There is nothing else to say except to say how awesome and admired.

In front, Professor Pompieri and the others saw that Lin Xiao started the proof smoothly, and they also admired Lin Xiao at this time.

"This young man cannot be understood with common sense."

"Wiles, it seems that your problem has been solved by others."

Andrew Wiles shook his head and said, "Actually, I knew how to solve this problem at the beginning, so I can only say yes, we solved it together."

"In addition, I also considered this issue at the time, and it has something to do with 'layers'."


As a master of algebraic geometry, Deligne is too familiar with this term.

"Yes." Andrew Wiles nodded: "I was proving Fermat's last theorem..."

"Stop, when you talk in the future, please don't always add the time when you proved Fermat's last theorem." Deligne couldn't stand it anymore, this guy had to mention this matter no matter what he said.

"But I did prove Fermat's last theorem." Wiles spread his hands.

Deligne: "I also proved the Weil conjecture."

"I didn't stop you from talking."

Deligne: "...All right, you say it, you say it."

Only then did Wiles nodded in satisfaction, and said: "When I proved Fermat's Last Theorem, I did some research on this thing, and then I encountered another problem that this young man is solving at this time." One form, I have a guess in my mind that all functions can be converted into layers."

"Can all functions be converted into layers?" Deligne frowned, and after a short thought, suddenly raised his brows: "It seems to be possible."

"Yes, but it's just a hunch," said Andrew Wiles. "It's not even a guess."

Deligne shook his head: "It seems that after looking back, it's worth my investigation."

"Okay, let's look at our reporter, his results have come out."

At this time, Wiles said with a smile.

Several people looked up.

Lin Xiao has already written the last few steps on the blackboard.

【So ψ(S0) is less than or equal to (1+logS0)S0...】

[In summary, it is proved that (S0)^2 is less than or equal to c(LM)^1/2. 】

After writing this, it's time for Lin Xiao to stop.

The people in the audience also suddenly realized at this time, and some people couldn't help applauding.

This kind of proof is really wonderful, because Lin Xiao actually used the knowledge in algebraic geometry in the process, and realized the transformation of the problem into geometry to solve it.

Although Lin Xiao's research on algebraic geometry is not in-depth, he also read the book on algebraic geometry at the beginning, and he has fully mastered most of the basic knowledge in it, so he uses this mathematical dimension to solve this problem. It's not difficult.

However, when everyone thought that he should turn around at this time, they were surprised to find that Lin Xiao seemed to be lost in thought while looking at the process on the blackboard.

Chapter 1 A New Conjecture: Lin's Conjecture

Seeing Lin Xiaona's stopped pen and the way he was thinking, everyone was puzzled, what was he thinking?

As a result, the applause sounded quickly and stopped quickly.

People didn't bother Lin Xiao, just like they didn't disturb Lin Xiao just now when he was thinking about the question raised by Wiles.

However, people found that this time Lin Xiao seemed to think longer than before.

what happened?

1 minute passed, 2 minutes passed.

At this time, according to the time, the field report has already been full for an hour.

However, the staff next to him did not go up to disturb him, because not far away, Professor Wiana, the chairman of the organizing committee, stopped him.

Any genius-like inspiration is born in an instant.

As a bystander, what you can do is to give these geniuses more time and then believe him.

For Professor Wiana, he didn't trust Lin Xiao at the beginning, thinking that Lin Xiao was doing something, but after listening to this report, he has already changed his mind. Such a genius should never use Common sense to try to figure out.

In this way, about 5 minutes passed.

Everyone also waited quietly for 5 minutes.

At this time, Lin Xiao finally moved.

He took out his pen and started writing on the blackboard.

But with the appearance of his previous expressions, the gazes of Wiles and Deligne shrank.

Lin Xiao... also found out? !

"What is he doing?"

Professor Sanak next to him couldn't help asking at this time.

"This is the layer."

Deligne stared at Lin Xiao's steps closely: "Yes, that's it... This step, my God, he can think of such a transformation! It's actually a modular form!"


Even Professor Andrew Wiles murmured, "Why didn't I think of it when I proved Fermat's Last Theorem?"

Deligne didn't bother to pay attention to Wiles' mention of Fermat's last theorem again.

He has already started to follow Lin Xiao's steps in his mind.

And he had no choice but to marvel.

Lin Xiao, on the other hand, didn't write much on the blackboard, only six simple lines.

But at this point, he put down his pen, and then he glanced at the last few lines quietly.


He took a long breath, then turned his head and faced all the audience again.

The audience off the field, either frowning, thinking about the steps on his blackboard, or looking blank, as if asking "what happened", and some people have fallen asleep.

However, Lin Xiao just smiled, looked at Professor Wiles again, and said, "Professor Wiles, I have solved your problem."

"However, when I listened to Professor Lahore's report on the geometry of the modulus space of curves yesterday, when I think about this question again, I got a result that surprised me."

"As you can see, I transformed ψ(S0) into this function layer through modular formalization."

"However, this is clearly a special case."

"Therefore, I have a guess now, as long as we generalize this special case, that is, deduce that it can be established in the form of k=1, then any function can be converted into the form of layers."

"Weil was eager to find the 'Rosetta Stone' between algebra and geometry. Today, his Rosetta Stone has become our geometric Langlands program, and in the process of studying it, 'layer' has become A wonderful way, and if we can convert any function to a layer, so I believe that the gap in the geometric Langlands program will be bridged by us a small but strong enough bridge."

"This is my vision for the future."

"So, the topic is a bit far away, that's it, then, does anyone have any questions?"

He smiled and looked around the auditorium, but he thought of Professor Wiles again, so he turned his head again, "Oh, by the way, sorry Professor Wiles, do you have any questions about my proof? "

At this moment, Professor Wiles in the audience was silent.

He quietly looked at the last six lines of formulas on the blackboard, recalling what Lin Xiao said just now, and then he said: "No, I am very satisfied with your answer."

"Thank you then." Lin Xiao nodded.

But at this time, Wiles said again: "However, the future Professor Lin, I think the conjecture you put forward is more attractive than this question. I proved Fermat..."


Deligne really can't stand this kind of critical moment, and Wiles actually wants to talk about his glorious moment again, it's just as hateful as the novelist who writes the hydrology immediately before writing the critical point.

So he interrupted Wiles, stood up without using a microphone, and said directly: "This new guess you put forward has found a new direction for our algebraic geometry."

"In the past, we all thought that we couldn't convert all functions into layers naturally, only certain functions allowed us to do so, and we all know that when functions are converted into layers, they will carry these functional forms that cannot express A lot of information came out, and that information will help us a lot."

"Most of the functions in the Langlands program can be transformed into layers, but some of them cannot be transformed into layers. The guess you put forward will allow us to make a breakthrough in this part."

"This is definitely a very important proposal for modern algebraic geometry. It will open up the direction of our algebraic geometry and make greater contributions to unified mathematics."

"So, I would like to ask if you have any other thoughts on this issue?"

Lin Xiao looked at the professor. He didn't know who this professor was, but he seemed quite powerful.

He shook his head and said: "Sorry, as you can see, I just deduced this problem just now, and it's just a guess now. In addition, I don't have much research on algebraic geometry. If you let me If I solve it, there may be no way."

"Even if I have a brilliant way to prove it, there isn't much space left on this blackboard, so forget it."

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Is this a tribute to Fermat?

When Fermat proposed Fermat's last theorem, he wrote "I am sure I have discovered a wonderful proof method, but unfortunately the blank space here is too small to write", so this question stumped the mathematics circles. It took many years to be proved by Wiles.

Deligne also smiled, without any regrets, and said: "Then congratulations, young man, you not only solved a problem that has stumped the mathematics world for more than 2000 years for us today, but also helped us once again. The algebraic geometry community proposed a new goal, and this goal will probably be called Lin’s conjecture in the future.”

"On behalf of my teacher Grothendieck, and André Weil, I would like to thank you!"

1 Chapter [-] The curtain call of the perfect report

When Deligne spoke, the staff also handed him a microphone, so his voice was heard by everyone in the field.

Immediately, the people in the arena fell into surprise again.



Lin Xiao put forward a conjecture, and then can it provide a new breakthrough direction for the geometric Langlands program?

Even those who didn't understand before were all in shock at this moment.

What is a contribution to the mathematics community?

This is called contributing!

The Mersenne prime numbers solved by Lin Xiao before and the Lin's group transformation method proposed by him are outstanding contributions to the mathematics community, because the Lin's group transformation method can firstly provide a solution for many related types of problems. It is unknown how many new achievements will be made in the future, all of which are obtained with the help of Lin's group transformation method.

That is to say, many professors on the field have received a lot of inspiration, and they are going to go back and continue to read Lin Xiao's thesis, and then find a direction for their future topics.

And now this new conjecture put forward by Lin Xiao is a huge contribution to the mathematics community.

The emergence of any conjecture will add some impetus to the mathematics world, just like the Riemann conjecture, the appearance of the Riemann conjecture has brought a lot of help to the development of the mathematics community, although it has not been proved yet , but there are more than a thousand propositions obtained just by assuming that the Riemann conjecture is established. Once the Riemann conjecture is established, these propositions will be promoted to theorems.

The conjecture proposed by Lin Xiao may not be as important as the Riemann conjecture, which has attracted researchers in various fields of mathematics to devote their energy to research, but it still excites mathematics professors who study geometry.

If all functions can be represented by layers, it will be of great help to what they study, especially those who study the geometric Langlands program, at this time they all picked up their mobile phones , took a picture of what Lin Xiao wrote on the small blackboard, and waited to go back and study it.

As long as it can be established under the form of K=1, then this may be an achievement that will make them famous for thousands of years, and it will also leave a strong mark in the field of geometry.

Even when everyone learns this in the future, they will not be able to avoid this conclusion, and their names will be remembered by everyone, of course, including Lin Xiao's name. After all, when this conjecture is proved, it will become Lin Xiao's name. 's theorem.

Of course, it is still a question of whether it can be proved successful, but what if it is not difficult to prove it?

It's all here, you can't even try it?

At the same time, Lin Xiao on the stage was slightly taken aback after hearing Deligne's words.


Yes, this is indeed a conjecture.

And named after his own surname.

He couldn't help but smile on his face, sounds cool?

Then he said modestly: "You are too serious, I just put forward a conjecture, if you want to thank, thank the future prover."

"Hehe, no one has asked the question, how can anyone solve the problem?" Deligne shook his head and said: "If Copernicus hadn't proposed that the world revolves around the sun, how could there be future generations to prove this What about the facts? Mathematics has only developed to this day in the process of discovering and solving problems one by one.”

Hearing the old professor's words, Lin Xiao's face showed contemplation. After a while, he nodded and said, "I see."

Seeing Lin Xiao nodding, Deligne smiled slightly, and then clapped his hands again.

Driven by his applause, the others also applauded one after another.

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