"These are... planes, and rockets?"

Lin Xiao nodded and said, "This is a bomber, this is a carrier-based aircraft, and this is a fighter jet. Their aerodynamic design is basically the most perfect design."

"The most perfect?" Ma Gaoliang suddenly showed doubts on his face, what do you say?

Lin Xiao smiled: "When the time comes, you will let those aerodynamic designers take a look. They should be able to think of it."

Then he pointed to the rocket and said, "There is also this thing, which is actually a first-stage rocket. This aerodynamic design can make it stable enough when it lands."

Ma Gaoliang was startled again: "The first-stage rocket landed?"

"Oh, it's more appropriate to say rocket recovery." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ma Gaoliang straightened his body immediately, and said in disbelief, "The rocket...recovered?"



Ma Gaoliang made several circles in his head, and finally, he quickly grasped the key question: "Wait... where did you get all these things?"

It was given by the plug-in.

Lin Xiao answered the truth in his heart, and said on his mouth: "Because, I already know the general solution of the NS equation."

After Ma Gaoliang reacted for a while, he finally realized what Lin Xiao was talking about.

He lost his voice: "What?! Tongjie?!"

Just because Lin Xiao proved the existence and smoothness of the solution of the NS equation was enough to make him extremely shocked. As a result, Lin Xiao now said that he not only proved the existence and smoothness of the solution, but even He even found the solution?

This is a general solution!

The famous physicist Richard Feynman once called the solution of NS equations the last unsolved problem of classical physics.

And until now, this problem has not been solved, and people can't even solve it, which is just a simplified version of the Millennium Problem.

As a result, now Lin Xiao said that he found a general solution?

Ma Gaoliang was very shocked by this.

He immediately asked, "What is Tongjie?"

Lin Xiao frowned and said, "Do you understand?"


Ma Gaoliang was stunned for a moment, and then a helpless expression appeared on his face: "Hey, look at what you said, at least save me some face."

Then he thought about it, and then looked at the aerodynamic design drawings that Lin Xiao showed him, and asked, "You mean, you made these things based on the general interpretation?"

Lin Xiaodao: "Yes."

"I see." Ma Gao nodded. From this point of view, the significance of this general solution is not ordinary.

After all, Lin Xiao said that these aerodynamic design drawings are the most perfect design, so this general solution will become a technical theory as important as the wave coherent superposition equations.

As for Lin Xiao's superconducting mechanism theory, he is the only one who knows about it until now, and he has never told anyone else. Ma Gaoliang has never asked him either.

As long as this theory of superconducting mechanism is in their hands, even if the secret of room temperature superconductors in the future cannot be hidden, and they are obtained by foreign countries, and the materials in it are known through analysis, but without the guidance of Lin Xiao's theory of superconducting mechanism, they It is also bound to find out how to make it.

After thinking about it for a while, Ma Gaoliang said: "Well, I'll take these aerodynamic design drawings away first, and let's talk about the general solution later."

"Well, so be it."

Lin Xiao nodded, and then handed over the data of several aerodynamic design drawings to Ma Gaoliang.

Ma Gaoliang looked at the USB flash drive in his hand, squeezed it finally, and said to Lin Xiao: "Academician Lin, thank you again for your contribution. The country is blessed with you."

Lin Xiao waved his hand: "Lao Ma, don't we need to talk about these scenes?"

Ma Gaoliang nodded with a smile, and said, "I'm just emotional, don't worry, let's go."

With a wave of his hand, Ma Gaoliang left here.

As the office door was closed, Lin Xiao stood up and stretched.

"Hmm~ Speaking of which, the academic world should be in a hurry too, right?"

It is also necessary to determine when the academic report should be held.

Chapter 358 Interpretation Book of Neural Electricity!Academic Report Begins

Regarding the arrangement of the academic report, Lin Xiao naturally chose to conduct it at Shangjing University, and the time was determined to be mid-August, August [-]th.

As for this, Dean Zhao Qi was naturally excited again.

Just kidding, this is the Millennium Math Problem!

It is a very gimmick in the entire academic world, so this academic report will definitely attract countless attentions.

After all, just think about the reaction caused by Lin Xiao’s proof of Hodge’s conjecture last year. In his one-hour report, Lin Xiao stated that after completing the proof of Hodge’s conjecture in the next Fields Lecture, all All over the world, mathematicians who didn't come to the conference, ended up flying over.

Now, what Lin Xiao proves is the existence and smoothness of the solution of the NS equation. There must be more people studying this than Hodge's conjecture.

At that time, mathematicians, fluid physicists, and even some people in enterprises will count as one, and I am afraid they will all come to join in the fun.

Therefore, Dean Zhao Qi has been smiling these days.

Of course, in order to avoid the situation where Lin Xiao proved Goldbach's conjecture and had to go to other places to hold it due to too many people, so those who want to participate naturally have to be well screened, at least at the beginning. People who can understand the NS equation, and then at least one must be able to solve the Bernoulli equation and the Euler equation. After all, these two equations are considered as the pre-equations of the NS equation.

Therefore, through this screening method, the number of people who will come to the conference can basically be controlled to around 2000, and their Beijing auditorium will definitely be able to accommodate them.

At this point, Zhao Qi must take good care of it.

After that, it was time to prepare for this report, because it involved at least a thousand foreign visitors, and it was a single talent. Every time so many talents come here, it is a good opportunity for these talents to stay. Even if it is a cooperation, it is very good, so it is not only Zhao Qi who is paying attention to it, but also the school and the government have also paid attention to it and provided various conveniences.

So it didn't take much time, and the preparations were already in a hurry, and the next thing was to wait for the day of the academic report.

Of course, since there is still more than half a month left, Lin Xiao is not in a hurry.

At this time, he used this time to study another thing.

【Nerve current interpretation book】

This is something that the system rewarded when he was promoted to the sixth level of physics.

For the neural current interpretation book, Lin Xiao was curious about the name alone, but because he temporarily focused on the NS equation, he never looked at what this thing was, and now, he also Finally found time to do this.

"Sure enough, it turned out to be an explanation of neural currents!"

Opened this "book" in the system in his mind, and after seeing the first few pages, Lin Xiao showed a surprised expression.

I saw that the meanings represented by various nerve currents were translated by category, and according to the magnitude of these currents, the instructions represented by various nerve signals could be distinguished.

For example, moving the wrist, moving fingers, knuckles, and even the movement of a muscle, etc., all these nerve electrical signals are translated in this "book".

In addition, there is translation of the neural currents generated by the brain's thinking.

If it is said that the neural currents that control the muscles in various parts of the human body can be quantified, but the translation of the neural currents for thinking becomes very complicated.

Because human thinking is full of variability, it may even be greater than what the universe can contain.

People may think of things that do not exist in the universe, and the things that the universe includes are always limited. For example, the existence of the universe may be just a universe, but people may think that the universe may be the brain of a certain creature, because the universe is composed of countless galaxies. The image of the human brain is very similar to the neurons of the human brain.

Of course, perhaps because of the variability of the brain's thinking, it is incredible to want to translate people's thinking, so the neural current translation book that Lin Xiao saw only translated some things.

For example, "I want to eat", or "I want to sleep", or "go forward", "go backward" and so on.

It is relatively limited, but even if it is relatively limited, it is still much more than those that control other nerves in the human body.

Of course, a question arose in the end, why different currents can convey different instructions, this probably needs more in-depth research, at least, it is very likely that the organs that receive signals and the organs that emit signals will have a special target, capable of translating these currents.

However, this aspect does not need to be considered, because this is the task of the human nerve itself.

After Lin Xiao roughly read all the content, when he finally exited the system, he still felt very incredible in his heart.

"This information... how did it come about..."

Even he felt a little bloody.

As for how to measure the meaning of so many nerve currents, he now has a very good method, that is, to implant current measurement sensors into every nerve in a human body, and then let the person make various actions, In this way, the interpretation of the magnitude of the neural current can be realized.

But obviously, this method is very cruel and inhumane at all. After all, a person's human nerves are almost all over the person's entire body. If so many sensors are implanted, it is not known whether the person can live. The current surgery can't support it at all.

So it can only be tested on more people.

Of course, maybe the information in the system was directly copied from the database of the universe, maybe it is.

Lin Xiao shook his head, why do he think these things?

Anyway, this thing must be useful.

Just saying that it can translate part of people's thinking is terrifying.

For example, in identifying lies, this thing can be of great use.

In addition to identifying lies, it can also truly realize what Lin Xiao originally thought, manufacturing human mechanical prosthetics and electronic prosthetic eyes. If artificial nerves only allow paralyzed people to have the ability to stand up, then mechanical prosthetics have All physically disabled people can fully restore their ability to move, and the electronic prosthetic eye can even restore the sight of the blind, so that there will be no more famous books like "If You Give Me Three Days of Light" in the world.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao couldn't help being moved in his heart.

Maybe...you can try it later?

Forget about the polygraph first, this thing needs to use brain waves, otherwise it would be impossible to directly insert a metal needle into a person's head when detecting a lie, and then detect its neural currents?

Of course, brain waves are ultimately caused by electrical signals between neurons in the brain. The modern method of detecting brain waves is to directly stick electrodes on the scalp of the brain and then detect them.

And they now have room-temperature superconductors, using the zero-resistance of room-temperature superconductors, this thing has every opportunity to be developed.

Of course, for now, research on mechanical prosthetics and electronic prosthetic eyes is obviously the most preferred, after all, they can be directly connected to the inside of the human body with artificial nerves.

For example, electronic prosthetic eyes can directly connect the artificial nerve and optic nerve through surgery, and then realize the function.

The same is true for mechanical prosthetics, which are even more convenient to study than electronic prosthetic eyes, because the eyes need to process more image data, so it is obvious that a more sophisticated chip will be placed in it, and this requires The chip has been designed, and mechanical prosthetics can play less functions, such as a prosthetic leg, which only needs to move the knee and ankle, and the processing data of nerve current is relatively small, so there is no need for high-precision chips. , add some simple components to a PCB board and you're done.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao immediately stood up and contacted someone: "Prepare me a titanium alloy for prosthetics, and..."

After some instructions, Lin Xiao decided to build a few mechanical prosthetics in the next time, especially arm prosthetics, because compared with prosthetic legs, prosthetic hands are the most effective proof, because the legs are basically There are only the functions of walking and supporting the human body, but the hands are the foundation for a person to have labor force.

Oh, by the way, even if it is created by then, it still needs to conduct some experiments on animals.

After thinking about it, Lin Xiao called again: "Get me another monkey...well, I don't need it now, just order it for me first, or the monkey I used last time, well, then use my monkey. The monkey you used last time will do."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao said sorry for the monkey last time in his heart.

This time, he was about to remove a leg and an arm from the monkey.

Of course, this kind of biological experiment animals are basically executed after the experiment, but he saved the life of that monkey last time. After all, he did not conduct drug or virus experiments on that monkey. According to the law, It is possible to keep it alive until it dies normally.

I won’t say any more after that, waiting for the relevant equipment to arrive. By the way, I have to read the tutorials on amputation surgery and prosthetic surgery.

However, these things are just incidental, and Lin Xiao has not forgotten that in mid-August, there will be an academic report on NS equations.

Time passed quickly, and the day of August [-]th finally arrived.

And on this day, the auditorium of Shangjing University was overcrowded again on this day, with more than 2000 seats, and there were no empty seats.

An academic report belonging to both the mathematics and physics communities has begun.

Chapter 359 Maybe it will be difficult for Lin Xiao?

"Professor Fefferman, you are here too."

"Of course I'm coming, but then again, Mr. Clay, why are you here?"

At the entrance of the Beijing Auditorium, Charles Fefferman, who flew from the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, was communicating with someone.

This person is called Thomas Clay, who is the chairman of the board of directors of the Clay Institute.

The Clay Institute is a private research institution funded by a businessman named Langdon Clay.

And this Thomas Clay is a member of the merchant family.

The Millennium Prize problem was selected by the mathematicians organized by the Clay Institute, and then announced.

The prize of up to US$100 million per question has directly spread the reputation of the Clay Institute, which was only established in 1998.

So money is good.

At this time, Thomas Clay heard Fefferman's question, smiled slightly, and said: "After all, this is a question worth 100 million U.S. dollars. Of course I want to see it. Moreover, last year, this Lin Xiao The Hodge conjecture has been proved, so now I also want to know if he can succeed again."

Fefferman said with a smile: "Then I think you can prepare $200 million."

Thomas Cray laughed: "The second million will have to wait at least a year later, after all, it has to be tested by the academic community for at least a year."

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