Chief Lin, isn't he trying to make them happy?

Of course, although they were all complaining in their hearts, they all unanimously did not make a sound to disturb.

Because, maybe Lin Xiao can really discover something in half a second?

So just like that, they watched helplessly as the number of photos in Lin Xiao's hand gradually decreased and the number of photos on the table gradually increased.

And next to it is a pile of photos that have just been sorted out.

All these photos add up to a total of more than 1000 pieces.

However, under Lin Xiao's "quantum fluctuation speed view", in less than a few minutes, more than half of it has been seen.

Finally, when there were more than 9 cards, Lin Xiao stopped moving.

At the same time, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"found it."

"Found it?" Liao Cheng stood up immediately.

Most of the other people next to them looked blank.

"What did you find?"

Lin Xiao threw the photo that made him stop in front of Liao Cheng.

Then he said lightly: "As a civilization, the Maya naturally have their own consciousness."

"And when the Mayans saw another script that didn't belong to them, what would they think?"

"The first one is to keep this kind of text, and even think that it is a text from the gods."

"The second type is not caring about this kind of writing at all, and completely destroying this kind of writing."

"The third way is not to completely destroy this kind of writing, but to modify this kind of writing, or even turn it into your own writing."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the ancient Mayans chose the third option."

At this time, Liao Cheng had already picked up the photo and looked at it.

When he first looked at it, Liao Cheng was still a little confused. Is there any difference in the Mayan writing in this photo?

However, after hearing Lin Xiao's words, he suddenly came to his senses.

The third type, modification? !

Afterwards, Liao Cheng carefully distinguished the Mayan characters inside, and soon, he discovered the key point.

There are quite a few parts of the Mayan texts, which are exactly the same as the mysterious characters they found on other mysterious ruins before!

In other words, the mysterious characters in the original mysterious ruins were integrated into their own characters by the ancient Mayans!

After discovering this, Liao Cheng was very excited. He never expected that those Mayans were so cunning that they mixed other people's writing into their own writing, making it easy for them to find it for a while.

So afterwards, he immediately said to Lin Xiao: "Chief Lin, thank you so much, if it weren't for you, we don't know how long it would have taken us to find it."

And the other people present were still confused, did they really find it?

They took the photos one after another, and after a long period of identification, they all discovered this miraculous point, and then they couldn't help but look at Lin Xiao in surprise, this Chief Lin is really inhuman!

It takes less than half a second to look at a photo and actually be able to recognize what they're looking for in it.

But Lin Xiao just smiled slightly, then his eyes flickered slightly, and he said: "Also, Director Liao, I suggest you find an expert to decipher these words."

"The Mayans lived thousands of years ago, maybe they knew these special characters?"

"You know, there are countless secrets that have been lost in that period of history."

Hearing Lin Xiao's suggestion, even though Liao Chengdang nodded, his eyes became excited at the same time, and he said, "I see, I will find someone."

If the Mayans thousands of years ago really knew these extraordinary texts, this would be of great help to them in deciphering these mysterious relics!

Chapter 494 Special number?Sudden mission to Mars

After finding these mysterious characters hidden in the ancient Mayan script, Lin Xiao was not in a hurry to leave here, but waited for Liao Cheng to find a domestic linguist who understood the ancient Mayan script.

There are many well-known linguists in China, but there are very few people who understand ancient Mayan characters.

After all, this is also the script of ancient civilizations abroad, and it is a problem for domestic people to start preliminary learning, let alone the various ancient classics that are necessary to study ancient script.

Therefore, there are only a handful of domestic masters who have researched in this area.

So, not long after, Liao Chengcheng found a retired Linguistics professor at Renmin University of China through various channels and relationships, named Ji Yang, who is now 83 years old.

Then, Liao Cheng contacted Ji Yang through online video.

"Professor Ji, hello, hello."

After connecting the video, Liao Cheng greeted him politely.

The old man on the opposite side of the video also nodded, and said with a smile: "You are Mr. Liao introduced by Professor Tao, right? Professor Tao said that you want to ask me about the deciphering of ancient Mayan writing?"

"Yes." Liao Cheng said, he did not use his real identity when contacting, but temporarily asked for advice as a private researcher.

"This ancient text comes from the Mayan ruins in Mexico. You may have seen it before. I heard that when you were young, you often went to foreign ancient ruins for investigation, and you also went to the Maya."

"Of course." Ji Yang said with a smile: "This is such an important place as the Mayan ruins, of course I have to visit it with my own eyes and do some research."

When Ji Yang was young, that is, around the 60s of the last century, he studied ancient linguistics abroad, and then gradually became such a master figure, who has been conducting archeology and research in various ancient relics abroad. It was not until the 90s of the last century that the various characters of those ancient cultures gradually weakened, so they chose to return to China to teach.

To some extent, this Professor Ji can also be regarded as a great explorer.

At this time, Liao Cheng also smiled slightly, and then said: "That's really great, Professor Ji, then please take a look at these photos."

Then Liao Cheng took out several photos taken by their team members and sent them to Ji Yang.

The photo that Lin Xiao found was mixed in, this is also to avoid making Ji Yang suspicious.

After Ji Yang received the photo, he picked up a pair of reading glasses from the side and looked at it slowly. The other people present also kept silent and did not speak.

Soon afterwards, Ji Yang began to say with a smile: "Mr. Liao, it seems that you should still be a beginner in the study of ancient linguistics. The things in your first photo are very simple..."

Then Ji Yang began to tell what the Mayan text in the first photo meant.

Professor Ji deserves to be well-known, but after reading it for a while, he easily translated most of the contents above.

Of course, there are still a few texts that have not been fully deciphered, but this is not a big problem. After all, nearly one-fifth of the content of Mayan texts has not been fully deciphered, so there are some parts that Ji Yang does not know. Not surprising.

In this way, the translation of one photo after another passed, and finally came to the fifth photo, that is, the one containing the mysterious characters.

However, Professor Ji Yang, who was working on the deciphering work very aggressively before, frowned tightly at this time, and then said, "Mr. Liao, did you take this photo yourself?"

Liao Cheng replied: "No, in fact, these photos were taken by some friends of mine who traveled there, and then they sent them to me."

"Travel?" Ji Yang raised his head, glanced at Liao Cheng, and then said with a smile: "The content in your photo is a little bit hard for me."

"In other words, as much as half of your text here belongs to an unsolved mystery in the Mayan text."

Hearing Ji Yang's answer, Liao Cheng was taken aback, "An unsolved mystery in the Mayan script?"

The other people present were also taken aback, and Lin Xiao also frowned.

"Yes, many of the characters here are unsolved mysteries, and their magic is that they show a combination of phonetic characters and pictographs."

All the people present were shocked, pinyin?Also combined with hieroglyphs?

Pinyin text, that is, expresses the meaning of the text through different forms of letter combinations, and English is a kind of phonetic text.

However, Maya writing is a kind of hieroglyphic writing. Why did phonetic writing appear in hieroglyphic writing?

No matter how you think about it, this is a bit too magical.

It's like writing Chinese characters mixed with a few words of English, it seems like there is some big disease.

Of course, there is another thing that everyone present attaches great importance to is that their previous guesses about the form of those mysterious characters were pinyin characters.

After all, there are only 77 kinds of mysterious characters in total, and the 77 kinds of characters are arranged and combined to form various mysterious character strings, which are difficult to understand. This is also very likely to belong to the phonetic characters. form.

But now the old professor Ji Yang said that the text on this photo showed the form of pinyin characters. Could it be that the ancient Mayans really knew these characters, and then formed Ji Yang The combination of hieroglyphs and phonetic characters in the professor's mouth?

Liao Cheng obviously thought of this, and then immediately asked: "So, does Mr. Ji Yang know how to translate this kind of Mayan alphabet?"

Ji Yang smiled and said: "I know, but I don't know much, and there are only a few of them."

Liao Cheng's eyes brightened, and then he said, "Professor Ji is also invited to impart knowledge."

However, at this time, Professor Ji said: "It's okay to tell you, but Mr. Liao, you are a little dishonest."

Liao Cheng frowned and said, "Professor Ji, please tell me about my dishonesty."

Ji Yang said: "You said that this photo was taken by your friend after traveling there, but I don't know that this photo should belong to the closed area of ​​the Mayan ruins, and you need to have relevant permits and qualifications to enter , if I'm not mistaken, this photo should be taken by you in an underground ruins in the ancient city of Chichen Itza, right?"

"I remember that the underground ruins are in a pothole. Because it is inconvenient, it is not open to ordinary tourists."

"And you guys should have filmed there, right?"

"In addition, I also heard that a few months ago, a cultural exchange group in our country reached a cooperation with Mexico, and then this exchange group went to the Mayan civilization ruins in Mexico?"

Hearing Ji Yang's words, many people present widened their eyes immediately, good guy, they were exposed like this?

In particular, Professor Ji was able to tell where the photo was taken based on the photo?

This can only be done if you are familiar with the ruins of the Mayans.

And this Professor Ji Yang actually knows about the exchange group.

Liao Chengpo was also surprised, and then he said with a smile: "Since Professor Ji Yang has also seen it, then I don't need to talk nonsense. Now I officially invite you to join us."

For Liao Cheng, they don't have to worry about revealing their identities at all. After all, they serve the country and are state officials, so it's not something shameful.

Of course, before fully telling Professor Ji Yang their identities, they also need to wait for Ji Yang to agree to join them.

But Ji Yang didn't expect that after exposing the lie that Liao Cheng just told, he didn't show any panic expression at all, instead he directly turned against the customer and invited him to join?

"Mr. Liao Cheng, please tell me first, who are 'you'?"

Liao Cheng smiled slightly and said: "Professor Ji, I can't say too much now. I can only say that we belong to the National Security Bureau and what we have to do is to serve the country. As a linguistics Masters in this area are likely to be able to help us."

And now Ji Yang is even more confused, "National Security Bureau? Serve the country? You serve the country, why do you want to find me, an old man in his 80s?"

"Professor Ji just needs to say whether you are willing to join us."

After thinking for a while, Ji Yang finally nodded and said, "Okay, I want to see what secrets you guys are up to."

Then Liao Cheng smiled and said, "That's good. Since that's the case, Professor Ji, I'll let our national security personnel pick you up now. After you arrive, introduce us face to face."

Hearing Liao Cheng's words, Ji Yang quickly asked, "Pick me up? Where are you going?"

"You will know when you come later."

Liao Cheng said with a smile, and then he hung up the phone.

Then he looked at the people present, and said with a smile: "Okay everyone, let's celebrate first, we are finally joining a 'Chief Lin' in linguistics."

Everyone present laughed.

In this way, a few hours passed, and that Professor Ji Yang was sent directly in front of them.

At this time, Ji Yang's old face was also full of surprises. Obviously, during the process of getting down from the top just now, he had no doubts at all, and was completely convinced by such a mysterious place.

"My God, if my grandson finds out that I've come to this kind of place, I'm afraid he will have to pull my beard to come too."

Entering the meeting room, Ji Yang saw Liao Cheng and recognized him. After all, he had been talking with Liao Cheng just now, so he recognized him quickly.

And the next moment, he saw Lin Xiao beside Liao Cheng again, and his eyes widened suddenly: "Is this Lin Xiao's chief scientist?"

Lin Xiao nodded with a smile and said, "Professor Ji, hello, it's me."

"I really didn't expect that I can still see you here." Ji Yang said with emotion: "If my grandson knows about this again, I'm afraid I will have to pull a few beards again."

"That kid admires you very much, and because of you, Chief Lin, he is now studying seriously every day, and his grades in school have improved a lot."

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "I'm also very happy to hear this kind of news."

"Ha, that's good." Ji Yang laughed, and then said without nonsense, "Okay, you came to me, don't you just want me to help decipher the Mayan text, show me the photos, let Let me recall."

Hearing that Ji Yang directly entered the topic so simply, Liao Cheng nodded, and then handed the previous photo to Ji Yang.

And Ji Yang took out the glasses case from his arms, took out his reading glasses, and began to look at the photos.

Then, he said: "In this photo, based on the arrangement of these characters, I can temporarily analyze that the more than 100 characters in it represent ten words."

"Just like English words, words made up of multiple letters, so are the Mayan writing on this."

"And according to what I know... the general meaning of these words is 'what kind of number'."

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