"Hahahaha... Today's trip is really worthwhile." Locke laughed and straightened his clothes.

The blond girl squatted in the corner in tattered clothes, sobbing softly.

Locke couldn't help but slander in his heart, Her Royal Highness didn't want to be an actress, it really buried her acting talent.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Xue, Xiaoya will be my concubine from now on. Tell your subordinates to be smart. Anyone who offends her will be executed immediately."

"Yes, master." x 2

A hint of envy flashed in the eyes of Zhang Bao and Xue Ming. The blond girl really flew up the branches and turned into a phoenix, reaching the sky in one step.

In the past, Locke robbed a woman by force, but he would not explain it like this afterwards.

"Little beauty, don't cry. From now on, you will be famous and drink with me. If anyone bullies you, I will kill him. Even if it is a few brothers, I don't want to use my status to suppress you."

"Thank you, young master. From now on, the slave family will belong to the young master."

Luo Ya walked forward tremblingly, while everyone was not paying attention, stepped on Locke's foot fiercely.

"Hahahaha... very good, very good." Locke laughed, but there was a bit of bitterness in his laughter.

Originally, he wanted to bully men and women, but he didn't expect to provoke a big shark and trap himself in it.

Sure enough, there is a price to pay for being a bad guy.

Locke left the abandoned residential building with a wry smile and returned to Youshui Castle.

Luo Ya was arranged by Locke as a concubine in a luxurious suite alone.

After all the servants left, Yu Yi got out from the black beads.

"Brother Yi, when shall we act?"

"Don't worry, we don't know anything about the distribution of troops in Blackwater Castle and the number of masters. Even if we ask Locke, he may not know it.

All kinds of intelligence need to be investigated secretly. Only with detailed data can the next step be taken, otherwise the success will fall short. "

"Okay, Brother Yi."

For several days in a row, Luo Ya followed Yuyi's instructions and dragged Locke around the Youshui Castle in the name of visiting.

With the help of Locke's power, no one dared to stop her.

Luo Ya obtained a lot of information.

Yuyi stayed in the black bead, scanning everything along the way with the Godhead Crystal from time to time, recording the places that Luo Ya didn't notice.

"Yo... isn't this Xiao Jiu? She's showing off with a new concubine?"

A luxuriously dressed young man looked at Locke provocatively.

His eyes scrutinized Luo Ya unscrupulously.

Luo Ya frowned, and a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes.

"Miss your business. Luo Heng, take care of yourself." Locke replied mercilessly.

"How do you talk to the second brother? I'm your brother, don't rely on being the most favored to be lawless."

"That's what I said, did you bite me?"

"You... hmph... I hope you can continue to be arrogant."

"The relationship between Locke and his brothers is not very good."

Luo Ya pouted.

"It's normal. The Grand Duke of Youshui has many sons, but only one title. After the Grand Duke dies, only one person can inherit the title.

The one who hopes the most is Locke, the trash, and the other brothers will naturally be dissatisfied.The intelligence is also collected almost, it is time to proceed to the next step. "

"Brother Yi, shall we directly attack the Grand Duke of Youshui?"

"No, start with his children first. You ask Locke to hold a private party and invite his brothers and sisters to join him."

"Brother Yi, do you want Xiaoya to control all Locke's brothers and sisters?"

"That's right, the more people you control, the safer we are."

"I understand."

Luo Ya looked around all the way, but did not forget to secretly exchange information with Yu Yi.

Back in the room, Yuyi informed Locke of the plan and asked him to prepare.

Not only was Locke not angry after hearing this, but he happily led the task out to do things.

Yuyi can only say, "As expected of being a son of a nobleman, he is truly a respectful brother and friend, harmonious and loving."

Yuyi can guess one or two of Locke's thoughts.

Since Locke himself is controlled by others, how can his brothers still want to be superior?

Locke tried his best to let his brother experience the same experience.

Only when everyone becomes the same can the heart be balanced.


Locke's separate courtyard.

A group of beautifully dressed girls are singing and dancing.

The men held their wine glasses in groups of three or four, talking loudly or whispering.

No matter what they were talking about, Locke was out of the corner of their eye.

Everyone didn't understand, what was Locke's purpose in inviting so many brothers and sisters to the ball?

Could it be that Locke can't wait for the showdown?

But where did he get his confidence?

Relying on the favor of the parents alone is not enough. Many people here hold part of the military power, no worse than Locke.

Everyone couldn't figure out Locke's intentions.

Chapter 95 The False Godhead Trap

"Lock, why are you so kind to invite your elder brothers to the banquet today?" a burly man shouted loudly.

"Hey, brother Lodi, Xiao Jiu recently made a big discovery outside, and I want you to be a staff officer, and at the same time, use this banquet to ease the relationship between our brothers."

"Lock, don't be hypocritical. Who doesn't know that your father loves you the most? With your father's support, you need to ease the relationship with us?" Luo Tianze looked disdainful.

"Tianze is right, Xiaojiu, what kind of tricks are you playing?" Luo Heng was also full of doubts.

"Brothers, I'm not lying. Although everyone wants to fight for father's duke position, have you thought about a question?

My father's body is still very strong now, and he has to recruit several concubines to sleep with him every night.

According to this situation, my father will give birth to a lot of younger brothers and sisters for us brothers and sisters.

At that time, it may not be certain who is the most favored.

So while it's now, it's best for us brothers and sisters to unite and hug together to keep the newborn brothers out.

Wait until the father is old and frail, and then fight each other. What do you think of Xiao Jiu's proposal? "

Luo Tianze said thoughtfully: "It's not impossible, but why should we trust you? What if it's your conspiracy?"

"Brothers, you all have some military power, and you should understand that we will be stronger only when we are united.

Xiao Jiu also knows that everyone can't trust each other, we can make a contract to help each other, and after eliminating all hidden dangers, we can use our own methods.

I believe that there is a bond of contract, and no one dares to engage in small conspiracy behind the scenes. "

Locke talked a lot eloquently, making a group of brothers stunned for a while.

Many older brothers and sisters began to look differently at the younger brother who only bullied men and women in front of them.

Those younger brothers and sisters who were younger than Locke looked at their elder brother with admiration.

Everyone secretly vigilant in their hearts, Locke's threat is too great, he deserves to be the most favored son.

"Hahahaha... Not bad, not bad. I didn't expect Xiao Jiu of our family to have such insight. It really impressed my father." A loud laugh came.

"Father!" x N

Everyone's complexion changed, and they saluted to the door one after another.

In front of the gate of the ball, there is a big nobleman with a wide body and a fat body, but full of momentum.

There are many beautiful women around him.

This person is Locke's father, Luo Zhengchun.

"What's going on? Luo Zhengchun will appear?"

Luo Ya was shocked.

Yuyi also sighed softly, "Alas...it seems that the plan to control the Locke brothers and sisters tonight will be run aground."

"Brother Yi, can't we directly control Luo Zhengchun, Grand Duke of Youshui? He came here tonight, and he didn't bring a few masters with him."

"Xiaoya, you think things too simply. A person like Luo Zhengchun, who has done all kinds of bad things, is naturally afraid that someone will assassinate him.

His life-saving means will definitely not be less, your strength is far inferior to the opponent, how to control it? "

"I'm sorry, Brother Yi, Xiaoya didn't think carefully."


"You can do whatever you want, don't worry about being a father." Luo Zhengchun waved his hands indifferently.

Locke stepped forward bravely, "Father, why are you interested in participating in our junior's dance?"

"Father heard that Xiao Jiu had invited his brothers and sisters to the ball to discuss important matters, so he came over out of curiosity.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Jiu, who has always been loved by his father, also knows how to cooperate. "

"Father, please forgive me." Locke broke out in cold sweat.

"I don't blame you for being a father, but I'm glad to see you brothers grow up."

"Thank you, my father."

"Well, you continue to play music, continue to dance, and leave first for the father."

"Father, please wait a moment, my boy invited all brothers to the ball today, there are two purposes:

First, the combination of vertical and horizontal, the father already knows it, so the child will not repeat it.

Second, to identify a treasure, I hope my father can appreciate it, and accompany Xiao Jiu to watch this treasure. "

Locke hastily stopped and prepared to leave Luo Zhengchun.

This matter was not his idea, but Yuyi's order.

"Oh? Interesting... It's okay to stay and take a look." Luo Zhengchun was aroused.

The girls dancing on the stage were swung back to make room.

The guards moved onto a large exhibition stand, which was covered by a red cloth, making it impossible to see clearly what was inside.

Luo Ya tactfully followed the dancers and attendants out of the hall, and several concubines brought by Luo Zhengchun also exited the door.

There was not a single person with a foreign surname in the entire ballroom, only Luo Zhengchun and his children remained.

Before Luo Ya left, she quietly handed the black beads to Locke.

Yuyi wants to hide with the help of beads, and secretly guides Locke to carry out a new plan.

Locke stood in front of the exhibition stand and said loudly: "Father, brothers and sisters, today I invite you to witness a mysterious treasure I got recently, I hope you will like it."

"What's so mysterious?"

"I don't know, what rare treasures can Lao Jiu come up with?"

"Hmph, with his character of eating, drinking and having fun, what kind of treasure can he have? Probably an ancestral item snatched from some commoner's house?"

"What good treasures can those untouchables have? A low-quality jade statue can be regarded as a family heirloom. A group of mud-legged people who have never seen the world regard everything as a treasure."

"That's not necessarily the case. What if there are treasures? Many commoners were also nobles many generations ago. It's not surprising that one or two rare treasures have been handed down."

"Old Nine is usually out of tune, but with his father watching over him, he won't fool everyone with some inferior treasures."

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