Hearing Ji Yang's words, everyone present was stunned.

"What kind of number?" Liao Cheng asked with a frown.

"Yeah." Ji Yang nodded, "It means a special number... well, since I don't know a few of the more important words, I don't know what is special about this number for the time being. "

"And about that, I might ask another friend of mine."

"I went to the ruins of the Mayan civilization with my good friend, and he did more research on Mayan writing than I did."

"Then trouble Professor Ji."

"Hehe, you don't need to thank me, after all, I have joined you now, so of course I have to do my best." Ji Yang nodded and smiled: "But now, can you also let me know what your purpose is? "

"Of course." Liao Cheng nodded, and then briefly told Ji Yang their purpose.

After Ji Yang heard it, as an old man in his 80s, he was shocked by the news for a while and couldn't keep his mouth shut.

The mysterious stone on the moon?

And the mysterious ruins on the earth?

In the end, he couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect that I, an old guy who has studied ancient linguistics all his life, would be able to come into contact with such things before I was almost buried."

"Director Liao, tell me now, what do I need to do?"

Liao Cheng smiled and said, "Professor Ji just needs to help us try to decipher these mysterious characters."

"Okay, this just fits my major." Ji Yang nodded immediately and accepted the task.

"Then, everyone, let's continue our work now." Liao Cheng nodded, and then announced.

Others nodded and left the meeting room, including Ji Yang, and some staff took him to his office.

At this time, Liao Cheng said to Lin Xiao again: "By the way, Chief Lin, there is one more thing I need to tell you."

Lin Xiao nodded, "What's the matter?"

Liao Cheng said: "First of all, congratulations to Chief Lin for successfully researching the Tianren aerospace plane, which can be regarded as an important part of our Yueshi Division's space layout."

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "The main thing is the magic of YB-1."

Liao Cheng smiled. Of course he knew that although the material of the moon tablet was very powerful, it was mainly due to Lin Xiao that he could research it.

However, he didn't say much about it, and then asked: "According to the report given by Chief Lin, the Tianchao actually has the ability to go to Mars?"

Lin Xiao nodded and said, "Yes."

The nuclear fusion engine adopted by the Tianren has a super endurance. Going to Mars is completely an easy problem.

"That's good." Liao Cheng nodded, and said: "Last time, the conjectures of you and the three academicians Zhang Ming received the attention of the higher authorities, so we are now preparing to send the Tianchariot to Mars mainly completes two tasks, the first is to leave three Mars rovers and three artificial satellites on Mars."

"The second mission is to leave a rover and an artificial satellite on the two moons of Mars."

Lin Xiao frowned, "Do you want the satellites of Mars too?"

"Well." Liao Cheng said: "Since we found the moon tablet on the satellite of the earth, maybe there is also on the satellite of Mars?"

"I see." Lin Xiao nodded slightly, but then asked, "Why the next window period? Can't it be next time?"

Liao Cheng shook his head and said, "It will take at least six months to prepare so many probe vehicles and satellites, and the next window is not long."

However, Lin Xiao shook his head at this time, and said, "No, for the Tianchao, the window period is not March and April of 2029, but July and August of 2029."

Liao Cheng was taken aback, "What?"

Lin Xiao smiled slightly, "Because, for the Tianren, it only takes two months to travel 5500 million kilometers from Earth to Mars."


After leaving Yueshi Division's headquarters, Lin Xiao couldn't help but smile. Thinking of Liao Cheng's shocked expression just now, he felt amused.

In his report on the Tianchariot, he did not write about the maximum speed that the Tianchariot could achieve, because he was afraid that if he wrote it down, it would scare people.

As long as the Tianchao continues to inject hydrogen pills to cause nuclear fusion explosions, the speed of the Tianchao will only become faster and faster.

As long as it can carry infinite hydrogen pills and has enough time, it is not a problem to accelerate to sub-light speed.

Of course, if it is a reasonable speed range, it is about [-] kilometers per hour to [-] kilometers per hour.

This speed seems very incredible. Of course, there is no need to be too surprised, because 16.7 kilometers per hour is equivalent to 5.5 kilometers per second, which is only equivalent to the third cosmic speed, which is slightly faster than the second cosmic speed. [-] kilometers per second.

And the spacecraft starting from the earth must reach at least the second cosmic speed to escape the gravity of the earth and then reach Mars.

In other words, other spacecraft that have traveled to Mars will at least reach a speed of 11.2 kilometers per second of the second cosmic speed, which is almost equivalent to 40320 kilometers per hour.

But unlike other rockets, other rockets need to follow the most fuel-efficient path if they want to go to Mars, so for this kind of rocket, they do not use the straight line method, but follow the Hohmann transfer orbit method to arrive , whose path is a curve.

It is also because of this that it takes a long time for ordinary rockets to go to Mars. Otherwise, according to the shortest distance from Earth to Fire of 5500 million kilometers, and the speed of the second universe is 11.2 kilometers per second, it will take about 56 days to get there. Far from needing six or seven months.

As for the Tianchao, since the fuel is not a problem, it can go directly to Mars in a straight line, so excluding some acceleration and deceleration time, the Tianchao can easily reach Mars within two months .

Because of this, Liao Cheng immediately made a decision. In June of this year, they launched the Tianchariot to go to Mars.

"In that case, wouldn't we have a space race with the Americans?"

And let the Americans run for three months first?

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao smiled again. The American Saturn [-] will take about six months to reach Mars.

But the Tianchao only needs two months.

At that time, which country will be the first to leave footprints on Mars, but it may not be the Americans.

At this time, Lin Xiao was already looking forward to it.

But then, he recalled Professor Ji Yang's interpretation of the mysterious text in the Mayan ruins.

A special number?

What would it be?

What you need to know is that according to records, the Mayans had relatively high attainments in mathematics, and they were the first civilization to use "0".

However, in that Mayan text, what special number would it be worthy of their records?

In the end, Lin Xiao shook his head, and then gave Xiaomi a task, which was to let Xiaomi try to decipher other undeciphered Maya characters.

Maybe it will help them.

And Xiaomi also readily accepted the task.


In this way, time passed quickly.

Three months later.

The moon landing mission of the Tianren is about to begin.

Of course, there is also the American Mars Project to start.

The time difference between these two events was less than a month, and they immediately attracted the attention of the whole world.

Is the moon landing plan here powerful, or the fire landing plan over there?

Chapter 495 Landing on the Moon!Is the Tianchariot long-handed? !

"Zhu Xiong."


"Zhang Wei."


"Zheng Annan."



Dingguang Aerospace Research Institute, on the runway outside the hangar of Tianren.

There is a roll call going on here.

The people named were naturally the six astronauts who had received eighteen months of training.

Zhu Xiong is the captain, and Zhang Wei is the vice-captain. Next, they will embark on the road of starry sky, step into space, and then represent the human beings on the earth, and land on the moon again.

And the person standing in front of them doing the roll call was Lin Xiao.

This time, he was appointed as the chief engineer of the lunar transformation plan, so he was in charge of the final mobilization before the moon landing.

"Very good, six team members, soon, you will become the second batch of people who landed on the moon representing our country."

"At the same time, you will also become the first batch of people to permanently station on the moon in the history of our earth."

"This is a glorious mission, which represents the first step for us humans to transform from being in awe of the starry sky to conquering the starry sky."

"I hope you can successfully complete the task and serve as the vanguard of all of us!"

The six team members responded in unison: "Yes!"

"it is good!"

Lin Xiaozheng nodded, and then continued: "The sea of ​​stars hangs high above the sky, and you will become the residents of this high sky."

"The mother star will become your panoramic view, and the universe will become your everything. Go, when you circle the earth eighteen times, your hometown will welcome you back!"

"We must not let our hometown down!"

The six team members shouted again, and then, under Zhu Xiong's command, the six turned to the right and ran into the same huge hangar in front of them.

At the same time, a group of photographers standing nearby also pressed the shutter button in their hands.

These photographers were all invited to come to the scene to film the media taking off of the Tianren. This time, it is not only the official media, but also foreign media.

Today's Tianchao has been approved to be made public, so I don't care if others take pictures. No matter how carefully the pictures are taken, the materials are things that can never be reproduced abroad.

In view of this, it is naturally even more impossible for the above to let go of this good time to promote the aerospace plane.

In this way, as the six team members entered the hangar, the photographers present became excited.

Finally, it's coming!

Soon, the hangar door will be opened, and then they will be able to witness the behemoth at a closer distance!

Thinking of this, the hearts of these people suddenly became more excited.

To be honest, if they were not allowed to enter the hangar, otherwise they would have gone directly to the hangar to see it.

So then, the photographers present turned on all their equipment, and at the same time contacted their companions for multi-camera shooting later.

And Lin Xiao, who finished his speech over there, also entered the hangar at this time. After all, he will stay in the tower later, waiting for the final situation.


In this way, time passed quickly.

Finally, it was time to take off.

"Boom boom boom~"

With a sound that sounded very heavy, the door of the hangar slowly opened.

As the light shone inside, everyone present showed shocking gazes.

I saw an extremely huge body appearing in front of them, even for those who have seen it many times, they can always feel a heavy sense of oppression, let alone for these first-timers. The first close-up photographer.

There was a deep sense of shock on their faces, and then they suddenly came back to their senses, and quickly looked at their various cameras.

Of course, at this time, they also have a sense of hesitation from time to time, that is, do they want to see the Tianchao in the real world, or look at the Tianchao in the camera through the SLR in their hands?

Regarding this question, I believe that many people will have the same hesitation.

Of course, the take-off of the Tianren was also broadcast live in the CCTV online live broadcast room.

Ever since, tens of millions of netizens have poured into CCTV's online live broadcast room at this moment. With so many netizens, they don't want to miss the first live broadcast of the Tianren.

And the barrage in the live broadcast room poured down like a goddess scattering flowers.


"Tianchariot is awesome!So domineering! 』

"This is too big!Is it really that big? 』

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