"Hehe... Then let us wait and see what tricks Lao Jiu has."


"Look, everyone."

Locke removed the red cloth from the exhibition stand, and a silver-white transparent diamond-shaped crystal shone brightly in the glass cover.

"What the hell is it, just an unknown crystal? I thought there was some kind of rare treasure?"

"Old Nine is indeed sensationalizing, it's so disappointing."

"Is he playing everyone like monkeys?"

"Hey, my father will not be happy if Lao Jiu is tossing about like this?"

"Hush... Keep your voice down, Father's complexion is already ugly."


"Old Nine, you spent a lot of trouble just to let Weifu see your broken crystal? Earlier, you praised you for being smart and knowing how to combine vertical and horizontal lines, but you didn't expect to reveal your true colors in a blink of an eye. It's really disappointing."

Luo Zhengchun reprimanded him mercilessly.

The rest gloated.

If Luo Zhengchun is dissatisfied, Locke's status will inevitably decline, and the chances of the rest will be much greater.

However, Locke was not as frightened as he imagined, but rather calm.

He swept his gaze over everyone present, finally stopped on Luo Zhengchun, and said, "My lord father, don't be too busy getting angry. No matter how ineffective Xiao Jiu is, he won't dare to play tricks on you."

Luo Zhengchun couldn't help but nodded, most of his children were unlearned and incompetent, but none of them were fools.

It's fine for Lao Jiu to play tricks on his brothers and sisters, and he has absolutely no guts to play tricks on his father.

Locke looked around and said loudly: "I believe that the brothers and sisters present are very puzzled by Xiao Jiu's behavior, thinking that I just took out a low-quality crystal to fool everyone.

Don't be in a hurry to comment, if you probe into the crystal with your spiritual power, you will understand its true preciousness. "

"Hmph, I want to see what is so magical about the crystal you mentioned." The strong man Lodi said disdainfully.

He extended a ray of mental power into the glass cover to touch the diamond-shaped crystal.

Lodi's complexion changed instantly, and he exclaimed loudly, "What? Impossible, how come you have such a thing, old nine?"

"Lodi, what's the matter, is there something wrong with the crystal?" Luo Tianze asked curiously.

"Explore with your own spiritual power, and you will understand."

Undisguised greed flashed across Lodi's eyes, and his performance aroused the curiosity of everyone present.

One by one scrambling to extend their spiritual power to the mysterious crystal.

"WTF, it's unbelievable that there is such an existence, the old nine has developed."

"Extremely, extremely, I'm really envious, why don't I have such good luck?"

"Whoever gets it will soar into the sky, and the little kingdom of holy angels can be destroyed with a snap of a finger."

"I'm really curious, where did Lao Jiu get the baby?"

"Oh... I really want to keep it for myself, but unfortunately I know it's impossible."

Luo Zhengchun was also quite curious about the behavior of his children, what could make them look greedy and shocked when they were used to rare treasures?

"Xiao Jiu, what kind of treasure is a crystal? It can make your brothers and sisters lose their composure?" Luo Zhengchun asked curiously.

"God... Ge..." Locke paused word by word.

"What?" Luo Zhengchun was completely shocked.

He couldn't wait to use his mental power to probe into the crystal.

A terrifying divine power pervades the diamond-shaped crystal, overwhelming the world.

If it is stimulated, it can destroy the world.

"The divine power is so powerful, even if the crystal is not a godhead, it must be closely related to the god."

Luo Zhengchun was so excited that he couldn't hide his greed.

Yu Yi observes the outside world in the black bead, the diamond-shaped crystal is made by him to imitate the crystal of the godhead, and is used to fool people.

The divine power in the crystal also belongs to the divine crystal.

He channeled divine power into the diamond-shaped crystal through special means, and temporarily preserved it.

Yuyi is limited by his own strength, and cannot borrow divine power for a long time, otherwise his soul will be unable to withstand the collapse.

But it does not prevent him from exporting part of the divine power in the crystal of the godhead and temporarily storing it with a special crystal.

The treasure that Locke originally wanted to appreciate for his brothers and sisters was not a false godhead, but another item.

Luo Zhengchun's sudden visit disrupted the plan made by the three of Luo Ya.

Yuyi had no choice but to temporarily change the plan, using the fake godhead he had created long ago to attract Luo Zhengchun's attention.

Apparently, it worked.

Whether it is Locke's siblings, or Luo Zhengchun, they are all attracted by the false godhead.

"Father, Xiao Jiu invites all brothers and sisters today. Apart from appreciating this crystal that seems to be a godhead, another idea is to give it to you." Locke cupped his hands.

"Xiao Jiu, do you know what you're talking about? Godhead can make people become gods, are you really willing to give it to your father?"

Chapter 96 The Trapped Grand Duke of Youshui

Luo Zhengchun looked serious, not knowing what his son was planning.

Facing the temptation to become a god, no one can resist.

He didn't believe that Locke would give up the peerless opportunity, but instead gave up the opportunity to become a god.

Throughout the ages, in the face of power and wealth, there have been many tragedies of father and son killing each other, let alone opportunities to become gods.

Luo Zhengchun believed that if they were replaced by other children, they would definitely be out of their minds.

The weird situation forced Luo Zhengchun to be cautious.

"Father, Xiao Jiu knows your concerns. Although Xiao Jiu is a dude, she also knows that her status today is all from you.

Without your backing, Xiao Jiu would have been dismembered a long time ago for being so unscrupulous and domineering in Youshui City.

As long as you dedicate your godhead to your father, when you become a strong man, the child can continue to bully men and women under your protection. "

"Xiao Jiu, you are so enlightened, I am very pleased for my father. Are you really willing to give up the opportunity to become a god?"

"Father, if Xiao Jiu says he's not moved, you might not believe it either.

To be honest with my father, when Xiao Jiu first got this godhead, he also dreamed of becoming a god and becoming a saint and dominating the mainland.

It's a pity that Xiao Jiu's aptitude is not good, and he can't refine the godhead at all.

Xiao Jiu believes that with the ability and aptitude of his father, he will definitely be able to refine the godhead.

At that time, Father will naturally not forget Xiao Jiu, what I want is not a matter of your words? "

"Hahahaha... good... very good... very good. Xiaojiu, my father really didn't spoil you for nothing. From now on, your status in Youshui Territory will only be lower than that of your father, and no one can be higher than you."

Luo Zhengchun laughed heartily, and promised at all costs.

The envious eyes of Lodi and others were red.

It's a pity that they know that it's useless to be envious. The contribution to dedicating the godhead crystal is too great, so great that no other contribution can compare.

"Thank you, Father." Locke hurriedly thanked.

Luo Zhengchun nodded with a smile, then looked majestically at the children around him, and said, "No one is allowed to reveal a single word about what happened today.

Otherwise, even if you are the children of this duke, I will not show mercy. "

"Yes, Father!" x N

"Okay, you all go away, and explain a few words for father and Xiaojiu."

Luo Zhengchun waved away the rest of the children, walked towards the exhibition stand, and grasped the false godhood in the glass cover in his hands.

"Xiao Jiu, this is my father's seal. During the retreat period for my father, you must take good care of You Shui Ling. You can handle small things by yourself. When you encounter big things, go to Steward Fei. He knows what to do."

"Yes, my father."

After Luo Zhengchun confessed a few words, he couldn't wait to take the false godhood back to the secret room to retreat and refine, in vain attempt to become a god as soon as possible.

Locke's room.

Yuyi and Luo Ya are also there.

"Locke, you did a good job today."

"Thank you, Master Yu, for your compliment."

"Master Yu, is that godhead real?"

"Are you stupid? I have a real godhead, and I can't use it for myself or give it to Luo Ya? Why would you take advantage of your father?"

"As expected, I feel that there is a problem with the godhead. What's the matter with the divine power and divine power in the crystal?"

"This matter is confidential, and you don't need to know it for the time being. Locke, your next task is to continue to win over and suppress your brothers and sisters, and gradually control the military power in their hands.

Then find an opportunity to get rid of the housekeeper. He has won your father's trust and is a hindrance to our plan. He must be eliminated. "

"Master Yu, Steward Fei is not restless. He is very loyal to my father, and he is also very powerful. The guest servants in the castle are under his command during the period of my father's retreat."

"Huh? In that case, it's really difficult."

Yuyi can wait for the cooldown time of the holy art to expire, and then use the strength of the peak of the holy rank to kill all the enemies in the Youshui collar.

But those priests and guests are the cornerstones of Youshui collar, if they all die, Youshui collar will become a toothless tiger.

Edm sent troops to conquer, and the Youshui collar without a strong man in charge was simply vulnerable and would be wiped out at will.

However, if you don't deal with enshrining Keqing, you can't completely control Youshui collar.

Caught in a dilemma.

Perhaps only by thoroughly controlling Luo Zhengchun can You Shuiling be subdued.

Sigh... It would be great if there were masters sitting by my side.

You can conquer all the enemies, so why bother?

"You subdue your brothers and sisters first, and hold the military power in your hands. With military power, those masters will be afraid."

"Yes, Master Yu."

In a secret room of the castle.

After Luo Zhengchun explained the retreat matters, he couldn't wait to start refining the pseudo-godhead.

As everyone knows, he has fallen into the trap set by Yuyi and cannot extricate himself.

Yuyi only needs to try his best to delay the speed of Luo Zhengchun's exit, and he can calmly formulate various plans to gradually erode Youshui collar.

In the false godhead, part of Luo Zhengchun's consciousness is being looked down by a hazy figure in the godhead crystal.

"Welcome to enter the Divine Crystal to participate in the test, mortal."

"My lord, I don't know your name?"

"Mortal, you are not qualified to know the identity of the god before you pass the test. Now please choose, accept or reject the test.

If you choose to accept the test, you will have the opportunity to inherit the godhead and become a god.

It must be noted that if you fail the test at the first level, you will lose your qualification forever.

If you fail the second and third levels, you will have a chance to come back, and there will be a long cooling-off period.

If you refuse to participate in the test, you will lose your chance to become a god forever, and you will have nothing to do with the godhead. "

"Master God, I choose to accept the test." Luo Zhengchun said impatiently.

He felt relieved, why did Xiao Jiu dedicate his godhead to him.

It is estimated that the first test failed, and the opportunity was lost forever.

Seeing that Luo Zhengchun agreed to the assessment, the hazy figure nodded in satisfaction.

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