The postdoctoral fellow didn't understand it, but he actually understood it and was able to explain it to others.

In this regard, Xu Ji can only say that this student is going to be settled in the future, and even Jesus can't stop him, he said.

Of course, one of the admission requirements provided by Shangjing University to Lin Xiao is that after he enters the school, he can choose three professors to be his tutors.

Looking at it now, let alone three, even if you choose ten, it is estimated that no professor in the whole college is willing to refuse.

And among this group of professors, there was actually a professor from Qinghua Department of Mathematics who came to spy on the military situation.

Looking at Lin Xiao's interview, he couldn't help but said sourly: "He is not from your school, and you still let him come here for interviews, are you sorry?"

"You can control it?" Xu Ji said.

Qinghua's professors are even more sour, why can't they get such students?

Chapter 67 Hot again

The interview of Huaqing Daily ended soon, so that night, the content of the interview was published on the major official media of Huaqing Daily, such as bib, official account and other big platforms.

As a result, the heat that had just faded broke out again, and this time it was the official media of Huaqing Daily. In a short time, the original No. The hot searches for celebrity suspected romances have been suppressed.

Seeing Lin Xiao's speech, these netizens became even more crazy.

[Good guy, I wrote it in nine hours, and you still say you find it difficult?Why do you have to bully me like this? 】

[If I am guilty, please let the law punish me, instead of letting me be hit by the boss for dimensionality reduction]

[Fuck, the teacher left two papers for the question, but took an extra paper with the world's problem, and then solved the world's problem?Are you Gauss reincarnated? 】

[Damn it, how can there be such an awesome person!What the hell is a member of the mathematics national team]

[Everyone, please be respectful, this is our Lin Shen, Lin Shen, I am your loyal Ouyang of the Five Knights (a piece of fifty cents)]

【Little brother is so handsome】

[Big brother, take me with you next time you publish the annual mathematics journal, I can give you a monkey]

【How did your boy give birth? 】

【I can think of a way】


"Hey, who are these people?"

Lin Xiao flipped through the chat records, seeing these guys who gave birth to monkeys, couldn't help crying and laughing, and then secretly replied below with a [You think too much, I won't agree].

Later, when he saw someone who praised him for being handsome, he nodded in agreement, after all, he is still a person with discerning eyes.

Then when I saw the "Ouyang of the Five Loyal Knights", I directly clicked the button to find Ouyang Sheng, took a screenshot and sent it, and typed: "Send it indiscriminately, be careful and I will fuck you"

As a result, Ouyang Sheng replied: "My honor"

Lin Xiao: ...

I'm too lazy to talk to this guy, as their relationship becomes more and more familiar, these five guys are getting better at each other, can't they learn from him and be a quiet and handsome school bully?

Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and it was his mother calling, it seemed that she also knew about it.

After answering the phone, my mother's voice came over: "Xiaoxiao, you actually solved that kind of problem?"

"Yes." Lin Xiao replied with a smile.

"You are so amazing!"

"Haha, it's okay."

My mother teaches mathematics. Although she only teaches elementary school, she also dabbles in mathematics. Of course, she understands the difficulty of this kind of prime number problem.

"Why didn't I hear you say it before, it can be published in top journals."

"Uh, I just wanted to surprise you guys."

Before, she simply didn't think of telling her family about this matter, but seeing her mother being so concerned, Lin Xiao had an idea and said an answer with high EQ.

Sure enough, my mother was very happy: "Stinky boy, I'm still surprised, but you did a great job. You are worthy of being my mother's son."

Lin Xiao scratched his head and laughed "hehe".

"Okay, let's talk about this first, you study hard, and then try to get a gold medal at the IMO!"

"Well! Okay." Lin Xiao said confidently: "You can rest assured."

"Well, are you used to being alone over there? Have you ever thought about your mother?"

"Get used to it, of course I want to, every day."

"I don't even think about you calling mom or something."

"Okay, I will fight every day from now on."

"Okay, don't call if you have nothing to do, just study hard, I won't tell you anything else, pay more attention to safety over there, don't stay up too late every day, don't tire yourself, and eat something delicious when you eat."

"Know it."

"Well, so be it."

"Goodbye Mom!"

Mom hung up the phone, but Dad called again.

"Xiaoxiao, what is the Fibonacci sequence?"

Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry: "You already know?"

"Isn't that so? I'm not close to you, old man."

Lin Xiao rubbed his nose and said, "Go home and ask your mother. My mother teaches mathematics. She knows that it is not convenient for me to tell you on the phone."

"Stinky boy, don't you think your father doesn't understand mathematics?" Lin Guowen scolded with a smile, bragging about his own years: "Your father got full marks in the history test back then, but now he knows the modern history of our country by heart. When I took politics exams, I always got [-] points or higher in the exams."

"How dare I." Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry: "You are the best. You are an old party member and cadre. I can't compare."

"I'm too lazy to tell you. I wanted you to take the public examination before, but now it seems that it's not necessary. Then you should study hard and serve the motherland in the future, you know?"

"Oh, don't worry, I know for sure."

"Well, our leaders all praise you as the pillar of the country in the future, so you should work harder and lean on this." Lin Guowen said with a smile: "Okay, pay attention to safety over there."

"Well, I know."

Then I talked to my father a few more words, and finally hung up the phone.

Shaking his head, Lin Xiao had nothing to say to his family, but his heart was warmed by the care of his family. Others only cared about his results, and only his family cared about himself.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw a lot of notifications popping up from the scarf, opened it suspiciously, and immediately called out "I'm sorry".

It turned out that his scarf was turned out somehow.

As a result, a group of people liked him, or privately trusted him, and the number of fans began to skyrocket. After a refresh, dozens of people were added, and occasionally hundreds of people were directly added.

The contents of those private messages were extremely outrageous, some asked him to cooperate with him in writing papers, and some women asked if they were dating, and some even sent private photos.

He couldn't help but feel numb, and hastily turned off the function of receiving private messages.

The Internet is too scary, he wants to return to reality.

But even if it was reality, he felt helpless, because the people in the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences had to point at him and whisper something after seeing him.

In the next few days, this situation still did not subside, so that when he walked, he simply covered his face with a book, reading while walking.

On the other side, there are also a group of non-central media media who want to interview him, but fortunately this is the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and those media reporters cannot enter, otherwise, God knows how many circles he will have to be surrounded.

And time passed so quickly.

These days, other familiar people also called Lin Xiao to congratulate him, such as Mr. Ding Ping from Jincheng High School, Mr. Xu Hongbing, and the two professors from the Qin Provincial Mathematical Society who played chess badly.

Obviously, the interview with "Huaqing Daily" made Lin Xiao famous all over the country.

Including the professor Peter Sanak who reviewed the manuscript for Lin Xiao, he also sent a special email to Lin Xiao, expressing his congratulations and thanks for his achievements and contributions to the mathematics community.

Chapter 68 The first training is over, go home, graduate

[Mr. Lin, thank you for your outstanding contribution on the prime number problem. Your steps in constructing the function in "Proof of the Existence of Infinitely Many Prime Numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence" have inspired me a lot. Attached to the email I have submitted my new thesis, and I invite Mr. Lin to review it. 】

Lin Xiao couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this email.

"This seems to be the professor who left me a comment?"

The comment left by this professor Sanak is the 'culprit' who made him so famous now.

Of course, Lin Xiao is also in pain and happiness now. Although he has been followed by many people, he has received a lot of rewards. The 150 million he received from Beijing University directly doubled the more than 100 million he originally received.

Afterwards, he also replied a letter expressing his gratitude. No matter what, he was a big guy who won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics. He was just an ordinary high school student who had solved a world math problem.

"Lin Shen, today is the last day of class, why don't you go?"

At this moment, Sun-woo called out to him.

"Oh, go right away, wait for me to send an email."

"send email?"

"Well, Professor Sarnak from Princeton University sent me a thank you letter, and I have to send him one back."

Sun Yu: "...As expected of Lin Shen."

This unremarkable sentence pretended to be a faint coercion.

Soon, Lin Xiao sent an email and went to class with Sun Yu.

Today is May 5th, the last day of the first training. After the class, you can go home tomorrow. The next time you come back, it will be a month later, and you will be ready to participate in the competition.

As for the last class, there is nothing to say. Teacher Li Huaimin briefly summarized the learning results of this month for them and praised their performance.

Although Lin Xiao has been studying mathematics at the postgraduate level, he has not let go of the Olympiad practice. As he is doing more and more questions, he can guarantee two hours in advance for basically all tests. , and sometimes even hand in the paper three hours in advance.

For the study of college mathematics, it is not only his knowledge that has been strengthened, but his ability to use knowledge has also been improved to a considerable extent. Therefore, it is completely difficult for him to solve this kind of questions that are only prepared for the test. up.

As for the other five people, after this month's training, the improvement they got is also visible to the naked eye. All in all, they came to ask Lin Xiao less often, which is enough to prove that they have made great progress.

In this way, with the end of the class, Li Huaimin announced the end of the training. In the afternoon, they had a meal together, and the next day they took the transportation home and returned to their respective homes.


Time passed quickly, more than half a month later.

6 month 4 day.

Jincheng Middle School.

There are still three days before the college entrance examination. According to the past rules, there will be no classes for the last two days, so today's third year of high school, I have already packed the classroom and schoolbags, and then I am ready to take graduation photos.

On the playground, the students of Science Class [-] put on their bachelor uniforms and stood on the steps for a group photo. The boys stood in the back two rows, the girls stood in the front two rows, and the teachers and school leaders sat in the front.

However, there is one exception.

As one of the best students in Jincheng Middle School over the years, Lin Xiao was pushed to seat C in the first row by his classmates and teachers, and sat with Principal Hu.

Principal Hu also patted his hand with a smile and said, "You can sit here with peace of mind. Maybe this group photo will remain in the history of our school in the future."

Lin Xiaoduo was a low-key person, of course he thought it would be fine if he stood in the row with the boys, but there was no other way, the principal said so, so he could only sit obediently.

The master of the photo studio saw that everything was fine, so he began to command, and soon, "3! 2! 1!"


Everyone shouted in unison, and then the picture was frozen on the camera.

"it is good!"

The master took a look at the finished film, then clapped his hands and shouted, and the whole class also clapped their hands with smiles on their faces.

With this photo taken, it also means that they and these classmates who have been with them for three years have finally reached the final step.

Afterwards, everyone came down the steps in a row. As for the photos, I went to the photo studio to get them by myself. Every student found his best friend and chatted with him. Some boys even ran away. Confess to a girl you once had a crush on.

As for Lin Xiao, President Hu held both of his hands and said with a smile: "Student Lin Xiao, your high school is over, but you still have a long life, I hope your future can go well." farther."

"Thank you principal." Lin Xiao nodded.

"Well, I won't say much else. You are already very good. If it weren't for me being more than 40 years older than you, I probably wouldn't be able to talk to you like this." President Hu said with emotion: "Then, I wish you a bright future. Sijin, back... still a boy."

When talking about "still a teenager", President Hu's words are full of the elders' sincere expectations for the younger generation.

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