I really want to escape, but I can't escape...

But obviously, after making such an achievement and being known by outsiders, what awaits him is not just these big shots surrounding him and praising him.

On the Internet, there has been a big wind blowing.

Chapter 65 Hot Searches

"God Lin, you're on fire!"

When Lin Xiao was finally let go by those bosses, when he returned to the dormitory, he was surrounded by Sun Yu and the others again.

"How do you know?"

Lin Xiao was stunned. Those bosses knew it because they read "Annual of Mathematics". How did you five guys who didn't read "Annual of Mathematics" know?

"It's just hanging on the scarf!"

"What, a scarf?"

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment.

"Here, look."

Said, Sun Yu on the side handed the phone to Lin Xiao.

When Lin Xiao saw it, he became even more numb.

I saw No. 5 on the hot search list hanging high with a scarf, [my country's 17-year-old math genius solves world-class problems].

Lin Xiao: "..."

He could already imagine what would happen next.

"Open it, let me see."

he said weakly.

Sun Yu clicked on the hot search, and saw that the person who posted this article was a blogger in a certain field of mathematics, and he probably subscribed to the "Annual of Mathematics", so he naturally saw the first paper, so it was natural I suddenly saw Lin Xiao's name. These days, it is very eye-catching to see the name of a Chinese person in the four major magazines.

And then the blogger looked at the comments below again, good guy, 17 years old, can't you post a scarf?

So there is the following article.

[The world's top mathematics journal "Annals-of-Mathematics" (Annals-of-Mathematics) Volume 187, Issue [-], "Proof of the existence of infinite prime numbers in the Fibonacci sequence".

The author of this paper, Lin Xiao, is a native of Hua, which means that my country has one more article in the four major mathematics journals.

And this paper is another pioneering achievement on the prime number problem in the field of number theory. It provides us with a relatively innovative method to prove that there are infinitely many prime numbers in certain sequence, especially the sequence of Fibonacci sequence. .

At the end of this paper, Peter Sarnak, winner of the 2014 Wolf Prize in Mathematics, commented on the full text: This paper uses a breakthrough and innovative method, which opens the door to the prime number problem by another gap.Then, let us grandly introduce a 17-year-old math genius to the world!

Yes, you read that right, this is a 17-year-old math genius from my country.

If I'm not wrong, this math genius should still be in high school. Of course, it's not impossible to enter university and start studying.

It is rare in the entire history of mathematics to solve such a major world problem at such an age.

This is enough to show how extraordinary this student Lin Xiao's talent is.

I believe everyone should have heard the story that Gauss, the prince of mathematics, used the method of drawing with a ruler and compasses to make a regular heptagon when he was 19 years old, and solved this world problem, right?

But this classmate Lin Xiao is only 17 years old now, and he has solved such a major world problem. I think this classmate Lin's talent is comparable to that of Gauss.

Lin Xiao is undoubtedly a genius among our younger generation.

The youth is strong, the country is strong. The 21st century is the century for Huaguo to take off. Therefore, I sincerely hope that Huaguo will have more such geniuses in the future. No matter in any field, our dream needs these young people. To be forged, of course, also requires the joint efforts and struggles of hundreds of millions of young people in our country.

I believe that such a bright future is not far away! 】

This scarf is very positive. Of course, the title is also very eye-catching.

My country, 17 years old, solves the world's problems. The combination of these keywords naturally brings a lot of traffic.

And this article has more than 1 likes and more than [-] comments. As for reposting, there is no need to say more.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao touched his nose. After reading this, he felt that he was shouldering the important task of rejuvenating the motherland.

"Lin Shen, please let me interview you, you are so awesome, how did you do it?"

Sun Yu clenched his fist at the side, pretending to be holding a microphone, stretched it out in front of Lin Xiao, and said.

Ouyang Sheng next to him said directly: "How did you talk to Lin Shen? The tone is not respectful at all."

"It should be like this," said, Ouyang Sheng bent down, stood behind Lin Xiao like a dog, beat him on the back, and said: "Lin Shen, please allow me, who is humble, to sincerely treat you Your greatness is the highest praise, and I would like to ask the honorable Lin Shenmian to teach me some experience, so that I can be as good as you one-tenth... oh no, one-hundredth."

When the others looked at Ouyang Sheng's appearance, they were immediately in awe, good guy, there is only one stone in the world, and you are the only one.

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "You have to be one-tenth as handsome as me first, but unfortunately, you are only one-hundredth of me now."

"Well, only someone as handsome as me can be worthy of my talent."

The other five people: "..."

A few people "bah" one after another. They can admit that they are not as smart as Lin Xiao, but when it comes to being handsome, every male creature will not give up even a city.

Only Yan Zu, Tian Le, Yu Yan... who are reading this book will dismiss it.

Lin Xiao was too lazy to talk, so he simply took out his mobile phone, found the trending search, read it again, and then turned to the comments below and took a look.

Among them, the one with the highest praise is: [My God, I'm 17 years old, and I still solve math problems, it's scary]

There were hundreds of replies to this comment, most of which expressed shock at this age.

[He solved a world-class math problem at the age of 17, and I stayed up late playing games in Internet cafes at the age of 17]

[I'm so stupid, I'm 17 years old, I'm still in the second year of high school, and I'm still reciting "Pipa Xing", okay]

[I remember that a few years ago, there seemed to be a college student who solved a difficult problem. At that time, it seemed that he was directly rewarded with 100 million? 】

[Damn, directly reward 100 million?Mu Mu Mu]


In addition to such comments, some people guessed Lin Xiao's identity, saying [I remember that there is a mathematician named Lin Xiao who entered the IMO national team this year. They are not the same person, right? ]; others were discussing the value of the problem solved by Lin Xiao.

However, no matter where you are, it is inevitable that some people will say some frustrated words.

[Also compared to Gauss, can Gauss be compared with just anyone? 】

[Based on the domestic environment and education level, this Lin Xiao will either have no news, just like the student Liu back then, and have no achievements, or he will go abroad to win glory abroad. 】

[Don't blow it up, be careful to get slapped in the face. 】


For such frustrating comments, there were naturally some quarrels in the replies below. Of course, these were just innocuous words, and more people expressed their sincere praise for Lin Xiao's achievement.

The more I looked at it, the more Lin Xiaoyue felt embarrassed, and then silently posted [Really, there is nothing to brag about].

At this moment, his phone rang, and after a glance, it was that Professor Zhou Wu called again.

"Lin Xiao, get ready, Huaqing Daily will interview you later."

Lin Xiao was stunned. The Huaqing Daily wants to interview me?

Chapter 66 Interview with Huaqing Daily

Shangjing University.

Formerly known as the Imperial University, this century-old prestigious school has experienced many vicissitudes, but what has never changed is the place where it was founded, which is still beautiful.

At this moment, nearly a dozen people surrounded a lawn near the International Institute of Mathematics of Peking University.

And among these ten or so people, several are mathematics professors from the School of Mathematical Sciences, Xu Ji and Zhou Wu are among them. In addition, there are several big bosses, including the dean, so that the side from time to time When some students passed by, when they saw these big guys, they all wanted to go up and say hello.

However, when they wanted to say hello, Zhou Wu waved his hand at them to stop them.

Although he is the deputy director of the Department of Mathematics, as the lowest seniority among these bosses, he is responsible for keeping these students from shouting.

As for why the shouting was not allowed, it was because an interview was going on in the middle.

A photographer from "Huaqing Daily" set up a camera, and the camera was facing a young student.

It was Lin Xiao.

And standing opposite him was a reporter from "Huaqing Daily", a beautiful young female reporter named Zou Xiaoling.

"Student Lin Xiao, hello."

"Hello, Reporter Zou." Lin Xiao smiled sincerely.

There is no way, when faced with the 150 million oceans spread by Shangjing University, he can't help but be sincere.

So even though he is not from Shangjing University yet, he also went to Shangjing University to be interviewed. Look at the Boya Tower that happened to be exposed behind him, and the Weiming Lake with a few ducks swimming on it.

This soft advertisement is absolutely perfect.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect Lin Xiao, who can solve world-class problems, to be so young. Are you really 17 years old this year?"

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "Actually, what I want to correct is that I am 18 years old, born in 2000, and my birthday is in February."

"Of course, if it is calculated based on the time when I sent the paper to the "Annual Journal of Mathematics", in January, I was indeed 17 years old and under 18 years old."

"It turns out that's the case, but it's not bad. It doesn't matter if you are 17 or 18 years old, it's amazing to be able to make such an achievement." Reporter Zou smiled and continued: "Then, I don't know how to make such an achievement." With such an achievement, how do you feel?"

"In terms of impressions, it's pretty good, at least it proves that what I've learned is meaningful." Lin Xiao replied with a smile, "As for being able to get so many recognitions, it's also an additional meaning. .”

"Hehe, it seems that Lin Xiao is a person who loves to learn. I heard that you are still in the third year of high school. Have you started to teach yourself mathematics in college?" The female reporter nodded and then asked.

"Well, I have basically read all the mathematics books for undergraduates, and now I have started to study the contents for graduate students." Lin Xiao nodded.

"Wow, that's really amazing." The female reporter couldn't help admiring. Every time she interviewed such a young but powerful person, she had to feel sincerely ashamed of the gap between people.

It is really incomparable.

"So you used the university knowledge you learned to solve such a world-class problem. How do you feel about the difficulty in the process of solving it? Is it difficult? After all, it is a world-class problem."

"The difficulty must be difficult." Lin Xiao nodded, deeply convinced, and at the same time recalled the nine hours he spent solving this problem, "That was really nine hours of suffering..."

The female reporter was taken aback: "Nine hours?"

"That's right." Lin Xiao said, "It took me nine hours to do it. It was the first time I encountered such a difficult problem. When I did other competition problems before, it took me an hour at most. .”

In fact, being able to write it in nine hours has a lot to do with the time of the original sage, otherwise, God knows how long it would have taken him to finish writing.

However, when he said this, the people around were silent.

What they were thinking at this time was the same as Xu Hongbing back then.

Nine hours, what a Jill!

If you can produce this kind of paper that can be published in the top four top journals within [-] hours, it is considered awesome, but you can finish it in [-] hours, are you still human?

How dare you compare it with the competition questions you did, is this of the same level?

Even a female reporter who doesn't know much about mathematics felt that this was a bit outrageous. In the end, she could only laugh dryly and say, "You really deserve to be a math genius. Besides, I'm also curious, why did you want to solve the problem in the first place?" What about this question?"

Lin Xiao touched his nose, now it was his turn to be embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Lin Xiao's appearance, the female reporter asked.

"Well, it's actually like this..."

Lin Xiao finally told the truth about the situation.

But hearing what Lin Xiao said, everyone present had a sense of déjà vu.

Why is it so like the case of Gauss, the prince of mathematics?

Classic re-enactment?

Then Gauss spent one night solving the problem of how to make a regular heptagon with a ruler. Lin Xiao spent nine hours proving a prime number problem?

Is this a coincidence between geniuses?

Everyone present realized that no matter what, when this story got out, as long as Lin Xiao could achieve certain achievements in mathematics in the future, even if it was inferior to Gauss, the position in future textbooks that would be used to promote Gauss's deeds was very likely. It will become a publicity of Lin Xiao's deeds.

The subsequent interviews continued, but the few professors of mathematics at Peking University who were standing next to them could only sigh in their hearts.

Every question in the interview, Lin Xiao's answer made them feel incredible.

Let’s just say that Lin Xiao has already read all the books in the undergraduate course of mathematics. Such an eagerness to learn is definitely the kind of student teachers like them could only dream of.

Xu Ji also remembered that when he found Lin Xiao, the student was listening to Li Qun's report on expressing the theory, and he even understood it. Later Zhou Wu said that when he found Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao was giving a speech to a person next to him. It should be a question in the postdoctoral girl's report.

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