But Lin Xiao has suddenly become an academician of a country.

Even as long as he wants, he can also join the academy of sciences of other countries and become a foreign academician of those countries, it is just a matter of filling out the application form.

And this incident quickly spread abroad. Even in foreign countries, there are not many people who admire Lin Xiao. People will more or less have a little worship of the strong, and Lin Xiao is obviously such a worthy person. A strong man in science whom many feel adoration for.

As a result, foreign media also reported on this matter.

【Hua Guo Lin Xiao became the youngest academician in the world】

[A 23-year-old academician, the most powerful genius in human history? 】

【Rise of Empire: Ultimate Scientist】


For a while, Lin Xiao's becoming an academician became a matter of concern to the whole world.

However, just when the whole world was paying attention to Lin Xiao becoming an academician.

On arxiv, Lin Xiao quietly published a paper, and within a short period of time, it caused a huge earthquake in the mathematics and physics circles.

[Proof of the existence and smoothness of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equation]

This slightly long topic seems to have dropped a bomb equivalent to 1000 million tons of TNT in the world of mathematics and physics.

When Lin Xiao became an academician, he secretly solved another important problem in the millennium?

The Navier Stokes equation!

It was developed from the Euler equation and was finally perfected by Navier and Stokes in the [-]th century. I don’t know how many fluid physicists and mathematicians have been fascinated by it, and developed tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of equations from it. , and even more papers came out.

Everyone wants to solve the riddle of this equation system and grasp the truth of fluid mechanics.

However, at this moment, what did they all see?

In the millennium problem, the existence and smoothness of the solution of the NS equation were suddenly proved?

Princeton Institute for Advanced Study.

In that rather cozy afternoon tea restaurant.

At this moment, whether it is a mathematician or a physicist at the Institute for Advanced Study, they are all looking seriously at the mobile phone, computer, or tablet in front of them, and some people are even holding a draft. Paper, while looking at the real thing on the screen, is calculating something.

Obviously, for these mathematicians and physicists, it is Lin Xiao's paper that they are studying at this time.

"I buy Karma, Ann just ignore me!"

Suddenly, a mathematician opened his eyes wide, showing a look of wonder and emotion.

People around looked at the mathematician one after another. He had a big beard mixed with white and black, and he looked like a middle-aged man.

Of course, these are not the key points. People quickly recognized the identity of this mathematician, Charles Fefferman, winner of the Fields Medal and Wolf Medal, and another well-known figure in the mathematics field.

Of course, among the mathematicians present, they are basically big figures in the field of mathematics, and they are basically Fields Medal winners, so it is impossible to tell who is better. However, among the people present, Fefferman But he is the one who studies the NS equation the most.

Fefferman wrote the official description of the NS equation problem in the Millennium Prize puzzle of the Clay Institute.

At this moment, Fefferman expressed such emotion, could it be that Lin Xiao succeeded?

Oh... Having said that, Lin Xiao's success is not surprising.

After all, that guy who doesn't talk about science is a bit too perverted.

"Hey Charles, how's it going?"

Pompieri and Fefferman were sitting closest, so he took the initiative to ask.

Fefferman came back to his senses, saw so many eyes looking at him around him, then spread his hands, and said: "Although I still have a little question I want to ask him personally, but considering every time I think before, Lin He's done it again."

Hearing this, every mathematician around immediately showed such an expression.

That young man, once again ended an important problem in their mathematics world.

Except when they first saw Lin Xiao posting this paper, they were a little shocked, but at this moment, they had no idea.

After all, it was Lin Xiao.

If it were the people around them, they would probably be even more shocked.

Of course, no matter what, they are all envious of Lin Xiao's talent.

In just one year, Lin Xiao completed the proof of Hodge's conjecture at last year's conference of mathematicians, and a year later, he probably completed the proof of the existence and smoothness of the solution to the NS equation.

The millennium award problem, has it been so easy for more than 20 years?

Of course, the physicists next to them felt the same way as these mathematicians.

Although most of these physicists study quantum mechanics or relativity, and relatively little research on classical physics, but in any case, this problem also belongs to their physics world, a problem of mathematical physics.

So they are also very envious of Lin Xiao's talent.

Even multidimensional field theory, they have studied until now, but there have not been many breakthrough results.

On the contrary, Lin Xiao, the person who proposed it, didn't study it after he proposed it, which also made them feel helpless. Why don't you give everyone more reminders, and leave it alone after the research is over?

The physicists present sighed.

When the other mathematicians saw the reactions of the physicists, they laughed.

"Hey, I've said it all, Lin Xiao is our mathematician, not your physicist."

When it comes to this problem, physicists are not sleepy.

"Just kidding, the NS equation is a physics problem, not a math problem, please clarify this."

"Okay, old fellows in physics, don't comfort yourself like this, just do whatever you want. Lin Xiao is obviously a 100% mathematician, and he uses mathematical methods to prove physical problems."

"Hey, Witten also solved it mathematically. Can you call him a mathematician?"

"Uh...it's not impossible."

"You #¥@@#..."


The much-loved debate about whether Lin Xiao is a mathematician or a physicist started at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

Fefferman and other mathematicians did not join the debate, but Fefferman just smiled and said: "It seems that we can prepare to go to Huaguo and listen to Lin Xiao's report."

"makes sense."

The others also nodded.

Deligne smiled and said: "Speaking of which, I also miss Huaguo's dishes. I remember eating a steamed bun last time. It was quite delicious."

Pompieri asked doubtfully, "I remember it was called Roujiamo?"

Deligne was taken aback, "Roujiamo?"

He frowned, and then said: "I don't remember that clearly, but they put the meat in the bun, so it should be called the bun with meat?"

Pompieri thought for a while, then nodded: "It makes sense, it's probably a bun with meat."

"I do miss their noodle called Xianzi Noodles, um, it's delicious."

Seeing this group of people chatting about food like this, Fefferman said dumbfoundedly: "Okay, don't talk so much, first ask Lin, when will his report start."

"That's right."

The others nodded.

Chapter 357 Pneumatic Diagram

In academia, the attention brought about by the millennium problem is obviously more concerned than the fact that Lin Xiao became an academician.

NS equation!

Proof of the existence and smoothness of the solution!

To the world, this is far more noteworthy than who becomes an academician.

The NS equation is not like Hodge's conjecture. The proof of Hodge's conjecture is a feast for the pure mathematics community, but obviously, there are not many people who study pure mathematics, so people are at most because Lin Xiao proved this world-class difficult problem. And be surprised, and then don't say anything, after all, who is in the mood to look at this math problem that can't even understand the meaning?

However, there are many people who study the NS equation.

Fluid mechanics is obviously a relatively large-scale part of physics, and there are many people studying it. The most important thing is that this thing can be used to actually make money.

For example, for the shipbuilding industry, the NS equation’s analysis of fluid force is obviously of great significance to the performance of the ship, and even remote-controlled ship models may need to use these things. In addition, it is the aircraft manufacturing industry, as small as drones , as large as a rocket, it is necessary to analyze the aerodynamics through the NS equation.

In addition, there are many more aspects in which the NS equation plays a very important role, and even directly determines whether they can make a lot of money.

Therefore, the proof that Lin Xiao has completed now is of great significance to some stakeholders.

Therefore, countless people began to pay attention to this matter.

What they cared about was whether Lin Xiao's proof was correct.

Once they are correct, they can immediately use Lin Xiao's proof to help their research. Once they are the first to develop a product that is ahead of other competitors, it will be more meaningful to them.

Of course, this is not to say that Lin Xiao’s proof can directly help those technologies that need to analyze fluid mechanics, but it can only bring some auxiliary effects, that is, it can solve the problems they study to a certain extent. The simplification makes them more convenient in research.

What really has a direct effect is the general solution of the NS equation. Only the general solution can completely simplify all the factors in fluid mechanics to the simplest level. At that time, the research on related issues will become infinitely simpler.

However, it is a pity that Lin Xiao hid the most critical answer.

At this moment, Lin Xiao was not as anxious as the outside world.

He was looking at the 【Pneumatic Diagram】 that the system rewarded him.

Aerodynamic diagrams, as the name suggests, are diagrams of aerodynamics.

Pneumatic illustration is a method of directly using pictures, and many applications of general solutions to NS equations.

This includes the aerodynamic distribution of the most perfect aircraft, from small aircraft to large aircraft.

In addition to the aircraft, it also includes the aerodynamic design diagram of the spacecraft.

Looking at so many aerodynamic design drawings of spacecraft, Lin Xiao's eyes lit up.

There are not only rockets, but even aerodynamic diagrams of aerospace planes.

In particular, the design of these rockets also includes the aerodynamic design of the recoverable rocket.

This recoverable rocket, through the design of a flap during the recovery process, can make the rocket have a very stable attitude during the recovery process, which in turn provides great help for rocket recovery.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao's eyes lit up immediately.

Recyclable rockets!

This is of great significance for aerospace, because it means cost savings.

It costs hundreds of millions of yuan to launch a rocket, and the cost of the first-stage rocket is the highest. If there is no recycling technology, launching once is equivalent to burning all the money, and if there is recycling technology, then it is quite expensive. This directly saved hundreds of millions of dollars in expenses for the next launch.

Why spaceX can make money, its rocket recovery technology is the key.

As for Huaguo, since there is a heavenly palace in the sky now, and there are astronauts staying in it, it is necessary to transport materials up regularly, and this will cause these materials to become the most expensive "express delivery" .

Every time a Long March rocket is consumed, this kind of price, if it is repeated a few times, it is estimated that some "passes" will go bankrupt directly.

Therefore, the significance of recoverable rockets at this time is very great.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao immediately wrote down this thing, and then got it on the computer.

Then, by the way, he also got the aerodynamic design diagrams of the aircraft that are most suitable for bombers, fighter jets, and carrier-based aircraft to the computer.

Just after completing these, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Ma Gaoliang ran in directly, panting for breath first, then saw Lin Xiao who was sitting there as if nothing had happened, and immediately said helplessly: "My god Lin, such a big thing , You really didn't notify me beforehand?"

Lin Xiao spread his hands, "Did something big happen?"

Ma Gaoliang: "...Don't you think that the problem you proved is not a big deal?"

Lin Xiao laughed and said, "It's really not a big deal."

Ma Gaoliang's eyes widened, and he was about to point out the accusation against the pretender, but suddenly he reacted again.

Looking at Lin Xiao's very confident smile, he suddenly realized something.

He immediately leaned forward, rubbed his hands, and said, "Academician Lin... Lin Shen, my dear Comrade Lin Shen, please stop playing charades with me, tell me, is there any surprise?"

Lin Xiao chuckled, and then directly showed Ma Gaoliang the few aerodynamic design drawings he had sorted out just now.

"Look, these things."

Ma Gaoliang was taken aback, looking at the things above, his face showed curiosity.

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