He looked over and found that Lin Xiao had walked to the front, handed the paper to Teacher Ding Ping, and left the examination room with his schoolbag.

In the examination room, most people couldn't help raising their heads to look at Lin Xiao, feeling shocked in their hearts.

Someone really finished writing half an hour earlier?

Are you kidding me? !

This paper is obviously quite difficult, okay?

Could it be that it was badly placed and could not be written?

But when they looked again, the person who handed in the paper in advance was Lin Xiao, a well-known mathematician, which made them give up that guess.

Will this kind of mathematician be bad?

Obviously impossible.

Ever since, the masters in the first examination room all felt an experience like a dimensionality reduction blow.

Jiang Jie gritted his teeth, thinking that Lin Xiao was just lucky and found his way of thinking relatively quickly, and he himself has written the last question now.

He always thinks that he is the math No.1 in the class.

He stopped paying attention to this matter, looked down at the paper again, and started to write. He also has to hand in the paper in advance. He is also confident that he will get 150 points for this paper. At that time, everyone will get 150 points. Do you want to hand in the paper in advance? It doesn't make sense.

Of course, other people didn't have Jiang Jie's desire to win, so after the initial shock and admiration, they continued to write their own questions honestly. For them, they didn't seek speed, only scores.

Just like that, calm was restored in the examination room.

However, Ding Ping, who was sitting on the podium, looked at his answer sheet after Lin Xiao handed in the paper.

He just said that he could hand in the paper in advance, and he said it to Lin Xiao. Anyway, Lin Xiao had already finished writing, so he might as well hand in the paper early and leave.

Of course, he didn't say this sentence when he was proctoring the exam before, but the reason why he said it now is to read Lin Xiao's paper.

He wanted to see how Lin Xiao did the previous questions and see if he was all right.

And if Lin Xiao waited until two hours had passed before handing it in, then he could only read it when it was time to correct the test paper.

Soon, he finished matching Lin Xiao's answer sheets.

And the facts were not as he expected, "Sure enough, they are all correct. This student's mathematical talent is really good."

He couldn't help thinking: "Ask their homeroom teacher today why they are so talented and don't come to participate in competition training."

This is more likely than that Jiang Jie won the provincial second prize.

Chapter 8 Grade [-]st

Lin Xiao didn't know that he had already been spotted by the invigilator. Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

The exam continued on the second day, and Lin Xiao still performed well in the comprehensive science in the morning.

This is actually the first time for them to do science comprehensive papers, because they only completed the first round of review last semester, and before that they were all subject-based exams.

It is the first time to do a comprehensive examination paper, which is a challenge for senior high school students who are used to sub-subject examinations. After all, there are many questions and a large number, and the time is only two and a half hours. Compared with the original 100-minute examination time for a single subject, two and a half The time of one and a half hours is obviously much less.

Most students will basically feel uncomfortable at the beginning, and they can't even finish the questions, and their scores will directly stretch their hips, which is far worse than when they take separate exams.

Therefore, Lin Xiao was not like mathematics in the exam. He could finish it long in advance. He only finished the last biology question in the last 10 minutes.

However, compared to the level that the surrounding students have not even finished, Lin Xiao's ability to finish it still shows that his knowledge level and application ability are far beyond the past, and he is also confident that he can get more than 251 points.

This is all because his review of physics and chemistry students has gradually improved.

Although the combined knowledge of these three subjects is much more than that of mathematics, and there are still many things to memorize, Lin Xiao has not reviewed them completely, but I believe that he will be able to complete his one in about two months. One round of review, and then a second round of review, and at the same time keep up with the second and third rounds of review given to them by the teacher in class. Even if all the knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology in high school is completed, Lin Xiao has no doubt that he can score 280 or 290 in the exam. Above, even full marks.

After the comprehensive exam, it was the turn of the English exam in the afternoon, which brought Lin Xiao a surprise.

The system enhanced the development of his brain by 0.5%, that is to say, the connection frequency between neurons in his brain increased by 0.5% of the limit, reaching 2.7%, and then brought him two-way memory and thinking enhanced.

You know, he was only 2.2% before, but now he has directly increased it by 0.5%. In terms of proportion, this has directly increased by nearly 23%.

Others may not know the extent of the 23% enhancement, but Lin Xiao got a personal experience in this English test.

For example, in listening comprehension, after hearing the English dialogue on the radio, he can quickly think of the words he has learned, and his memory of the words he has learned has also deepened a lot. When writing English compositions , He can also quickly relate to various sentence patterns, even some wonderful sentences in textbook articles.

When he finished writing the composition, he was full of confidence and felt that he would definitely get a high score in this wave.

In the past, he used to score high points in his composition in English, but now, he is confident of getting a high score of 20 or above.

Just like that, at five o'clock on Saturday afternoon, as the bell rang for the end of the exam, the first mock exam of Jincheng Middle School's senior year ended.

After the exam is over, the teachers of the third year of high school will work overtime the next day to complete all the papers and give the grades.

Therefore, teachers in the third year of high school are actually quite hard, and they are not at all easier than the students.

The students have a day off, some go home, some stay in school, of course, some people will play directly, but Lin Xiao has not stopped learning at all.

No way, the assistant made him feel how happy learning is.

After all, anyone can feel happy when a math problem that was impossible to solve before can be easily solved now.

Just like a game, if the game level is moderately difficult and challenging, anyone will like this kind of game, and if the game is too difficult, it will obviously not attract players to play.

And during this rest day, in order to verify his previous ideas, Lin Xiao began to try to find ways to prove other theorems he had learned, whether they were learned in high school or advanced mathematics.

But the final result made him feel regretful. After completing the proof of Lagrange's median theorem with the integral method, he only got 1 point of mathematical experience and 0.5 truth points, and then went to prove other basic theorem formulas. You can no longer gain experience.

This made him guess that for some similar and difficult problems, the system will not provide too many rewards, so it can be considered as the limit to give him 3 experience points and 1.5 truth points now.

Although it is a pity, it is also expected.


In this way, the time came to Sunday night, because Lin Xiaozhi had to go to school because of the evening self-study.

When he arrived at the school, he saw the students in the class gathered around the podium, seeming to be looking at something.

Lin Xiao knew that what they were looking at was the test scores.

Because there were too many people, he was too lazy to squeeze and went straight to his seat.

However, he suddenly felt that the people around him were looking at him strangely, which made him a little baffled.

At this time, Chen Ang saw him coming, and immediately yelled: "Fuck, Lin Shen is here!"

Lin Xiao asked in a daze, "What did you say?"

What forest god?

"Damn it, you are number one in this grade, do you know that?!"

"I am the first in grade?" Lin Xiao suddenly showed surprise on his face.

He really didn't expect that he would get the first place in his grade in this way. He originally estimated that the top five in the grade would be enough.

"Yeah, your total score is 677 directly, and No.2 is Jiang Jie, who only scored 641." Chen Ang said: "Also, how did you pass the comprehensive test? 258! There are so many questions, I directly I feel that I can’t finish writing, and many questions are written in a hurry.”

Lin Xiao spread his hands: "Just finished writing like that. I used to get 250 points in three subjects, but now I only got [-] points."

"I used to be able to score 223 points when I was divided into three subjects, but this time I just collapsed, only 35 points, you are 142 points higher than me! And your math is handed in half an hour earlier, but this time I got full marks again, and I got [-] in English." Chen Ang said exaggeratedly: "You have changed, Gouzi, and you agreed to sit in the last row together, how did you sneak up on the throne of God in the first row? !"

Chapter 9 Mathematics Competition Teacher Invitation

After Lin Xiao and Chen Ang chatted for a few more words, they couldn't help but want to check their own results.

In any case, this was also the first time he had won first place in his grade, so he was naturally a little excited.

Soon, he came to the podium and huddled with the students who were looking at the grades. After a long while, he finally found his grades.

127 in Chinese, 150 in mathematics, 258 in comprehensive science, 142 in English, with a total score of 677, the first in the class and the first in the grade.

At this time, the system sound rang.

"Congratulations to the host for getting a simple No.1. Considering the host's situation, reward math experience +2, physics experience +2, chemistry experience +2, biology experience +2, truth point +0.2."

Hearing the system's voice, Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then became even happier.

The system rewards are real, with a total of 0.2 experience points and [-] truth points, which is very nice.

Happily returning to his seat, Lin Xiao was very satisfied, and told his parents when he went home, I believe they would be pleasantly surprised too.

Of course, this can be regarded as proof that his study for so many days is efficient, and this efficiency far exceeds that of other students, which directly made him jump from the top 20 in the last semester to the first in the grade.

Looking at the expressions of the students around him looking at him from time to time, surprised and unbelievable, Lin Xiaodang even chose to continue studying!

"No, you started again?"

When Chen Ang saw that Lin Xiao moved out of Wusan without saying a word, he looked at it directly, and couldn't help being speechless.

"Learning is endless." Lin Xiao said without looking back.

Chen Ang slapped his head, and simply took out the book, and started to learn, and everyone wanted to roll it together.

So it can be shown how helpful it is to have a deskmate who loves to study, just like a university dormitory, if the people around you are good, then you will probably be the same.

However, they started to study on one side, but on the other side, one person couldn't continue to study.

Jiang Jie sat in his seat with disbelief on his face.

He actually only got 148 in math?

Where are the two points he dropped?

Moreover, he is No.2 this time, which is nothing, but No.1 is actually Lin Xiao, who was at the end of the crane in the original No. One day, he would be passed by Lin Xiaochao.

Even Lin Xiao's score surpassed him by more than 30 points.

This is [-] points, what does [-] points mean in the college entrance examination, it means a gap of thousands.

In particular, he only scored 238 points in comprehensive science, which was 20 points lower than that of Lin Xiao.

He could not accept the result.

Of course, he couldn't run to find trouble with Lin Xiao, because other people's grades are good, and they don't exist in their rocket class.

Unless Lin Xiao is cheating, but obviously, he can only think about this doubt in his heart.

In this way, he struggled in his heart for a long time, and finally he slammed the table heavily to vent his emotions. Although his voice attracted the attention of the surrounding students, no one cared about what he was thinking in his heart.

Then, he started to study again. He still didn't believe that he would be inferior to Lin Xiao.

Of course, Lin Xiao didn't know about Jiang Jie's mental activities. Not long after he started reading the book, the squad leader shouted to him, "Lin Xiao, the squad leader is looking for you."

"I see!" Lin Xiao responded, wondering why the teacher was looking for him, because he won the first place?

There is no need to look for him to get the first place. When the time comes to class, praise him publicly and it will be over.

However, the teacher wanted to find him, so he had no choice but to put down his book and go to the office.

Seeing him coming in, the class teacher Wang Anyou smiled and said, "Lin Xiao, you did pretty well in the exam this time. You went straight to the first place in the grade. Now you've entered the third year of high school. Your status is different."

"Good luck, good luck." Lin Xiao smiled, but was quite modest.

"Don't tell me about luck. The ability is yours, and it's yours. Let alone math. This time, you are the only one with a perfect score in the whole grade. In addition, the first time you take the comprehensive paper, generally speaking, you can't do it well. You’re too adaptable, you’re doing pretty well this time, basically you just got used to it, you got 258 in the exam, it’s like 2 points higher than No.[-], right?”

"In the future, work hard and improve your comprehensive scores. I see that your previous physical and chemical scores were basically maintained at around 270 points. What you have to do now is to do more comprehensive test papers, give yourself mock exams, and improve your scores." Go back to your normal level, and then improve your score to a higher level. There is also English. If you get 142 in the test this time, if you can stabilize above 140 points in the future, even if you add up to [-] to [-] points in the combination of science and Chinese, After that, it is not impossible to take the Qingbei exam."

Lin Xiao nodded and replied, "Well, I see."

Wang Anyou nodded in satisfaction. To be honest, Lin Xiao's rapid progress this time really surprised him. However, the better the grades of the students in the class, the happier he, the teacher, would be.

However, he called Lin Xiaolai not just to praise him.

He said: "I called you this time. In fact, Teacher Ding from the competition training class asked me to help. He wanted to ask you if you want to participate in the mathematics competition training class. He thinks you are very talented in mathematics. If you specialize Give it some training, you might have a chance to win the provincial first prize this time."

Lin Xiao was stunned, "Teacher Ding? Which teacher Ding?"

Why was he being targeted by the math competition training class again?

Wang Anyou smiled and said, "It was the teacher who invigilated you in the first test room during your math test. I don't know if you still remember. After reading your paper, he said that you are very talented."

Lin Xiao thought about it, but he still didn't know which one it was. Two invigilators, how did he know which one was called Ding Ping?

He said: "It's just a full score, it's been done before."

It's not normal to get full marks, he has gotten full marks before.

"I don't know about that." Wang Anyou shook his head, he didn't know either.

In fact, this is because Ding Ping did not tell Wang Anyou that Lin Xiao finished the math paper in only seven to ten minutes, and his proof of Taylor's median value theorem made Ding Ping believe in Lin Xiao's. Talent is good.

"But Teacher Ding said that, it's okay for you to go, anyway, your league will start in half a month, right? It's not a problem." Wang Anyou said: "Besides, the gold content of the provincial first prize is still quite large. Yes, if there is such an opportunity, whether you can get it or try to get it. Of course, it all depends on you."

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