As a national special-grade teacher, his attainments in mathematics are quite high, at least for high school mathematics, he is basically completely thorough.

Chapter 6 System Reward: Brain Development

Since this exam is a math exam, Ding Ping, as a math teacher, might as well come and see how the students answered the questions.

It took him about [-] minutes just now to read all the questions. If you want to evaluate the difficulty, it is probably a medium difficulty for the third year of high school, not particularly difficult. It can be regarded as reducing the pressure these students face when they start school.

However, I just don't know if these top students in the first examination room will make some mistakes that shouldn't be made when they are doing the questions.

Sometimes, some mistakes will make him feel ridiculous, which can be regarded as a kind of fun during the invigilation.

Arriving at the first row, that is, the row of the top six, Ding Ping looked at the No.1 student in the last exam grade with his hands behind his back.

This is a girl. As No.1, she is naturally not too weak in mathematics, but she is not considered a master of mathematics like Lin Xiao and Jiang Jie. Her strengths are mainly English and Chinese.

Ding Ping looked at it for a while, and determined that the girl made a wrong choice and a fill-in-the-blank, both of which were the last and the most difficult, but in this way, she could only get 140 points at most. If there are some problems again, you can only get more than 130.

With a calm expression on his face, Ding Ping stopped paying attention to this girl.

Looking at the back row, he found Jiang Jie sitting in the fourth row.

He naturally knew Jiang Jie, after all, he was in his competition training class.

Jiang Jie also performed well in the training class. Although he is a bit arrogant, his strength is still good, at least a little stronger than those students in the second year of high school.

So Ding Ping walked behind Jiang Jie and looked at his situation.

"Well, this Jiang Jie's writing is pretty good, and the speed is pretty fast. It's only been 10 minutes, and I have written the second question of the ellipse question. There is also a function question and an elective question. The function question is relatively simple. , it is estimated that it will not be difficult for him."

"The multiple-choice questions and the fill-in-the-blank questions should all be correct, as well as the first few major questions. The writing is good."

Looking at Jiang Jie's situation through the answer sheet, he nodded with satisfaction. Jiang Jie said before that he wanted to get the provincial first grade. Although Ding Ping had no hope for this, after all, those colleges and universities in Xijing invested far more in competition classes than theirs. The remote city is much bigger. If you want to win the top few places in the competition, you don't have enough talent and energy to invest, so you can't compare to Xijing.

Of course, the probability of Jiang Jie getting the second province is quite high, and Ding Ping still believes it.

Then he stopped looking, and went on looking at other people.

In this way, he walked around and walked to the last row.

At this time, he was too lazy to look at one person, but when he walked quickly to the second row, his corner of the eye glanced at the draft paper of the student in the fifth row, which was Lin Xiao.

"Huh? What is this student writing?"

He narrowed his eyes, suspicious.

The neat column formulas on the draft paper, as well as some complex functional formulas, all attracted his attention.

When he saw the first line of words, he was stunned.

"Taylor's Mean Value Theorem? Proof?"

He couldn't help being at a loss. Is there such a question on the test paper?

But he quickly realized that maybe the student had finished writing the test paper, and then tried to prove Taylor's mean value theorem?

So he quickly glanced at Lin Xiao's answer sheet, showing such an expression.

I saw the back of the answer sheet, which was filled with various formulas, including conic sections and functions, as well as the final elective questions.

He couldn't believe it, it had only been more than 80 minutes, and the student had already finished all the work?

He couldn't help but looked at Lin Xiao's problem-solving process again. The ellipse problem was the most difficult one in this paper. After seeing Lin Xiao's problem-solving method, he was even more surprised.

"This method... is ok. I actually thought of converting it into a polar coordinate equation, and then constructing a polar coordinate equation of a circle with the focal length as its diameter, which directly simplifies the whole problem."

He couldn't help admiring in his heart, this method is very brilliant, and then he looked at other questions, and Lin Xiao's methods all made him praise.

He just didn't know how the previous questions were written, and he couldn't see the front page of the answer sheet.

At this time, he also confirmed that the student probably wrote this proof of Taylor's mean value theorem because he was bored after finishing the questions.

So he looked at Lin Xiao's proof process again, and he felt sincere appreciation in his heart.

"This student has learned Taylor's mean value theorem by himself, so he probably has studied advanced mathematics."

"This is proved by mathematical induction, and the thinking is correct. There is no problem. It seems that the student's knowledge has reached the level of comprehension."

And this is obviously not an easy task for a high school student.

Lin Xiao's proof is not shocking, and many people have already done it.

But those who have done it are basically undergraduates, but now it is only done by a senior high school student.

And you must know that as long as this proof is completed, it is enough for some mathematics undergraduates to use it as an undergraduate graduation thesis.

"Let me see, what is the name of this student, um, the first class of science is called Lin Xiao, hey... I remember that there is a student named Lin Xiao in the first class of science who can also participate in the league, but he didn't come to participate in the training. It should be this student, right?"

Ding Ping couldn't help wondering, this student is so good at mathematics, why didn't he take part in the training?

Even if it is to learn about the types of league questions, it will be very helpful for the future competitions, right?

And this Lin Xiao's talent should be very good. It took about 10 minutes for him to write this proof of Taylor's mean value theorem.

Doesn't this mean that he just spent more than 70 or even more than 60 minutes to write all the exam questions?

That Jiang Jie just now was not as powerful as him.

Thinking so in his heart, at this time he also saw Lin Xiao raised his head, and saw that he wrote the last two words on the draft paper with a sense of ritual: Zhengbi.

It appears that the proof is done.

Ding Ping shook his head and returned to the podium, but he had already written down Lin Xiao's name.

And Lin Xiao had just recovered from the state of immersion at this time, so he never noticed that the invigilator was right behind him. Even though Ding Ping passed by, he didn't care, just regarded it as the teacher passing by normally.

He threw the pen away, picked up the draft paper, and blew on it, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Well, it's basically done.

It's very simple.

He is indeed a genius!

At this time, the voice of the system suddenly sounded: "The host has completed the proof of Taylor's median value theorem after independent thinking. Considering the host's ability, rewards: Mathematical experience +2, truth point +1, because the first achievement, In order to help the host to better explore the truth, reward the host's brain development by 0.5%."

The next moment, Lin Xiao suddenly felt his head sink, and then a sense of dizziness flooded his mind.

Chapter 7 early submission

The dizziness is not strong, but it is like looking at the mobile phone or computer for a long time during the day after not resting at night, and there is also a headache.

Lin Xiao frowned, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

However, after about 1 minute passed, the dizziness and headache gradually subsided, followed by a feeling that was far clearer than before.

He even felt that he had a deeper understanding of the knowledge he had learned in the past.

He lowered his head and looked at the Taylor median theorem he just proved. He felt that if he let himself prove it now, it would probably take a shorter time to go from having an idea to completing the proof.

He couldn't help being surprised.

"Is this the effect of increased brain development?"

It was so miraculous.

He couldn't help asking in his heart: "System, what was my previous brain development?"


"What? 2.2%? It means that I am only 2.7% now? Doesn't it mean that the development of the human brain is 10%?"

"Host, you must learn to think dialectically. This is the most important point in the process of seeking the truth. The degree of brain development rewarded by the system refers to the connection frequency between neurons in the human cerebral cortex. The faster the connection frequency, the greater the impact on the brain." The higher the degree of development, however, limited by the capacity of the human brain, there is an upper limit for the frequency of connections between neurons, and the host has reached 2.7% of this upper limit."

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and immediately slapped his head.

Those things about feelings are all marketing nonsense.

Sure enough, those things on the Internet are not credible.

"I understand."

Lin Xiao replied in his heart.

And the system didn't speak anymore.

Lin Xiao touched his nose. The system is an auxiliary device. I told him the truth just now. It should also be an auxiliary device, right?

However, anyway, he will not believe in such random things on the Internet in the future.

It's probably like the pseudo-health-preserving and pseudo-scientific articles that parents saw on WeChat and then believed in it.

Any widely circulated speech has an audience. This kind of speech with a brain development rate of [-]% seems to have a scientific basis, so educated people like Lin Xiao are its audience.

This sentence even evolved later that Einstein's brain development rate is 15%, which is even more nonsense. When did you test Einstein's brain?

So these words, one is the other, all nonsense.

Lin Xiao shook his head, stopped thinking about it, and opened the system panel instead.

At this point the above is displayed as:

[Host: Lin Xiao]

【Truth point: 0→1】

【Universal truth branch level】

【Mathematics: Level 0 (0→2/10)】

[Chemistry: Level 0 (0/10)]

[Physics: Level 0 (0/10)]

[Biology: Level 0 (0/10)]

[Materials: Level 0 (0/10)]

[Informatics: Level 0 (0/10)]

Mathematics has gained two points of experience, which is eight points away from leveling up. Of course, truth points can be exchanged for 10 points of experience, which means that he can now choose a subject to upgrade at will.

However, Lin Xiao recalled what the system said earlier that the point of truth is very important, so he did not use his experience for leveling up for the time being, and it seems that leveling up is relatively easy. You can get two points of experience with a proof. In the future, I will use my own method to prove Lagrangian median value theorem, Cauchy median value theorem, Lauer median value theorem and a lot of other theorems and formulas. Wouldn't it be easy to upgrade?

So he decided to give it a try when he had time.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard the invigilator on the podium, who was also the former teacher Ding Ping, "There is still half an hour left. If you finish writing, you can hand in the paper in advance after the inspection is correct. .”

Lin Xiao thought for a while, it was meaningless for him to stay here anyway, he had better hand in the paper, and going home half an hour earlier was equivalent to an extra half hour of study time.

So he started to pack up his papers and pens. Of course, he also neatly folded the draft paper on which his proof was written. After all, it was the first time he proved a theorem in advanced mathematics, so it should be kept. Commemorate it.

And I heard that the manuscripts of those scientists in the past are still very valuable.

He couldn't help fantasizing about the day when his manuscripts would be worth tens of millions a few decades later.

However, as he cleaned up his seat, the students around him couldn't help complaining about the invigilator's words in their hearts.

Although the rule is that you can hand in the papers half an hour earlier, how can any teacher ask you to hand in the papers in advance?

Who didn't their teacher say that even if you finish writing ahead of time, don't hand in the paper, but carefully check all the questions carefully, and then hand in the paper after the end bell rings?

What's more, half an hour in advance, who can finish it?

Although this paper is of medium difficulty, for them who have just started the second round of review, it is still difficult to finish it so quickly.

So these students didn't bother to lift their heads and continued to do their own problems.

However, there are exceptions.

In the first column, Jiang Jie thought that Ding Ping was talking about himself when he heard that the paper was handed in half an hour earlier.

After all, he was the only one on the field who joined the competition training class.

Moreover, Ding Ping stood behind him and watched for a long time just now, and he knew it, which meant that Teacher Ding also paid attention to him.

It's just that he hasn't finished writing yet, because he encountered some troubles with the second question of the ellipse, so the time dragged on for a while, and now he just started writing the elective questions.

Of course, the elective questions are not difficult and take less than 10 minutes.

So Jiang Jie took the time to calculate.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of a chair being pushed in the classroom, and then, from the corner of his eye, he noticed that someone had handed in the paper.

He was taken aback, someone actually finished writing earlier than him?

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