorem, because he has been exposed to Fermat's last theorem since he was 10 years old, and then he thought that he would be able to complete the pair one day. The proof of this problem, and until he was 41 years old, he finally fulfilled his childhood dream.

I believe that for anyone, such an achievement is something worth commemorating for a lifetime.

While they were chatting, several people around came up and started chatting with Lin Xiao, and two of them were the two Fields Medal winners of this International Congress of Mathematicians.

Obviously, Lin Xiao's performance in today's report made them willing to take the initiative to know him.

Other people around looked at them, and couldn't help but envy Lin Xiaolai. He was able to have intimate conversations with so many big cows. Generally speaking, there was only one other big cow.

But Lin Xiao is still not a big cow. This matter is another matter, but for all of them, Lin Xiao's age has already determined his status in the future academic circles, and he will not be very low.

Like Professor Wiles said just now, 'Professor Lin of the future'.

Maybe it will become a future Philippine Award winner in the future?


In the middle of the auditorium, a dozen students looked at Lin Xiao who was chatting with other famous mathematicians at the front, as if they were looking at a fairy.

"Did Lin Shen come up with a conjecture?" an undergraduate asked blankly.

"Yes, it's a conjecture, and a very important one at that."

Another doctoral student nodded, his tone full of disbelief: "Algebraic geometry bridges the gap between algebra and geometry, and the modern algebraic geometry laid down by Grothendieck unifies mathematics in a certain sense, and Lin Shen's Conjecture, it will make this unification a step further."

"This is a thorough connection between functions and geometry..."

Listening to the senior's words, the others didn't understand it. Obviously, not all of them studied algebraic geometry.

"I can only say awesome 666."

"A new conjecture... Lin Shen just solved Zhou's conjecture and the distribution law of Mersenne prime numbers, then turned around and proposed a new conjecture, and asked that Professor Deligne to thank him for raising this question... What am I It would be nice to have one-tenth of Lin Shen in time."

"Don't give up one-tenth, one percent is enough."

"Hey, is the gap between people so big?"

They all sighed, especially considering Lin Xiao's age, he hadn't even gone to college yet.

If he went to college again, he would be like a full-level boss entering Novice Village.

I don't know how much pressure the students who will be classmates with Lin Xiao will be.

"There is not much difference between man and man, but there is a great gap between man and God."

Someone comforted me.

"……makes sense."

At this time, Dean Yuan Ya greeted: "Okay, everyone is ready to go."

These students all responded, and then began to pack their things. To show that they were listening carefully, basically everyone brought a notebook, but obviously they didn't write down anything useful.

Secretary-General Gong Zhou asked at this time: "Don't we need to wait for Lin Xiao?"

"No need to wait, depending on his situation, he probably has to have a drink with those professors later."

Yuan Ya pointed to the front and waved his hand, "Those foreigners like this."

"Oh." Gong Zhou nodded, but still looked forward, and couldn't help saying, "It's really worrying."

Yuan Ya was taken aback, and asked, "What are you worried about?"

"What if Lin Xiao is abducted by them to go abroad? It would be a loss to our domestic mathematics community. It is hard to produce such a talent..."

Yuan Ya was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "We can't handle this kind of thing."

When Gong Zhou heard this, he also sighed.


Regarding the domestic environment, each of them knows what the situation is, but because of the environment, no one can change the situation.

After all, people are free. Like the former Soviet Union, some scientists in the former Soviet Union won the Nobel Prize, but they were also banned from accepting the prize by the Soviet authorities. Of course, this does not rule out that it is to protect their scientists and avoid being shot in the back after going abroad. Gun suicide.

But to outsiders, it is obviously a stupid way for the government to prevent people from receiving honors, especially in modern times.

Therefore, it is impossible for the country to ask people in the country to return to the country.

"Just trust him for now."

Yuan Ya shook his head: "Even if you go abroad for a while, just remember to come back."

"Maybe he went out again after he came back?"

At this time, Xu Chen next to him said something.

Yuan Ya smiled and said: "They are all willing to come back, which means that the heart is still in the country."

"It also depends on whether the domestic environment can satisfy the people who come back."

Hearing what Xu Chen said, Yuan Ya shook his head, and didn't say much, because walls have ears.


Time passes quickly.

The news about this report was quickly spread.

The final determination of the distribution law of Mersenne prime numbers has made people who have done research on related topics feel a sense of emotion. When they first studied this problem, almost every one of them was overwhelmed by the simple but annoying 2^p-1 It has been bothering me before, but now, this problem has finally been solved. For many people, this is even a solution to one of their knots.

As for GIMPS, the Internet Mersenne Prime Number Search Project, the appearance of this paper also announces that their project can come to an end, because then only need to input it into the computer according to the theory in Lin Xiao’s paper , and then the computer will be able to determine the numbers one by one, and they will no longer need to be completely lucky as usual. They will have enough time to discover larger Mersenne primes, including those that slipped through the net.

So only a week later, a fish that slipped through the net was discovered, and a larger Mersenne prime was also successfully discovered. This new prime number is 2^82589933-1, with a total of more than 480 million digits , which is more than 160 million digits more than the one originally found.

The discovery of these two new Mersenne primes by GIMPS is also the most powerful proof of Lin Xiao's achievements. After all, in this short period of time, he discovered two of them using his theory without encountering any problems, which is enough. It shows that his theory is correct.

Of course, Lin Xiao's Lin's group transformation method has also been unanimously praised by many participating mathematicians, and said that this method has provided a certain boost for the study of the Langlands program, especially for the modular form theory. The application has made many mathematicians shine.

The biggest highlight of this meeting was naturally the conjecture that Lin Xiao put forward at the end.

All functions can be converted into the form of "layers" in geometry. This news has spread throughout the entire mathematical community almost immediately after the report, and immediately caused an earthquake in the mathematical community.

The status of algebraic geometry in contemporary mathematics is quite high, especially after Grothendieck laid the foundation of modern algebraic geometry.

Just looking at the reasons for each Fields Medal winner, we know that almost every year there will be a winner who receives this award due to his breakthrough in the field of algebraic geometry, such as Schultz among the winners of this year.

There are also quite a few mathematicians who study algebraic geometry.

Therefore, Lin Xiao's conjecture directly made each of them very excited, because they all seemed to see the direction of the future.

Therefore, those masters who study algebraic geometry, those who did not come to the International Conference of Mathematicians, directly downloaded Lin Xiao's paper, and at the same time there was a photo of his small blackboard. Looking at Lin Xiao's paper, it is In order to understand how he raised this question, the essence of the question is naturally on that small blackboard.

Afterwards, these bigwigs began to study this issue one after another, and many of them even put down the problem in hand.

However, after a few days of in-depth research, they found that this problem did not seem to be so easy to solve.

They racked their brains to prove that K=1, but no one succeeded.

However, although they can't prove it, they can directly use the form of K=1, directly substitute this result into the function they want to convert, and convert it into a layer form, and the result is just as Lin Xiao predicted. They succeeded, they succeeded in converting the function into a layer form.

But the problem is, because there is no proof of this theory, even if they convert it, they cannot guarantee that the converted function layer is really the original function. Who knows if its essence has changed.

For example, Doraemon's shrinking tunnel, who can guarantee that the big bear that passes through the shrinking tunnel will still be the original big bear after shrinking?

This requires proof.

But no matter what, people will treat it as established for the time being, and then directly start using this function after converting to a layer.

Just like the Riemann Hypothesis, it is first assumed that it is true, and then other theories have been developed. So far, more than 1000 theorems have appeared, but only when the Riemann Hypothesis is proved successful can these "false" theorems be upgraded to "true" theorems.

It is precisely because of this that these mathematicians have made a high evaluation of Lin's conjecture.

Including Professor Deligne, who was interviewed by a media just a few days after the report ended.

"Viscount Deligne, how do you evaluate this Lin's conjecture?"

"I have to admit that Lin's conjecture has brought more possibilities to our algebraic geometry. I believe that in the next ten years, researching this problem will become the mainstream of our algebraic geometry field."

Chapter 112 Interview with Professor Deligne

"Oh? By saying that, do you think that no one will solve this problem within ten years?"

"That's not true." Deligne smiled and said a larger number: "25 years, I think it will take at least 25 years. I also studied this problem a few days ago, and it is not difficult. low, high."

"Why 25 years?"

"Because the Weil conjecture was proposed in 1949, and I completed the proof in 1974, which happens to be 25 years."

"It seems that you think Lin's conjecture is no less difficult than the Weil conjecture you proved."

"Haha, no one can explain the difficulty of the conjecture, but in terms of the importance of the conclusion, Lin's conjecture is probably no lower than Weil's conjecture."

"So that's the case, then I'll ask you another question, how do you evaluate this Lin Xiao?"

"Evaluate Lin Xiao... Well, to borrow a sentence from Professor Pompieri, his mathematical talent should be recorded in the annals of history in the mathematics world. Every time I think of him now, I can't help but feel sorry for him." I am so surprised that even the mathematical geniuses that I can think of in history, I am afraid that there are only geniuses like Gauss, Euler, Riemann, etc., so I believe that as long as Lin Xiao can continue to study in mathematics, he will reach An unbelievable situation, at least I can't imagine it now."

"It seems that you have a really high opinion of him, but do you think that if he has been studying in Huaguo, he can develop to the level you said?"

Hearing this question, Deligne frowned, glanced at the interviewer, and asked, "Why not?"

Seeing that Deligne was a little angry, the interviewer could only give up asking such malicious questions.

However, this interview was still published. The title is "A Mathematical Genius Comparable to Gauss and Euler". This media is quite famous in Europe and America. When many people saw this title, they couldn't help I was curious, and after reading it, I also admired Lin Xiao.

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